Bachelor Australia Season 6 - Nick Cummins - SM Media - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

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Post by Agent99 Tue Jun 26, 2018 4:43 am

She looks like his sister Liz. If he didn’t want to stand next to a girl on publicity shots, I highly doubt he would be out and about with anyone. Think that’s a fail DM imo


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Post by Bobette Tue Jun 26, 2018 4:55 am

Agent99 wrote:She looks like his sister Liz. If he didn’t want to stand next to a girl on publicity shots, I highly doubt he would be out and about with anyone.  Think that’s a fail DM imo

Look like Liz but it's not (she has a different nose and her hair is shorter in recent selfies) but what I find interesting is that he's been told not to be photographed with women.  Surely people would be expecting him to be with one of the contestants - so presumably it shouldn't matter who he's pictured with (in a non-coupley way of course).

Do they usually have this rule?  The fact that he's been told not to be photographed with women makes me think they're expecting him to be seen with women.  i.e. they know he's still single... get my drift?  Also leaking these pics now could lay the foundations for people to expect him to still be single at the end.  Seems a bit fishy to me.  Suspect

And this: "The alleged encounter is perhaps suggestive of Network Ten's increasingly paranoid and controlling publicity department, Fairfax claimed" is just fascinating.  That suggests there's way more going on behind the scenes than we're aware of regarding what the media are and aren't allowed to (or are told to) publish IMO.

ETA: Oh wow I found the original article DM is referencing.  Some STRONG WORDS from the SMH! 2pop

Nick 'Honey Badger' Cummins: Paranoid Bachelor fears honey-trappers

Audiences are familiar with a certain type of Bachelor. Australia's past five leading men, Tim Robards, Sam Wood, Richie Strahan, Matty Johnson and even Blake Garvey, could all double as uber charming, sweep-you-off-your-feet-style Disney princes.

But Channel Ten have been warning fans, "You've never seen a Bachelor like this before" and we couldn't agree more.

Step aside Prince Matty J, introducing Alf Stewart's long lost, less sophisticated son.

This week, Nick "Honey Badger" Cummins, 30, was doing what any good ol' Aussie bloke in his position would do – fronting a beer launch in Rosebery.

Once a Badgelor signs on the dotted line he is rarely seen in the wild, so despite torrential rain and the lure of a night in watching the latest escapades on Love Island, some enthralled media and fans headed to the inner-south for a chance to get to know the man who will soon take over their lives and lounges in his quest to find "the one".

Honey Badger has never seen an episode of The Bachelor so maybe that's where his confusion lies.

The excitement of meeting Australia's newly anointed most eligible man somewhat dissipated when he was found standing in the corner of a large room, guarded by his two agents, refusing to pose for pictures next to women because he believes he will be romantically linked to them in the media.

"No, I'm not standing beside her, they'll say we were together. That's what they always do," he said.

Say what?

Instead, the former Wallaby with a mullet of unmistakable golden ringlets and an 80s-style tashe insisted on having a man stand between him and female fans so as to avoid any potential thirsty honey-trappers.

It seems rather bizarre for a man who willingly chose (and is getting handsomely paid) to appear on a reality dating show to then shun female attention. Not to mention that said show has a majority female fanbase with a penchant for selfies.

Didn't anyone tell him what he was signing up for?

It could be a sign of paranoia (knowing Ten's PR team, one of the most controlling in the country, it would hardly be surprising); or it might have been one of his "I'm the most Aussie blokes around" schticks; or maybe he's just a man who is so deeply in love he's worried about offending his last gal standing.

When asked about the latter, he could neither confirm or deny if he was head-over-heels because he's not allowed to answer questions about the show, but he did say it would be an "interesting" season and the bachelorettes were "intense".
"Being locked up in a house will do that do you,” he said. "They got excited when anyone new came through, even the cameramen."

Cummins, who's best known for phrases such as "sweatin' like a gypsy with a mortgage," hopes to use his new position in the limelight to encourage Gen Y to start speaking more like him so as "not to lose the culture of speaking Australian".

He also called on society to stop becoming "too PC".

Should be an interesting few months of television ahead.


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Post by Agent99 Tue Jun 26, 2018 5:39 am

I just read the full article and no, it’s not his sister laugh out loud. I wish I knew what all the DM subtext means but I fear it’s the same hogwash every year, trying to raise the interest levels.


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Post by Storybook Tue Jun 26, 2018 6:01 am

The most confusing bolded line to me is : ‘he (Nick) could neither deny or confirm he was head over heals in love because he’s not allowed to answer questions about the show’ I guess he is allowed to answer questions in offical interviews, as all leads have done in the past, so we will have to wait until then to find out the answer??
And I have never known the lead to be told not to be photographed with women (which Nick disregarded anyway) so I also think there is something very fishy going on.


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Post by Bobette Tue Jun 26, 2018 6:15 am

Storybook wrote:The most confusing bolded line to me is : ‘he (Nick) could neither deny or confirm he was head over heals in love because he’s not allowed to answer questions about the show’ I guess he is allowed to answer questions in offical interviews, as all leads have done in the past,  so we will have to wait until then to find out the answer??
And I have never known the lead to be told not to be photographed with women (which Nick disregarded anyway) so I also think there is something very fishy going on.

Yeah it's weird IMO.  Lead's usually act all coy but then say something like "all I can say is I'm very happy with the outcome" or similar.  Not saying anything at all is suss IMO.  All he's really said is how odd/strange/weird the whole process was.  Suspect

I don't think he was on a date with the girl in the DM article or anything like that, but the fact that he has "bodyguards" accompanying him to events implies IMO they think he's going to slip up or just say/do something to give the game away.  

Maybe they didn't realise what a loose canon he was until they started filming.  Maybe he just flat out refused to play the game and pick someone (he's famous enough that he could get away with it IMO - he's not relying on Bach to launch a TV career).


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Post by LeapofFaith Tue Jun 26, 2018 9:22 am

Lol I love the idea that he chooses no one! I mean he could just do what the bach nz do and just pick a girl to date? But not be in wuv yet? Might also explain Sportsbet taking down the betting? Interesting very interesting laugh out loud

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Post by spangler Tue Jun 26, 2018 9:24 am

It doesn’t make sense though. Surely they would have sat down with him and discussed who he would be picking pretty early on. If he didn’t know who he would pick or didn’t want to pick anyone, they wouldnt have wasted money in sending him over to Santorini to film the FRC.


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Post by LeapofFaith Tue Jun 26, 2018 9:35 am

Who knows with nick laugh out loud - I think his a type that might just fly by the seat of his pants no idea plus was it sleuthed that most ppl in production were heading to Tim and Anna’s wedding after Nick frc? Could explain why they decided to do frc in Europe... kind of kill 2 birds with 1 stone sought of thing?... Though I would rather he chooses an f1 if he is feeling it with her and not lead her on and break her heart post show....jmo

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Post by Storybook Tue Jun 26, 2018 9:36 am

As I said in my earlier post maybe TPTB lined up Cassandra for Nick to choose as his F1. And it didn't have to last long, just look at Sophie and Stu. But Cassandra either walked out (my belief) or Nick dumped her.
As for Santorini, I understand that was the FRC destination because the crew and Osher were there for Tim and Anna's wedding. I do not think for one minute Channel 10 had the finances for such an extravagant setting purely for a FRC. I could be wrong though.


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Post by Agent99 Tue Jun 26, 2018 12:29 pm

Imo the FRC was not in Santorini. The logistics of getting there would be fairly difficult for our low budget Bachelor show. It is at least 24 hours plus 2 or more changes of flights. The only clue cmiiw was nicks sister posting about santorini but she is having her own wedding there so IMO it doesn’t mean the frc was there.


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Post by Bobette Tue Jun 26, 2018 9:58 pm

Agent99 wrote:Imo the FRC was not in Santorini. The logistics of getting there would be fairly difficult for our low budget Bachelor show. It is at least 24 hours plus 2 or more changes of flights. The only clue cmiiw was nicks sister posting about santorini but she is having her own wedding there so IMO it doesn’t mean the frc was there.

Yeah I saw Liz's IG post about her Greek engagement and wondered the same thing.  Weird coincidence for her to be in that area around the time of the FRC though when presumably someone from his family would be flown out to meet the final 2 as is usually the case.  Also weird that Tim & Anna's wedding was in that same area a few days later.  Suspect

However if the FRC wasn't in Greece that would explain why we didn't get any pap pictures from the airport.  Maybe they shot it in a remote part of Australia.  With Nick being a figurehead for Australian tourism I did think it would have been a golden opportunity to have the FRC in a stunning AU location and his family wouldn't have to travel too far (considering the health issues).

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Post by Idlemess Wed Jun 27, 2018 1:04 am

Bobette wrote:Well, well, well...  isn't this interesting in light of our recent conversations.  "Banned from being photographed with women"?

Is that allowed? Nick 'The Honey Badger' Cummins enjoys a low-key lunch with mystery blonde... amid claims he is banned from being photographed with any women ahead of The Bachelor

4 - Bachelor Australia Season 6 - Nick Cummins - SM Media - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 58 J3e3lXb

Nick 'The Honey Badger' Cummins, 30, is said to be under strict orders not to be photographed alongside women ahead of The Bachelor.

So it may come as a surprise that the former rugby star enjoyed a low-key lunch with a female companion in Sydney's suburb of Manly, last Wednesday.

Baring his bulging muscles in camouflage-print singlet and matching shorts, the statuesque star was hard to miss as he stepped out with the mystery blonde at a local cafe.

He completed his look with a casual pair of black sneakers, matching socks and a black wrist-watch.

The duo were spotted enjoying a warm hug outside the trendy hot-spot, with Nick's muscular form dwarfing that of his slender companion.

Meanwhile, Nick's blonde pal sported a wide grin as she closed her eyes and wrapper her arms around his torso.

She was dressed casually for the off-duty occasion, donning a pair of black leggings layered beneath a baggy grey T-shirt and cropped denim jacket.  

The flaxen-haired beauty completed her winter ensemble with a thick grey scarf, over-sized leather handbag and a series of elegant rings and bangles.

Chatting animatedly, the pair entered the venue and settled down at a table to continue their conversation over lunch.  

Earlier this week, the Sydney Morning Herald claimed that Nick had recently declined to pose for photos next to any women at a promotional event.

'I'm not standing beside her, [the press] will say we were together. That's what they always do,' he reportedly said after being asked for a photo in mixed company.

Apparently, the former Wallaby was 'guarded by his two agents' at the event and insisted upon having a man stand next to him in photos instead of a woman.

The alleged encounter is perhaps suggestive of Network Ten's increasingly paranoid and controlling publicity department, Fairfax claimed.

Nick has previously been linked to Love Island Australia's Millie Fuller and Home and Away star Cassandra Wood, who is among the contestants on this year's Bachelor.

His last serious relationship was with Norwegian artist Martine Thomassen, whom he dated for five years.

Speaking to News Corp last Tuesday, Nick revealed that the upcoming Bachelor series will be quite 'funny'.

Without spoiling too much, Nick claimed that 'there are a lot of funny points', adding emphatically: 'It is going to be a cracking show I reckon!'

He also described his time filming the show as 'weird' and made a comment about division between the diverse cast of bachelorettes.


Sowing the seed for a "chooses no-one ending" per chance?  And WTF is with the bold?!  A BOLD statement indeed!

Someone had mentioned that Nick’s been liking pics of women and the pic above in the article looks like this random IG of Callie Sumner. If anyone is inclined to search her IG to do a comparison, have a go

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