Bachelor 24 - Peter Weber - Jan 27th - Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

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Post by Guest Tue Jan 28, 2020 3:58 am

it seems like his best connection so far is with Victoria F...


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Post by Jolena Tue Jan 28, 2020 4:15 am

I think Victoria Paul might've ruined her chance tonight for the lead. Im now thinking Kelsey might be a better choice. Guess we'll have to wait and see. jmo

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Post by Astrobach Tue Jan 28, 2020 6:17 am

Why did I even watched this train wreck? In brief, VF is trying to minimize anything she did before that would be showing her real colors. So whatever happened with Chase and her, she is clearly more affected by what she fears can be coming to light than the actual reality. When someone is constantly covering up and managing their lies and calculations, instead of just going forward with a clear conscience, you know there is more stuff hidden that lurks.
I also saw another side to the other Victoria, and she also uses whining, self-pity, tears and defection to try and get Peter’s sympathy and in doing so, trips on her own words and looks like a liar and manipulator at least as much as Alayah or VF. And Peter has to try and comfort them with more make out sessions. It’s just so ridiculous, this group of girls, because I can’t see much ‘ woman’ in there...maybe Kelley stands out so far.
All in all, drama filled ridiculous scenes where we don’t see much connection developing but instead a spineless lead who is lost in the girls mayhem.
And now that we know how far some of these girls’s just insane.
I’m going back to refresh my mind in New Zealand with Dr. Lesina! laugh out loud

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Post by Tiggerlgh Tue Jan 28, 2020 10:44 am

Emeralds wrote:
atem wrote:
Sprite wrote:
Jolena wrote:I think Peter knows exactly who he wants and he wants Madison, imo that's why he stated at the 2 rose ceremony " this is proving to be harder for me then I thought it would be" I took that to mean exactly what Colton said to Cassie " do you know how hard it is to have to date and kiss other girls when all I can do is think about you?" Peter is not as dumb or nieve as some might think. It's obvious since last week pool party that he is over the crying and the drama already as he told Madison " I needed this to get away from everything" He was smart enough from the start to pick Madison out of that crowd to take home for what was not only special and personal to him but as he said the "ultimate" date for him, and that's what he holding onto ( his words as he looked straight at Madison at that rose ceremony. He knows he has to complete the SHOW and with that I don't think he realized how conniving TPTB really are. jmo

And the second highlight is precisely why he is as dumb and naive as I stated. He saw and was part of Hannah's season. That should have been more than enough to show him exactly how conniving and manipulative tptb really are. He just thought that they were his friend and wouldn't do that to him...or he was smart and would see the traps they will set for him. Wrong! Just dumb.

I also don't buy that he picked Madi out that early. This is a guy who falls fast and often and likes nothing better than to make out with every woman within reach of his tongue. I think the "this is proving to be harder" bit is more in relation to how much drama and tears he has to deal with rather than protecting someone he cares for. TBH I would like nothing better than for Madi to dump his sorry a** at the end and say sorry, I watched the show and you have no idea what you want. Bye, have a nice life and go and enjoy the windmill.   TheLand - Bachelor 24 - Peter Weber - Jan 27th - Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 18 2498057887

I agree 100%.  Peter is still chummy with the Producers.  Plus, he slept with HS and VF at the FS.  No thanks.  That's not love.

Peter is just not my cup of tea.  He claims it's not about sex to him, but that's what it's all about to me when I read/watch him.

I hope Peter learns something though.  I would be happy if he picked Madi, but I really don't think he wouldn't end up cheating on her.  I want the F1 and F2 to dump the lead for once.

Do we know he slept with HS and VF in FSD?

No we don’t know who he slept with, if anyone, at this point.  There is speculation but nothing known.  In interviews he has avoided that question.  And has pointed out he didn’t talk about it last season either.

Team Sluething :detective

Sorry for iPad likes to think it knows what I want to say.

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Post by GuardianAngel Tue Jan 28, 2020 12:47 pm

I'm going to go with Chase's version. He knew before hand VF was going to be on the show but didn't know she would be Peter's date. At this point what would it matter to him, he's there for his music. If she was a one night stand or not if it bothered him that she would be there he wouldn't agree.  IMHO there would be no reason for him to downplay their relationship as a one night stand if it was more than that.  

VF OTOH had to come clean in case Peter found out, so she embellished the truth which she's going to be doing a lot of with the rest of the dirt that's out on her. She already posted IIRC that she can't talk now but we'll know the truth. That truth will probably be something like those guys marriages were already in trouble, as if that justifies her behaviour.


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Post by Buckeye_Fan Tue Jan 28, 2020 12:54 pm

HavaDrPepper wrote:Awwww.....

My absolute favorite roller coaster at CP (Blue Streak) is in the background of these basketball scenes.

The episode kept my attention only because it was filmed in my home state.  At least they did Cleveland proud tonight.  Peter was another story!

My only disappointment is that they have 4 girls make O-H-I-O. Somebody didn't do their homework!
TheLand - Bachelor 24 - Peter Weber - Jan 27th - Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 18 Ohio10


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Post by HavaDrPepper Tue Jan 28, 2020 2:03 pm

Buckeye_Fan wrote:
HavaDrPepper wrote:Awwww.....

My absolute favorite roller coaster at CP (Blue Streak) is in the background of these basketball scenes.

The episode kept my attention only because it was filmed in my home state.  At least they did Cleveland proud tonight.  Peter was another story!

My only disappointment is that they have 4 girls make O-H-I-O.  Somebody didn't do their homework!
TheLand - Bachelor 24 - Peter Weber - Jan 27th - Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 18 Ohio10

Very true, but I will say that would be more applicable if the show was filmed in Columbus.


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Post by bluwavz Tue Jan 28, 2020 2:07 pm


Although “The Bachelor” dipped week-to-week, the ABC show still managed to top the TV ratings charts for Monday night.

Episode four of the dating show’s 24th season scored a 1.6 rating among adults 18-49 and drew just under 6 million total viewers. That’s down around a quarter million viewers from last episode, but is still a better number than episode 2 put up.

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Post by bluwavz Tue Jan 28, 2020 2:09 pm

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Post by bluwavz Tue Jan 28, 2020 2:37 pm

Sharleen's Flare recap:

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Post by smg2587 Tue Jan 28, 2020 3:23 pm

Okay done with the episode now.

Victoria F definitely knows how to play into Peter's hero complex. She is definitely one of his top contenders though. I would only put Madison above her because besides night 1 I don't think the show has done a good job at showing anything Peter and Hannah Ann have even though I believe she was one of his favorites from the beginning as well. Chase drama aside that honestly looked like the best 1on1 he had so far but I am only comparing it to just three dates.

Group date I have to give credit to those women that actually participated in that. They all looked like they where giving it there best and having fun. To bad there effort was for not because Peter attention was on beauty queen drama.

Alayah coming back, her actual entrance is one of the best producer things from this season. Getting in Victoria P's head that she should steal him first and having her doing itms and not seeing Alayah come in until Peter got her. And Alayah walk straight to Peter. I loved the deer in headlights look they got out of Peter. I don't care for the drama but entrance to me is one of the best things from this season so far.

Again don't care for the drama. I can't stand either one. Victoria P clearly lied about how well she knew Alayah. And Alayah maybe unknowingly stirs the pot and honestly does come off rather fake. Even when Peter came back anyone heard her say "todays been a good day," when Victoria P left the convo. I just don't buy Peter is that into Alayah to be this conflicted about her. He is so attentive and acts way different to his actual f4 and Kelley than he does with her to make me buy she was someone he was considering. Heck I thought there was more with Mykenna than Alayah and its pretty obvious its all physical/fun with Mykenna. Also I feel like you saw the moment Peter was done with Victoria P. Like he had his arm around her at the beginning of the talk with the two of them and it slipped off in the middle of that convo. Person I liked most during that whole thing was Savanah because she gave reason for not trusting Victoria and not being part of the gang up with Alayah. Also Peter is a dumb, dumb man to give Alayah that group date rose. You spent a whole day with the rest of these women and you give the rose to the woman that wasn't originally on the damn date. Let her back into the competition and wait to give her a rose at the rc but that group date rose should of gone to someone that actually participated in the football game.

I like Kelsey's night portion of their date. And can see why she made the f4 with how they interacted during that part. They really didn't give a good day portion. But the night portion definitely upped Kelsey's chances at the Bachelorette. Also if you heard Rob Mills on Viall Files he definitely made it sound like both Kelsey and Tammy where people they where keeping an eye on for next ette.

Rolling Eyes at all the rest of the arguments that involved Alayah. Like really don't care. From what they showed the only one that has a right to be upset at her is Victoria F for what she feels like is gossiping about her but the rest don't. I do have to say if Alayah only did tell Hannah Ann and Mykenna about it she should have told Victoria that and let her settle it with the two of them. She didn't do a good job defending herself in that situation. And yeah Victoria F probably didn't have to treat that like a big deal. I will say the women that went on the group date that participated have a right to be angry with Peter. Nothing really about what happen with Alayah but how Peter seems to stop making time for these women to deal with whatever drama is happening in the moment. to want to talk to Victoria P first makes like you don't give a damn about the rest of the women that you didn't spend time with on the group date. He should of went in an spent time with the women that didn't get time. Than deal with the Victoria P/Alayah stuff after he got the chance to talk to everyone. Not sure if the producers got into his head or what. But these women when most/all are together with him had already dealt with three nights of Alayah drama and you want start the evening off to deal with it again by pulling Victoria aside first. How about you actually think about more than the drama instead of heading head first into it.

That rant on the episode took longer than I was expecting. All jmo.


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Post by bluwavz Tue Jan 28, 2020 3:35 pm

Ashley I's Cosmo recap:

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Bachelor 24 - Peter Weber - Jan 27th - Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

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