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Post by Ash2214 Wed Jun 26, 2019 6:48 pm

@okkaayy yeah, I get the sense that he’s confident in his spoiler that she chose Jed, but given that the finale is still a month away he’s aware that anything can happen between then and now.


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Post by Mommyof2 Wed Jun 26, 2019 6:49 pm

He's alive...He's alive! Mwahahaha! laugh out loud laugh out loud

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Post by GuardianAngel Wed Jun 26, 2019 6:49 pm

If we cut and paste then we have to link. Since we don't link to his site, that's why paraphrasing is more acceptable.

If you cut and paste, make sure it's in quotes and give him credit as to where it came from.

Choose the quote button, paste inside the quote tags. Mention you got it from RS's site.


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Post by Guest Wed Jun 26, 2019 6:50 pm

Mommyof2 wrote:

He's alive...He's alive!  Mwahahaha!   laugh out loud laugh out loud

Riga Riga Riga represents the 3 demos he released there Rolling Eyes Jmo


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Post by ReneeM Wed Jun 26, 2019 7:21 pm

@sdmom Patrick DM-ed an IG user user asking for evidence. That user then made a reddit post asking for the links to the tea about Jed so they could respond to Patrick. Multiple people in the the thread brought up that /u/somebodycallchris (aka bachelor.spoilers) said they have a video of Jed being shady at a bar. Somebodycallchris then comments on the post and says as a rule, they never contact family members first, but told the person in contact with Patrick that if Patrick wants to get in touch with them, they will send him the video. A few days after that somebodycallchris was asked about it and they said Patrick never ended up getting in touch with them.


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Post by Aunties_Love Wed Jun 26, 2019 7:38 pm


I want to appologize for the long post. Been gone for a couple of days and obviously lots was said. I would like to comment on a few things if you all will indulge me......

sosleepy wrote:If it were my daughter, I’d be beyond upset. A struggling musician, who strips on the side, can’t pay rent, with a girlfriend back home he lied about, with rumors floating around Reddit and RS about butt grabbing and wanting to grind on women post engagement. I mean... that’s upsetting. There is no way all of this negative attention hasn’t affected Hannah either, like no way. That alone probably upsets her mama. This is supposed to be a really happy, surreal, empowering time for her daughter... and instead she’s dealing with her fiance’s crazy amount of baggage.

Plus the runner up was Tyler. I mean, come on. That’s upsetting. laugh out loud
IMO, the bolded is complete rumours.  There is no PROOF what-so-ever, yet it is being taken as rule and inuendo all over the place be it here, twitter or IG.  IMO, once there is proof, then it becomes fact vs hearsay.  Think hearsay should be done with an IMo vs acting like it is fact.  That's just my opinion on the  matter.

bluwavz wrote:Bachelorette - Bachelorette 15 - Hannah Brown - Media - SM - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #5 - Page 23 64766769_455195518597204_6124241305006875370_n.jpg?_nc_ht=scontent-atl3-1.cdninstagram
alabamahannah I refuse to not stand in the sun. I refuse to feel shame. I refuse to believe the lies and evil that flood my comments. I am standing firm in believing that maybe God wants to use a mess like me to point to His goodness and grace. But dang, it’s hard. The amount of hate I and the men on this journey with me’s chilling to know so many people want to spread hurt so recklessly. We all fall short of the glory of God...we just happen to do it on national television. •⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
I’ve realized that a lot of the things that Satan uses to hurt me, come in the form of many of your comments— he uses a grain of truth to steer to evil lies. “You’re not enough, you’re dirty, you’re dumb, you’re immature, you’re not worthy...”. It’s upsetting to get messages from Christians telling me I give Christians a bad name. I’ve lived my life for the world to see and judge and absolutely, I’m hot mess on a stick, I blew it a few times...but I refuse to believe I give Christians a bad name. I’m an imperfect human. Who is yes, also a Christian. And God has a master plan for all the failures I continue to learn and grow from to work out for good, and for his glory. •⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Thank you to those who continue to support me and my guys as we open our hearts to each other, and in! We appreciate you and your kindness! ♥
Personally I am glad that she feels the way she does in the bolded part.  IMO, she knows a hell of a lot more about the situation than what we hear in the innuendo, rumours, crap floating around that may/may not be proven.  IMO, I as a viewer am going to give her and Jed the benefit of the doubt till there is proof one way or another.  Right now there ISN'T proof other than just rumours of people saying that Jed did this or that...come on people.  How is it that we can just believe the worse in someone without actual proof cause he is now the F1 versus someone else?  To me, it makes no sense.  I am glad that Hannah has finally tried to have her say and especially when she likely knows the TRUTH of the matter vs the hearsay/rumors/innuendo floating around.  ALL IMO.

Diana wrote:Oh my god. I am sorry but LOL gag at "refuse to believe the lies and evil that flood my comment" the good sis is going to stand by Jed and believe him over every female she pretends to want to stand up for for poor victim Jed. You can't make this up.

She is embrassing.
But what proof do we have that these things happened?  Why is it so easy to believe the rumors and innuendo vs giving the benefit of the doubt that Hannah has heard the truth in the situation vs believing that the rumors/innuendo are the truth when in fact they are just that.....rumors and innuendo.  IMO when you do that, you lose sight of the situation.  I feel sorry for her that she's dealing with all the hatred online now cause she chose someone that others didn't want her to choose.  They wanted her to choose Tyler.  when the first F1 rumor came out and Tyler was the F1, everyone was happy and it was that it's out that Jed is the F1, hatred is spread on all SM networks.....

IMO to believe and state your hatred and nasty things on SM networks cause you can trust the rumors and innuendo vs waiting for facts to come out may be short-sighted, IMO.  I think that we need to wait for those facts before we crucify both of them as what's happening online through the various SM apsps.


okkaayy wrote:What I got from that was more the personal attacks on her rather than Jed or Luke. That she’s immature, dumb, doesn’t deserve their love etc. sounds like this experience has been pretty rough for her, understandably.

Edit: something else that sticks out to me is she’s getting hate based on spoilers that were not even 100% on. She’s lived it and we haven’t even seen it yet. Having to keep silent about what happens is probably so hard. With social media, she’ll never win and what I’m gathering from her is that she’s a words of affirmation person.. and she won’t get that regardless of what she picks. It’s actually fairly sad.

As I said above, I feel sorry that she's dealing with the hatred and crap now because she didn't actually choose the one that "fans" wanted her to pick, then those same fans choose to believe the rumours/innuendo and crap out there that now she's dealing with that as well.  I hope(and think) that she does know FACTS and TRUTH of the situation....we as the viewers/fans/etc just aren't privy to the actual proof/and truth of the situation.  Personally, I am going to give her the benefit of the doubt and choose NOT to post hatred of her choice or her on any SM outlet.

ReneeM wrote:I definitely don’t think she should be getting hate, but I don’t think the timing can be ignored. It’s great that she’s standing up for herself but I think  her real intention is stand up for Jed in the small way she can to tide her over until ATFR where she can *really* defend him.

I too think that it's great that she's standing up for herself.  She likely knows the absolute truth of the situation and knows what to say.....Glad that she's standing up for Jed as much as she can right now. Just hope that the actual truth comes out so everyone else can see what's been happening and likely the rumors/innuendo are just that.  All IMO

Cari wrote:
smg2587 wrote:That post by Hannah you can tell everything people are saying is getting to her or she wouldn't have made the post. I mostly agree with her a lot of the comments in her post are unnecessary. The ones calling her a bad Christian for being comfortable in her body and some of the stuff she did yesterday. I don't even really like people calling her out about Luke or Jed. All her choices on the show are hers whether we think it right or not. I personally wouldn't stand by Jed but that again is her decision and I can rant in frustration to myself and friends about it but again not my life. I guess what I am mostly saying I agree with most of her post.

I will say I do not think this is the brunt of the hate she will receive. I see some coming next week, as well as fs week and ultimately her finale depending what both her and Jed say during it the finale. I hope she can handle what is to come but this post to me isn't a good sign. All jmho.

Calling her names for dragging Luke P and eventually choosing a lying scumbag Jed. i agree, We call a spade a spade. It is Cyberbullying. That is exactly what most of the comments probably were. And that is only where i agree with her.

I just hope that the "i refuse to believe the lies and evil that flood my comments" ALSO does NOT mean she believes the lies of Jed. Add edit: i hope she's not saying to herself that the Rumors out there about Jed is Evil and LIes. OHEMGEE! THAT is a scary thought! yikes!

And bring in the Lord's Grace and Goodness in with "forgiving" jed. Yes, the Lord uses us to glorify Him as we are recipients of His Grace and Mercy.

For the life of me, I am fervently praying Jed did not use that same excuse in asking Hannah for forgiveness. Because Jed's alleged post show dalliances DEFINITELY does not show a Christian who is repentant AFTER receiving that said grace.

Whose to say the bolded is actually what's happening....whose to say that they are/aren't lies.  So far from where I stand, all that I am seeing/hearing is hearsay/fiction/rumors/falicies.  I say that cause there is STILL no proof posted.  Until then, anyone that is doing the posting of the said rumors/innuendo, etc....aren't they promoting the hatred on all SM forms without actually knowing the facts of the I see it, there just hasn't been any FACTS produced so I am in the category of waiting till there are some done, then make up my mind from there vs jumping to conclussions as the SM outlets has done.  All IMO

HEA wrote:
bluwavz wrote: skipped image
alabamahannah I refuse to not stand in the sun. I refuse to feel shame. I refuse to believe the lies and evil that flood my comments. I am standing firm in believing that maybe God wants to use a mess like me to point to His goodness and grace. But dang, it’s hard. The amount of hate I and the men on this journey with me’s chilling to know so many people want to spread hurt so recklessly. We all fall short of the glory of God...we just happen to do it on national television. •⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
I’ve realized that a lot of the things that Satan uses to hurt me, come in the form of many of your comments— he uses a grain of truth to steer to evil lies. “You’re not enough, you’re dirty, you’re dumb, you’re immature, you’re not worthy...”. It’s upsetting to get messages from Christians telling me I give Christians a bad name. I’ve lived my life for the world to see and judge and absolutely, I’m hot mess on a stick, I blew it a few times...but I refuse to believe I give Christians a bad name. I’m an imperfect human. Who is yes, also a Christian. And God has a master plan for all the failures I continue to learn and grow from to work out for good, and for his glory. •⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
Thank you to those who continue to support me and my guys as we open our hearts to each other, and in! We appreciate you and your kindness! ♥

I keep liking her. I like she is real and not falling for a pretty face only. I like that she wants to understand and have no regrets.

I think judging her considering we were and are not in her shoes is weird considering nobody is perfect and I personally would have no idea how   I would have reacted.

Go Hannah! You do have supporter on this forum regardless who you pick at the end!!! at least one me !!! handwave

I am liking her too.  She did choose the one that she wants, which is obviously not what the fans want for her in general, but it is HER life, HER life to live and HER choices....not any of us.  To me, there are enough hints and clues that she does absolutely know the TRUTH to what's going on and not the falicies/innuendos/rumors that are spreading around.  I just hope that we as the viewers do become aware of those at some point.  To me, there just isn't enough reasons why we haven't been given the proof of all the rumors out there.  To me, that means that this time there really may be more smoke than fire happening.....meaning, the rumor mill is running on overdrive without any facts/truth behind it for me, I am going to wait till that truth comes through.  ALL IMO!!!

SarahD wrote:Very disappointing post from her. It does sound she’s preaching and the heat is obviously getting to her. It’s almost Christian against Christian, which makes it ugly.

Anyway, in this quote, she is only defending two men: Luke and Jed as no other of her men gets any hate.

“The amount of hate I and the men on this journey with me’s chilling to know so many people want to spread hurt so recklessly. We all fall short of the glory of God...we just happen to do it on national television.”

What really sucks for her is that most were willing to endure her thing with Luke P when we knew it was Tyler at the end. But now that it’s cheating Jed head, she’s getting a ton of hate. Her decision. Her accountability.

The bolded is true.  It is chilling that this much hatred of her and her choice is spreading like wildfire on both SM outlets and other places as well.  It is really too bad that people feel the need to do that.  Personally I am willing to give the benefit and not spread hatred to her or her choices.  Just wish that others had that sense of well being/community/ability to let sleeping dogs lie so to speak and let her make her choices without all the hatred spewing in her direction via SM outlets and other means.  Just feel so sorry that she's dealing with more than she should have to....all IMO

Mommyof2 wrote:The pressure is building, so she felt the need to call her haters out.  Honestly, it is sad when people spew hateful comments about HER choices...HER decisions...HER life.  Welcome to SM.  We live in a society where we think we can type spiteful comments and get away with it and honestly, it says more about the sender of that message than the recipient.  Jm2c
Yea, welcome to SM and other outlets as well.  Just the hatred cause she chose someone else for HER life seems to be rampant and the hatred, rumors, innuendo with no real proof to speak of....really nasty,  All IMO

Mommyof2 wrote:
Hotmomma wrote:Either the last spoiler is wrong, she didn’t pick Jed, and is with Tyler OR it is correct and she is broken up With him and her and Tyler are talking! JMO TO me it odd Jed hasn’t made a comment, even if it was only to stand up for Hannah! He could post something and turn his  comments off!JMO
I think the ending is not going to end at the Frc!!! Stay tune!

Now what’s the old saying we used to say ? F1 becomes F3 and F3 becomes  F1 Bachelorette - Bachelorette 15 - Hannah Brown - Media - SM - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #5 - Page 23 3806527698

If Jed talks on SM, he will be crucified.  He would be better releasing a statement, but I think he has been told to keep quiet.  Jmo.  
I think that's why he's not.  They are waiting till the ATFR to have his say and make it count.  I think that if we as a group are patient, all will be made aware. IMO

ilovecarbs wrote:the internet is a horrible game of telephone when people hate someone. the post show rumors about jed are defacto now because people keep repeating them without evidence.

reality steve wrote:3. Have you also heard stories about Jed being sleazy in Nashville after the show with women? Do you think ABC will be able to hide those stories from emerging into the mainstream? Right now they are all over Reddit.

Comment: I’ve heard stuff, yeah. But have I seen anything? No. That’s why I said last Tuesday everything is speculation at this point. And everyone I’ve talked to in regards to the Jed situation was all pre-show matters. I haven’t been told or seen any specifics post-show.

Per the underlined:  Yea, the game of telephone and hatred without proof is absolutely rampant right now.  It is a real shame that people act that way when the lead doesn't choose the one that they want chosen..holy smokes.  ALL IMO.

With the bolded/underlined, Thankfully RS is laying to rest in a way that no, there is no proof of the rumours out there.  He even states that everything that he's got about Jed is about PRE-SHOW matters, not what's being rumoured about now.  There hasn't been anything post show.  IMO that speaks volumes as RS is the first one to spew out stuff if there is anything.  So without anything said, IMO there just isn't anything out there of substance.  No proof of anything.  ALL IMO!!!!!!!!   @sdmom, IMO yea the stuff is all hearsay/innuendo/rumors with NO truth whatsoever.

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Post by Mommyof2 Wed Jun 26, 2019 7:40 pm

His friends are still supporting him on IG and said his side of the story hasn't come out yet. Makes me feel bad when I read he is in a dark place. No one should be there. People can be so malicious and not realize the damage they are doing to another human being. Sometimes people take their own life in these situations. Not saying, Jed will do that, but it's just a very sad situation to me. Jmo.

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Post by Guest Wed Jun 26, 2019 7:42 pm

Well there’s proof of a vid from the person who runs the other spoiler site . The screenshot shows it’s absolutely Jed at that bar .


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Post by Mommyof2 Wed Jun 26, 2019 7:42 pm

@Aunties_Love Jed just posted on IG a few hours ago.

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Post by Mommyof2 Wed Jun 26, 2019 7:45 pm

Tyler liked Jed's post, FWIW.

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Post by sbolduc Wed Jun 26, 2019 7:46 pm

Where there is smoke there is usually fire. There is a lot of smoke surrounding Jed IMO.... so there is probably fire.

I still love Hannah and she is one of my favourite bachelorettes. I hope for her sake that Jed truly fell for her and was up front with her about the girl back home. I do remember Kevin saying that Jed would light up when she was mentioned so there is that. However there is still a lot of fire surrounding post show antics with Jed. Me thinking post show isn’t as cut and dry as the past and RS alluded to this in his column today.

I still can’t believe she picked him after the in season fan videos... they seem to have chemistry on screen but those fan videos did no justice. IMO.

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Post by Aunties_Love Wed Jun 26, 2019 8:13 pm

Sharnee wrote:Well there’s proof of a vid from the person who runs the other spoiler site . The screenshot shows it’s absolutely Jed at that bar .
If the proof has been posted.......PLEASE post it here! Let us all see the supposed proof. Thanks.

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