Hannah Brown - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #2

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TheBachelorette - Hannah Brown - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #2 - Page 59 Empty Re: Hannah Brown - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #2

Post by ReneeM Fri May 22, 2020 9:23 pm

Hannah’s 25 or 26. She’s grown. It can’t always be about her feelings and what she needs, especially when she’s the one who did something harmful. I would say she needs to take responsibility but her supporters have shown me that she doesn’t, that they’ll defend her no matter what, so she’ll get away with her half assed apology, and her self victimizing tears that I’m sure will come when she steps back into the public eye, and she’ll go on about her life like she did before all this happened.

What I would say to Hannah, her family and friends, & her fans, it’s not enough to say you’re a good person, and it’s not enough to do the right thing when it’s easy. At a certain point, you’ve gotta walk the walk. As embarrassing and disappointing as this thing was, it was also an opportunity, to show what it means to be a good person and to practice what she preaches. She loves talking about Jesus, it was chance to do ask herself ‘what would Jesus do?’ and follow in those steps. This was a test of her character, and she’s failed at every turn.

All jmo.


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Post by Doggoneit Fri May 22, 2020 9:35 pm

I have a different opinion. Tyler completely had Hannah's blessing on his post. He also was in the middle of Barkitecture publicity. He has subtly supported her...glossier hat, sweatshirt, hat again.

I know @Chgohighlife you are an expert at all of this stuff, I am not, but I think there is a bigger plan. TheBachelorette - Hannah Brown - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #2 - Page 59 1f618 She really f***ed up. However, without any excuse....I identify with that mistake. As someone who does not listen to that type of music, and actually during this pandemic thought maybe I could learn a tik tok....Damn,every word has a motion.
I am NOT giving her a pass, but she was in the movement with her cousin not in the words. My opinion. And, then it went to hell. Also, i think it went to hell because she was drunk and freaked out. AS SHE SHOULD HAVE BEEN.,.freaked out. I just think we have watched her for a year, we have seen great glimpses of her character. This is not what we have seen.
This was literally less than 20 seconds. Do we let all of the good be trampled by 20 seconds?
I have avoided all of this, because I really don't want to fuel any hate. I think she was wrong. PERIOD. But, like Tyler, I know the she is not racist.
i live in the south. My children are Hannah's age. I never allowed that music in my home. I just learned through this situation that poc chose to use that term to take back the power over the word. I am sorry to be so uninformed. So were my boys... 30, 28,25. Really not prevalent where we all live. Talked to idea.
Have stayed away from this. But, I have been here with all of you for years. I used to be BowenAnderson, but that was my son's name that had been interviewed for Hannah's season. so i got worried. Many of you have been ,like me ,here forever, and even in the ABC forum at the beginning of ....shall i say internett?
I am believing that this will be turned around. I am not willing to pile on. I feel like NV comments like...everyone in BN has a HB story....then he backs that out with his latest commentary. He was being consistent. Speak kindly to people in the room, then if it serves your purpose...change the tune.
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@Chgohighlife Hope you are safe and well!!!!


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Post by Chgohighlife Fri May 22, 2020 9:37 pm

Jolena wrote:
Chgohighlife wrote:@Jolena
I read Tyler’s comment presented very negatively while on a conference call and came away with the wrong impression. You are right and I’m glad you pointed it out because more than any other contestant in the franchise, I am a Tyler Cameron fan.

All good Chgohighlife. I'm a Tyler fan too, I think he is a good person, and a good friend, he seems to be that" rock" for friends and family and reaches out to help others as well., he has a hugh heart even when his is being broken, and the cherry on top is he just so happens to be a cutie too. TheBachelorette - Hannah Brown - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #2 - Page 59 4256136633 of all Bachelor leads and contestants , he's my favorite of all time . I think he has his head screwed on straight & has a lot on his plate right now jmo

Tyler’s the best and I want the best for him. I’m glad he’s so level headed. He’ll make a good choice when he chooses a mate.


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Post by wishesfireworks Fri May 22, 2020 9:45 pm

Someone on Reddit just posted that Rachel and Becca’s podcast is being brigaded with one star reviews. Hmm, I wonder why. It’s almost been a week since the incident and no follow up apology and she has shown zero remorse or character growth. No apology posted in the future whether there will be one or not will be sincere. Hannah has shown her true colors. I’m 100% sure her family and friends are coddling her and making her look like the victim. She should also be embarrassed that she tried to put the blame on Patrick.


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Post by ReneeM Fri May 22, 2020 9:52 pm

wishesfireworks wrote:Someone on Reddit just posted that Rachel and Becca’s podcast is being brigaded with one star reviews. Hmm, I wonder why. It’s almost been a week since the incident and no follow up apology and she has shown zero remorse or character growth. No apology posted in the future whether there will be one or not will be sincere. Hannah has shown her true colors. I’m 100% sure her family and friends are coddling her and making her look like the victim. She should also be embarrassed that she tried to put the blame on Patrick.
Yup. I feel pretty certain that people in her life are showering her with praise for having a good heart and she’s just a victim of cancel culture and meanies on the Internet. People like Rachel are just jealous of her because she’s more popular. They know she’s not racist, they just want to take her down. :dripdrip. JMO.


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Post by Jolena Fri May 22, 2020 9:52 pm

ReneeM wrote:Hannah’s 25 or 26. She’s grown. It can’t always be about her feelings and what she needs, especially when she’s the one who did something harmful. I would say she needs to take responsibility but her supporters have shown me that she doesn’t, that they’ll defend her no matter what, so she’ll get away with her half assed apology, and her self victimizing tears that I’m sure will come when she steps back into the public eye, and she’ll go on about her life like she did before all this happened.

What I would say to Hannah, her family and friends, & her fans, it’s not enough to say you’re a good person, and it’s not enough to do the right thing when it’s easy. At a certain point, you’ve gotta walk the walk. As embarrassing and disappointing as this thing was, it was also an opportunity, to show what it means to be a good person and to practice what she preaches. She loves talking about Jesus, it was chance to do ask herself ‘what would Jesus do?’ and follow in those steps. This was a test of her character, and she’s failed at every turn.

All jmo.

I'm not defending what she did but Its possible that she's asking herself and Jesus those very same questions the past few days and maybe she will follow in his footsteps in a way that he guides her.
No matter her age young or old we all make mistakes in life and all deserve the time to heal and learn from them . Some people may need a little more time then others and I'm sure she will address this soon. It's not in me to bring a person further down then what they might already be. JMO

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Post by Doggoneit Fri May 22, 2020 9:53 pm

All we can control is our own thoughts and posts.  We can also be positive and anticipate the most positive outcome.  I so respect all of you.  But, we have no idea what is happening with Hannah.  So many possibilites...PR firm in charge?  She has checked in to  a counseling facility.  Just presenting other thoughts.  Not saying they are right.  


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TheBachelorette - Hannah Brown - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #2 - Page 59 Empty Re: Hannah Brown - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #2

Post by Jolena Fri May 22, 2020 9:57 pm

Doggoneit wrote:All we can control is our own thoughts and posts.  We can also be positive and anticipate the most positive outcome.  I so respect all of you.  But, we have no idea what is happening with Hannah.  So many possibilites...PR firm in charge?  She has checked in to  a counseling facility.  Just presenting other thoughts.  Not saying they are right.  

I totally agree. I mentioned the same thing earlier that for all we know she could be in a hospital the past few days. So now that you mention counseling facility that's a possibility as well. We'll have to wait and see.

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TheBachelorette - Hannah Brown - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #2 - Page 59 Empty Re: Hannah Brown - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #2

Post by Doggoneit Fri May 22, 2020 9:59 pm

Stepping back out. No one outside of the primary players deserves any backlash. Still believe that there is a bigger plan in motion that will in some way be positive. Can we not hope for that?????? Please believe that good can come from this.


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TheBachelorette - Hannah Brown - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #2 - Page 59 Empty Re: Hannah Brown - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #2

Post by mercieme Fri May 22, 2020 10:48 pm

True empathy crosses both ways. I for one am just tired of the narrative on SM being about just what Hannah is going through and not including those she has hurt. It’s just too reminiscent of how our society tends to give certain demographics a pass over others so it does not surprise me in the least bit that Hannah’s fans are doing this. The bigger thing that has come out of this for me is the exposure of the many racists that exist in BN fandom, but I am a firm believer that people reap what they sow even if they are doing so hiding behind their computer screens.

I supported Hannah during DWTS but was always cognizant that she needs a lot of growth in handling criticism. Simone Biles was much younger than Hannah when she did DWTS and handled Carrie Ann tearing into her much better. HB is not a child & IMO should not be infantilized by her fans her & neither should folks be posting negativity directly on her SM page. But the vitriol on the SM pages from Hannah’s fans on the SM pages of those that have spoken up are far more than Hannah is getting, this is a fact. So yeah I have way more empathy for others in this situation.

There are celebrities like Lana del ray and Alison Roman that have also gotten themselves involved in racially sensitive situations this past week and being called out for their actions. They are both more popular than Hannah and being held accountable by their fans & the media and both have issued better apologies than HB. Maybe Hannah can borrow a page from the one person she fans a lot, Taylor Swift who said that if her fans are racist then she does not want them as fans. As far as I am concerned though, any apology from HB is too late and she should just lay low in Alabama and when she comes back hopefully she uses her SM platform for the greater good of society at large....all jmho.


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TheBachelorette - Hannah Brown - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #2 - Page 59 Empty Re: Hannah Brown - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #2

Post by Chgohighlife Fri May 22, 2020 11:01 pm

When this fiasco started, Hannah had 2.8M Instagram followers. 
Today, Hannah has 2.8M Instagram followers. More than any of the people telling her to apologize. That’s one reason she’s in a quandary, I’m sure.


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TheBachelorette - Hannah Brown - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #2 - Page 59 Empty Re: Hannah Brown - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #2

Post by Jolena Fri May 22, 2020 11:02 pm

mercieme wrote:True empathy crosses both ways. I for one am just tired of the narrative on SM being about just what Hannah is going through and not including those she has hurt. It’s just too reminiscent of how our society tends to give certain demographics a pass over others so it does not surprise me in the least bit that Hannah’s fans are doing this. The bigger thing that has come out of this for me is the exposure of the many racists that exist in BN fandom, but I am a firm believer that people reap what they sow even if they are doing so hiding behind their computer screens.

I supported Hannah during DWTS but was always cognizant that she needs a lot of growth in handling criticism. Simone Biles was much younger than Hannah when she did DWTS and handled Carrie Ann tearing into her much better. HB is not a child & IMO should not be infantilized by her fans her & neither should folks be posting negativity directly on her SM page. But the vitriol on the SM pages from Hannah’s fans on the SM pages of those that have spoken up are far more than Hannah is getting, this is a fact. So yeah I have way more empathy for others in this situation.

There are celebrities like Lana del ray and Alison Roman that have also gotten themselves involved in racially sensitive situations this past week and being called out for their actions. They are both more popular than Hannah and being held accountable by their fans & the media and both have issued better apologies than HB. Maybe Hannah can borrow a page from the one person she fans a lot, Taylor Swift who said that if her fans are racist then she does not want them as fans. As far as I am concerned though, any apology from HB is too late and she should just lay low in Alabama and when she comes back hopefully she uses her SM platform for the greater good of society at large....all jmho.

In my opinion it's never to late to say your sorry. She did immediately express that she was sorry the minute she said it on the live ( I was actually watching it) and the following day issued a statement owning it, taking full responsibility for her actions and apologizing and im sure she will speak on it further but to say she ignored it completely is not the truth. jmo

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