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Post by Amethyst Tue Sep 03, 2019 6:43 am

Doats wrote:I am glad that Mike wasn't picked as TB (please don't stone me people). He's seems so laid back, quiet, unemotional. Based on what I'm seeing on BIP don't think it would have worked for a whole season.

Mike has seemed very lackluster on his dates. Hannah B. must have brought out the best in him, because I'm just not seeing it in Paradise.

I still like JPJ, but there is no doubt that he is an emotional mess when it comes to Tayshia. I will give him points for sincerity, though. I think his argument with Derek had very little to do with Derek and a whole lot to do with his upset at seeing Tayshia dating someone else. Dylan was giving him good support in that regard.

I agree with Angela that she has as much right to be there as Clay does. He was obviously very disturbed at seeing her again. I don't think that he has resolved his feelings for Angela. My best guess is that Clay is very slow and guarded when it comes to love. A woman who needs a speedy declaration or proposal is not going to work for him. Probably the Bach environment is not the best for him. I think he would be better served by dating a woman who lives in his locale and who has a lot of patience.

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Post by HavaDrPepper Tue Sep 03, 2019 10:02 am

Amethyst wrote:I agree with Angela that she has as much right to be there as Clay does. He was obviously very disturbed at seeing her again. I don't think that he has resolved his feelings for Angela. My best guess is that Clay is very slow and guarded when it comes to love. A woman who needs a speedy declaration or proposal is not going to work for him. Probably the Bach environment is not the best for him. I think he would be better served by dating a woman who lives in his locale and who has a lot of patience.

IMO, he had that with Angela. They were introduced and were dating for awhile before they ever came out in public. I remember him responding to an IG Q&A once that he was seeing someone but was keeping it quiet for the time being as they were just getting to know one another. From little bits and pieces of things said by others, I think they were introduced to each other sometime last July but didn't announce the relationship until September 5 (found it on both their IG pages). Her last photo with him was beginning of February and his was end of January. I followed both of them back then... I liked them together. There were still a few IG stories throughout Feb but they were getting fewer and fewer. Someone on reddit saw him in mid-March and asked about them and he said they were no longer together. They both say 8 months... depending on dates, July to Feb/March is 8 months.

I am one that tends to believe that sometime last winter is when his return to the NFL dreams were shot down completely and he went into a dark space that can happen when dreams are crushed. Angela stood beside him in those dreams (and was willing to move to wherever he needed to be) so IMO she was a reminder of those dreams so he cut her loose. I hope they both can find someone for them. Poor Angela though... she is always brought on at the tail end of BIP with absolutely no chance of making a connection!

How many of these BN girls would have waited a couple of months to make the announcement they were dating someone from BN when not involved with an actual show being aired? Not too many. That shows me a lot about Angela. She was not in the relationship for fame but love. The fame was a bonus that came later.

I do agree that he has unresolved feeling for Angela however, I don't think anything will ever come of them being together again. Too bad because they were gorgeous together!



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Post by bluwavz Tue Sep 03, 2019 10:27 am

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Post by bluwavz Tue Sep 03, 2019 10:51 am

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Post by albean99 Tue Sep 03, 2019 11:48 am

Are we actually going to see more of Chris & Katie together? Dean looks so much better without the mustache! I kind of think he and Caelynn are a good match because they both have issues and really shouldn't be with anyone else. giggling

I know Luke Stone is supposed to be a poor man's Nick but I like him and he's not so jaded. Matt is so dorky but cute at the same time. I thought he & Sydney were good together.

I know he's not getting the chance, but Mike did a lot better than Hannah B did leading up to being lead. Remember how bad she was on ATFR when she met some of her guys? Anyway, I hope he finds someone irl.

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Post by bluwavz Tue Sep 03, 2019 11:52 am

BiP reunion spoilers from RS:

I spoiled the reunion taping results at the beginning of Thursday’s podcast, but for those that didn’t listen, here’s your written version of them in no particular order:

-The Blake/Caelynn feud was probably the top storyline. Blake was called up to the hot seat. Chris Harrison tried to get him to admit posting Caelynn’s text messages were a mistake. Blake never admits that because he doesn’t think it was. Says he felt his character being attacked and it was the only way to show his side. Caelynn using the word “silenced” coming from someone who was sexually assaulted really hit him hard and he felt he had to defend himself by letting people see the texts that he didn’t silence her. Most of the cast still took Caelynn’s side, although Caelynn does admit she lied and exaggerated things. Whether they show that or not is a different story, because this show is 100% pro-Caelynn. We’ll see.

-The Kristina/Caelynn relationship took an interesting turn when Kristina outed Caelynn for hooking up with someone else at Stagecoach the night before she hooked up with Blake. The guy in question never has his name brought up on stage, but I can tell you Kristina is referring to YouTube turd, Mark Dohner. I’d never heard of the guy til this was brought up, but after watching some of these clips you’re about to see, you probably wish you never had either. It’s amazing what’s considered good content nowadays. Really? THIS guy has 3 million IG followers and 2 million YouTube subscribers. Man, what am I doing wrong? I think I’ll start filming myself being a spaz all day long and just post it to see what people think. Then again, finding out Mark is boys with Logan Paul pretty much tells me all I need to know, since that guy is walking trash. Anyway, so here were pics of Caelynn with Mark at Stagecoach:

And to add insult to injury, Kristina actually went to Stagecoach WITH Mark, Caelynn knew she did, and still hooked up with Mark. A few videos to show you. Here’s a video of Mark actually admitting he was involved with “Bachelor” girls at Stagecoach without naming them by name:

Sorry that you’ll never get those two minutes of your life back again. Anyway, here’s another video to show that wasn’t the only time Mark and Caelynn hung out (it’s cued up to the exact spot, so just press play):

And yet another video showing Caelynn and Kristina both in Mark’s video (cued up, just hit play):

Again, the fact that these women hang out with a guy like that might say a hell of a lot more about them. It’s all about IG followers people, I’m telling you. They go where the cool kids are, and reputation be damned. I know you think I’m exaggerating but I’m not. That’s seriously all these people care about. Who can I hang out with that has a ton of followers where I can increase mine? It’s frankly embarrassing.

-The three engaged couples are still engaged. Since Demi proposed to Kristian down in Mexico, at the reunion taping, Kristian proposes to Demi. Hannah and Dylan remain America’s new most boring couple.

-The third engaged couple, Chris and Katie, have a bit more of a rocky road. Katie comes out on stage not wearing her engagement ring, and basically calls Chris out saying things weren’t going great, and she feels like she’s putting in all the effort and he’s not trying enough. Chris wasn’t thrilled she chose to do this on stage. Eventually they work through it on stage, she puts on the ring, and at present time they are still together and engaged. They were together this past weekend in LA.

-Caelynn and Dean are still together and happy.

-Tayshia comes out on stage (because last the audience saw was her breaking up with JPJ in Mexico), and they show a clip of Tayshia showing up at JPJ’s door and they announce they are back together. Which is now called into question after the last week’s rumblings of her being with another guy. So who knows what the hell Tayshia is doing. What I do know is that girl has zero interest in being serious with a guy who lives 3,000 miles from her. So unless JPJ is planning on moving to CA and I haven’t heard about this yet, like most people, nobody is buying they’re a couple anyway.

-Connor and Whitney Fransway (who hasn’t even shown up yet on Paradise) are still together.

-Christian and Jordan got into it again. No fights, security was present, but no apologies were made, and they basically just both yelled at each other.

-Clay and Nicole come out and Nicole says they aren’t together anymore, and in fact, she’s dating a new man in Miami and has actually become friends with Angela. Clay says that he was willing to be boyfriend/girlfriend with her at the end of Paradise, but Nicole says she wanted more and Clay, being an actual realist, says he wasn’t gonna say “I love you” or propose in the 3 weeks that he knew her. Smart man. And now he’s better off if you ask me.

-Other thing they did was have past couples on the show like Chris/Krystal, Jade/Tanner, and a couple others I forgot. Same ol, same ol.

-Then they finally make the official announcement that Peter is the “Bachelor” and they bring him on stage. He says what pretty much every guy getting introduced in that role says with the he’s ready to find love, the process works, he’s so excited, and he even got emotional on stage talking about it. Been a while since they haven’t announced the new “Bachelor” live, hasn’t it? I mean, it was live on Aug. 27th when they taped it and for the people in attendance, but for the viewers, it technically won’t be official until Sept. 17th when this airs. The fact it’s airing on Sept. 17th, and knowing how this show schedule works, my guess is filming will start that Thursday the 19th, or Saturday the 21st. I’ll keep you updated when I find out.

-Also, I’m pretty sure I know all the locations they are headed this season including the final rose ceremony. Once I have solidified that, I will let you know. Right now, I’m trying to figure out the order of the three locations they’ll be going before hometowns. If I can’t get the order by next week, I’ll just tell you those three locations, plus the location they’re headed for final rose ceremony.
Source: Reality Steve

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Post by notarose Tue Sep 03, 2019 11:53 am

HavaDrPepper wrote:
Amethyst wrote:I agree with Angela that she has as much right to be there as Clay does. He was obviously very disturbed at seeing her again. I don't think that he has resolved his feelings for Angela. My best guess is that Clay is very slow and guarded when it comes to love. A woman who needs a speedy declaration or proposal is not going to work for him. Probably the Bach environment is not the best for him. I think he would be better served by dating a woman who lives in his locale and who has a lot of patience.

IMO, he had that with Angela.  They were introduced and were dating for awhile before they ever came out in public.  I remember him responding to an IG Q&A once that he was seeing someone but was keeping it quiet for the time being as they were just getting to know one another.  From little bits and pieces of things said by others, I think they were introduced to each other sometime last July but didn't announce the relationship until September 5 (found it on both their IG pages).  Her last photo with him was beginning of February and his was end of January.  I followed both of them back then... I liked them together. There were still a few IG stories throughout Feb but they were getting fewer and fewer. Someone on reddit saw him in mid-March and asked about them and he said they were no longer together.  They both say 8 months... depending on dates, July to Feb/March is 8 months.

I am one that tends to believe that sometime last winter is when his return to the NFL dreams were shot down completely and he went into a dark space that can happen when dreams are crushed. Angela stood beside him in those dreams (and was willing to move to wherever he needed to be) so IMO she was a reminder of those dreams so he cut her loose.  I hope they both can find someone for them. Poor Angela though... she is always brought on at the tail end of BIP with absolutely no chance of making a connection!

How many of these BN girls would have waited a couple of months to make the announcement they were dating someone from BN when not involved with an actual show being aired? Not too many. That shows me a lot about Angela.  She was not in the relationship for fame but love.  The fame was a bonus that came later.

I do agree that he has unresolved feeling for Angela however, I don't think anything will ever come of them being together again. Too bad because they were gorgeous together!


Adding to your info, it might have been Wells who said on a podcast that Clay is the main financial support for his mom and siblings. Given that a career change is necessary and undetermined I can’t fault the guy for going on BIP for the pay along with whatever reasons he may have.
I can’t see Nicole being a match for him. She has given reason to believe that she is accelerating her relationship (in her mind) compared to Clay’s history of moving slowly.
IMO the Angela and Clay meetup was awkward because they broke up over the phone so we are seeing their first in person encounters. Realistic that that is challenging.

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Post by LoveDovez Tue Sep 03, 2019 12:03 pm

Doats wrote:Missed both episodes last week (knee surgery) so am really glad to be back posting. Hope these upcoming episodes prove more interesting/entertaining than others.

OT but I hope your knee does well @Doats ;) I haven't been crazy about this season. giggling

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Post by HavaDrPepper Tue Sep 03, 2019 2:11 pm

notarose wrote:Adding to your info, it might have been Wells who said on a podcast that Clay is the main financial support for his mom and siblings. Given that a career change is necessary and undetermined I can’t fault the guy for going on BIP for the pay along with whatever reasons he may have.
I can’t see Nicole being a match for him. She has given reason to believe that she is accelerating her relationship (in her mind) compared to Clay’s history of moving slowly.
IMO the Angela and Clay meetup was awkward because they broke up over the phone so we are seeing their first in person encounters. Realistic that that is challenging.

He is very close to his family and does seem to be the father figure for his siblings. So him being the financial support would make sense as would the BIP payday.

I never saw him with Nicole either. Something about her just turns me off. She should have just wandered off with Christian since that seems to be the type of guy she wants... and Clay is not it. He should have been like Venmo John from last year... go out with all the girls and not get locked into one relationship.

I think RS is wrong about where Chris and Katie were this past weekend. He was in a wedding on Friday and Katie was not there. Her family was on a family vacation in the Destin, FL area (sleuthed by reddit) and it appears he was there after his wedding duties were done. Destin FL is not LA nor is it Louisiana. Chris was fishing in Louisiana on Monday not too far from New Orleans and it seems he is in New Orleans today.


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Post by Sprite Tue Sep 03, 2019 2:23 pm

HavaDrPepper wrote:
notarose wrote:Adding to your info, it might have been Wells who said on a podcast that Clay is the main financial support for his mom and siblings. Given that a career change is necessary and undetermined I can’t fault the guy for going on BIP for the pay along with whatever reasons he may have.
I can’t see Nicole being a match for him. She has given reason to believe that she is accelerating her relationship (in her mind) compared to Clay’s history of moving slowly.
IMO the Angela and Clay meetup was awkward because they broke up over the phone so we are seeing their first in person encounters. Realistic that that is challenging.

He is very close to his family and does seem to be the father figure for his siblings.  So him being the financial support would make sense as would the BIP payday.

I never saw him with Nicole either.  Something about her just turns me off.  She should have just wandered off with Christian since that seems to be the type of guy she wants... and Clay is not it.  He should have been like Venmo John from last year... go out with all the girls and not get locked into one relationship.  

I think RS is wrong about where Chris and Katie were this past weekend.  He was in a wedding on Friday and Katie was not there. Her family was on a family vacation in the Destin, FL area (sleuthed by reddit) and it appears he was there after his wedding duties were done.  Destin FL is not LA nor is it Louisiana.  Chris was fishing in Louisiana on Monday not too far from New Orleans and it seems he is in New Orleans today.

Let's face it, if Christian hadn't been kicked out for being such an violent a**, Nicole would never have gone back to Clay. Clay is not her type. He is quiet, soft spoken, thoughtful and she said she likes bad boys with an edge who fight for her. Basically the opposite of Clay. I think she just thought it would look bad to dump Clay after everything that went down and since I don't think she really had other options, she just stuck to him because she wanted to stay as long as possible.

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Post by blueblues Tue Sep 03, 2019 6:19 pm

Jolena wrote:IMO JPJ is no where near ready for a serious relationship. He has alot of growing up to do. He's scary to me. jmo
He went from weird and endearing to weird and crazy in two episodes.
Maybe they should give him his own show on Freeform called “14 Going on 25”, because 14 appears to be his maturity level.  cheeky

Haley on the other hand seems to have grown up quite a bit since last time we saw her.


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Post by HavaDrPepper Tue Sep 03, 2019 7:12 pm

I wonder if the fact Emily has a long time boyfriend and not constantly being with Haley has helped her mature.

Funny thing though... look at a photo of JPJ and then look at a photo of Emily's boyfriend, William Karlsson. Quite the resemblance.

The girls have a type.


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