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Post by Emeralds Thu Jul 04, 2019 2:01 am

Ash2214 wrote:
Emeralds wrote:
Bleiby527 wrote:
Emeralds wrote: I hope Tyler is supportive of Hannah, but quite honestly, if he takes her back romantically, my opinion of him will change to some extent. He's so clearly third place at best, her "man up" comment and the way she interrogated him was disrespectful, and I don't believe for a second she sees the gem he is. I'll also believe a lot of his appeal for her would be that he's so beloved that he'd shield her from a lot of criticism. Maybe 30 year old Hannah will fully love and embrace a Tyler, but not this version. JMO.

But there are two Hannahs - the Hannah during the show from 2 months ago and the present day Hannah. I personally believe Hannah now fully appreciates Tyler for the great person he is. He's more than a pretty face and she's probably fallen in love with him over the last few weeks just like all of us have. And she has the bonus of him already being in love with her (at least he was at some point).

I'm not sure I understand. Watching him on an edited TV show or following his SM presence made her fall in love with him, but actually spending time with him did not? The emotional maturity gap between them seems to be as deep as the Grand Canyon and that won't change in a few months nor will he suddenly become her type, IMO.
Hindsight is 20/20. How often have we heard of couples that were together, broke up, and then got back together down the road because they ended up realizing they were exactly what they needed the whole time? 

This has happened to me. It’s happened to some of my friends. It happened to Des with Chris. Sometimes you can just be so blinded by other things or other people that you don’t realize what you’ve always needed has always been right there. I would imagine Hannah developed genuine feelings for Tyler, he made the F2 after all and Mills has said it was difficult for her. It seems like she and Jed had issues from the moment they left Greece. I’m sure Hannah has been able to reflect on her feelings, her thoughts, and her decisions over the last month and a half. I think it’s entirely possible her feelings for Tyler are still there and she’s realized he’s what she’s needed. This isn’t unheard of. All JMO

If it was six months down the road after all the hoopla had died down, maybe I could see it. Filming ended less than two months ago and in that time she has traveled extensively, done a ton of media, dealt with the Jed mess both privately and then when it became public knowledge, gotten pummeled on SM and clearly is bothered by it, etc. I just don't see a lot of time for reflection, healing, and growth. Tyler would be a nice shield for her, but he deserves way better. JMO.


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Post by Guest Thu Jul 04, 2019 2:03 am

IMO a lot of water went under the bridge since the finale. Tyler and Peter moved on like all the F3 and F2 of all seasons before this one. They went back to real world, got this inner sad time after the return and rejection, then family and friends helped them to put all that behind them and put the experience in perspective. all my opinion of course

I do not see Hannah changing here mind and switch to Tyler. She went thru a social media dirty break-up. she ended her engagement where she professed her love to Jed. Now she is in the anger stage after the sad teary stage. She is now in process to get rid of jed in every way she can. I believe she is this kind of girl who will get her revenge. The way she dismissed everybody who does not think like her, her tantrums on ITMs, that means to me that the taping breakup in Nashville is going to be messy.

She is in the middle of a rollercoaster to recover and no freaking way she is IMO thinking romantic hookup with Tyler. Furthermore, I think Tyler is over Hannah now. Probably still friend since I am pretty sure they had sex and this created a bond but other than that, I think he has a bright future in NYC... unless he gets tempted to be next bach. his choice. I hope he will think twice before accepting this poisoned proposition.

I think they all need a break, far from medias and far from this show. Jed, like @mommyof2 said will not recover until the show is over. I feel sad that social media is so nasty. Nobody deserves the hateful comments he is receiving. That is awful. For me, Jed is no different than millions of guys of his age and this is more a generation problem rather than an individual problem (MY opinion here). Hannah needs therapy.... ASAP. And I say that in the kindest way possible. Her priorities do not seem to be at the right place now.

I do believe Peter will be the next bach.



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Post by Mommyof2 Thu Jul 04, 2019 2:07 am

HEA wrote:IMO  a lot of water went under the bridge since the finale. Tyler and Peter moved on like all the F3 and F2 of all seasons before this one. They went back to real world, got this inner sad time after the return and rejection, then family and friends helped them to put all that behind them and put the experience in perspective. all my opinion of course

I do not see Hannah changing here mind and switch to Tyler. She went thru a social media dirty break-up. she ended her engagement where she professed her love to Jed. Now she is in the anger stage after the sad teary stage. She is now in process to get rid of jed in every way she can. I believe she is this kind of girl who will get her revenge. The way she dismissed everybody who does not think like her, her tantrums on ITMs, that means to me that the taping breakup in Nashville is going to be messy.

She is in the middle of a rollercoaster to recover and no freaking way she is IMO thinking romantic hookup with Tyler. Furthermore, I think Tyler is over Hannah now. Probably still friend since I am pretty sure they had sex and this created a bond but other than that, I think he has a bright future in NYC... unless he gets tempted to be next bach. his choice. I hope he will think twice before accepting this poisoned proposition.

I think they all need a break, far from medias and far from this show. Jed, like  @mommyof2 said will not recover until the show is over. I feel sad that social media is so nasty. Nobody deserves the hateful comments he is receiving. That is awful. For me, Jed is no different than millions of guys of his age and this is more a generation problem rather than an individual problem (MY opinion here).  Hannah needs therapy.... ASAP. And I say that in the kindest way possible. Her priorities do not seem to be at the right place now.

I do believe Peter will be the next bach.


Preach girl, preach!! clapping!

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Post by Guest Thu Jul 04, 2019 2:09 am

Mommyof2 wrote:
LynnTa wrote:I guess women empowerment has a very different meaning to the younger generation!   I feel the phrase means --whatever I want,say or do-just support me because I'm a woman!!   I find it sad.

Anyway, I just have a ?----people generally agree that Hannah is young and is entitled to making mistakes and hopefully learn from it --and should be forgiven.  Is this only for women?  Jed is also just 25, can he not be forgiven for his mistakes as well?   ajmo

Yes!  I have said it before, Jed has made some horrible decisions, but he can learn from them going forward.  He may be a hermit right now because production told him to do so, but I think he is really feeling down about what has transpired in the last few weeks.  I don't see him out and about living it up right now.  If anything, he is MIA.  I can imagine this will change his life forever.  Jmo.

Agree with you both. This witch chase and burn him alive makes me sick. Nobody is perfect. Everyone did something that we are not so proud in our life. He is no victim but he paid for the men as a symbol. Nobody is giving him the chance to hear his side of the story. He is guilty at charge. The picture I have in mind is piranhas jumping on a piece of meat. no


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Post by Julie81 Thu Jul 04, 2019 2:19 am

as I see it, Jed needs therapy. He needs someone to counsel him on loyalty and truthfulness. He needs someone, maybe one of the millions of MEN who are his age that don’t lie and cheat, to teach him how to treat women with respect and that you can be satisfied in a monogamous relationship.

I do think Hannah needs therapy too after the crap she has had to endure. She has said several times she isn’t perfect and that she struggles with self esteem, anxiety and depression. I truly hope she seeks guidance from her pastor and or a therapist.

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Post by Emeralds Thu Jul 04, 2019 2:19 am

@HEA, there have been a few contestants who seemed to come out of this experience with a resolve to change themselves for the better. Chris Randone comes to mind. After seeing Wills' worrisome tweets a few weeks back, I can't help but be concerned about the contestants who get a tremendous amount of SM and regular media hate. Maybe Jed will look himself in the mirror and grow from all of this.


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Post by Diana Thu Jul 04, 2019 2:23 am

It's within my right to want to give Jed a chance or not. He doesn't deserve anyrhing other than the hate he created by manipulating, lying, & being a overall terrible person I don't agree I need to give that type of person a chance and that's my right. This isn't some witch hunt against a innocent man. He is not the victim

Hannah is


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Post by Guest Thu Jul 04, 2019 2:31 am

Emeralds wrote:@HEA, there have been a few contestants who seemed to come out of this experience with a resolve to change themselves for the better. Chris Randone comes to mind. After seeing Wills' worrisome tweets a few weeks back, I can't help but be concerned about the contestants who get a tremendous amount of SM and regular media hate. Maybe Jed will look himself in the mirror and grow from all of this.

I have no doubt he is even right now. I do not think he wanted to hurt those girls by any means. One was a willing hookup and the other one, they did not seem on the same page at all. I am sure he will learn to be more cautious with his future relationship and communicate better. Everyone are growing at all ages. Imo 1 - Bachelorette 15 - Hannah Brown - General Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #3 - Page 7 2498057887 Hugesmile


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Post by Mommyof2 Thu Jul 04, 2019 2:41 am

Diana wrote:It's within my right to want to give Jed a chance or not. He doesn't deserve anyrhing other than the hate he created by manipulating, lying, & being a overall terrible person I don't agree I need to give that type of person a chance and that's my right. This isn't some witch hunt against a innocent man. He is not the victim

Hannah is


We all need forgiveness and Hannah as a Christian knows this is true.  A Christian forgives because Jesus commands us to forgive.  7 times?  No seventy times seven. Jed deserves forgiveness and I hope in time Hannah will give that to him, if she hasn't already.  Okay, that concludes my sermon for the day.  laugh out loud

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Post by Julie81 Thu Jul 04, 2019 2:42 am

I do not think we will ever agree on the subject of Jed Wyatt. He has been a hard subject since day 1 it seems, and it’s not going to get any easier moving forward. In my opinion, I think we should just post about who we want and if we disagree, just ignore it and move on. Don’t bait each other and don’t post a counter argument because we aren’t going to change each other’s minds on him.

I’m not telling anyone what to do...I’m just preaching to the choir I guess. I’m gonna start doing this. I’m gonna listen to Tyler’s heart playlist and chill out.

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Post by Guest Thu Jul 04, 2019 2:46 am

Everyone has a different opinion of baiting. Sharing my opinion and because it is different is not for me.
Now, I am ending this conversation now. I am still a member who can share opinions. Ty


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Post by Mommyof2 Thu Jul 04, 2019 2:47 am

mercieme wrote:
HEA wrote:And it is my prerogative to say it is upsetting as I do not name anyone and it is my opinion. TY
Absolutely your perogatve but per forum rules you may want to clarify who you are referring to as being on a witch hunt against Jed in your post: people on this forum or people on SM so it’s not subject to misinterpretation or considered as baiting yes

I can't speak for @HEA, but the people on SM, mainly IG have been horrible to him. Bottom line is Jed is not perfect. Jed is a human being. Jed made mistakes...and now he is paying dearly for those mistakes. I have always said it says more about the person making the rude remarks than the person on the receiving end. Jmo.

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