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10 - Bachelor South Africa - Marc Buckner - Season 2 - SM Media - Discussion  - Page 8 Empty Re: Bachelor South Africa - Marc Buckner - Season 2 - SM Media - Discussion

Post by Agent99 Tue Apr 28, 2020 9:56 pm

Bobette wrote:Catching up on the last two episodes.  Not much to say about ep 11 except Marisia is one of the most obvious F1s I've ever seen and if anyone needs a visual representation for "he undressed her with his eyes" then here you go.  He's so hot for her! laugh out loud

@Bobette so obvious.  I've resorted to picking when the rest go home instead laugh out loud


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Post by quick_dry Wed Apr 29, 2020 12:08 am

Agent99 wrote:I see Marisia and Jess as completely interchangeable.  Both blonde, pretty, personality-lite imo.  I had hoped there would a point of difference to Marisia in the F2.
to me, Jess differentiates herself by being the whiny one - if you ever needed a "instagram vs reality" it is her, her IG does not suggest a character doing the "m, m, m, m, marc the other girls are *sniff* so m, m, m, m, mean to me".

(I'm hoping that it's done well enough for MNet to order another season, or try their hand at a Bachelorette. It seems like ti should be cheap AF to produce, in comparison to the incredible amount of scripted content - I don't know if any of you have ever looked at DSTV/MNet's catalogue of shows and the massive number of languages they're across)

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Post by Bobette Wed Apr 29, 2020 12:57 am

Just realised I'm more up to date than I realised because ep 12 hasn't aired yet.   dizzy  @quick_dry I'm going to need more of a hint about the whereabouts of Adam Jr in episode 11 please because I watched the damn thing twice and still can't see him.  laugh out loud

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Post by quick_dry Wed Apr 29, 2020 3:04 am

Bobette wrote:Just realised I'm more up to date than I realised because ep 12 hasn't aired yet.   dizzy  @quick_dry I'm going to need more of a hint about the whereabouts of Adam Jr in episode 11 please because I watched the damn thing twice and still can't see him.  laugh out loud
oh yeah, in hindsight episode was a bit too tricky and I think it was an overcorrection with how easy Episode 3 of Listen To Your Heart was (for the first location). In defence of the location, they're spots that try not to detract from 'just watching' the video. (Same with the halos, shafts of divine light, racoons, demonic eye flashes, etc on LTYH)

Episode 10: the kitchen bench near Marc:

Episode 11: towards the end during the girlchat:

LTYH: Episode 2 - I thought this one served him up on a platter :p

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Post by Bobette Wed Apr 29, 2020 10:27 am

@quick_dry.  Thanks for putting me out of my misery. 10 - Bachelor South Africa - Marc Buckner - Season 2 - SM Media - Discussion  - Page 8 2498057887

I didn't realise AJ was in ep 10 - I always skip straight to the videos, must remember to read the descriptions to pick up the hints!  

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Source: Mnet episode 10

I watch these shows while working so mostly just listen but this little easter egg hunt is forcing me to pay attention.  Curse you. laugh out loud

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Post by GuardianAngel Wed Apr 29, 2020 12:50 pm

10 - Bachelor South Africa - Marc Buckner - Season 2 - SM Media - Discussion  - Page 8 3806527698 who is Adam Jr?

There was an Adam Jr on Rachel Lindsay's USA bachelorette season. A contestant Adam brought a doll and named him Adam Jr.


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Post by LeapofFaith Wed Apr 29, 2020 6:42 pm

Haha haha why is Adam JR in the episodes? What have I missed?! I love it laugh out loud but honestly I am so confused is TPTB messing with me or is it just the archive episodes that have him there laugh out loud laugh out loud

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Post by Bobette Wed Apr 29, 2020 9:06 pm

@LeapofFaith It's being discussed on the LTYH thread too because he's popping up in those episodes as well.  I'll copy & paste to catch you up.  It took me a while to even notice anything was going on.  Lockdown is sending us all a bit loopy I think. 10 - Bachelor South Africa - Marc Buckner - Season 2 - SM Media - Discussion  - Page 8 3806527698

Bobette wrote:Just watching episode 2 and I must know - when Chris Harrison says "tomorrow, everything will change", did his eyes glow like the devil in the version that aired on TV in the US, or was this a little artistic flair by the person that runs ?  

10 - Bachelor South Africa - Marc Buckner - Season 2 - SM Media - Discussion  - Page 8 XJ8bDsb

Because, damn.  cantstopl

leavers wrote:Definitely artistic flair by Bachelor Archive laugh out loud, there was another scene doctored (an ITM of Jamie with ghost CH standing beside her) and the person who had seen it/taken the screenshot asked if they were going crazy, could other people see it too when they watched? and people who watch on Hulu etc all said it wasn't included in theirs and then the mods deleted the post [eta: on reddit].  Plus on the website itself he says he's hidden Adam Jr in there somewhere too.

quick_dry wrote:@GuardianAngel Adam Jr is like the anonymous figurehead/mascot of the Archive.

@Bobette - there are tweaks all through episode 3, could be anywhere, single frames inserted fight club style, a chyron here, a heavenly saviour there, ghostly Harrison laughing at the confidence of certain players. Adam Jr drops by for the rose ceremony as well. It's usually out in NSW timezone by about 3pm.

(I have more fun with BIP 1 style enhancements in the show, I'm not overly enthused by the show as is, particularly when we all know the formulas so well - when was the last time you were REALLY shocked (in a good way) by something new on the show? The only one in ages for me was the Abbie v Chelsea editing for Matt's final rose)

Bobette wrote:Yes that's him @GuardianAngel!  The enhancements are only visible on the Archive version of the show so if you're watching via regular/legal TV channels you wouldn't have seen them.  

According to @leavers ' post upthread it's been causing quite a furphy on Reddit because people are screenshotting things from the Archive version and then those who only watch the "unedited" show are telling them they're crazy or accusing them of trolling / photoshopping and posts are being deleted.  

Reddit forbids any mention of The Archive, removes recommendations for it, comments about it, and links to it, so there is no way to explain what's going on.  LOL stupid Reddit (imo  10 - Bachelor South Africa - Marc Buckner - Season 2 - SM Media - Discussion  - Page 8 2498057887 )

@quick_dry I both love you and hate you for doing this.  With no other sleuthing to be done it's fun trying to pick up the enhancements but on the other hand I've watched some episodes 2 or 3 times trying to spot things which is WAY more time and attention than I would usually give these shows! laugh out loud


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Post by LeapofFaith Wed Apr 29, 2020 10:29 pm

OMG rofl rofl thanks @Bobette this is actually GOLD. Who knew i needed this right now laugh out loud

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10 - Bachelor South Africa - Marc Buckner - Season 2 - SM Media - Discussion  - Page 8 Empty Re: Bachelor South Africa - Marc Buckner - Season 2 - SM Media - Discussion

Post by Sprite Sun May 03, 2020 5:01 am

HTDs are here!

Bridget is up first talking about her past and how she has never been good enough and wants someone who just wants her. Her family have disliked one of her exes to the point he wasn't allowed in the house. Another one they thought she was in love more than the guy was. The family have always turned out to be right. She is the most nervous about Marc meeting her mum who is just like her...but more!

They are in Durban although they both now live in Cape Town. It's been over a week and Bridget meets up with Marc at a bowling alley. They are very competitive and Bridget wins. They play some arcade games and seem to be having a really good time. They go for dinner at some restaurant and Marc says that the more he gets to know her the more he likes her and the more he is attracted to her. The chemistry is building and they awkwardly make out in the middle of the restaurant. Even Marc thinks it is awkward so they try it again. It's not much better.

They arrive to meet Bridget's parents and her aunt and uncle. She goes to talk to her folks and Marc is left with the aunt and uncle. She fills her parents in on how things have been going and how she has learned a lot about herself.

Meanwhile Marc is having a nice chat with the rest of the family. Everyone seems to like him and thinks they have things in common. It was a very relaxed visit and Marc fit in very well, almost like he is already a part of the family and they are a couple.

Bridget's parents then had a chat with him and they had some concerns about the amount of travelling he does, but he explained well and overall they thought he was a nice man, more mature than her usual boyfriends, steady and a good fit with her and the family. yes

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Post by Jolena Sun May 03, 2020 3:05 pm

I hate that they split up this hometown episode into two parts dragging it out. 10 - Bachelor South Africa - Marc Buckner - Season 2 - SM Media - Discussion  - Page 8 2498057887 10 - Bachelor South Africa - Marc Buckner - Season 2 - SM Media - Discussion  - Page 8 2498057887

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Post by Sprite Mon May 04, 2020 3:57 am

Back for the second HTD with Jess.

One thing I wanted to mention about the HTD with Bridget, she seemed to focus a lot on Marc and how hot he is. It made me wonder if that is what she looks for and that is why none of the relationships have lasted?

Jess is relaxing at some hotel and reflecting on her relationship with Marc. They meet up at some park in Cape Town where she has set up a picnic. He likes being taken on a date to see if the person chooses something they like or if it is something they both like. Neither of them have been in love in years, although they have dated. Apparently, according to Marc, peaches are the sexiest fruit to eat...but not cut up. You must eat it whole.

They discuss who Marc will meet...her parents and her best friends. How do you handle conflict? If he cares he withdraws somewhat, but if he doesn't know people he will deal with it quickly. She is similar. They make out and he thinks she kisses well and that is important because he needs to feel the spark. It is clear the spark is stronger with Jess than it was with poor Bridget who is destined to have her heart broken yet again.

They arrive to see the family and friends. Jess tells them that he ignored her for the first couple of weeks and his jaw drops. Her friend takes Marc aside for some gentle questioning, but basically everyone seems to like him and think they get along well. He thinks they are very similar although he is spontaneous and Jess is more of a planner, which he thinks is good. He also likes that she is independent and driven. Plus they have great chemistry.

Meanwhile, Jess is talking to her parents explaining that she is surprised at how well they get along. Apparently her mom is very conservative and doesn't agree with this process. I got that impression when she said she just wants Jess to be happy...with the straightest face and zero enthusiasm. Everyone is basically worried that he will break Jess' heart.

This date also went well, although it was much more low key than Bridget's. Again everyone liked him and they all got along. The fun level was lower, but that is just the personality of the girls and their family. I think he seemed more at home and relaxed with Bridget's family, but maybe that is because he isn't as invested. He admits that it is hard because he can't make any promises and he knows that he will hurt someone in the end.

Next week the HTDs continue. He does some modelling for Gillian who is being the photographer and Marisia takes him rock climbing. He is enjoying the scenery while she is up there climbing...liking the short sexy, short shorts. He admits he is concerned about the age difference with her to her family and Gillian says that if mom disapproves, it is a deal breaker.

You could be the juiciest, most ripe peach, but there is still going to be someone who doesn't like peaches.

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