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Post by LeapofFaith Mon Apr 06, 2020 10:46 pm

@Bobette OMG I love the sunglasses reflection!!! how in the world did you see that laugh out loud Well done! yep i agree i see some sort of leopard print !

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Post by Sprite Tue Apr 07, 2020 3:55 am

Up for episode 6 and we are into the drama right away. Pasha gets a 2nd single date card and is p*ssed because she wanted to sleep in. Naturally enough the others are not impressed and think that Marc is thinking with his little head.

Once Pasha gets to the gym where they are working on the aerial silks she is all smiles and in her element. He is starting to have concerns....jealousy, not communicating. They have a massage after and he hears about her parents divorce and her father who basically abandoned her. He then gives her a massage, a rose and a kiss and all appears well with her world...for the moment.

Marisia, Daniella, Jess C, Bridget, Gillian are all on the next group date. Bridget has packed her bags and is also thinking of leaving. They are not happy Pasha has come back with a rose and question Marc's sincerity.

The group date on the train gives Marc the chance to talk to everyone and then Daniella spills that Jess R gave Marc a letter after the RC. More drama. Bridget whines about Pasha to Marc and gets a rose, but Gillian is taken for a date.

Another table with snacks in the middle of nowhere. They have a good chat and he says a deal breaker is someone who is miserable all the time and doesn't get along...gee that sounds like Pasha. Gillian is a smart cookie and doesn't waste time on others and just talks about them...she gets a rose.

CP and b*tchiness ensues. He is making out with with multiple people trying to keep them all distracted because he can see they are getting p*ssed and he doesn't want anyone else to walk out until their number is up.

RC...Marisia is 2nd for a change. Don't want to make it too obvious. Daniella goes home...well she asked to be eliminated if he didn't see it.

At this point I think Marisia is F1, followed by Jess R, Rikki and Qiniso.

You could be the juiciest, most ripe peach, but there is still going to be someone who doesn't like peaches.

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10 - Bachelor South Africa - Marc Buckner - Season 2 - SM Media - Discussion  - Page 6 Empty Re: Bachelor South Africa - Marc Buckner - Season 2 - SM Media - Discussion

Post by Bobette Tue Apr 07, 2020 4:21 am

LeapofFaith wrote:@Bobette OMG I love the sunglasses reflection!!! how in the world did you see that laugh out loud Well done! yep i agree i see some sort of leopard print !

10 - Bachelor South Africa - Marc Buckner - Season 2 - SM Media - Discussion  - Page 6 2498057887 Yep and same black top/ample cleavage IMO.  Ha ha - got 'em!  We could have had Marisia locked in as F1 back in Jan if we hadn't all been distracted by Pete's dumpster fire and Bette NZ AKA the longest season in living memory. laugh out loud

@Sprite thanks for your thoughts - seems we are all on the same Marisia page yes

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Post by Astrobach Tue Apr 07, 2020 6:49 am

@Bobette Great work again, super sleuth!
I can’t agree with you more about the whole last seasons of  Bach everywhere...
Which reminds me that every time I look at your avatar, I’m reminded of Ciarran and then Timm and I’m P / O that we don’t get to see a perfectly good and complete season of BIP ! That would have been a GREAT fun to see these dramas go down... 10 - Bachelor South Africa - Marc Buckner - Season 2 - SM Media - Discussion  - Page 6 2254279460

Sorry, needed to vent a bit laugh out loud

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10 - Bachelor South Africa - Marc Buckner - Season 2 - SM Media - Discussion  - Page 6 Empty Re: Bachelor South Africa - Marc Buckner - Season 2 - SM Media - Discussion

Post by Sprite Wed Apr 08, 2020 12:05 am

Almost caught up. Now on episode 7 and they are doing this stupid group date "Who is the most likely" designed to get the women p*ssed off at one another, while in the guise of Marc getting to know them better. Please. Pretty much as expected Pasha was thrown under the bus by everyone and maybe Jess R a bit as well. Finally they vote for who gets a date with Marc and they pick Bridget.

Bridget gets the musical date which is supposed to be the most romantic. Frankly, to me she looks a deer in headlights trying to figure out what she is supposed to do. They get along very well, but there is zero chemistry. He keeps saying he needs more time to see if there is, but if you have to think about it there isn't.

CP when they turned the tables on Marc with the "Have you ever" game was fun. Nobody has a rose this week so they are not as petty as usual.

Jess C is fine with Marc, but no chemistry. I am tired of Pasha b*tching about how the other girls don't understand her and they don't talk her, when she makes zero effort. She knows how she is coming across, but changes nothing about her behaviour and then tells Marc they are all wrong and woe is me. Don't buy it. I am glad that he is starting to see that she has trouble getting along with others and is almost aggressive about it. Not an easy person to get along with.

Mulesa...she doesn't get butterflies with him, but that's good...such an awkward kiss and conversation. And then he forgets who kissed whom with Rikki. She is realizing he is more into others. He better keep things straight or this will be going down hill fast. He sees Qiniso as being different with him alone or at the house. Interesting.

Jess R wanting to reassure him that she is not jealous or insecure..bit of a thou dost protest too much vibe, but he wants to make out with her never the less. Andeline he is fine not making out with because apparently they are both conservative that way. Could have fooled me, but then with Marisia all he can think about is making out! Jeeze. Bridget thinks he is saving the best kiss (her) for last. Hate to tell you babe, all that means is that he is not that into you.

RC...and yet again, Marisia is first. Not exactly surprising since she gave him a boner as they were making out and Andeline didn't so she said goodbye.

Clearly, Marisia is his F1 at this time. Not even close. Jess R F2, and a toss up between Rikki and Qiniso for the F3 and F4.

You could be the juiciest, most ripe peach, but there is still going to be someone who doesn't like peaches.

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Post by Astrobach Wed Apr 08, 2020 2:58 am

@Sprite We’re all caught up! I’m watching the #8 next. Agree with the F4 so far from others as well. I like Rikki but I think that, as you said, she is starting to see he is more into others ( Marisa) and she may even attempt to leave IMO, we’ll see.

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Post by Sprite Wed Apr 08, 2020 3:25 am

Finally I am at episode 8 and all caught up with the rest of you.

Blindfold GD with Mulesa, both Jessicas, Gillian, Pasha, Marisia and Rikki. I like how they threw in a random woman in there to confuse him. He got all of them right, but when he was naming them, his voice changed only for Marisia. Nevertheless, Jess R got the group date rose, however, there was another wild rose so that woman can take the place of someone else on a date and that did go to Marisia. SQT went to Jess C.

When the others arrived back Qiniso was gone for a date and everyone is confused because Marc was on a date with Jess C. Turns out it is a 2:1 with Jess C and Qiniso. Both are confused because they thought they were getting some alone time. It is becoming clearer while he isn't that into Jess C, he is also losing interest/becoming suspicious of Qiniso. Still, bye Jess.

Was it a requirement for the cast of this season to have been cheated on by an ex? It sure seems like it.

CP was an awkward dinner with Marc being questioned by Gillian as to why he said Jess R put in more effort on the hug. Not a good way to win his heart by putting him on the defensive. Bridget on the other hand attacked him as soon as he went to kiss her. She was like a woman who found water after walking through the desert. So uncomfortable for him. I didn't think he wanted to kiss her, but she made him feel guilty. Pasha continued her passive aggressive b*tchiness. More awkward kissing with Gillian and Mulesa. I would say he is turning into a horn dog tonight if it wasn't for the fact that he looks so uncomfortable most of the time.

So basically everyone but Rikki has a rose and the party is over. Is this a TBC episode because she wasn't strictly eliminated?

So I am still on the Marisia as F1 train. She is the only one he gets really excited about. The only one without any drama/accusations/guilt tripping. The rest are a toss up...Pasha, Qiniso, Jess R. I hope they start eliminating more than one person per episode because this is starting to drag out like the NZ Bette.

You could be the juiciest, most ripe peach, but there is still going to be someone who doesn't like peaches.

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10 - Bachelor South Africa - Marc Buckner - Season 2 - SM Media - Discussion  - Page 6 Empty Re: Bachelor South Africa - Marc Buckner - Season 2 - SM Media - Discussion

Post by Bobette Fri Apr 10, 2020 11:49 pm

Watching ep 9 now and enjoying Marc's masterclass in How to Perform a Stage Kiss.  Zero tongue, hand in front of face to obscure the complete lack of passion, pulling away for a quick chat - it really had it all. laugh out loud

10 - Bachelor South Africa - Marc Buckner - Season 2 - SM Media - Discussion  - Page 6 WYMU1v1

10 - Bachelor South Africa - Marc Buckner - Season 2 - SM Media - Discussion  - Page 6 RtgH721

10 - Bachelor South Africa - Marc Buckner - Season 2 - SM Media - Discussion  - Page 6 KbjYlEh

Marisia basically ignoring him and constantly moving away at the pool party drove Marc nuts.  She has him completely wrapped around her finger IMO.  He was practically begging her to use her white rose.  

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10 - Bachelor South Africa - Marc Buckner - Season 2 - SM Media - Discussion  - Page 6 RPL3OpT

10 - Bachelor South Africa - Marc Buckner - Season 2 - SM Media - Discussion  - Page 6 XqfiLJ3

Meanwhile, Pasha on the inflatable peacock is a total mood.   10 - Bachelor South Africa - Marc Buckner - Season 2 - SM Media - Discussion  - Page 6 3806527698

10 - Bachelor South Africa - Marc Buckner - Season 2 - SM Media - Discussion  - Page 6 UgfPWYo

10 - Bachelor South Africa - Marc Buckner - Season 2 - SM Media - Discussion  - Page 6 I3QleHz

ETA: Oh yeah; he's a goner.  Same look on his face as the IG pics upthread.  It's game over IMO.  And Jess R will be F2 IMO, because she's clingy and whiny and will give them tears at the FRC (the primary role of an F2 laugh out loud)

10 - Bachelor South Africa - Marc Buckner - Season 2 - SM Media - Discussion  - Page 6 S9HotCK

Source: Mnet episode 9

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Post by Sprite Sat Apr 11, 2020 2:23 am

Today's episode is up on Bachelor Archive. We are up to #9.

We continue from where they left off...end of CP and Rikki is the only one who doesn't have a rose. Marc asks the host for an extra few minutes and pulls Rikki aside. She gives him some home truths and basically calls him a people pleaser and to not waste her time. He is still offering her a rose and she goes in for the kiss rather randomly. I think he has kissed pretty much everyone this CP and most of them were really awkward. Gross. He went back for more and was grabbing her face like he was afraid she would take off. I am not convinced. Just seemed to lack real chemistry no matter how much they tried.

Meanwhile the ladies are getting testy. They are jumping on Jessica that she shouldn't tell Marisia how to use her white rose. Jessica feels she is being bullied. When Pasha starts making comments Jess just ignores her since Pasha can be hurtful and Pasha just won't stop even when some other women ask her. She is such a b*tch. When Marc comes back Maricia is crying and he has no idea WTH is going on. scratch They tell him ignore it it has nothing to do with you.

Next day Marc shows up unannounced for a pool party. Pasha is pissed from the start because he did a general greeting vs individual. Nobody even says hi to him. Very awkward. Jessica pulls him aside crying because of Pasha. Tells him Pasha is throwing roses to the ground after RC and he is giving her a ton of attention while she torments the others. He doesn't really want to be hearing this. Just wants to relax and enjoy himself. Good luck with that! Now they are complaining to one another that Jessica is dominating his time. They are just being ridiculous and ignoring him and not making any effort. He notices and asks the ladies what is going on...particularly with Maricia. They all bitch at him and I actually feel sorry for the guy. They are acting so immaturely.

Marc goes to Maricia and tells her he appreciates that she cares so much for the others, but he wants her to fight for their relationship and use the white rose. Mulesa and Pasha are having a pity party of two and are ignoring everyone else. Marc comes back and there is a date card for Mulesa but Maricia steals it and Mulesa basically doesn't give a fig.

Maricia meets up with Marc in the park where she gets to meet his dog Luna. He is pleasantly surprised she used the rose. They discuss if she would be open to moving and he is very happy when she says her job as a speech therapist allows her the freedom to move since it is in demand everywhere. It is going well and she is getting more relaxed and he gives her a rose and heart earrings! Multiple make outs.

The ladies are for the most part happy for her. Rikki goes through a list of the ladies and why it won't work with Marc and says she is the best match and is wondering why she is waiting...and she is Maricia's best friend in the house.

Another CP, but with a difference. Ladies are to play black jack against the host. Lady with the most chips gets time with Marc. Mulesa has been hanging around Pasha too much because she is starting to get the same surely attitude...not in the mood for a party. no

While some ladies try to gamble for some time, he asks the rest if there is anything they want to clear up. Naturally Pasha speaks up and whines about not being individually greeted. So stupid and petty and his eyes are glazing over. Next Qiniso make out. He is still wondering why she is there. Mulesa pulls him and grills him as to why Maricia got that white rose. She is still not happy and he is noticing she is close to Pasha and starting to act more like Pasha. About time. Gillian actually takes time to get to know Marc and asks about his mom before leaving because she saw Rikki waiting. Rikki asks a ton of questions...including has anything more than kissing happened on any dates! He why do you ask? Apparently there is talk amongst the women about Pasha's dates. Jess comes up to talk to Marc in time to see Rikki kissing him.

Bridget won 25 chips and Mulesa 23 but for some stupid reason Qiniso thinks they should be even and Marc should pick who he wants to spend time with, so she gives her chips. Too bad, show has a contingency if they are tied, one final hand, winner takes all. Mulesa wins and now Bridget is pissed since she had no time with Marc and Mulesa already talked to him. Too bad. She was stupid to be talked into this sh*t.

Mulesa is grilling Mark again about why she didn't get a rose on their first date. Seriously, let it go. Also about what life would look like with him. She is softening up and is sure she is getting a rose tonight.

Finally the RC...Since Maricia already has a rose, Rikki gets called first, Bridget last and finally...sour faced, miserable Pasha is sent home! Hallelujah!!!

You could be the juiciest, most ripe peach, but there is still going to be someone who doesn't like peaches.

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Post by Sprite Sat Apr 18, 2020 11:47 pm

Episode #10 and there is a group bungee jumping date with Marisia, Gillian, Jessica and Bridget. Jessica has a bad back and can't jump and wonders why she is there. Marc explains that he just thought she would enjoy getting out of the house and knows she can't do the jump. Instead of being happy that he thought of her and wanted to spend time with her she is a wet blanket instead.

Marisia jumps without any drama. Bridget next but she backs out. Gillian is nervous but goes for it. Bridget goes back and off she goes. Jessica is alone with Marc and he again tries to reassure her and gives her a kiss before he goes to jump. He is surprisingly more nervous than he thought he would be and Jessica continues to be a Debbie downer.

At the mansion there is another date card. Rikki thinks she will be getting it, but instead it is make up for the date that Marisia stole earlier? Rikki is not happy. She feels disrespected and is in a snit.

Mulesa is at Marc's and he is cooking. He enjoys it and wants to be able to do that with his partner. She cooks, but prefers to bake. She is a bit too serious IMO. He is trying to engage her and I really don't think she is feeling it. She says she isn't nervous around him and is very relaxed. It's just the way she says it. He thinks she is more relaxed when they are alone and she is opening up...I really don't see it unless they edited out all the stuff she said that was opening up. She gets the rose. Blah.

CP time and while waiting for Marc they are playing that stupid "have I ever" game and are basically trying to bait Jessica. They shouldn't be doing it, but at the same time, she needs to loosen up. When he arrives he pulls Bridget and Rikki is whining again and saying it is likely she will reject the rose. I think it is more of a preemptive move because she sees he isn't as into her as she would like.

Meanwhile Bridget still wonders where she stands. He reassures her, but in ITM he talks about how they have a good friendship...but never mentions chemistry. She brings up how she was broken up with at a Valentine's day picnic and he wonders if she brings that to other relationships and that is why it is hard for her to open up.

Qiniso is next and she shares some of the struggles she has gone through with her father and asks him why he never speaks about his dad. He explains his father was in the army and very strict. He has a hard time talking about it and she is very intuitive. She tells him that they are very similar and both have had chosen partners that they have parented. He is surprised that she is the first person who has asked these deeper questions....but, then says she interrupted him every 5 seconds so he couldn't fully answer, but still he appreciated that she noticed.

Gillian is next. She is awkwardly showing him how touchy she is normally with a partner. They are on the smooch couch and they did...just in time for Marisia to catch them at it.

Next Marc takes Marisia outside. Thankfully she didn't freak out because she saw him making out with someone. He likes that she is shy and is opening up. She says she is awkward and he says so is he. She doesn't exactly believe him, but he says he is becoming more shy around her...with a goofy look on his face as he stares at her. She says he needs this pillow and puts it on his lap...??? Yes, that is what I thought at first and she then realizes how that comes across and they both laugh. She notices that Jess is waiting and politely takes herself off much to his disappointment.

Marc then goes and gives Jess a peck and pulls her for a chat. Rehash of yesterdays date and just when they start talking Mulesa comes up to interrupt. She didn't want him for herself, but instead asked him to go and talk to Rikki...which he does. Jess is her usual surly self.

Rikki starts up with the he isn't hearing me, she is frustrated and he is hemming and hawing. If you had really wanted to get to know me you would have made time. Nothing he can really say.

Marisia gets the first rose, followed by Bridget, Gillian, Qiniso, Jessica. Goodbye Rikki...who is not a happy camper. It's all BS she says. He is trying to make her feel better so that he would feel better about himself. Clearly she doesn't understand the show she is on. There can only be one winner.

Next week he has concerns about 3 women. Bridget doesn't want to be picked if it's only platonic. He is making out with Mulesa. Getting ready for hometowns.

You could be the juiciest, most ripe peach, but there is still going to be someone who doesn't like peaches.

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10 - Bachelor South Africa - Marc Buckner - Season 2 - SM Media - Discussion  - Page 6 Empty Re: Bachelor South Africa - Marc Buckner - Season 2 - SM Media - Discussion

Post by Bobette Mon Apr 20, 2020 8:09 pm

Just watched episode 10.  YAWN.  Marisia is still his clear favourite IMO and Jess R is getting a sympathetic edit, presumably in an attempt to make the audience care enough about her that they will feel some kind of emotion when she gets dumped at F2.  Meh.  

The only SCs worth posting are these.  Seems the host is something of a voyeur.  laugh out loud  CC @quick_dry

10 - Bachelor South Africa - Marc Buckner - Season 2 - SM Media - Discussion  - Page 6 LiR5SRa

10 - Bachelor South Africa - Marc Buckner - Season 2 - SM Media - Discussion  - Page 6 Q9eb1Sk

Source: Mnet episode 10

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Post by Agent99 Mon Apr 20, 2020 10:22 pm

Yep this episode was uninteresting.  Obvious that Marisia is F1 - when Marc was talking about facing fears makes couples stronger the camera lingered on Marisia Rolling Eyes

I am more interested in his SM.  Some of his clapbacks are hilarious.
10 - Bachelor South Africa - Marc Buckner - Season 2 - SM Media - Discussion  - Page 6 Cps3dbB

I do think Qiniso might be F2 though.  Imo she will definitely bring the histrionics, being an actor laugh out loud
Also, a comment Marc made on ig has me hmmm
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