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Post by Bobette Fri Sep 07, 2018 1:09 am

LeapofFaith wrote:

Britt imo has the SD on the wednesday night and perhaps cass on the thursday?

Yes I agree - Britt's zoo date is definitely next up IMO.  

April 20 - Second date with BRITT (zoo date)
April 26- Group date at racing car track (Sophie, Britt, Dasha, Brooke)
May 01- Single Date with Cassandra with school bus pick up to Wet N Wild
May 4- Group date (Segway date with F7: Cass, Dasha, Emily, Brooke, Sophie, Shannon, Britt)

How many girls are left at the moment? (ETA: answered my own question - there's 10)

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Post by Agent99 Fri Sep 07, 2018 1:40 am

HEA wrote:
spangler wrote:

I think you have misinterpreted what I’ve said. I don’t think she’s hesitant because she’s bisexual. I think that’s what she’s just announcing to nick and I don’t think there will be any issues stemming from that. It is what it is.
Completely separate to that, I just think she is hesitant. You look at some of these other girls who come off their dates with Nick and they appear over the moon but I don’t see that with Brooke. Could be due to editing but there’s just less vibes I’m getting from Brooke compared to some of the others. I do think TPTB love to generate story lines for the girls even if they aren’t entirely true and I just feel that the hesitant editing of Brooke could be leading up to an olena style exit. Does that make sense?

I am not sure why it is something (telling being bisexual) is something major. I do not really get it. Is this something to be told. Yes. But I do not think it has to be made a priority. It is as if my mate tells me that he had a relationship with a man and it did not work out for x or y reasons. If I am a secure woman, I will not fear that my mate will run away with another man or woman unless our relationship is not doing well. It is all about trust and confidence.

Brooke is a very calm and collected woman.... the opposite of Britanny the intruders. She does not show off. So far the vibes I get is that she is confident with the development of her relationship with Nick. It is a normal speed path. She is not saying it was luv at first sight. She is not saying she is in love after a couple of hours. It is for me two adults attracted to each other, discovering each other. For me, I am seeing a genuine mutual interest.

I do see a mature girl who is sweet and does not look interested about the number of followers on her instagram and drama. That is for me very refreshing and maybe this is why she stands out? I do not know her, I know what I see on my telly but also the articles about her and her work in her community. So far, she is the kind of person I would be happy to have a meal with and discuss with. And I cannot say the same with any other girls so far.

Thanks for your explanation Smiley


I also don’t know why this would even need to be said on the Bachelor, but nothing much surprises me anymore. However, I don’t think Nick is saying "I didn’t see that coming" as being in reference to Brooke being bisexual. IMO he sounds as if hes a bit shocked by the news and he doesn’t strike me as the sort of person to be shocked by someone’s sexuality. But, hey he might really be a Neanderthal. IMO I hope the revelation is something like Brooke is the first to do the "I am falling in love with you" trope.


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Post by Guest Fri Sep 07, 2018 2:06 am

@Agent99 I think you are right about the edit. They always play frankenbites in their teasers. Making it look dramatic when it is only serious conversation. We’ll see. I think it is way too soon for a love declaration and somehow I do not think Brooke is this kind of girl to say it to a guy after only few hours of meetings total

I need to make some SC but Nick was almost on top of Brooke while kissing her versus all others I felt it was the girls.

Honest, I wonder why she makes it F3. He looks completely smitten when he is with her and when he talk about her. So what happened that she is not F1?

I mean of course we saw nothing of the relationship with Britt yet and I wonder why. At one point prods should make us like Britt more. The golf date was fun but very friend zone except the pool kiss.

Regarding the bisexuality, to be honest, I am now bored to talk about it as it does not bring anything important in sleuthing IMO



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Post by Bobette Fri Sep 07, 2018 2:14 am

I disagree - I don't now nor have ever seen any passion between Nick and Brooke.  His kisses with her are polite, restrained and playful IMO.  I still think Brooke was assured a "special" (next Lead) edit from the get go, was never going to be a serious contender, and both of them knew it.  She hasn't been portrayed as a partner for Nick but a standout in her own right.  JMO.

Of the kisses we've seen so far IMO the hottest body language has been with Britt and I don't think it's any coincidence she's been on practically every group date so far.  He knew who he wanted early IMO and just played along with the storyline till he could get her. I'll be interested to see how much more things have heated up by her zoo date next episode. Prepare for fire IMO.

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Post by Guest Fri Sep 07, 2018 2:31 am

I think everyonne noticed when Brooke said she was the one who got the most time with Nick... and she I was on every group dates too. So for me, nick really wanted time with her.

I read Nick saying that none of the kisses were pashing  but more gentle kisses. I think we should not base our opinion on how much tongue we see. Art is an example, Matty as well. IMO, the leads are more gentle with their favorites.

However, when they were on the bench, we can clearly see the body language and Nick is more into her.


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Post by LeapofFaith Fri Sep 07, 2018 3:22 am

so just looked at richies season for examples for when his f1 had single dates ..

Alex F1 had her first SD in Episode 5 and Second SD in episode 10

In Blakes season Sam frost had 4 single dates? affraid (i need to go back and watch this season, i can't believe it had 20 episodes!) - first in Episode 5, then 11, 15 and 16

In Sam woods season Snez had 3 single dates in episode 3, 8 and 13

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Post by Sprite Fri Sep 07, 2018 3:53 am

Episode 8.... :uptonogood … can't wait to see the three witches get their comeuppance!!!

So they start with the group date and Cat is already bitching about the activity, cutting up the intruders and declaring that her strategy is to cheat. Same old, same old.

Emily??? Who??? Despite not getting any screen time or apparently time with Nick, she seems like a really nice, intelligent, normal woman. Clearly Nick was impressed, but sadly IMO it is clear there is no chemistry. Despite saying he would make time for a date with her, if he had felt it, he would have made the effort to get to know her already.

So Brooke gets a single date and Cat is shockingly, p*ssed again. Please. I get that she is not thrilled, but just keep your trap shut. No need to take your attitude out on Brooke.

I thought the idea of portraits being done based only on their descriptions of one another was rather interesting and oddly intimate.

Meanwhile back at the mansion, the witches are scheming about what to do at the next cocktail party. I laughed at their description of Tenille being different when Nick was around...and she may well be....but the irony of what they were saying clearly went over their heads. If only Nick could see what they are like when he isn't there. On another note, what was up with Cat? She looked as if she had been crying earlier. I'd be interested in knowing what was up with that.

Back on the date, Nick looks smitten with our Brooke. The guy was practically blushing. They do seem to have a really good connection and she seems so much more mature than 23. The casting department did a good job casting her.

Next up....Grecian themed party. New Britt...just a tad OTT. Is she drunk or just insecure? I would go crazy having to live with someone like that.

I liked that Nick pulled Tenille aside and wanted to know what went down...and that he had already figured out who the troublemakers were. No, "well, I don't see that side of them" bullsh*t. Straight to the point and he will deal with it. Can't see Colton pulling that next season.
Cat saying that she just says things like it is and she is not trying to be mean to anyone???? :headbanging Such a little liar. For the first time, I saw her nervous. She knew what was coming and so she had the fake tears at the ready. All she talks about is how competitive she is, how she wants to win. Not that she is interested in Nick...she is interested in winning. I'm glad that Nick didn't buy it and sent her home. Don't let the door hit you on the way out...and good luck finding guys who want to date you if they have seen you on the show! Oh, yeah...yes, you are the real b*tch...along with your two buddies!!!

Romy not accepting that rose was an attempt at saving face. She knew, that he knew, that she was a b*tch and it was just a matter of time. Didn't work. Loved that Nick didn't try to change her mind, just wham bam, thank you mam, don't let the door hit you on the way out.

Well, I thoroughly enjoyed that episode.!!! lowdown - Bachelor Australia Season 6 - Nick Cummins - Episodes - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 37 1176891977 I didn't know what to expect from Nick, but I am really enjoying him as the lead. He is funny and self deprecating, but also has some depth and is kind. Most importantly, he has a no nonsense kind of approach and I truly appreciate that. Good job Nick. Can't wait to see how his "journey" ends!

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Post by Sundy Fri Sep 07, 2018 6:49 am

Am I the only one that finds it odd the Cat was the one that Nick thought was at the middle of all the trouble? Surely it was Romy and surely that would have been what Tenille would have said too. I’m wondering, just wondering, why Cat and then I remembered! Who did Cat have words with in yesterday’s episode? Brooke! I wonder if Brooke got in Nicks ear about Cat and the others and Tenille just confirmed it???

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Post by Guest Fri Sep 07, 2018 11:55 am

Sundy wrote:Am I the only one that finds it odd the Cat was the one that Nick thought was at the middle of all the trouble?  Surely it was Romy and surely that would have been what Tenille would have said too. I’m wondering, just wondering, why Cat and then I remembered!  Who did Cat have words within yesterday’s episode? Brooke!  I wonder if Brooke got in Nicks ear about Cat and the others and Tenille just confirmed it???

possibly. but IMO no. Remember when sister said that Brooke was the only one to do not gossip about the other girls???


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Post by Guest Fri Sep 07, 2018 12:30 pm

there is one part I quite did not understand because of the accent (sorry). This is nick on ITM saying during Brooke date:

I did not expect a girl in her early twenties (.....) Brooke to make me feel like this. she is quite something else. She is so real and I am thinking (.........) I can't say that can I?

can someone help? TY It is around 32:00

note: she is something else has been frankenbite added


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Post by Sundy Fri Sep 07, 2018 6:53 pm

HEA wrote:there is one part I quite did not understand because of the accent (sorry). This is nick on ITM saying during Brooke date:

I did not expect a girl in her early twenties (.....) Brooke to make me feel like this. she is quite something else. She is so real and I am thinking (.........) I can't say that can I?

can someone help? TY It is around 32:00

note: she is something else has been frankenbite added

I remember that. He said wife or marriage if I remember correctly

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Post by MillyMolly Fri Sep 07, 2018 6:56 pm

Bobette wrote:I disagree - I don't now nor have ever seen any passion between Nick and Brooke.  His kisses with her are polite, restrained and playful IMO.  

I agree. Although mature for her age, she is very, very young. The difference between a 23 year old and a 30 year old is huge IMO and I just can't see them in a relationship. Whereas Britt is the same age and seems to be on the same page as Nick.


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