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teambecca - Garrett Yrigoyen - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - #2 - Page 3 Empty Re: Garrett Yrigoyen - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - #2

Post by GuardianAngel Tue Jun 05, 2018 3:42 pm

@facelessblood I'm not sure if you are LOL at me.

I believe he should have left his IG the way it was originally. Once the poop hit the fan, turn off comments, so he can promote the show like every other contestant does, especially being the F1.

Rather he chose to change the name several times, flips from private to public, several times, and here we are, yet another IG name which is private.

If he is secure in himself and Becca, he shouldn't find the need to stay in a safe zone, and run undercover so no one can follow or say mean things to him. IMHO.


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teambecca - Garrett Yrigoyen - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - #2 - Page 3 Empty Re: Garrett Yrigoyen - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - #2

Post by nananana Tue Jun 05, 2018 4:35 pm

just me wrote:
nananana wrote:@Idlemess Ehhh I’m just saying he’s not as vindictive as people are saying he his.

Also, IMO if he was better at SM none of this would have happened in the first place / he wouldn’t be switching accounts every few days. None of this comes off as groomed social media behavior to me.
He has Becca. He has no need for social media. I am sure he wishes he was never on it. I believe he is just trying to do whatever those who control  his contract are telling him and he wants peace.  **I** have to remember that Becca loves him. She chose him. Why watch the show if **I'M** are not watching for the love story?  Every woman has a type that she is the most attracted to. For some it will be Joe the grocery store owner, for some Blake, for some Jason, for some Wills but for Becca it was Garrett. He is the one she chose and I think she knows and understands him very well. I think he must be a very special loving guy. We have only seen 2 episodes and already he stands out- in a good way IMO. The guys on the show seemed to like him and have even stuck up for him. No one that really knows him has spoken bad about him. **I**can not just take bits and pieces of what they have allowed us to see and judge him. None of  other men or any of us could stand up to that kind of judgment.

I agree with all of this


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teambecca - Garrett Yrigoyen - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - #2 - Page 3 Empty Re: Garrett Yrigoyen - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - #2

Post by sosleepy Tue Jun 05, 2018 5:39 pm

Except that... in this day in age, let’s be serious, giving up SM is giving up A LOT of money for these guys. Living off the gravy
Train shill is probably the number one reason people do this show now... not for love. Like yes, he got Becca. But he’s also forfeiting a TON of money if he stays off Instagram. Especially considering he will leave a franchise couple in a couple months... and those people bank. 


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teambecca - Garrett Yrigoyen - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - #2 - Page 3 Empty Re: Garrett Yrigoyen - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - #2

Post by Alanna Tue Jun 05, 2018 5:42 pm

Also people have short term memory loss. If he and Becca are a popular couple (and I don’t see why they wouldn’t be), he stands to make a lot or lose a lot if he doesn’t participate in the sm world that surrounds this show. This franchise’s popularity and sustainability are as much about what happens online and offscreen as what airs on abc Monday nights Imo.

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teambecca - Garrett Yrigoyen - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - #2 - Page 3 Empty Re: Garrett Yrigoyen - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - #2

Post by Kashathediva Tue Jun 05, 2018 5:48 pm

Alanna wrote:Also people have short term memory loss. If he and Becca are a popular couple (and I don’t see why they wouldn’t be), he stands to make a lot or lose a lot if he doesn’t participate in the sm world that surrounds this show. This franchise’s popularity and sustainability are as much about what happens online and offscreen as what airs on abc Monday nights Imo.

I don’t know if they will be a popular couple or not. That remains to be seen. I do know just from the last 2 episodes, it appears interest here is less than normal. I keep laughing at his favorite movie Dumb and Dumber. IMO that says it all. IMO this season is a huge miss.

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teambecca - Garrett Yrigoyen - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - #2 - Page 3 Empty Re: Garrett Yrigoyen - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - #2

Post by Alanna Tue Jun 05, 2018 5:50 pm

Idk why interest is down, maybe because it’s spoiled fully or it’s too early in the season. I’m not a huge fan of Becca’s myself so maybe she doesn’t connect that great to audiences in general. I do think they’ll be popular enough though, for sm to matter.

Big: You know, Manhattan has a lot of beautiful women.
Carrie: What an amazing observation!
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teambecca - Garrett Yrigoyen - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - #2 - Page 3 Empty Re: Garrett Yrigoyen - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - #2

Post by sosleepy Tue Jun 05, 2018 5:52 pm

If they leave strong and happy, absolutely people’s memories are short. There is A LOT of story ahead of us, we’ve barely gotten our toes wet in their journey here. They’ll be just as popular as the Ette couple before them, no doubt. Probably more popular than the last Bach couple. JMO.

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teambecca - Garrett Yrigoyen - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - #2 - Page 3 Empty Re: Garrett Yrigoyen - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - #2

Post by sosleepy Tue Jun 05, 2018 5:58 pm

Also keep in mind that spin off Janner earned a reported million dollars in their first year. They have that million dollar home bc of their earnings. Tanner had barely any screen time on his OG season, and together they had like 10 min of screen time on BIP2. Soooo.... if you are a franchise couple, and you know how to market yourself... it doesn’t matter how “popular” you are. If you play it right... you can bank. And this, my friends, is also why I think we have more successful pairings in these later years of the show. There is definitely more of an insentive to try hard to make it work. Whereas before, you just faded into obscurity with no financial benefit or lingering fame.

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teambecca - Garrett Yrigoyen - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - #2 - Page 3 Empty Re: Garrett Yrigoyen - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - #2

Post by Kashathediva Tue Jun 05, 2018 6:00 pm

Alanna wrote:Idk why interest is down, maybe because it’s spoiled fully or it’s too early in the season. I’m not a huge fan of Becca’s myself so maybe she doesn’t connect that great to audiences in general. I do think they’ll be popular enough though, for sm to matter.

I think the early dates appear either too stale or extra lame. Add to that they do not travel anywhere fun until the last 2 episodes.
I agree Becca does not appear to connect to audiences well. She says one thing and does the opposite and appears at best wishy washy to me.
I think one reason it was allowed to be spoiled so early was to get behind the couple and this time it backfired.

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teambecca - Garrett Yrigoyen - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - #2 - Page 3 Empty Re: Garrett Yrigoyen - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - #2

Post by Aria Tue Jun 05, 2018 6:09 pm

Alanna wrote:Idk why interest is down, maybe because it’s spoiled fully or it’s too early in the season. I’m not a huge fan of Becca’s myself so maybe she doesn’t connect that great to audiences in general. I do think they’ll be popular enough though, for sm to matter.

I also don't even think you really have to be mega popular to get those sponsorships and IG $$$. I mean, Rachel still hasn't hit 1 million and Bryan has less than 400k; couples like Arie/Lauren and Des/Chris have less combined followers than many of the girls have on their own. And, yet, they're still pulling big name sponsorships because of their name recognition. And at about $1300 for every 100k followers, that still adds up big time. Therefore, my guess is that his IG will be back up permanently in a few weeks, when people have forgotten why they hate him.

I personally don't think they'll be super popular and will go the Des/Chris route, just because they don't really have the look or big personality or lifestyle that will get them those huge followings, but who knows. Never thought Carly would hit 1 million before Vanessa and Rachel and here we are!



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teambecca - Garrett Yrigoyen - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - #2 - Page 3 Empty Re: Garrett Yrigoyen - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - #2

Post by sosleepy Tue Jun 05, 2018 6:11 pm

@Aria Carly has one of the more endearing Bachelor franchise couplings, plus we followed her “journey” over multiple seasons. And that, is how you get followers.

I don’t think they will go the Chris/Des route... only because (to me) Chris and Des are a huge anomaly for these couples. Chris/Des truly did just fade into nothing. Like yes, they shill, but it’s nothing compared to the others, and they seem fine mostly separated from the family. I personally can’t think of another couple from the last 5-8 years that tries less than them. I think Becca/Garrett will have a following more closely aligned to Rachel/Bryan. So-so popular, kind of nitchy, definitely in the mix and part of “the fam,” but not mega SeanCat or Jared/Ashley levels. JMO

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teambecca - Garrett Yrigoyen - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - #2 - Page 3 Empty Re: Garrett Yrigoyen - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - #2

Post by Astrobach Tue Jun 05, 2018 6:34 pm

I agree with @GuardianAngel and @Kashathediva; Garrett IG flip flopping, the media crisis, but more importantly the way he is on the show - and I am sure they are pulling ALL stops to give him the BEST edit- leaves me liking him less that even before. He looks so dumb, and immature. And with this last pix of him picking up Becca ( up her butt almost) is along the line of his aggressive PDA on the public date, and for me it’s YUCK. Not endearing or attractive at all. Certainly not classy. She may be so desperate to be wanted that she loves that. Who knows? I can’t wait to hear a REAL intelligent conversation with him...
As for the money generated by IG, no doubt he thinks about that but there is NO WAY we can compare Janner here, both were sweet likeable people in love and they were not offensive to anyone, unless I missed something. They do their thing. I may not agree with some of their opinions or decisions but they seem to be a nice family. We’ll see how Becca really feels at the end of the season, but I see her earlier glow, gone and now there is a ton of makeup and prepared lines to respond to questions ( like on JK yesterday) she bet it will stick, so she wants to keep face but maybe a little later on, things may change. Although, I’m not holding my breath. She did not hear the sirens yet.

Last edited by Astrobach on Tue Jun 05, 2018 6:44 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Typo)

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