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Post by Ladybug82 Tue Jan 23, 2018 1:53 pm

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Continue discussing RS' news of a switcharoo here...  A few posts to get us started:

AllAboutLove wrote:
littlereddress wrote:It's going to be crappy and devastating watching him propose to Becca now.  Something I thought would be romantic but instead bittersweet and almost cruel.  

It will seal the deal for Becca being the Bachelorette. jmo

teambigrach wrote:
Diana wrote:Probably too soon for this but does this mean Becca can be the bachelorette? because she is everything we need in the perfect ette.

I knew there was a reason I never liked Arie... I tried SO hard and it sucks because I was enjoying his season but this is just a joke. Not even a week after breaking up with Becca he's back with Lauren? after liking her photos, calling her while engaged, telling her he loved her when breaking up (because we all know that ends well)... it's all just a bad look. This probably is going to be Mesnick levels of America backlash but probably worse.

all of this is imo

so excited for becca to be the bachelorette, she just seems like a great person overall. and can't wait for all the drama to go down when finale night airs laugh out loud

Ash2214 wrote:I think that Extra interview he did with Mario gave a lot away. When asked why he picked one over the other, he essentially said even with your emotions, sometimes you have to think logically and who makes sense for after the show when it ends. Perhaps he felt like Becca was the one that he should pick - maybe he felt like she was more mature, more settled, more willing to move to be with him, etc. What he said told me at least that he felt more strongly about the runner up.

It’s unfortunate he just didn’t follow his heart when he had the first chance to do it. Can’t believe how crazy this is going to be a few weeks from now. Eeeek laugh out loud

mizzoufan wrote: That best revenge .for Becca is a life lived well for to smile and to be happy.   I hope she get to the next lead and meets a wonderful guy like Sean

littlereddress wrote:This is just speculation on my part but I wonder if this was a way for Arie to get out of an engagement and just date the girl for however many months he is interested.  RS says Arie and Lauren are not engaged.  So easy to let her go once it has run its course IMO.

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Post by Ladybug82 Tue Jan 23, 2018 1:55 pm

bleuberry wrote:
Alanna wrote:This is amazing!!! As someone that’s had trouble getting into the season, I’m fascinated now!!! And Becca is obviously at first choice for ette now. So interesting.

Haven’t watched at all yet but guess what I’m doing this weekend? laugh out loud


Alanna wrote:Insane that someone on this forum called it- this is Whitney and Chris and Becca all over again. That this year’s Becca is the devoted wifey archetype and the logical choice. But Arie, as the playa playa he is lauded to be, should NEVER have fallen into that trap and chosen the one he wanted in the beginning. Oh well, more entertaining for me this way laugh out loud

tvlover1988 wrote:Hey everyone! I haven't posted in forever but I had to after seeing this Arie/ Becca and Lauren spoiler. I really hope that Becca doesn't run back to the ex and get engaged to him like Melissa Rycroft did. Becca would be a great bachelorette IMO.

XQZME wrote:
Aria wrote:
XQZME wrote:I can't believe Arie pulled a Mesnick!  If he was that conflicted, why didn't he just do The Brad 1.0 and not propose to either woman.  

All these years, I have been a huge Arie fan.  I can't say that anymore.  

If tptb can talk Becca into being the Bachette, my hope is they find her the most fantastic group of men this show has ever cast.  

He should have pulled a Charlie and just dated both of them!

This whole season is so bizarre to me. I'm not a conspiracy theorist, but the fact that someone spoiled a month before filming ended that Becca would 100% win and everyone in production and cast knew it, she wins, then Arie and Becca spoil on IG that they're together twice, Arie repeatedly likes Lauren's IG pics that everyone can see, Arie says multiple times that he fell in love with two women, and then they film the "reunion" at her parents' house and not a studio, where people can see? It all seems so in the viewers' faces. RS got so much wrong about Jason's switch, so I'm going to wait and see if more info comes out, but I'm just confused by everything now. If this really happened how RS said, Arie looks really bad and there is just no defending him. IMO.

Aria... I totally forgot about Charlie's season!  This switcharoo is going to confirm every bad thing ever said and written about Arie.  

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Post by Norcalgal Tue Jan 23, 2018 1:56 pm

Well - a switcheroo can work both ways. Maybe after a bit with Lauren, Arie will come crawling back to Becca?

Been watching this crap show like forever

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Post by mizzoufan Tue Jan 23, 2018 1:58 pm

Norcalgal wrote:Well - a switcheroo can work both ways. Maybe after a bit with Lauren, Arie will come crawling back to Becca?
I hope she does and she laughs and close the door in his face


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Post by Kolormiblnd Tue Jan 23, 2018 1:59 pm

If this is true and I am starting to think it might be, my thoughts........
Did I say last week "It would be a clusterf**k of EPIC proportions if Lauren were pregnant last week? Well I take those words back, this is a colossal sh**tstorm and will be a three ring circus for months to come!! Arie, you stupid, dimwitted, screwup!! Those are the most polite swear words I have for you. Ok, so you were having second thoughts, you are soooo insensitive. You could not even handle this with finesse? Well here are the ramifications of your actions:
1. Arie the race car driver may thrive
2. Arie the realtor in the short run not really, were you on SM talking about crazies texting you, Arie? ----Honey you ain't seen crazies yet. Now they have your number, they can be vicious, ask Rachel and Bryan, and they didn't do what you did!! If you think deleting all your SM accounts will help, or moving to the Netherlands, boy are you mistaken!! You might want to move to Mars now. The world is way smaller and information is out there. They will find you and get to you.
3. Lauren, yes you will be right in there with him. The stench, stain and stink of kaka will be all over you too!! I feel sorry for your relationship. Prepare to see all info about your broken engagement everywhere now and the timeline too. I hope you have a SPINE, you're gonna need it.
4. Becca K, my hometown girl, I feel for you. Are you thinking about being the next ette? The money and adventure may sound good, you may want to get back at Arie for dumping you so publicly but believe me, it sounds like you are ahead right now. Think real hard!!!! But I will ask you, question

I have a lot more to say to Arie, but I am out of words, right now---------

Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind. Always.  heartbeat

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teamArie - Bachelor 22 - Arie Luyendyk Jr - SM Media - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - #3 Empty Re: Bachelor 22 - Arie Luyendyk Jr - SM Media - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - #3

Post by AllAboutLove Tue Jan 23, 2018 2:01 pm

Norcalgal wrote:Well - a switcheroo can work both ways. Maybe after a bit with Lauren, Arie will come crawling back to Becca?

I don't see Becca giving Arie the time of day ever again just going by her recent SM and her liking Caroline's comment about she and Caroline choosing each other at the finale. Totally was a sign imo laugh out loud

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Post by mizzoufan Tue Jan 23, 2018 2:02 pm

So then does Caroline post about not making out with her best friend husband about Lauren I guess


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Post by XQZME Tue Jan 23, 2018 2:03 pm

Kolormiblnd wrote:If this is true and I am starting to think it might be, my thoughts........
Did I say last week "It would be a clusterf**k of EPIC proportions if Lauren were pregnant last week? Well I take those words back, this is a colossal sh**tstorm and will be a three ring circus for months to come!! Arie, you stupid, dimwitted, screwup!! Those are the most polite swear words I have for you. Ok, so you were having second thoughts, you are soooo insensitive. You could not even handle this with finesse? Well here are the ramifications of your actions:
1. Arie the race car driver may thrive
2. Arie the realtor in the short run not really, were you on SM talking about crazies texting you, Arie? ----Honey you ain't seen crazies yet. Now they have your number, they can be vicious, ask Rachel and Bryan, and they didn't do what you did!! If you think deleting all your SM accounts will help, or moving to the Netherlands, boy are you mistaken!! You might want to move to Mars now. The world is way smaller and information is out there. They will find you and get to you.
3. Lauren, yes you will be right in there with him. The stench, stain and stink of kaka will be all over you too!! I feel sorry for your relationship. Prepare to see all info about your broken engagement everywhere now and the timeline too. I hope you have a SPINE, you're gonna need it.
4. Becca K, my hometown girl, I feel for you. Are you thinking about being the next ette? The money and adventure may sound good, you may want to get back at Arie for dumping you so publicly but believe me, it sounds like you are ahead right now. Think real hard!!!! But I will ask you, question

I have a lot more to say to Arie, but I am out of words, right now---------

Tell us what you really think...Kolormiblnd thumbsup

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teamArie - Bachelor 22 - Arie Luyendyk Jr - SM Media - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - #3 Empty Re: Bachelor 22 - Arie Luyendyk Jr - SM Media - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - #3

Post by mprssdbyu Tue Jan 23, 2018 2:04 pm

I love Arie. I have to admit I am shocked it's Lauren and not Bekah. After watching last night, he was all in until.she uttered 22. Hell, how old is Lauren B for that matter?

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teamArie - Bachelor 22 - Arie Luyendyk Jr - SM Media - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - #3 Empty Re: Bachelor 22 - Arie Luyendyk Jr - SM Media - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - #3

Post by mprssdbyu Tue Jan 23, 2018 2:05 pm

I could wring his neck for spoiling Becca on SM, though. He's really screwed it all up for all 3 of them.

Life is not about waiting for the storms to pass
It's about learning to dance in the rain

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teamArie - Bachelor 22 - Arie Luyendyk Jr - SM Media - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - #3 Empty Re: Bachelor 22 - Arie Luyendyk Jr - SM Media - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - #3

Post by AllAboutLove Tue Jan 23, 2018 2:07 pm

mprssdbyu wrote:I love Arie. I have to admit I am shocked it's Lauren and not Bekah. After watching last night, he was all in until.she uttered 22. Hell, how old is Lauren B for that matter?

Lauren B is 25 and a whole 3 years older than Bekah laugh out loud and 11 years younger than Arie

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teamArie - Bachelor 22 - Arie Luyendyk Jr - SM Media - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - #3 Empty Re: Bachelor 22 - Arie Luyendyk Jr - SM Media - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - #3

Post by Guest Tue Jan 23, 2018 2:10 pm

Norcalgal wrote:Well - a switcheroo can work both ways. Maybe after a bit with Lauren, Arie will come crawling back to Becca?

Or Becka no no I’m thinking not even Becka will give Arie a sniff ever again. :yes: She’s to mature for him giggling

Lauren B is very Stepford Wifey to me. Mo
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Last edited by Stone_Hedge on Tue Jan 23, 2018 2:13 pm; edited 2 times in total


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