Nick Viall & Natalie Joy Viall - Bachelor 21 - Discussion - #2

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Nick Viall &  Natalie Joy Viall - Bachelor 21 - Discussion - #2 - Page 4 Empty Re: Nick Viall & Natalie Joy Viall - Bachelor 21 - Discussion - #2

Post by bluwavz Tue Jul 14, 2020 4:13 am

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Nick Viall &  Natalie Joy Viall - Bachelor 21 - Discussion - #2 - Page 4 Empty Re: Nick Viall & Natalie Joy Viall - Bachelor 21 - Discussion - #2

Post by gurlbrit Tue Jul 14, 2020 11:22 am

Listening to it while I'm surfing.

I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear. ~Martin Luther King, Jr.
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Nick Viall &  Natalie Joy Viall - Bachelor 21 - Discussion - #2 - Page 4 Empty Re: Nick Viall & Natalie Joy Viall - Bachelor 21 - Discussion - #2

Post by blueblues Wed Jul 15, 2020 8:10 am

I started listening to it while running. Smiley

That was. . . interesting. What I heard was basically two self-centered douchebags who hate each other trying to have a conversation.
I absolutely despise RS, so no surprise there, but when Nick turned into his most pathetic producer puppy self and claimed that frankenbiting is just producers showing what a contestant really thinks, I almost stopped listening. I lost a lot of respect for him during the aftermath of Peter’s season, and I lost another big chunk today.

It was interesting when RS mentioned the Jenna Cooper slander - his worst offence ever. He admitted he had been wrong, but he downplayed it to be about causing the breakup with Jordan, when in fact he destroyed her reputation to the extent that she could not find work, and the hate that he directed her way made her an emotional wreck for quite some time.
Nick didn’t even remember the story (since it didn’t affect himself or his friends I guess) so it was basically skipped over.

After about an hour of RS being evasive and Nick aggressively talking over him in his usual manner, I finally gave up.


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Nick Viall &  Natalie Joy Viall - Bachelor 21 - Discussion - #2 - Page 4 Empty Re: Nick Viall & Natalie Joy Viall - Bachelor 21 - Discussion - #2

Post by limoncello Wed Jul 15, 2020 11:41 am

I'm a regular listener of Nick's podcast and generally think RS is self-righteous & at times don't agree with his attitude, but this podcast made me disappointed in Nick. He came across as very arrogant, barely let RS finish his sentences, and was exceedingly defending producers where I think it wasn't due. IMO Nick is so convinced that since he's done the show several times he can be the advocate for how everything works behind the scenes and takes his personal experience as *everyone else's*. It just seems like he's kissing producers' a** big time & RS came out of this as the better one, ironically. IMO

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Nick Viall &  Natalie Joy Viall - Bachelor 21 - Discussion - #2 - Page 4 Empty Re: Nick Viall & Natalie Joy Viall - Bachelor 21 - Discussion - #2

Post by gurlbrit Wed Jul 15, 2020 12:51 pm

blueblues wrote:I started listening to it while running. Smiley

That was. . . interesting. What I heard was basically two self-centered douchebags who hate each other trying to have a conversation.
I absolutely despise RS, so no surprise there, but when Nick turned into his most pathetic producer puppy self and claimed that frankenbiting is just producers showing what a contestant really thinks, I almost stopped listening. I lost a lot of respect for him during the aftermath of Peter’s season, and I lost another big chunk today.

It was interesting when RS mentioned the Jenna Cooper slander - his worst offence ever. He admitted he had been wrong, but he downplayed it to be about causing the breakup with Jordan, when in fact he destroyed her reputation to the extent that she could not find work, and the hate that he directed her way made her an emotional wreck for quite some time.
Nick didn’t even remember the story (since it didn’t affect himself or his friends I guess) so it was basically skipped over.

After about an hour of RS being evasive and Nick aggressively talking over him in his usual manner, I finally gave up.

Blues bingo. I stopped listening at an hour too.

I have decided to stick with love. Hate is too great a burden to bear. ~Martin Luther King, Jr.
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Nick Viall &  Natalie Joy Viall - Bachelor 21 - Discussion - #2 - Page 4 Empty Re: Nick Viall & Natalie Joy Viall - Bachelor 21 - Discussion - #2

Post by aviej Wed Jul 15, 2020 5:44 pm

Thank you all for sparing me what would have been a total waste of my time. I always thought Nick was smug and from all accounts, he still is and more.

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Nick Viall &  Natalie Joy Viall - Bachelor 21 - Discussion - #2 - Page 4 Empty Re: Nick Viall & Natalie Joy Viall - Bachelor 21 - Discussion - #2

Post by provenceguy Wed Jul 15, 2020 7:36 pm

Thanks for sparing me.
I actually like RS.

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Nick Viall &  Natalie Joy Viall - Bachelor 21 - Discussion - #2 - Page 4 Empty Re: Nick Viall & Natalie Joy Viall - Bachelor 21 - Discussion - #2

Post by GuardianAngel Wed Jul 15, 2020 10:03 pm

Thanks everyone for the recap!


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Nick Viall &  Natalie Joy Viall - Bachelor 21 - Discussion - #2 - Page 4 Empty Re: Nick Viall & Natalie Joy Viall - Bachelor 21 - Discussion - #2

Post by blueblues Fri Jul 17, 2020 12:53 pm

Jenna Cooper had a few things to say about how she was discussed on the podcast.
And on an unrelated note: I’ve been told numerous times now that Nick Viall mentioned the fake scandal that deeply affected my life and it’s lack of importance in his podcast.

I want to edit this to add: I’m not mad at Nick, I’m upset than anyone would downplay the lies and public attack against me and anyone else. I’m mad at cancel culture in general, and bullying to gain status and popularity.

I spoke to him, and he said this was not [his] intention. It just goes to show how everyone has a different perception. I don’t like how a big part of Bachelor nation has become so used to be fun and light hearted! I wish there were better ways to engage and inspire others using social media, instead of talking about the latest “tea.” I’m sure everything happens for a reason, and I want to find my reason. I was extremely hurt the way everything was handled within the franchise after a rumor was made up about me. I was silenced, but now I can use my voice to stand up for myself and others. I want to be a part of bringing awareness to the negative effects of bullying in any aspect. We can be so much better.

Nick should have her on his podcast (and let her finish her sentences). She is actually pretty uplifting to listen to.


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Nick Viall &  Natalie Joy Viall - Bachelor 21 - Discussion - #2 - Page 4 Empty Re: Nick Viall & Natalie Joy Viall - Bachelor 21 - Discussion - #2

Post by Sprite Tue Jul 21, 2020 1:08 pm

Nick eating very reluctant crow on his podcast re the RS interview, before he gets into the JP interview.

Acknowledging making mistakes...too emotional, somewhat biased re tptb and not acknowledging that others may have had experiences different to his and may have been harmed by them, skated over not listening and talking over RS. He keeps harping on how he wanted to show how RS has harmed lots of peoples lives, while glossing over what tptb have done. He finally...reluctantly... admits that the minor MOT players are often more harmed than the F4 by the edits. He basically admits he was out for revenge on RS and it backfired. Apparently he got a a ton of negativity post interview and he felt he was back on Andi's season. Which conveniently he forgets tptb edited and that he caused more harm and drew more hate on himself when he outed Andi for sleeping with him.  He acknowledges there "might" be a market for what RS does. You think? He only manages to make a living out of it for years.

I can't believe Nick is still harping on about being harmed by RS when he aired the video of Nick yapping on the plane on his way home from Andi's season. Get over it dude. You were on a crowded plane. It was not a private conversation. You were just unlucky one of RS's old girlfriends was behind you and figured out what was going on. If you were so afraid of being sued then you should have kept your mouth shut until you got home and could vent privately.

I really should stick with my first opinions of people. I wasn't a fan during Andi's season (well, I wasn't a fan or hers or Josh either), but felt bad for Nick after the whole sex debacle and thought well, he isn't so bad. Now dude is so self righteous and full of himself and I'm back to dislike...probably even more than initially. And for what it's worth, it's not like I am a huge RS fan, but he has grown and changed a lot over the years and has toned down considerably. Nick should try it.

You could be the juiciest, most ripe peach, but there is still going to be someone who doesn't like peaches.

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Nick Viall &  Natalie Joy Viall - Bachelor 21 - Discussion - #2 - Page 4 Empty Re: Nick Viall & Natalie Joy Viall - Bachelor 21 - Discussion - #2

Post by Astrobach Tue Jul 21, 2020 5:55 pm

Sprite wrote:Nick eating very reluctant crow on his podcast re the RS interview, before he gets into the JP interview.

Acknowledging making mistakes...too emotional, somewhat biased re tptb and not acknowledging that others may have had experiences different to his and may have been harmed by them, skated over not listening and talking over RS. He keeps harping on how he wanted to show how RS has harmed lots of peoples lives, while glossing over what tptb have done. He finally...reluctantly... admits that the minor MOT players are often more harmed than the F4 by the edits. He basically admits he was out for revenge on RS and it backfired. Apparently he got a a ton of negativity post interview and he felt he was back on Andi's season. Which conveniently he forgets tptb edited and that he caused more harm and drew more hate on himself when he outed Andi for sleeping with him.  He acknowledges there "might" be a market for what RS does. You think? He only manages to make a living out of it for years.

I can't believe Nick is still harping on about being harmed by RS when he aired the video of Nick yapping on the plane on his way home from Andi's season. Get over it dude. You were on a crowded plane. It was not a private conversation. You were just unlucky one of RS's old girlfriends was behind you and figured out what was going on. If you were so afraid of being sued then you should have kept your mouth shut until you got home and could vent privately.

I really should stick with my first opinions of people. I wasn't a fan during Andi's season (well, I wasn't a fan or hers or Josh either), but felt bad for Nick after the whole sex debacle and thought well, he isn't so bad. Now dude is so self righteous and full of himself and I'm back to dislike...probably even more than initially. And for what it's worth, it's not like I am a huge RS fan, but he has grown and changed a lot over the years and has toned down considerably. Nick should try it.

THIS! especially the bold! I rarely listen to him because I’ve never found he is a great interviewer, it’s always evident that he wants to talk and BE LISTENED TO . He thinks so highly of himself... get a Freaking grip! He’s mostly sounding like an arrogant narcissist ! I did listen to his RS podcast and it was increasingly cringey and uncomfortable to hear him constantly interrupts and overpower the conversation. I heard a great podcast reviewing it  by the ‘ Game of Roses’ that illustrates how much hypocrisy Nick is able to hide behind, and how his perception is affecting his ability to be respected. I’m sure he got a real wake up call with the 90 % very negative comments that were written and broadcasted all over, and that s WHY he’s reluctantly maybe trying to save face. What a load of crap. I doubt he GETS IT in a deeper level. He’s looking at his followers and afraid to lose too many. It’s his general better than others attitude that needs examination, not just his immature vendetta against RS. He got to a certain level of ‘power‘ in BN and with S/M and I guess that he thought he had more than the reality. Karma is bitch and doesn’t care, you get what you sow.
Again, not expecting real deep changes from him and I don't  really care one way or another.
I agree that RS on the other hand has shown a lot more maturity and growth and is able to admit his wrongs without being cornered to do so. He has managed the difficult feat to gain the trust of many ex- contestant and his integrity has paid off and somewhere I think Nick is jealous that he is an ‘ outsider’ and gets so much more private information than himself.

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Nick Viall &  Natalie Joy Viall - Bachelor 21 - Discussion - #2 - Page 4 Empty Re: Nick Viall & Natalie Joy Viall - Bachelor 21 - Discussion - #2

Post by Sprite Tue Jul 21, 2020 6:13 pm

Astrobach wrote:
Sprite wrote:Nick eating very reluctant crow on his podcast re the RS interview, before he gets into the JP interview.

Acknowledging making mistakes...too emotional, somewhat biased re tptb and not acknowledging that others may have had experiences different to his and may have been harmed by them, skated over not listening and talking over RS. He keeps harping on how he wanted to show how RS has harmed lots of peoples lives, while glossing over what tptb have done. He finally...reluctantly... admits that the minor MOT players are often more harmed than the F4 by the edits. He basically admits he was out for revenge on RS and it backfired. Apparently he got a a ton of negativity post interview and he felt he was back on Andi's season. Which conveniently he forgets tptb edited and that he caused more harm and drew more hate on himself when he outed Andi for sleeping with him.  He acknowledges there "might" be a market for what RS does. You think? He only manages to make a living out of it for years.

I can't believe Nick is still harping on about being harmed by RS when he aired the video of Nick yapping on the plane on his way home from Andi's season. Get over it dude. You were on a crowded plane. It was not a private conversation. You were just unlucky one of RS's old girlfriends was behind you and figured out what was going on. If you were so afraid of being sued then you should have kept your mouth shut until you got home and could vent privately.

I really should stick with my first opinions of people. I wasn't a fan during Andi's season (well, I wasn't a fan or hers or Josh either), but felt bad for Nick after the whole sex debacle and thought well, he isn't so bad. Now dude is so self righteous and full of himself and I'm back to dislike...probably even more than initially. And for what it's worth, it's not like I am a huge RS fan, but he has grown and changed a lot over the years and has toned down considerably. Nick should try it.

THIS! especially the bold! I rarely listen to him because I’ve never found he is a great interviewer, it’s always evident that he wants to talk and BE LISTENED TO . He thinks so highly of himself... get a Freaking grip! He’s mostly sounding like an arrogant narcissist ! I did listen to his RS podcast and it was increasingly cringey and uncomfortable to hear him constantly interrupts and overpower the conversation. I heard a great podcast reviewing it  by the ‘ Game of Roses’ that illustrates how much hypocrisy Nick is able to hide behind, and how his perception is affecting his ability to be respected. I’m sure he got a real wake up call with the 90 % very negative comments that were written and broadcasted all over, and that s WHY he’s reluctantly maybe trying to save face. What a load of crap. I doubt he GETS IT in a deeper level. He’s looking at his followers and afraid to lose too many. It’s his general better than others attitude that needs examination, not just his immature vendetta against RS. He got to a certain level of ‘power‘ in BN and with S/M and I guess that he thought he had more than the reality. Karma is bitch and doesn’t care, you get what you sow.
Again, not expecting real deep changes from him and I don't  really care one way or another.
I agree that RS on the other hand has shown a lot more maturity and growth and is able to admit his wrongs without being cornered to do so. He has managed the difficult feat to gain the trust of many ex- contestant and his integrity has paid off and somewhere I think Nick is jealous that he is an ‘ outsider’ and gets so much more private information than himself.

Yes to the highlighted. I do think he is jealous and I also agree that RS has shown that he can own up to his mistakes without being cornered to do so. It was so obvious listening to Nick today that it was killing him to own up to anything. And even as he did so, he was still trying to excuse himself...the same thing he accused RS of doing. The hypocrisy from Nick was just mind blowing. Listening to him it was obvious that he doesn't really think about other people...unless they benefit him...and he was still trying to not p*ss off tptb. no no

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