Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #2

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thebachelorette - Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #2  - Page 31 Empty Re: Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #2

Post by Guest Sun Sep 15, 2019 4:20 pm

Obviously, TC should have gone to Vespa last nite where nobody ever tries to take his picture there, so different from the rest of civilization. hehehe hehehe hehehe


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Post by Summerfun1980 Sun Sep 15, 2019 4:24 pm

@lleyki true. I guess I don’t see why he would need to network with reality stars. To me it just sounds like he was invited somewhere and hanging out. When I heard networking, my mind went to his modeling career, and this doesn’t seem like anything that would help him career wise and if it was I don’t think he would’ve bailed to eat pizza outside.

I totally understand needing a break. No one wants to take pics every time they go somewhere. It will eventually get old and make you not want to leave the house.

The attention he is getting now feels to me to still be because of his time on the bachelorette not Gigi. I’m not talking about the pap pics but being bothered by people every time he steps out. Regular guys date famous women and move around without people asking for pics.


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Post by Chgohighlife Sun Sep 15, 2019 5:01 pm

pavalygurl wrote:There is also the foe button if one does not enjoy reading certain posts.  I routinely skip a lot of posts.

What kind of button allows you to skip certain posts?


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Post by dee Sun Sep 15, 2019 5:11 pm

The man can't even eat pizza in peace. The show hit the jackpot when they cast him. Don't think tptb knew what they had when they were filming and producing the show. I've never seen any contestant on his show be stalked and accosted by fans like he has all summer long, and he continues to be sought out everywhere he goes. I don't think it has much to do with Gigi. Even leads of the show don't get this much attention from viewers.

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Post by whit90 Sun Sep 15, 2019 5:19 pm

@Bleiby527 This is a general thread account for Tyler. Yes we can sleuth all we want but we do not tell other posters what to do.

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Post by smg2587 Sun Sep 15, 2019 5:20 pm

This is just my opinion when it comes to sleuthing on Tyler in general. Hope it comes across right. I don't mind sleuthing post show. But I think there is a line. I seen it cross at other places and don't want it to happen here. The sleuthing on Tyler imo is close to doing so. It bothers me Tyler can't have a meal with a female friend or talking to one without it meaning more. He hangs out with a lot of women. His friends Kate,Mollie and Tessa, he hanged out with Andi twice, he has some swimsuit designer friends he went with a concert Tuesday night. He has a ton of female friends I don't understand why everytime he is with a women it some big thing now.

Music sleuthing. I thought music sleuthing crossed a line when Tyler came back to sm after a week of dating Gigi and had a story about food and people though the lyrics of the song meant he wanted to stab someone. Honestly I don't think Tyler's music has ever said anything about his feelings. So people thought the heart playlist was about Hannah but didn't he also delete a one direction song from it so that means Gigi could be listening to it with him sometimes. I never did. I just thought these are songs he loved. Now he seems to now labeling the playlist he makes more specific so people don't read into it. Three of the last 4 where for specific artist. I saw people thinking because he and Hannah listen to the Post Malone album that came out last Friday it meant something. Yeah it means that they are big Post Malone fans and finally had time to check it out. I don't think he listens to music think about someone or how it defines his mood. That heart playlist had been out since the end of June and I seen it mean nothing from what I seen.

I don't mind sightings but I don't take them seriously without photo evidence because people can be mistaken. Someone thought he was going to be at the Wake Forrest game Friday night when the one he is may be going to is next week because abcfoodtours says they are going to have a tour there. But than again he skipped out on the LA abcfoodtours because he booked a gig. If we have no photo evidence I like to see more than one person say they saw him.

Social media likes and follows. We had a whole season were it meant very little and I still followed it religiously Now I am not sure why likes are important. He liked a post about one of his former teammates saying he has to move on from the team he was signed with. And people are thinking he liked it because of his relationship was fizzling out. Do people remember Tyler's dream was the NFL and it didn't pan out and he had to move on. Or that he feels sorry for his friend going thru something he went thru. That could be the reason for the like more than anything having to do with a relationship. He also liked a great post from Gigi's cousin about body image and no one is trying to read into that post meaning more. From what I seen even when he is hanging out with Matt on IG you will hardly see more than 5-8 likes from him during the day and sometimes even less than that. I just don't think every like has to be read into when they aren't on are tv anymore.

I don't mind people sleuthing or disagreeing with me I just think some sleuthing is going to far. Not necessarily here but there are just somethings out there that are being read into to much. All jmho.


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thebachelorette - Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #2  - Page 31 Empty Re: Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #2

Post by Bleiby527 Sun Sep 15, 2019 5:38 pm

I agree that we should not overanalyze everything like we did with Hannah and Tyler and Jed during the Bachelorette season. However, I have noticed a pattern that something has changed in the Tyler and Gigi relationship.

I don't know why it's changed, it might mean that they simply might want to be more private now and it might mean they are cooling off. I don't know which it is, but I have noticed a pattern that something has changed.

1. Tyler stopped liking Gigi and Bella pictures for the last week.
2. Tyler did not go to the Hadid Family dinner on 9/11.
3. Two articles were released (People and Enews) that had quotes from Tyler's camp downplaying the seriousness of the relationship. It definitely had positive quotes from Tyler about their connection but it downplayed the seriousness of the relationship.

Now we have this weekend where we have mixed information about whether or not he was at the farm. I don't know which it is - it could go either way.

I think it is acceptable to post here that the Tyler/Gigi relationship is changing (either it's still serious and they're going more private or it is cooling off).


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thebachelorette - Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #2  - Page 31 Empty Re: Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #2

Post by Sprite Sun Sep 15, 2019 5:47 pm

Chgohighlife wrote:
pavalygurl wrote:There is also the foe button if one does not enjoy reading certain posts.  I routinely skip a lot of posts.

What kind of button allows you to skip certain posts?

@Chgohighlife … If you go into your profile at the top of the page, under the banner you will see some tabs. One of them is friends and foes. If you look down the page you will see...Foes. You just need to enter the user name of the person whose posts you don't want to see.

You could be the juiciest, most ripe peach, but there is still going to be someone who doesn't like peaches.

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thebachelorette - Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #2  - Page 31 Empty Re: Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #2

Post by smg2587 Sun Sep 15, 2019 6:00 pm

Bleiby527 wrote:I agree that we should not overanalyze everything like we did during the Hannah/Tyler season. However, I have noticed a pattern that something has changed in the Tyler and Gigi relationship.

I don't know why it's changed, it might mean that they simply might want to be more private now and it might mean they are cooling off. I don't know which it is, but I have noticed a pattern that something has changed.

1. Tyler stopped liking Gigi and Bella pictures for the last week.
2. Tyler did not go to the Hadid Family dinner on 9/11.
3. Two articles were released (People and Enews) that had quotes from Tyler's camp downplaying the seriousness of the relationship. It definitely had positive quotes from Tyler about their connection but it downplayed the seriousness of the relationship.

Now we have this weekend where we have mixed information about whether or not he was at the farm. I don't know which it is - it could go either way.

I think it is acceptable to post here that the Tyler/Gigi relationship is changing (either it's still serious and they're going more private or it is cooling off).

I think the difference here is you see a change when some of us don't see one at all. He is specifically not liking any post from fashion week Gigi has made. If she post something not doing with fashion week and he doesn't like it I am willing to listen. Also hasn't he only liked about 2 of Bella's post. I explained my opinions on the dinner. This is like Garrett not going with Becca to the wedding to me. But that is just me.

I think we read the source articles differently. I always thought the relationship was downplayed in the press. The articles from reputable places (not HL and LS) never said it was serious. Also sources never talked about Tyler's best friends (2 of them) being in the truck with them that one night. It is an easy look up it they did research. Honestly I think these sources are PR Reps and not people they call friends. I know a popular theory is Matt is the source on Tyler but if that was the case Matt would never got to meet Serena Williams or go down to the farm like his story suggest. Gigi had to know she could trust him to introduce him to some of her famous crowd.

There was a source article in US Weekly from Tyler's camp saying that he is still open to something with Hannah after a week of being seen with Gigi. That to me was clearly a pr source article. PR teams don't know whole stories of relationships. Plus these articles where after the Netherlands in the middle of fashion week with Tyler going LA for some opportunities. How much people could either of them talk to people close tp them. You see them downplaying it. I also see things like texting all day, helping find apartments, and not wanting to mess up what he has with Gigi. That stuff gives me positive signs. So I just read these source articles differently than you.

We are just seeing different things. And are coming from different perspectives and it is fine. But I just don't need to see every move he makes to be sleuthed to be about his relationship. All jmo.

Last edited by smg2587 on Sun Sep 15, 2019 6:07 pm; edited 1 time in total


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thebachelorette - Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #2  - Page 31 Empty Re: Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #2

Post by Bleiby527 Sun Sep 15, 2019 6:05 pm

These were the quotes that stood out for me.

From People -

“The media attention has been hard on Tyler and Gigi,” the insider tells PEOPLE. “They’re trying to navigate it right now because they know how the press can pick apart every date they have and turn it into something bigger.” Right now, the two are “still just getting to know each other and have fun,” the source says, adding, “They don’t want that pressure to push them further than where they are.”

From enews -

"For Tyler, it's still pretty casual, but they are spending a lot of time together and really like each other. Gigi asked him to come to the Netherlands and he agreed. He's a very supportive person and someone that's great to have around when you're going through something. He's rock solid and very kind. They didn't put too much thought into it. They are together a lot and she didn't want to go without him."


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thebachelorette - Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #2  - Page 31 Empty Re: Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #2

Post by intheroom Sun Sep 15, 2019 6:09 pm

Well since some folks seem to eat any slice of claims to support their theory that Tyler and Gigi are over and done for.... well whatcha said about this claimed from last night also then?

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Last edited by intheroom on Sun Sep 15, 2019 6:25 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Adding source)

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thebachelorette - Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #2  - Page 31 Empty Re: Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #2

Post by Chgohighlife Sun Sep 15, 2019 6:14 pm

Sprite wrote:
Chgohighlife wrote:
pavalygurl wrote:There is also the foe button if one does not enjoy reading certain posts.  I routinely skip a lot of posts.

What kind of button allows you to skip certain posts?

@Chgohighlife … If you go into your profile at the top of the page, under the banner you will see some tabs. One of them is friends and foes. If you look down the page you will see...Foes. You just need to enter the user name of the person whose posts you don't want to see.

You just made my entire week. Thank you so much! thebachelorette - Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #2  - Page 31 1176891977


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