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TheBachelorette - Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #3 Empty Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #3

Post by GuardianAngel Thu Oct 03, 2019 9:46 pm

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smg2587 wrote:Tyler seems to be doing something with Smirnoff Ice today. From what I am seeing on social media he stop by Cosmopolitan, Enews offices in NYC, Buzzfeed and Marie Claire so far and the post some of them made on the visits said something about him making drinks for them.

Just trying to bring some other Tyler news.

Edit to add Hearst Magazine and one of there writers posted a little video of Tyler.

smg2587 wrote:Just Jared posted pictures of the Smirnoff thing.

lleyki wrote:
bluwavz wrote:laugh out loud laugh out loud laugh out loud

Yeah because that worked out so well for Blake. Like I've said, I don't care who Tyler's dating, what he does, as long as he stays the hell away from this franchise. These people, the fans, etc. are all toxic and batsh*t crazy as hell. If I knew Tyler personally, I would be screaming, "boy make your connections, get your gigs but stay the hell away from Bachelor Nation and that includes dating any of these other women. I don't care who it is."

So obviously mine is an unpopular opinion and people can feel as they do about Gigi and let the Hannah stans gloat all they want. But as far as I can see, Tyler while he was in his whatever with Gigi was no different than he was before. People were just determined to claim he was different and think the worse of her because he didn't play to a fantasy and narrative Bachelor Nation wanted. Some will deny it all they want but I said what I said and I stand by it.

The only thing Tyler did when with Gigi was go for tacos, go bowling, go to a farm, hang out at a lake. What was so outrageous and different in any of that to the life Tyler himself was living with his friends in Florida, out on his boat for weekend hangouts and parties? And in the midst of that he was working on his career, working on ABC Food Tours, sharing how to help victims of Hurricane Dorian. But apparently he changed SO much and needed to get away from these oh so toxic Hadids. Because you know what's not toxic, Bachelor World...right. **IMO**

And it will never not be comical to be the almost resentment against Tyler for not running back to someone of whom he wasn't a first, a second, hell even the third choice. Boyfriend was the backup to the backup. But love story for the ages folks and Tyler you silly man for passing up someone who only wanted to claim you after their choice turned out to be lying liar who lies.

Last edited by GuardianAngel on Thu Nov 14, 2019 10:33 pm; edited 1 time in total


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TheBachelorette - Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #3 Empty Re: Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #3

Post by leavers Thu Oct 03, 2019 9:57 pm

If Tyler has nothing big happening when they cast for BiP, he'll do it.  If they ask him to do Bachelor, if he's got nothing else on he'll do it. ***IMO***

The only people in BN I believe are "above" doing BiP or lead if asked are the ones that get married esp. to people outside the franchise AND who never shill, or who go back to real careers (eg Tia going back to her job as a PT) and who stand to lose progression in a career they love and trained for years for if they muck about with TV too much.   Even then I don't think "above" it is the right word.

Tyler is not one of those people. He is 100% the kind of person who would head straight to Paradise or into the role of lead if it was the best option for him at the time.**IMO***

Last edited by GuardianAngel on Thu Oct 03, 2019 10:08 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : opinions vs facts)

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TheBachelorette - Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #3 Empty Re: Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #3

Post by lleyki Thu Oct 03, 2019 10:02 pm

Personally I don't think Tyler or anyone who has willingly chosen to appear on the franchise is "above" Bachelor world. My opinion is that the ones who move on after are wise and it is for the best. Because hanging around, engaging with all the events, former and newer contestants, appearing on show after show, etc. just starts to make all these people become messier and nuttier. It just seems like such a toxic environment after awhile.


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TheBachelorette - Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #3 Empty Re: Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #3

Post by fyww Thu Oct 03, 2019 10:06 pm

I don't think Tyler missed out on any opportunities by dating Gigi.

If he wants to be the Bachelor at some point he will be. I can't imagine any scenario in which TPTB wouldn't fall all over themselves to make him the Bachelor. Can you say ratings bonanza?

If he wants to go on BIP I believe they would make that happen as many times as he would be willing to show up. I hope he never does either of these shows, but if he wants them they are in his back pocket.

I really can't think of any other opportunities. He's not hurting for IG followers or popularity. He has plenty of media attention. If he wants a podcast he can do one. If he wants to follow in Blake's footsteps and sleep his way through BN the line starts behind me. I'm kidding. Sort of.

If he wanted to be dating Hannah he'd be dating her. Being a band-aid for someone's wounded ego is not an opportunity. Being a Plan B for someone whose Plan A blew up in their face is not an opportunity. Being part of a super couple with someone who never wanted you until everyone else did is not an opportunity.

I'm sorry it didn't work out for Tyler and Gigi, but they will both be fine. I hope Tyler's career keeps moving in a positive direction and that he never has so little to do that anything connected with BN seems like an opportunity. Smiley

Gigi, I will always be grateful to you for helping Tyler dodge those bullets. Enjoy all the cookies!


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TheBachelorette - Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #3 Empty Re: Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #3

Post by dee Thu Oct 03, 2019 10:07 pm

Oh I agree. None of these people are above this show... as they literally signed up to go on the show the first time around. The more 'higher' education and credentials these people receive the more I think they want to leave their day jobs and get into entertainment. I just can't imagine any real lawyers, doctors, professors, etc. would drop everything they have worked so hard for to go on a reality show, just to go back to their day job. There are obviously exceptions, but with how SM is the last 5 years, these people are not returning to their previous job unless they have no other choice. Frankly, I don't even know how some of these professionals get the time off they did, but most of them probably don't even work for the same company anymore or have changed career paths.

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TheBachelorette - Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #3 Empty Re: Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #3

Post by lleyki Thu Oct 03, 2019 10:17 pm

Being a band-aid for someone's wounded ego is not an opportunity. Being a Plan B for someone whose Plan A blew up in their face is not an opportunity. Being part of a super couple with someone who never wanted you until everyone else did is not an opportunity.

I would like this statement framed. Damn girl, you nailed that.


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TheBachelorette - Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #3 Empty Re: Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #3

Post by sdmom Thu Oct 03, 2019 10:35 pm

I really don’t understand how Tyler is called a dumbass? No one knows for sure If he will get more opportunities if he decides to date Hannah, or if he loses opportunities because he was dating Gigi. Even if he had decided to be with Hannah after AFTR, they may have broken up already, who knows?

He seems to be happy on sm. He has done lots of press. He’s moving into a new apartment with his best friend. He wants to do marathons and he’s training for it. Most important, to me at least, he’s using his celebrity to help others. I will say he’s a happy, fulfilled young man. Jmo of course. ‘

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TheBachelorette - Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #3 Empty Re: Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #3

Post by fyww Thu Oct 03, 2019 10:42 pm

lleyki wrote:
Being a band-aid for someone's wounded ego is not an opportunity. Being a Plan B for someone whose Plan A blew up in their face is not an opportunity. Being part of a super couple with someone who never wanted you until everyone else did is not an opportunity.

I would like this statement framed. Damn girl, you nailed that.

Thank you. Embarressed! I was confused by some of the posts I was reading that seemed to think that Tyler had somehow messed things up with his choices. How?? Every single one of those 'opportunities' that BN offers and some people hold out as the ultimate brass ring will be right there waiting for him any time he wants to take them. I hope he never does. Not because I think he is above them. I would just like to see him take a different path.

If fame is the ultimate reward then I would argue that he absolutely maximized his opportunities with the choices he made. How many articles have been written about him? He's been in the news every single day!

He could be living the life he is now or hanging out in LA sitting in the audience at DWTS being a cheerleader. Just like Vanessa Grimaldi, Vienna, Catherine and whoever Chris Soules final choice was. I can't even remember.

I'm not saying he is 'better' than that, I'm just saying that the life he is living now seems so much more interesting and fulfilling. Bring on the marathons! And decorating the new apartment! And adventures with Matt.

I will miss Gigi and Tyler, but MYLER forever!


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TheBachelorette - Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #3 Empty Re: Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #3

Post by GuardianAngel Thu Oct 03, 2019 10:56 pm

sdmom wrote:I really don’t understand how Tyler is called a dumbass? No one knows for sure If he will get more opportunities if he decides to date Hannah, or if he loses opportunities because he was dating Gigi. Even if he had decided to be with Hannah after AFTR, they may have broken up already, who knows?

He seems to be happy on sm. He has done lots of press. He’s moving into a new apartment with his best friend. He wants to do marathons and he’s training for it. Most important, to me at least, he’s using his celebrity to help others. I will say he’s a happy, fulfilled young man. Jmo of course. ‘

Well said. ITA. Just because he didn't become 2nd 3rd choice or whatever IMHO doesn't mean he missed out on anything. He never promoted himself to be TB or anything else. IMHO he's one of the few that moved on in a humble manner doing a lot of good for his city and those kids.


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TheBachelorette - Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #3 Empty Re: Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #3

Post by lleyki Thu Oct 03, 2019 11:27 pm

He never promoted himself to be TB or anything else.

I know some may not agree but I honestly believe Tyler that he wasn't interested in being The Bachelor and that was before Gigi started following him or any of that stuff. It's just a vibe I got following him while the season was airing.

Thank you. Embarressed! I was confused by some of the posts I was reading that seemed to think that Tyler had somehow messed things up with his choices. How?? Every single one of those 'opportunities' that BN offers and some people hold out as the ultimate brass ring will be right there waiting for him any time he wants to take them. I hope he never does. Not because I think he is above them. I would just like to see him take a different path.

If fame is the ultimate reward then I would argue that he absolutely maximized his opportunities with the choices he made. How many articles have been written about him? He's been in the news every single day!

All of this. As we speak, Tyler has a nice profile in GQ, talking about fitness and looking all kinds of hot. The man has moved in what looks to be a very sweet apartment and is living his life, doing him and seems quite happy and satisfied.

Like you said, what opportunities were "lost" to Tyler because of his decision to pass up on being a back up. He couldn't have been The Bachelor then either so that wasn't it. Some people got it into their heads he and Hannah were both going to do DWTS but that was speculation and nothing more. Shilling opportunities - yeah he can do that now with his own 2+ million followers.

Like someone said, what guarantee is there that Hannah and Tyler would have lasted any longer than him and Gigi, considering Tyler seems more than happy in New York, while Hannah clearly wants to be in LA. The whole thing is all so silly to me.


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TheBachelorette - Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #3 Empty Re: Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #3

Post by Summerfun1980 Fri Oct 04, 2019 2:52 am

I’m curious how much Tyler knew about the game being played IMO. Besides the constant articles and him always being caught leaving her apt, there were other weird things.

The pap pics of them in her truck with Tyler’s friends looked strange to me. Tyler and his friends were not prepared for paps and looked pretty uncomfortable and shocked. Tyler looked uncomfortable and uncomfortably laughed in a few shots when Gigi was laughing. Gigi looked cool and calm and had sunglasses on at night as if she knew they would be there snapping pics. It felt like she set them up to be put on display.

Same with the Serena dinner. I’m sorry I know people were saying Tyler is just super confident and that’s why he showed  up in T-shirt and shorts and a backpack. I think he didn’t know what he was walking in to  as in maybe she just said bring Matt and let’s get tacos. I think if he knew Serena etc would be there he would have put on nice clothes and ditched the backpack. He and Matt both again looked shell shocked and unprepared.

The tommy show was also weird. Putting him on display front row but not talking to him even though she didn’t have to walk that night and was just sitting with Bella. Either that woke him up or nothing did and she just ditched him when the week was over.



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TheBachelorette - Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #3 Empty Re: Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #3

Post by ReneeM Fri Oct 04, 2019 3:25 am

sdmom wrote:I really don’t understand how Tyler is called a dumbass? No one knows for sure If he will get more opportunities if he decides to date Hannah, or if he loses opportunities because he was dating Gigi. Even if he had decided to be with Hannah after AFTR, they may have broken up already, who knows?

He seems to be happy on sm. He has done lots of press. He’s moving into a new apartment with his best friend. He wants to do marathons and he’s training for it. Most important, to me at least, he’s using his celebrity to help others. I will say he’s a happy, fulfilled young man. Jmo of course. ‘
I don’t think he’s a dumbass for not getting with Hannah because that’s just a matter of emotions and at the end of the day, if you don’t feel it, you don’t feel it. I don’t think it’s outrageous though to raise the point that being in a couple with Hannah could’ve yielded more opportunities for him than temporary headlines with Gigi because it’s just a statement of fact that in BN, being in a couple is significantly more lucrative than being single. Especially considering that he and Hannah would be by far and away the most popular couple in the franchise. Where I do think he was potentially stupid (asterisk here because we don’t know what he has in the works and only time will tell) is that he wasted what I think is gonna be his peak of popularity doing minimal interviews and being GH’s glorified tote bag. The lots of press he’s done has mainly come in the past week and a half, which is when I suspect his fling with Gigi came to an end. Before that he did some interviews, not a lot imo. Moving into an apartment and all of that is great, but I don’t think he’s the type that wants to move on away from the spotlight, I think he very much enjoys being in the public eye (no shade) so not capitalizing on it when he had the most leverage wasn’t smart. All jmo.


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