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Post by Aunties_Love Tue Dec 12, 2017 9:36 pm

tatladylu wrote:The other weird thing is that Chris and Lyndsey have both unfollowed Bachcan (someone mentioned that) but Mikaela still is. He's the lead. What does that mean? Just a head scratcher :/

I knew that Lyndsey unfollowed Bachcan which I took as her being upset by the edit, then with Chris unfollowing, IMO that would be if he is upset with the edit he is having as well as his F1.  Creating the solidarity between them.  IMO.

jojo47 wrote:
BlackHalo wrote:
tatladylu wrote:People asked Catie's mother why Chris was more concerned about Lyndsey's age when Meghan and Lisa are about the same age. Her response was something like obviously, he's interested in Lyndsey and not in them.

She also said that she doesn't see the connection with Mikaela. That could explain why Catie's mouth was open during the Rose ceremony. Could it be that Catie felt that she and Chris had a stronger connection than Mikaela ?

Maybe I need to see the context but her making these kinds of comments seems tacky. JMO.

Perhaps she is expressing her opinion in a post, similar to what happens here all the time about the women.
I agree.  It seems that she's posting her thoughts on twitter and I think she's right on the money.  I think that what Chris HAD with Mikaela is far below what he HAS with Lyndsey.  IMO, Catie saw that as well as others that were on the season.  In fact there are some that were on the aftershow commented on how special the connection between Lyndsey and Chris is.

Sprite wrote:
BlackHalo wrote:
jojo47 wrote:

Perhaps she is expressing her opinion in a post, similar to what happens here all the time about the women.

Imo, it sounds like a bitter mother because her daughter got the shock boot along with a wacky edit. As I said, I probably need to see the context of what she is saying.

Can we get the exact quote please, because it doesn't really sound bitter to me. Just expressing what she ... and I ... feel.
I feel that there isn't the chemistry with Mikaela as well.  IMO, what I am seeing with Chris and Milaela is filler material.

jojo47 wrote:
GuardianAngel wrote:
tatladylu wrote:@Sprite

Don't know protocol for posting other people's Twitter, so I'll post just the link...

Nov 8: Chris is interested in Lyndsey comment

Nov 17: observation that she doesn't see the connection with Mikaela

I wonder what she knows, if anything.
Well, I thought that Catie and Lyndsey were close.  I am wondering if Catie knows something.

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Post by Aunties_Love Tue Dec 12, 2017 9:39 pm

HEA wrote:i still would like to know who he is following on his private IG... This account is just for the bach duration imo
His private IG doesn't exist anymore.  I tried to find it and there is none. Or at least none that I can see.

Candace:  There is nothing better than an Auntie's Love!  blowkiss

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Post by Guest Tue Dec 12, 2017 11:41 pm


Russ Martin
December 7, 2017

Top two! Oh, what a journey it’s been from the premiere limo entrances to this week. Chris has a huge decision to make and even at this late stage in the game, it’s clear he’s having trouble making up his mind.

With Lyndsey, he’s got “crazy stupid love” and the “X” factor; a butterflies-in-the-stomach, kissing-at-the-top-of-the-ferris-wheel kind of infatuation that’s hooked him since day one. With Mikaela, there’s an ease. And she’s got all the makings of a great partner, from smarts to sweetness to a great sense of humour.

Chris can see himself with both women, so this week's task is to figure out which is truly the better fit. His family’s en route to Mexico to provide some extra counsel, but first: the all-important overnights.

First up, Mikaela. She meets Chris at a dock where he’s waiting with an ear-to-ear grin on the deck of a giant pirate ship.

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Before they set sail, Mikaela goes in for a hello kiss.

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Over a glass of champagne, they get down to business, talking about their feelings and the end of the journey. Mikaela puts it all on the table: she wants the proposal. She even says she thinks they’re soulmates. Mikaela has no reservations, but Chris’ nerves are getting to him.

He thinks there’s something missing, but is it something with Mikaela, or just the mental gymnastics he’s had to go through throughout this process? It seems like his worries may have more to do with *HIM* than his feelings for her.

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Mikaela’s heart deflates as she realizes Chris is unsure about their prospects. At dinner afterwards, she confronts him about his lack of clarity. Basically, Chris is being SUPER wishy washy and she wants to know – what gives?

For a minute Chris feels like he’s losing her and that’s exactly when he wakes up. Chris takes culpability for not broaching difficult questions with Mikaela earlier and the end up in a good place despite the complicated ground they’ve covered.

He ends it at this: “I don't want you to give up on me.”

Mikaela’s definitely *not* giving up on him. Once he realizes that, it’s all romantic spins and mariachi on the beach.

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One more thing: Mikaela decides to go on the overnight! (What, you thought she was going to turn it down?)

The start of the overnight is super sweet. Mikaela brings a thoughtful, romantic love letter she wrote and reads it to Chris out loud. It ends with a really lovely line: “I can't wait to be with you and create the most beautiful life together, even if that means my first and last name blends into one weird slur.”

They giggle, adorably cooing “MikaelaLeroux” at each other until it’s lights out.

NEXT UP: Lyndsey! Chris gave Lyndsey a major vote of confidence by selecting her as one of his top two despite her disastrous Hometown. After the way her family treated him, Chris is a literal angel for even considering dealing with them.

When they’re reunited, though, it it feels like none of that happened. Lyndsey runs right into his arms.

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They kiss - duh!

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The date is all about healing, which they definitely need. First is a mud treatment at a spa, where Lyndsey gives Chris a super intimate massage. They splash around in yellow mud, acting like her family didn’t just all but kick Chris out of their home.

To reset, they do a purification ceremony. It’s a spiritual experience for both of them, and both are clearly hoping it will help them set aside the challenges and move on from last week.

Afterwards, they finally address the elephant in the room: Lyndsey’s no good, very bad, totally awful Hometown. Lyndsey talks a very good game to Chris and promises to have his back when it comes to her family. She's optimistic, but TBH, it might be premature. Her family was AWFUL to him.

Chris says he’s willing to move to Vancouver for her, which is valiant, but a little one-sided. Lyndsey won’t even put Toronto on the table. Wouldn’t true partners have a discussion about both options?

When Chris gives Lyndsey the invitation to the Fantasy Suite, he lets her in on her sisters' warnings about having an overnight with her. Lyndsey says she’s a big girl and can make her on decisions – and her decision is to forgo her own room.

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Mikaela’s first to meet Chris’ parents, who are just as sweet, measured, and supportive as when we met them at the start of the season.

Things go super well between Chris' mom and Mikaela. Mikaela opens up and doesn’t hold anything back. They even have the same hairdo!

She says her heart tells her Mikaela would be a good match for Chris – and Keith definitely concurs.

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Things do not go so well with Lyndsey. When Chris says she’s 23 they’re basically like:

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Before she even meets them, Chris’ mom tells Chris he’d be better off with someone his own age. And when Lyndsey tells Chris’ mom she’s not willing to move to Toronto, it comes off as callous and a touch hypocritical. Family’s important to her, but what about HIS family?

Oy. It’s too bad, too, because Marian and Keith are total gems. After Lyndsey leaves, Chris’ mom puts his season-long struggle to open up into an airtight sports metaphor: "You can go on the mound in Yankee Stadium and pitch a 94-mile an hour fastball, you don't think that's vulnerable? How is that different? Because one is your body strength and the other's your heart?"

With that mom wisdom, Chris is good to go. It’s still hard to say who he’ll pick, but one thing is for sure: Chris is ready to let his guard down and be swept away by love.

OK, two things are clear. That, yes. But also this: things are going to GO DOWN next week during The Women Tell-All.

Last edited by HEA on Tue Dec 12, 2017 11:47 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Post by Guest Tue Dec 12, 2017 11:43 pm

^^ This is the official recap on W Network.

is it me or he may know who is F1. He sure seems to do not like Lindsey. That's pretty obvious to me.

TBH... everything he said, I agree. But still.


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chris - Bachelor Canada Season 3 - Chris Leroux - Media SM - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - #2 - Page 30 Empty Re: Bachelor Canada Season 3 - Chris Leroux - Media SM - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - #2

Post by Sprite Tue Dec 12, 2017 11:55 pm

HEA wrote:^^ This is the official recap on W Network.

is it me or he may know who is F1. He sure seems to do not like Lindsey. That's pretty obvious to me.

TBH... everything he said, I agree. But still.

Or he knows and is trying to deflect and follow the storyline as per the edit.

You could be the juiciest, most ripe peach, but there is still going to be someone who doesn't like peaches.

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Post by Guest Wed Dec 13, 2017 12:15 am

again... major difference between the two girls... no meet the parents for lindsey... (also please notice the choice of picture where chris is holding mikaela on both picture) and  it is no longer the time to hide anybody. in fact this is the time when the channel is pushing the F1... which IMO is Mikalea

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Last edited by HEA on Wed Dec 13, 2017 12:17 am; edited 1 time in total


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Post by Aunties_Love Wed Dec 13, 2017 12:17 am

I agree @Sprite. Deflection seems to be the name of the game for Lyndsey this season. The producers, official re-cappers, etc all know the ending so in order for Lyndsey not to run away with this right now, they have to deflect.

Here's a snippet from the above recap:

With Lyndsey, he’s got “crazy stupid love” and the “X” factor; a butterflies-in-the-stomach, kissing-at-the-top-of-the-ferris-wheel kind of infatuation that’s hooked him since day one. With Mikaela, there’s an ease. And she’s got all the makings of a great partner, from smarts to sweetness to a great sense of humour.

The bolded reminds me of many F1's descriptions from seasons past.

With Mikaela's, it's like an advertisement for the next bette. IMO. All season, I saw her as an advertisement for the next bette.

Candace:  There is nothing better than an Auntie's Love!  blowkiss

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Post by Guest Wed Dec 13, 2017 12:22 am

major clues... imo... the love story storyline with mikaela

He thinks there’s something missing, but is it something with Mikaela, or just the mental gymnastics he’s had to go through throughout this process? It seems like his worries may have more to do with *HIM* than his feelings for her.

He ends it at this: “I don't want you to give up on me.

It’s still hard to say who he’ll pick, but one thing is for sure: Chris is ready to let his guard down and be swept away by love.


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Post by Guest Wed Dec 13, 2017 12:25 am

gezzzzz every time I am looking at lindsey parents I am shaking my head.... what a nightmarish family in law this would be to have affraid :shocked!: speechless


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chris - Bachelor Canada Season 3 - Chris Leroux - Media SM - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - #2 - Page 30 Empty Re: Bachelor Canada Season 3 - Chris Leroux - Media SM - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - #2

Post by Aunties_Love Wed Dec 13, 2017 12:27 am

IMO, as with any season, they have to leave the actual F1 with doubts, how they handle things, etc. with the F2, they are the ones that have things easy. They don't have to work for things. IMO, what we have this season is the doubts around Lyndsey who has the lead chasing after her. Mikaela has it on easy street who is chasing the lead.

There are plenty of times that I thought Mikaela was auditioning for the next lead.

Candace:  There is nothing better than an Auntie's Love!  blowkiss

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Post by Aunties_Love Wed Dec 13, 2017 12:29 am

@HEA, weren't there many F1's edited as having "nightmare families" as you call them? Yet they were F1's. Yet they lasted for a long time or gotten married. IMO, not all things can be painted with the same brush in saying that just because they are bad families therefore the F1 can't be them.....IMO

Candace:  There is nothing better than an Auntie's Love!  blowkiss

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Post by Aunties_Love Wed Dec 13, 2017 12:31 am

HEA wrote:major clues... imo... the love story storyline with mikaela

He thinks there’s something missing, but is it something with Mikaela, or just the mental gymnastics he’s had to go through throughout this process? It seems like his worries may have more to do with *HIM* than his feelings for her.

He ends it at this: “I don't want you to give up on me.

It’s still hard to say who he’ll pick, but one thing is for sure: Chris is ready to let his guard down and be swept away by love.
Well, then doesn't this leave the door open for Lyndsey since he's already told her that he's all in with her. Then told us the viewer in ITM's that he loves her?? Maybe that is it in a nutshell. IMO

Candace:  There is nothing better than an Auntie's Love!  blowkiss

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