Bachelor 22 - Arie Luyendyk Jr - FAN FORUM - *Becca* - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

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Post by GuardianAngel Wed Jan 24, 2018 11:36 am

Fan forum for Becca. As always we title the fan forums A B C etc, in order not to spoil it for the No spoiler threads.

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Last edited by GuardianAngel on Tue Mar 06, 2018 1:02 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Post by Maddy Fri Jan 26, 2018 3:06 pm

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TeamBecca - Bachelor 22 - Arie Luyendyk Jr - FAN FORUM - *Becca* - *Sleuthing Spoilers* 147838_3758-900x0

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Post by Maddy Tue Feb 13, 2018 1:45 am

TeamBecca - Bachelor 22 - Arie Luyendyk Jr - FAN FORUM - *Becca* - *Sleuthing Spoilers* Image?

TeamBecca - Bachelor 22 - Arie Luyendyk Jr - FAN FORUM - *Becca* - *Sleuthing Spoilers* Image?

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Post by Maddy Tue Feb 13, 2018 2:36 am

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Post by GuardianAngel Tue Feb 13, 2018 11:27 am

They look cute together.


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Post by Mommyof2 Tue Feb 13, 2018 4:56 pm

I loved Becca's dress on the daytime portion of their date. So cute.

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Post by Maddy Wed Feb 14, 2018 3:33 pm

Arie wrote:My first date of the week was with Becca K. From the beginning, I was attracted to her beauty, humility, and kindness. I always knew she’d make a great wife and mother. We had such a strong start on our first date — my first date of this whole journey — but so much had happened since then. Finding a wife isn’t just about finding someone who would be a great on paper, it’s about love and chemistry. Going into the date, I knew that we needed this time to reconnect and see if we could rekindle our early passion.
The picturesque town of Barga was the perfect spot for our date. We had a great time walking the quiet streets, buying wine and cheese, and chatting with locals. Before long, I knew it was time to openly address my current fears about our relationship. Why hadn’t things felt as passionate and chemistry-filled as before? Becca opened up about having difficulty watching my relationships with other women progress and feeling really awkward on group dates. That evening, when Becca said that she was falling for me and that she could see a future with me, it felt amazing. My heart was full, and I was thrilled that the date totally restored my confidence in our potential. When we kissed that night during our romantic dinner, I finally felt the passion that had been missing the last few weeks.

I left my date with Becca feeling great. I went back to my room and opened a bottle of wine to unwind when I heard the knock. I was shocked to see Jacqueline when I opened the door. My breakup with Jacqueline was one of the most emotional moments in my time on The Bachelor. Getting broken up with always sucks, especially when it’s someone you’re as into as I was into Jacqueline. She’s so smart, interesting, and funny — and we’d just had so much fun in Paris. I knew that our lives were completely different and that an engagement may be difficult, but that didn’t mean I was ready to say goodbye. I was developing such strong feelings for her and thought that we really had a chance of making things work. I’ll never forget her nervous, shaky hands during our first kiss, or her thoughtful gestures during our little moments together on group dates. She’s truly a one-of-a-kind woman.

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Post by Maddy Sat Feb 17, 2018 1:25 am

Sharleen wrote:BECCA K'S 1-ON-1

Becca K gets the first 1-on-1 date and appears to be finally back in the game. We've known she's a season-long frontrunner but I've felt for awhile that we haven't been seeing enough consistent conversation. And even one we did see, back in Episode 5, was about 80% make-out and only 20% conversation.

If I'm honest, though, this 1-on-1 still wasn't as conversation-heavy as I would've liked—the gist was that they needed to re-explore what they had on their first 1-on-1 and "move forward" from there, followed by Becca K expressing having had a hard time as of late (which we annoyingly never saw) and that she's still there because she still believes in them, followed by shots of them making out on the grass, on a stone ledge, and against a wall. I recognize how great their chemistry is, but it irks me that the make outs we're shown aren't balanced by more concrete conversation and glimpses of easy banter, which they presumably have (theirs really doesn't feel like just a chemistry-based relationship).

Anyway, Becca K is definitely not going anywhere...
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The above is so emphatic that I'm torn again over whether or not Becca K could win. Her story is one of the more frustrating relationships to watch that I can recall, just since her airtime checks all the frontrunner boxes but we're never shown any of the actual meat of their relationship. Ugh!

In the evening, I was impressed when Becca K gingerly walked on COBBLESTONES in her gorgeous but not-for-the-faint-of-heart Louboutins (anyone who owns non-platform Louboutins knows this pain all too well). And then I laughed when we saw them in her hand later on...
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I've so been there.

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Post by Maddy Tue Feb 20, 2018 7:31 pm

Sharleen wrote:2. Becca, 26: You know what I like about Becca and Arie? So much of their relationship feels like a given. Like, it felt like a given that they’d have a swimmingly good time at an apple orchard (those caramel apples…. oh my). It felt like a given that, despite her family’s skepticism before meeting Arie, they’d come around upon meeting him and hearing how happy Becca was. It felt like a given that last week, on their second 1-on-1, they’d leap forward once again as arguably the most rock-solid relationship there. It even felt like a given that Arie would give Becca a rose this week, and first, no less. (As with last week!) This relationship feels like the most natural out of the remaining ones, in terms of us watching them be comfortable and normal and convincing as a potential husband and wife together. (Obviously this is easier to watch and pick up on than them being similar human beings who can read each other’s minds, à la Lauren.) I do like this relationship, but I’m still getting more zest from Arie regarding Lauren, and that’s what has me keeping this order this week.

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Post by Rolly Tue Feb 20, 2018 7:34 pm

Maddy wrote:
Sharleen wrote:2. Becca, 26: You know what I like about Becca and Arie? So much of their relationship feels like a given. Like, it felt like a given that they’d have a swimmingly good time at an apple orchard (those caramel apples…. oh my). It felt like a given that, despite her family’s skepticism before meeting Arie, they’d come around upon meeting him and hearing how happy Becca was. It felt like a given that last week, on their second 1-on-1, they’d leap forward once again as arguably the most rock-solid relationship there. It even felt like a given that Arie would give Becca a rose this week, and first, no less. (As with last week!) This relationship feels like the most natural out of the remaining ones, in terms of us watching them be comfortable and normal and convincing as a potential husband and wife together. (Obviously this is easier to watch and pick up on than them being similar human beings who can read each other’s minds, à la Lauren.) I do like this relationship, but I’m still getting more zest from Arie regarding Lauren, and that’s what has me keeping this order this week.

I love this summary. She says exactly what I’ve been thinking so much better than I could. :yes:

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Post by SeekAny Tue Feb 20, 2018 9:41 pm

I honestly just want to give Becca a big hug. Such a sweet girl and sweet family. They’ve been through enough, I hope in 6 months she is radiating with happiness. I want that for her and her family.

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Post by stuckinsc Tue Feb 20, 2018 9:57 pm

I am honestly happy for her now to be done with Arie and hopefully have full closure from the ex. Becca deserves a fresh start on happily ever after (single or in a couple).

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Bachelor 22 - Arie Luyendyk Jr - FAN FORUM - *Becca* - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

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