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teambecca - Arie Luyendyk Jr - Lauren Burnham - Bachelor 22 - Discussion  - Page 23 Empty Re: Arie Luyendyk Jr - Lauren Burnham - Bachelor 22 - Discussion

Post by Diana Sat Mar 10, 2018 10:48 am

One or two previous engagements doesn’t really change to the fact that girlfriend’s OTT desperate need for a engagement ring and marriage is embarrassing laugh out loud(all imo)

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teambecca - Arie Luyendyk Jr - Lauren Burnham - Bachelor 22 - Discussion  - Page 23 Empty Re: Arie Luyendyk Jr - Lauren Burnham - Bachelor 22 - Discussion

Post by ukglasgowkiiss Sat Mar 10, 2018 10:56 am

Aha here is where I can go. Is there not an active Arie Snark thread, or has it been so busy its been taken down?
I live in Scotland so watched it on Wednesday night here. Its taken me 3 days to digest what I saw and compose my rage into one comment.
All imo:
This is mainly what I feel towards Mr Arid LyingD**k Jnr in light of his behaviour.

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Post by ukglasgowkiiss Sat Mar 10, 2018 11:16 am

Amethyst wrote:I don't know if this is the right forum to bring this up, but it's been on my mind for a few days now. If the situation were reversed, and Arie proposed first to Lauren, but then changed his mind in favor of Becca, would she have responded in the same manner? Specifically, would she have a) communicated with Arie via text and phone calls before his official breakup, b) given Arie another chance, and c) accepted an immediate engagement with him?

Here are my thoughts:

a) I think her communication with Arie would have been very limited. I think she would have said to him, "Yes, I still have feelings for you, but your relationship with Lauren needs to be resolved first before we take this any further." Why? Because my opinion is that where Lauren tends to lead from her heart, Becca uses a combination of head and heart. I also think that Becca is the type who would think, fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. She is a very open hearted individual, but once her B.S. meter is activated, look out!

b) I think she might very well have given him another chance, but she wouldn't have been in any rush about it. Why? Based on her experience with her ex, she is used to having a long-distance relationship. I think she would have told Arie (once he broke his engagement with Lauren,) "Sure, let's take six months or a year and see where this goes." I don't think she would have been in any rush to move to Scottsdale.

c) HECK NO. Why? For all of the reasons listed above.

ITA @Amethyst. Imo Arie wouldnt hv got the same concessions made by Becca that Lauren gave him. But even though people hv suggested he wdnt hv chosen one or the other and it cd hv been opp scenario of broken engagement to Lauren then back to Becca, i dint agree imo he was always reverting to type choosing Lauren, he even tested her dependency upon him by proposing to another woman then seeing uf she wd take him back. He imo is a serial cheater who likes control of his partner. By testing Laurens limits he knows if they get married she will stay loyal to him even if he cheats. Imo he has that as a dynamic already, whereby he is attracted to both the younger maleable blondes but having affairs with others who challenge him. He imo wants his docile wife there while he continues to be selfish in every way. Just imho.
The coldness he exhibited & lack of empathy especially during the Becca breakup imo was telling. He did not consider her & was as emotional as a wooden plank.
All imo.

#TeamLove rose bud  peace  

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Post by Rolly Sat Mar 10, 2018 11:38 am

ukglasgowkiiss wrote:
Amethyst wrote:I don't know if this is the right forum to bring this up, but it's been on my mind for a few days now. If the situation were reversed, and Arie proposed first to Lauren, but then changed his mind in favor of Becca, would she have responded in the same manner? Specifically, would she have a) communicated with Arie via text and phone calls before his official breakup, b) given Arie another chance, and c) accepted an immediate engagement with him?

Here are my thoughts:

a) I think her communication with Arie would have been very limited. I think she would have said to him, "Yes, I still have feelings for you, but your relationship with Lauren needs to be resolved first before we take this any further." Why? Because my opinion is that where Lauren tends to lead from her heart, Becca uses a combination of head and heart. I also think that Becca is the type who would think, fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. She is a very open hearted individual, but once her B.S. meter is activated, look out!

b) I think she might very well have given him another chance, but she wouldn't have been in any rush about it. Why? Based on her experience with her ex, she is used to having a long-distance relationship. I think she would have told Arie (once he broke his engagement with Lauren,) "Sure, let's take six months or a year and see where this goes." I don't think she would have been in any rush to move to Scottsdale.

c) HECK NO. Why? For all of the reasons listed above.

ITA @Amethyst. Imo Arie wouldnt hv got the same concessions made by Becca that Lauren gave him. But even though people hv suggested he wdnt hv chosen one or the other and it cd hv been opp scenario of broken engagement to Lauren then back to Becca, i dint agree imo he was always reverting to type choosing Lauren, he even tested her dependency upon him by proposing to another woman then seeing uf she wd take him back. He imo is a serial cheater who likes control of his partner. By testing Laurens limits he knows if they get married she will stay loyal to him even if he cheats. Imo he has that as a dynamic already, whereby he is attracted to both the younger maleable blondes but having affairs with others who challenge him. He imo wants his docile wife there while he continues to be selfish in every way. Just imho.
The coldness he exhibited & lack of empathy especially during the Becca breakup imo was telling. He did not consider her & was as emotional as a wooden plank.
All imo.

Arie didn’t seem to be empathetic or emotional when he said goodbye to Lauren either. He cried and was very emotional when he said goodbye to baby Bekah but not with Lauren IMO. If he regretted his proposal immediately why didn’t he seem like it. And his line with Becca “ I choose you today and every day” still ticks me off. :angryemotion

IMO they may very well get married bc she seems desperate and he has to redeem himself. The role models they have for husbands from their fathers will continue in their relationship IMO. They have shown me who they are and I see a dysfunctional relationship. I am more than ready to move on. :Woah-hoo:

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teambecca - Arie Luyendyk Jr - Lauren Burnham - Bachelor 22 - Discussion  - Page 23 Empty Re: Arie Luyendyk Jr - Lauren Burnham - Bachelor 22 - Discussion

Post by Mommyof2 Sat Mar 10, 2018 12:33 pm

Every time I visit this thread, it's locked, so let's see if we can be respectful towards one another and have an adult conversation. yes

I do not believe that Lauren had been engaged twice, before Arie. There is no proof of a second engagement and Lauren and a friend refute it.

I also believe that Arie and Lauren were referring to Bekah M. and not Becca K. It makes sense as Bekah has been nothing but rude to Arie post-show. Jmo

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Post by Amberish Sat Mar 10, 2018 2:14 pm

Regardless, I think Arie did the right thing for everyone involved:

Becca is Bachelorette instead of roadkill for, obviously, the relationship with Arie would never work.

Arie and Lauren found love. We haven't seen Arie in love since Emily, who mistakenly selected that detestable Jef Holm, whom, btw, was MY first choice for Emily back then. (Oh, boy, was wrong about him!)

TPTB got their drama and viewership interest should be on the uptick for the upcoming summer Bachelor shows.

We might even see another televised Bachelor wedding!

All in all, a win-win for everyone!

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Post by Kashathediva Sat Mar 10, 2018 3:10 pm

No good deed goes unpunished.  
Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, bye Felicia! 

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teambecca - Arie Luyendyk Jr - Lauren Burnham - Bachelor 22 - Discussion  - Page 23 Empty Re: Arie Luyendyk Jr - Lauren Burnham - Bachelor 22 - Discussion

Post by vacayeveryday Sat Mar 10, 2018 3:13 pm

Amberish wrote:Regardless, I think Arie did the right thing for everyone involved:

Becca is Bachelorette instead of roadkill for, obviously, the relationship with Arie would never work.

Arie and Lauren found love. We haven't seen Arie in love since Emily, who mistakenly selected that detestable Jef Holm, whom, btw, was MY first choice for Emily back then. (Oh, boy, was wrong about him!)

TPTB got their drama and viewership interest should be on the uptick for the upcoming summer Bachelor shows.

We might even see another televised Bachelor wedding!

All in all, a win-win for everyone!

:yes: I totally agree with you!


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teambecca - Arie Luyendyk Jr - Lauren Burnham - Bachelor 22 - Discussion  - Page 23 Empty Re: Arie Luyendyk Jr - Lauren Burnham - Bachelor 22 - Discussion

Post by Norcalgal Sat Mar 10, 2018 3:14 pm

Mommyof2 wrote:so let's see if we can be respectful towards one another and have an adult conversation.  yes

It makes sense as Bekah has been  nothing but rude to Arie post-show.  Jmo

If you listened to the entire Betchelor podcast that was removed from the fan thread, you will hear both Bekah and Kendall say very nice things about Lauren AND wish she and Arie well. Bekah even said that she'd get over being so mad at Arie, in time. Both girls were disappointed in Arie because he proposed when he was so conflicted. And they both felt empathy with Becca for going through a humiliating breakup on TV. These are facts - not opinion, based on listening to the entire podcast.

It is your right to label Bekah's comments as rude to Arie. In my opinion, they were reactionary comments made by someone who was invested in the people involved. Listening to the podcast made me feel better and I gained more insight into Lauren. I know sometimes we don't want to invest time in listening or reading post-show commentary as we anticipate negative comments and this board has enough of those without seeking additional sources. I don't have hate for anyone - the world truly needs more love right now!

Been watching this crap show like forever

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Post by TheWrongReasons Sat Mar 10, 2018 3:57 pm

Funny how we all see different things - I guess that’s the beauty of subjectivity. I saw Arie overwhelmed/shaken and about to puke when he let Lauren go - he was practically shaking. If that’s not emotional, I don’t know what is and that’s JMO. And yes, it’s not just my opinion but a fact of life that not everyone expresses their emotion in the same way in every situation for many different reasons. For example, Nick broke down, sobbed, and flipped over a table when letting DLo go vs. his more subdued reaction when letting Rachel go. Does this mean he cared more for DLo? Based on his words and actions since, my take would be a hard “no”. IMO he was overwhelmed by the whole experience and that came to a head at that time. IMO the same is true for Arie and his few tears for Bratty Bekah.

See this? This is you. It's not showy or gaudy. It's simple. Elegant. Beautiful.
It's my mom's bracelet.
I know.
How do you know?
Well, because you told me. Six months ago. You were wearing that blue sweater with the snowflakes that you have. You were walking down the hallway at school. I was annoying you as per usual. You said, "Look, Pacey, I just found my mother's bracelet this morning, so why don't you cut me some slack?"
You remember that?
I remember everything.beatingheart

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teambecca - Arie Luyendyk Jr - Lauren Burnham - Bachelor 22 - Discussion  - Page 23 Empty Re: Arie Luyendyk Jr - Lauren Burnham - Bachelor 22 - Discussion

Post by sosleepy Sat Mar 10, 2018 4:20 pm

Meh. I think I’m over it. May Arie leave Bachelor Nation forever and take his vacant eyed fiancé with him. Bring on The Bachelorette!!!

I’ll catch up with Arie and Lauren during the People spreadsheet re: the breakup. laugh out loud Then I’ll check out the behind the scenes dirt to confirm he’s back to messing around with Courtney. laugh out loud 

That’s about the last I want to think about this emotional cheater, shady, shady man.

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teambecca - Arie Luyendyk Jr - Lauren Burnham - Bachelor 22 - Discussion  - Page 23 Empty Re: Arie Luyendyk Jr - Lauren Burnham - Bachelor 22 - Discussion

Post by ReneeM Sat Mar 10, 2018 4:26 pm

This explains so much because I did feel she was defensive on his behalf in all the interviews that happened at WTA
BM: She begged him ten times to go! That was the tipping point for me.
KL: Because you were defending him initially, Bekah.
BM: I love Becca and was sad that happened to her, but I was actually siding more with Arie until I saw that. I really was. At the Women Tell All taping it was nice to talk to him and I thought, You know, he changed his mind. Matters of the heart happen, not a huge deal. But then I saw the footage. The choices he made were inexcusable. I know those types of men who stand there after a break-up and are like, Wait baby, but are you okay? Give me assurance this is fine! Make me feel better about myself!  
Seeing the footage changed her opinion of him. Knowing what I know of Arie, I think he probably did some Olivia Pope type spin to justify his actions to Lauren & it's why I feel certain he was definitely the one who manipulated her into not watching the ATFR (even though I doubt she'd care because she doesn't seem to care about others much imo)

Also another interesting tidbit. She confirms he was dm-ing multiple contestants. Making sure he's got a backup to his backup imo. Also TEA at the fact that Lauren doesn't like Bekah laugh out loud. So not only was he dm-ing contestants but also the ones that he knows or at least showld know Lauren doesn't like?
BM: It’s like, when your best friend is dumped by a dude, aren’t you going to be like, He’s garbage? Even if it’s not always justified, you do it because you have your girl’s back. Also, don’t DM your ex! It’s inappropriate, especially given the fact he got back with Lauren through DMs. And I wasn’t the only contestant he was DMing while the show was airing. It wasn’t just me and Lauren, there were other women as well. C’mon, dude.You’re 36, you know better. You’re not oblivious and you know how relationships work.
KL: The fact that he switched to Lauren and was still talking to other girls, it’s not great.
BM: And at the time he DMed me, it was close to the episode when I got sent home. It was us passionately making out and discussing our relationship. And this is the time when you’re like, Thinking of you, hope you’re doing well! I guarantee Lauren didn’t know he was messaging me. Lauren doesn’t like me.
KL: Well, especially not now.
BM: Especially not now, and I’m sure he doesn’t like me, either.

To your knowledge, has Arie maintained relationships with any of the women after the season ended? Like, cordial relationships?
KL: I don’t want to name the other girls he’s talking to. I don’t know if they’re continuing talking to him now, but before there were some.
BM: I had a cordial relationship. I messaged him when he and Becca got engaged and I told Becca I was going to do that.
KL: I made it a point not to talk to him, because making it to a certain point in the show, it might be a little bit weird if I did. But now, I don’t think I would have a problem being friends with him. I don’t wish him ill-will. Once you care about someone and see a potential love with somebody, it’s hard to feel bad in some ways.
BM: Watching everything back, I feel particularly deceived by him in a way. I thought he wasn’t the type of guy who did all of the things that he did.
KL: I saw a different side of him.

I know some of the women caught flack for seemingly switching up on Arie but I think the last line of the above quote from Kendall sums up the reason why perfectly. And yes this is an interview from Kendall and Bekah but they talk quite a bit about Arie and Lauren and I only brought over quotes about the two.


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Arie Luyendyk Jr - Lauren Burnham - Bachelor 22 - Discussion

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