Bachelor 23 - Cassie Randolph - **Sleuthing Spoilers**

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smh - Bachelor 23 - Cassie Randolph - **Sleuthing Spoilers** - Page 45 Empty Re: Bachelor 23 - Cassie Randolph - **Sleuthing Spoilers**

Post by suzq Sun Mar 03, 2019 3:06 pm

I think that Colton has possibly moved to LA (or at least Southern California), so they could probably do the photoshoot anytime would be my guess. I have a feeling that Colton and Cassie may have been meeting up secretly more frequently than most people think. I don't think it has just been through SHV visits, but also on their own with no production/the show being involved. I wish that the sleuthers could get info/evidence on that. JMO.


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smh - Bachelor 23 - Cassie Randolph - **Sleuthing Spoilers** - Page 45 Empty Re: Bachelor 23 - Cassie Randolph - **Sleuthing Spoilers**

Post by Jolena Sun Mar 03, 2019 3:51 pm

suzq wrote:I think that Colton has possibly moved to LA (or at least Southern California), so they could probably do the photoshoot anytime would be my guess.  I have a feeling that Colton and Cassie may have been meeting up secretly more frequently than most people think.  I don't think it has just been through SHV visits, but also on their own with no production/the show being involved.  I wish that the sleuthers could get info/evidence on that.  JMO.

If they have been meeting up on their own they're doing a good job of hiding it and it's probably more so during the weekdays. im surprised no one has spotted them.  It seems Colton is away alot especially on weekends .jmo

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Post by Jolena Sun Mar 03, 2019 3:52 pm

suzq wrote:I think that Colton has possibly moved to LA (or at least Southern California), so they could probably do the photoshoot anytime would be my guess.  I have a feeling that Colton and Cassie may have been meeting up secretly more frequently than most people think.  I don't think it has just been through SHV visits, but also on their own with no production/the show being involved.  I wish that the sleuthers could get info/evidence on that.  JMO.

Yes he does live in CA and I think the photoshoot would be sometime this coming week.

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smh - Bachelor 23 - Cassie Randolph - **Sleuthing Spoilers** - Page 45 Empty Re: Bachelor 23 - Cassie Randolph - **Sleuthing Spoilers**

Post by blueblues Sun Mar 03, 2019 3:58 pm

Sharleen pointed out something interesting from Cassie’s conversation with Michelle regarding her reason not to tell Colton how she felt about him.

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How crazy is it that a 23-year old is afraid to tell a guy how she feels because it automatically means she may get proposed to in a matter of weeks, whether she likes it or not? This show, you guys, this show… #SMH

How many contestants would even consider that? I really like her integrity and how apprehensive she is at her young age. Matt shouldn’t worry so much.


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smh - Bachelor 23 - Cassie Randolph - **Sleuthing Spoilers** - Page 45 Empty Re: Bachelor 23 - Cassie Randolph - **Sleuthing Spoilers**

Post by Jolena Sun Mar 03, 2019 4:03 pm

blueblues wrote:Sharleen pointed out something interesting from Cassie’s conversation with Michelle regarding her reason not to tell Colton how she felt about him.

smh - Bachelor 23 - Cassie Randolph - **Sleuthing Spoilers** - Page 45 Gif11
How crazy is it that a 23-year old is afraid to tell a guy how she feels because it automatically means she may get proposed to in a matter of weeks, whether she likes it or not? This show, you guys, this show… #SMH

How many contestants would even think of that? I really like her perspicacity and integrity. Matt shouldn’t worry so much.

Thanks for posting this I couldn't make out what she said in this clip. Colton said there's alot of muffling in this weeks show so we'll have to listen closely.  Hugesmile

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smh - Bachelor 23 - Cassie Randolph - **Sleuthing Spoilers** - Page 45 Empty Re: Bachelor 23 - Cassie Randolph - **Sleuthing Spoilers**

Post by Maddy Sun Mar 03, 2019 4:44 pm

smh - Bachelor 23 - Cassie Randolph - **Sleuthing Spoilers** - Page 45 Screen+Shot+2019-02-24+at+1.06.04+AM
Sharleen wrote:CASSIE’S HOMETOWN

Colton greets Cassie in Huntington Beach, CA, where she gives him a quick surfing lesson and we get tons of hilarious footage of him not being able to stay on his board to save his life. I laughed out loud when Cassie helplessly exclaimed…
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I’ve got to mention: I tried beginner surfing at Sentosa, that island theme park in Singapore where Tayshia and Colton spent their 1-on-1. Going into it, I thought I’d be decent given my lifetime of snowboarding, but NOPE. I looked exactly like Colton in the .GIF above. So lest you think I’m making fun of him, I assure you I’m Iaughing WITH him. Smiley

During Cassie’s conversation with her sister, there’s a fantastic meta moment where Cassie recognizes and points out how strange it is to be saying (and to hear herself saying) that she might be falling in love. I also included the next sentence so we can all collectively ridicule the absurdity of a world in which telling someone the L-word is basically synonymous with “put a ring on it”…
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And let’s not forget: Cassie is 23 YEARS OLD. How crazy is it that a 23-year old is afraid to tell a guy how she feels because it automatically means she may get proposed to in a matter of weeks, whether she likes it or not? This show, you guys, this show…#SMH

Finally, Colton tries out the Fatherly Blessing speech on Cassie’s dad, Matt, and I just had to point out how terribly worded it is (yet somehow differently terribly worded than that other terribly worded Fatherly Blessing speech) …
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I’m sorry, but no father in his right mind could possibly be moved (in a good way) by this. You assume a question like this should come from a serious, sincere place, but with this wording, it couldn’t sound less formal, less confident, or less committal. Now, I don’t really have a strong opinion on Matt shooting Colton down (I do think this moment is more about trusting you raised your daughter to have good judgment, à la Desmond and Tayshia). But I have to admit, if I were in his position and some dude dating my daughter—while very publicly still dating 3 other girls—asked me for my blessing with the above sentence…. Well, I’m not sure I wouldn’t have relished shooting him down, either.


It’d be impossible to not touch on that Rose Ceremony moment. You know the one. After Colton calls Tayshia’s name, Caelynn and Cassie realize it’s between the two of them and they look at each other. Caelynn whispers “This is BS”, but my personal favorite part is easily Colton catching it and looking like he wants to crawl into a hole and die…
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smh - Bachelor 23 - Cassie Randolph - **Sleuthing Spoilers** - Page 45 Screen+Shot+2019-03-02+at+11.48.55+PM

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smh - Bachelor 23 - Cassie Randolph - **Sleuthing Spoilers** - Page 45 Empty Re: Bachelor 23 - Cassie Randolph - **Sleuthing Spoilers**

Post by blueblues Sun Mar 03, 2019 4:56 pm

Jolena wrote:Thanks for posting this I couldn't make out what she said in this clip. Colton said there's alot of muffling in this weeks show so we'll have to listen closely.  Hugesmile
Yeah, me neither. Michelle was talking over her. It’s actually the key to the whole conversation IMO. Michelle’s mini rant (that boils down to “don’t settle”) was a reaction to Cassie’s fear of prematurely committing to being proposed to.
And you are right, it could be what Colton referred to.


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smh - Bachelor 23 - Cassie Randolph - **Sleuthing Spoilers** - Page 45 Empty Re: Bachelor 23 - Cassie Randolph - **Sleuthing Spoilers**

Post by suzq Sun Mar 03, 2019 5:25 pm

Cassie is answering some questions on her Instagram. I thought it was interesting that she says that she divides her time between staying at her parents' home in Huntington Beach and her sister's apartment in LA.


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smh - Bachelor 23 - Cassie Randolph - **Sleuthing Spoilers** - Page 45 Empty Re: Bachelor 23 - Cassie Randolph - **Sleuthing Spoilers**

Post by avacaroline Sun Mar 03, 2019 5:30 pm

I wish we could tell what Colton was saying to Amy during one of her ITM’s. It’s another muffled conversation.

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smh - Bachelor 23 - Cassie Randolph - **Sleuthing Spoilers** - Page 45 Empty Re: Bachelor 23 - Cassie Randolph - **Sleuthing Spoilers**

Post by tiger Sun Mar 03, 2019 9:22 pm

Am I the only one here who thinks that Cassie seems like a disingenuous mean girl who isn't particularly into Colton but gets off on being chased and wants to be famous? I just don't get the Cassie hype. And I don't think her edit has been particularly favorable, which is interesting to me considering that she wins.

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smh - Bachelor 23 - Cassie Randolph - **Sleuthing Spoilers** - Page 45 Empty Re: Bachelor 23 - Cassie Randolph - **Sleuthing Spoilers**

Post by lavenderfan Sun Mar 03, 2019 9:39 pm

@tiger You can have your opinion, but it seems like even from the other girls she's had "drama" with all season long, she isn't a mean girl. Kirpa and Katie M still like her posts, and just today she posted on how she misses all the girls on her IG story. If she really was disingenuous i think it would show by the people she surrounds herself by and those who have interacted with her. But even Kirpa and Katie seem supportive of her, which tells me that she isn't. Also, even her ex supported her with that wonderful message on his ig telling trolls to check themselves and for reporters to stop asking him for a quote because everything cassie will say (bc at that point she didn't say anything yet) he supports.

Just shows me she's pretty genuine and nice.


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smh - Bachelor 23 - Cassie Randolph - **Sleuthing Spoilers** - Page 45 Empty Re: Bachelor 23 - Cassie Randolph - **Sleuthing Spoilers**

Post by blueblues Sun Mar 03, 2019 9:40 pm

tiger wrote:Am I the only one here who thinks that Cassie seems like a disingenuous mean girl who isn't particularly into Colton but gets off on being chased and wants to be famous? I just don't get the Cassie hype. And I don't think her edit has been particularly favorable, which is interesting to me considering that she wins.
Everyone else is giving Colton the canned “falling in love” statements that they think will secure a fantasy date, while Cassie says she needs to be sure before she tells him how she feels, and yet SHE is the disingenuous one? I don’t get it.
IMO she is the most honest one in the entire cast, and it’s so refreshing with someone that doesn’t follow the ridiculous rituals of this show.


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Bachelor 23 - Cassie Randolph - **Sleuthing Spoilers**

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