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Post by whit90 Sat Jul 18, 2020 7:24 pm

blueblues wrote:Three articles in a day, not bad. Colton has now returned to Denver. I wonder if their publicists saw the common interest and acted as match makers.
Colton has always loved attention, but this time I think it’s more about getting back at Cassie for effectively blocking his new book chapter.

Cassie has completely ignored this silliness, and I hope she continues to do that. Considering how they both have acted since the breakup, I can’t understand how the old Cassie-never-loved-him-let’s-hate-her narrative even exists anymore.

How did Cassie block his book that more than likely was never going to be published. Never once did I say I hate Cassie but so many times people say she never was into him like he was . So it’s not a old narrative. Cassie is a great girl but she likes the fame as much as he does. JMO

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Post by jojo47 Sat Jul 18, 2020 9:55 pm

bluwavz wrote:

Of course Colton is free to date whomever he wants. Go for it! It’s just laughable to me that he was complaining about Cassie’s CH interview. Much to his chagrin, he’ll just fizzle out.

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Post by blueblues Sat Jul 18, 2020 10:15 pm

whit90 wrote:How did Cassie block his book that more than likely was never going to be published.
In Cassie’s stories (page 1 of this thread) she says:
“I would like to place a public record & ask you politely to refrain from discussing our relationship, as we agreed.”
She also says:
“On Monday evening, you informed me you intended to monetize our breakup by writing a new chapter to discuss your experience with COVID (were you stayed in my family’s house during your recovery) & about our breakup.” And so on.

So they have talked privately, and he has threatened to violate their agreement to not talk publicly about the breakup or her family. By officially asking him to not do that, she puts pressure on him, since it would now make him look really bad if he actually published that chapter.

The real jackpot for her is that his publicist immediately said that "no no no, it’s not true that he intends to do that". After that, how can he possibly publish that chapter?

whit90 wrote:Never once did I say I hate Cassie but so many times people say she never was into him like he was . So it’s not a old narrative. Cassie is a great girl but she likes the fame as much as he does. JMO
Are we talking about those “many people” that base their opinion on the (highly edited) show that was recorded before their relationship really started? The trolls? Because everyone that I know of who actually saw them together have said the opposite.

IMO Cassie has always struggled with the fame, while Colton seems to be unable to live without it.


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Post by makeover Mon Jul 20, 2020 9:34 pm

Cassie likes the attention for sure, but to the extent of Colton? Nah.

I am sure Colton was mostly good to Cassie while they were dating and vice versa. But true colors comes out after the relationship ends and Colton has shown his. All jmo.


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Post by Chgohighlife Tue Jul 21, 2020 12:15 pm

makeover wrote:Cassie likes the attention for sure, but to the extent of Colton? Nah.

I am sure Colton was mostly good to Cassie while they were dating and vice versa. But true colors comes out after the relationship ends and Colton has shown his. All jmo.

I completely agree with you. Colton wants to be famous and he wants to be more successful than he is. That’s why he went onto three reality shows and wrote an IMO laughable “book”. What I dislike about him is his unwillingness to work for real accomplishments. IMO, He needs more education and meaningful work to help him see a bigger world that he is definitely not the focal point of, at this point. His book confirms how limited his thinking and exposure is.

Cassie is willing and able to learn and do more so, she’s free and there’s nothing he can do about it. Now it’s time for him to develop an actual career. He is not famous enough to make significant money for himself via his charities. His name is not recognized to that extent, in spite of his efforts. As he gradually comes to understand his reality, he will not be a fun partner for anyone. He is going to have to grow up and buckle down, not his strong suit, IMO. All IMO.


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Post by Sprite Tue Jul 21, 2020 12:18 pm

@Chgohighlife I don't think he is supposed to be making money via his charities...well, not for himself anyway. If he is, well, then it isn't really a charity IMO.

You could be the juiciest, most ripe peach, but there is still going to be someone who doesn't like peaches.

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Post by Chgohighlife Tue Jul 21, 2020 12:42 pm

Sprite wrote:@Chgohighlife I don't think he is supposed to be making money via his charities...well, not for himself anyway. If he is, well, then it isn't really a charity IMO.

I can be wrong like anyone else but, I don’t ever intentionally make statements I can’t substantiate. I have been in business for years, I’m not guessing. Within the framework of every charity there is the POTENTIAL for payment of staff and a director. A very successful charity can support a decent payroll. Specific grants can add to that. I think most people understand that. A smaller charity cannot accomplish as much in terms of contributions or, salary. So far, Colton’s charity needs a bigger name/audience/support base to be significantly successful. I’m referring to the kind of success that famous people easily develop. So, my point is Colton either needs fame, a partner for SM influence (like Cassie was) and/or, a job. This is an easy topic to research.
All IMO.


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Post by Sprite Tue Jul 21, 2020 1:14 pm

Chgohighlife wrote:
Sprite wrote:@Chgohighlife I don't think he is supposed to be making money via his charities...well, not for himself anyway. If he is, well, then it isn't really a charity IMO.

I can be wrong like anyone else but, I don’t ever intentionally make statements I can’t substantiate. I have been in business for years, I’m not guessing. Within the framework of every charity there is the POTENTIAL for payment of staff and a director. A very successful charity can support a decent payroll. Specific grants can add to that. I think most people understand that. A smaller charity cannot accomplish as much in terms of contributions or, salary. So far, Colton’s charity needs a bigger name/audience/support base to be significantly successful. I’m referring to the kind of success that famous people easily develop. So, my point is Colton either needs fame, a partner for SM influence (like Cassie was) and/or, a job. This is an easy topic to research.
All IMO.

I get that he might get a salary. I was just thinking, it is a small charity...I don't even know how successful it really it's not like he will be making a ton of money from it. Lots of charities out there, who suck up most of the donations in operating costs and not so much for the charity. no idea

You could be the juiciest, most ripe peach, but there is still going to be someone who doesn't like peaches.

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Post by Chgohighlife Tue Jul 21, 2020 2:30 pm

Sprite wrote:
Chgohighlife wrote:
Sprite wrote:@Chgohighlife I don't think he is supposed to be making money via his charities...well, not for himself anyway. If he is, well, then it isn't really a charity IMO.

I can be wrong like anyone else but, I don’t ever intentionally make statements I can’t substantiate. I have been in business for years, I’m not guessing. Within the framework of every charity there is the POTENTIAL for payment of staff and a director. A very successful charity can support a decent payroll. Specific grants can add to that. I think most people understand that. A smaller charity cannot accomplish as much in terms of contributions or, salary. So far, Colton’s charity needs a bigger name/audience/support base to be significantly successful. I’m referring to the kind of success that famous people easily develop. So, my point is Colton either needs fame, a partner for SM influence (like Cassie was) and/or, a job. This is an easy topic to research.
All IMO.

I get that he might get a salary. I was just thinking, it is a small charity...I don't even know how successful it really it's not like he will be making a ton of money from it. Lots of charities out there, who suck up most of the donations in operating costs and not so much for the charity. no idea

that's actually what I said. The Colton Underwood Legacy Foundation, Inc. will have minimal contributions until and unless Colton Underwood becomes an amazingly famous name with lots of friends with deep pockets. Hence, no need to keep himself ingratiated with tptb. They've already done all they can for him by putting his name out there in BN which is not known for our deep pockets. The NFL has already done all they plan to for him. At the risk of being redundant: "So, my point is Colton either needs fame, a partner for SM influence (like Cassie was) and/or, a job."
Generally, Ex pro ballers without name/face recognition for sponsorships gravitate to a few different things; Professional Sales, Charities or, Real Estate. If they're really smart giggling - they may be able to do investments/financial instruments. All IMO


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Post by Astrobach Tue Jul 21, 2020 6:14 pm

@Chgohighlife  Snipped : ...” Colton either needs fame, a partner for SM influence (like Cassie was) “ No wonder he is now ‘ seen ‘ around a much more famous level actress like Lucy Hale. She ticks some boxes...laugh out loud

ETA : Lucy Hale has 25 MILLIONS followers on IG...

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Post by Chgohighlife Tue Jul 21, 2020 7:09 pm

Astrobach wrote:@Chgohighlife  Snipped : ...” Colton either needs fame, a partner for SM influence (like Cassie was) “ No wonder he is now ‘ seen ‘ around a much more famous level actress like Lucy Hale. She ticks some boxes...laugh out loud

ETA : Lucy Hale has 25 MILLIONS followers on IG...

Well...there ya go! He’d be happy about his promotion if he wasn’t so petty. I hope Cassie starts to date an exceptionally successful pro-baller. Just for the fun of it. All IMO.


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Post by blueblues Thu Jul 23, 2020 6:59 am

They both liked each other’s latest IG posts, I think for the first time since the breakup announcement. Hopefully Colton came to his senses and they talked it out.
He has spent time with his mother the last few days, so maybe she had something to do with it.

I hope this messiness is over now.


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