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Post by Guest Sat Oct 27, 2018 8:06 pm

Damn! I have no idea where this fencing took place. It is an indoor sport. Todd and Ali are outside in a stadium ?scratch


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Post by Guest Sun Oct 28, 2018 7:49 am

I think I know why Osher is hesitating with Ali at the finale!

Osher: Are you sure?
Ali: I am sure

This happened AFTER she cried so hard after Todd’s departure. Not before!

She had this talk with Osher when he said “goodbye”.... she had this recovery time and make up session after she cried so much and THEN Osher asked her Are you sure.

That makes more sense anyway imo.

Prods edited it in the season teaser to add drama with the "will she pick the good guy" which is the theme this season. In fact she was just very very upset to let go her F2. She just exteriorized it way more than some other bachelorette.

They love their F2... they are just not in love... same old same old


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Post by Guest Sun Oct 28, 2018 8:22 am

so this is definitely when she is standing at the RC.

I suspect again that Robert will not accept the rose and will make a humiliating lecture before his departure... The fact that she looks on her right means that the guy left and the fact she did not accompany the guy outside means to me that she did not make the decision and she has other roses to give so she cannot stop the RC and go. She is crying and does not look anybody in the room either.

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Aliupset from HEA on Vimeo.

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Last edited by HEA on Sun Oct 28, 2018 9:15 am; edited 2 times in total


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Post by Guest Sun Oct 28, 2018 8:31 am

It is funny but when she is not smiling like above, I find her truly beautiful, even with her botox lips fact - Bachelorette Australia - Ali Oetjen Season 4 - *NO SPOILERS* - *SLEUTHING* Discussion* - Page 8 2498057887

I just hoped she did not do those big girls. Those are not nice for her figure. fact - Bachelorette Australia - Ali Oetjen Season 4 - *NO SPOILERS* - *SLEUTHING* Discussion* - Page 8 No310

I really wonder what happened to her life for being so emotional. I understand falling hard and be passionate. I get that. But seeing it makes me cringe. It does not reflect an independent woman for me.

Her goal to live with a guy in 6 months, marry and have kids almost immediately shows an immature woman imo. Regardless if a person thinks this is the right person, life gives lessons and time will just confirm. Why the rush? Why is she SO in a rush to make things official. Baby fever ok but again making sure the dad will stick around.

It makes good TV to look romantic, especially this show but in real life?


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Post by Guest Sun Oct 28, 2018 9:22 am

I suspect that Todd will welcome Ali at HOMETOWN with a romantic black and red CARRIAGE...

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photoshopped by me

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Last edited by HEA on Sun Oct 28, 2018 1:21 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Post by Guest Sun Oct 28, 2018 9:33 am

There is no way she will dress as a princess at hometown ... which is the theme with Todd who arrived in knight Lancelot whom by the way stole the wife of King Arthur and ended alone as an hermit... could be Cinderella story but Prince was not a Knight but we may have the carriage laugh out loud mmm I wonder who are the mean step sisters? CharliNe for sure and RobertA? hehehe

I think it is logical that if he welcomed her with a romantic carriage, then next date at F3 would keep this theme and we would have her princess dress and tuxedo date.

On season teaser, she says “hi” before it is cut.


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Post by Guest Mon Oct 29, 2018 6:56 pm

Ali arrived in her princess dress at night... they never stay at night at hometown. It has to be F3 or a 2nd SD date. In my opinion, they went to do an activity and then they dressed up for the romantic supper.

If they went into Northern Territories as I suspect, there is a popular activity which is to go underwater checking crocodiles. So I do see that, then went to a waterfall then ended the day with a romantic supper

I cannot compare with Sophie or Georgia, but I think it looks very similar to Ali Frost

we have a waterfall for sure...

so I would not be surprised if they have some helicopter ride,  adrenaline activity, waterfall kissing ending with a fairytale princess supper... although eating in this dress would be quite a challenge IMO

Unless the princess is with the fencing activity? still possible I guess but why would they spend that much money before F3? Plus fencing does not go with Cinderella dress IMO. And they look like they are in an arena and the Cinderella dress/tuxedo look like in the bush.... so, from the city where they were fencing, they would separate and meet again all dressed in the middle of nowhere? It does not make sense.

but yet again, it does not make sense to dress like that after the waterfall either...........  :thud

But I see it from a romantic way and for me prods would IMO make sure to separate Taite from Todd so the audience would be more confused and pushed the romantism edits toward Todd.

Now... what if the monkey jumping is not hometown? The the possible carriage would match the Cinderella dress.......... but when would be this SD then?

Ep7 GD commercial ads photo shoot extra time... suit does not match (brownish when they arrive hand in hand at CP versus black tuxedo with Cinderella dress)

Ep8 SD sport car  I do not see this dress fitting in this car (fencing possibility)

Ep9 2nd SD??? Then we can have this Cinderella date with carriage?

Ep10 hometown.... fencing

Ep11 waterfall and adrenaline activity

Ep12 finale

So 2 SD in a row? scratch

I also think that it would start to be Ali and Todd show with so many dates... but we saw that already in the season teaser. Todd is pretty much everywhere, so hard to miss that he is F2. cantstopl

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Post by Guest Mon Oct 29, 2018 9:47 pm

Taite now...

So he had his romantic F1 date at episode 6. Then we have this "it was good" breathless Ali and kissing which I suspect is also a GD... we have the tarzan/jane GD.

so far we have 3 more episodes before hometown

ep7... extra time Todd .... SD Bill ..... Robert refused the rose and left at RC ... Dan or Daniel eliminated at RC
ep8... extra time Charlie .... SD Todd .... Dan or Daniel eliminated at RC
ep9... 2nd SD Taite and 2nd SD Todd and F3/F4/F5 Charlie/Bill/Paddy? Paddy eliminated at RC
ep10...  hometown

episode 9 would make total sense! To have Charlie and Bill and F5 together on the same date??? Prods I am sure peed in their pants out of delight!! DRAMA DRAMA DRAMA

If Robert leaves this week, I am starting to suspect that Paddy will be F5. Dan who? Daniel who?


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Post by Guest Mon Oct 29, 2018 9:58 pm

F4 ceremony

4th: Charlie
3rd: Bill
2nd: Todd
1st: Taite

F3 ceremony

3rd rose: Bill
2nd rose: Taite
1st rose: Todd


Taite: F1
Todd: F2

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It makes more sense that Charlie leaves at F4 because no way Ali would have to want to have him for F3 date!! Ali would have preferred a guy she wants to kiss. Right now I see the downfall of Charlie and this will not go to the best as we see them at RC again with "all I know it is not a fairytale" with an unhappy Ali.

I wonder where is this coming from? Probably another Charlie hard-on with Bill..... gezzzzzz I am so fed up with Charlie. This guy is honestly repulsive.

I forgot that Courtney left at F4...

I wonder if Bill is F4 and not F3 and would leave at F4 since we have zero image of him after his date of car/dancing? or Charlie? or both???? danceround


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Post by Guest Mon Oct 29, 2018 10:35 pm

I am starting to suspect that Todd used all the trick to woe Ali. I have a hard time to understand why he did not come stronger before episode 7?

Then everything is around the princess theme... with the help of the prods.

knight outfit at episode 1
fencing sport ... which is also kind romantic with the Musketeers etc
Cinderella/Tuxedo date
black and red carriage (I suspect it is)

Of course, all of this needed the approval of the prods. So I am wondering if Todd was cast specifically to play Lancelot role knowing full well Ali would fall in love with all this FAIRYTALE? fact - Bachelorette Australia - Ali Oetjen Season 4 - *NO SPOILERS* - *SLEUTHING* Discussion* - Page 8 Knight10

The funny thing is that prods mixed all kind of genres: knight with Louis XIV music Versailles... Cinderella/prince/carriage (carriage not 100% sure).... musketeer with fencing... I bet we will see more fairytales in GD

They know who is Ali. From Tim, from BIP, from meeting her so many times that they know that she lives in lalaland most of the time. So it was easy to cast a guy who would fit the mold: Todd!

If he was F1 or F2, it was a win win for the prods.

Again, this reminds me so much of Elise who came out of nowhere. I am wondering how the public is reacting to the top 4? I am wondering also if I am right. Maybe Todd is F1?? But everything I learned from watching this silly show is that F2 is always hidden up to the last minute (although episode 7 is already mid season... can we considering it last minute?) and in between, we have a beautiful romantic F1 date and the F1 fading until the big finale. Taite and Todd are no different. Taite is IMO F1 and Todd is IMO F2. I would be very very surprised if it is different. Nobody else can fit their shoes at this point. They portrayed Bill and Charlie sooooo bad that no way they are top 2.

I think I will join the dark side at hometown. I am quite surprised I stayed interested until now to be honest. fact - Bachelorette Australia - Ali Oetjen Season 4 - *NO SPOILERS* - *SLEUTHING* Discussion* - Page 8 Allalo10


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Post by Guest Tue Oct 30, 2018 8:08 pm

Something interesting...

if Ali was very into Todd, why did she keep looking away from him when he undressed in front of her?

I am thinking that this is a GD and she was looking the other guys, maybe one guy in particular.

Considering Ali is very physical, I am thinking that she was maybe not into Todd yet in episode 7 but the attraction came during the GD.

Todd is not big muscles, he is leaner and well fit but we do not see any 6 packs which are what Ali likes. Not saying it won't change since we have this waterfall date later.

Ali here seems distracted and not focused on Todd. So for me, it looks like a GD and her attention is on another guy... maybe also undressing?

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Post by Guest Wed Oct 31, 2018 6:45 pm

so I have been working on this hand like forever... I do believe it is Taite hand on the airboat

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and for me it is Taite hand

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