Bachelorette 17 - Katie Thurston - Contestants - General Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

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 Bachelorette 17 - Katie Thurston - Contestants - General Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers* Empty Bachelorette 17 - Katie Thurston - Contestants - General Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by GuardianAngel Wed Mar 24, 2021 4:19 pm

Moved from the No Discussion thread. I think I'd like to keep the NO Discussion thread for confirmed elimination or highly speculated so it doesn't get to complicated keeping track. We'll use this GD thread for discussion.

lovelycrumpets wrote:Not sure where to put this. If it doesn't not belong here, let me know where you want it.


Only 19 men have not had any social media activity:
-Andrew M
-Connor B
-Connor C

Only 3 men had social activity everyday
-Bao (deleted posts 3/21 and went public, most likely cut pre-filming)
-Dennis (went public 3/20, most likely cut pre-filming)
-Landon (has been following people every day. Speculated cut pre-filming)

Only 12 men had one day of social media activity (something small like they followed someone)
-Andrew S
-Tanner (went public 3/20 and posted insta stories, most likely cut pre-filming, this was his only day he had social media activity, hasn't followed anyone new or anything)

lovelycrumpets wrote:Doing this every 3 days


Only 7 men have not had any social media activity
-Connor B
-Conor C

Only 3 men have had social media activity every day
-Bao (cut pre-filming, still looking at his activity)
-Landon (speculated pre-cut)

Only 12 men have had one day of social media activity
-Andrew M (3/24)
-Andrew S (3/22)
-Brendon (3/24)
-John (3/23)
-Justin (3/22)
-Karl (3/24)
-Marty (3/24 - deactivated)
-Quartney (3/23)
-Tanner (cut pre-filming, still looking at his activity)
-Thomas (3/22)
-Tre (3/23)
-Viktor (3/23)

Only 12 men have had social media activity for 2 days
-Austin (3/23, 3/24)
-Brandon (3/23, 3/24)
-Christian (3/23, 3/24)
-Cody (3/22, 3/23)
-Dennis (3/22, 3/24) (cut pre filming, still looking at activity)
-Gabriel (3/22, 3/24)
-Greg (3/22, 3/23)
-Hunter (3/22, 3/23)
-James (3/22, 3/24)
-Jeff (3/23, 3/24)
-Justin (3/22, 3/24)
-Marcus (3/22, 3/24)

pavalygurl wrote:[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]  thanks for compiling this.  We know there have to be more than 7 guys left (7 with no SM activity) unless things have really changed.  I wonder if the guys had their phones for a period of time.  Or, my conspiracy self wonders if tptb are trying to confuse the sleuthers.  None of it makes sense to me at this point.

lovelycrumpets wrote:[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] I'm thinking they had their phones for a little bit too but I have NO idea why production would give them to them. The whole thing is confusing. Like why did Jeff make his profile public, then private right away? It's still private now. Something isn't adding up. Hopefully RS will give us some night one info soon.

mbl wrote:[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] What if Ed asked Zac (his former roommate) if Tayshia started filming and Zac said she did. Since he hadn’t heard from Josh, he could conclude that Josh got on the show. Just a possible explanation.


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Post by pavalygurl Wed Mar 24, 2021 4:22 pm

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.]  oops! sorry.   [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]


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Post by GuardianAngel Wed Mar 24, 2021 4:23 pm

[You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] no problem!

I tried this with Clare's season, and am just trying to keep it simple for me to figure out what I'm doing. laugh out loud


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Post by lovelycrumpets Wed Mar 24, 2021 6:20 pm

Thanks [You must be registered and logged in to see this link.] I like this idea!!

"I have your daughter's best interests. I really do love your daughter, and I can stand here and say it and be 100% behind it -- or I wouldn't. I want her to be my wife, and I want to be her best friend, and I want to be her biggest cheerleader... Before I got out here my dad got really sick, and it put a lot of things into perspective for me. I love your daughter, and I want that girl to be the mother of my kids. I want her to lead my family in faith the way she's done so far on this trip and be that strong women that she is. I don't have any second guessing or any doubt about me and her -- at all." [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]


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Post by lovelycrumpets Sat Mar 27, 2021 11:01 am


I am not following instagram stats for Bao, Dennis, Tanner, and Viktor as I feel they were pre-filming boots.

Only 7 men have had 0 social media activity
-Connor B
-Michael (fun fact, hasn't had any social media activity since 3/19)

Only 3 men have had social media activity every day

Only 10 men have had social media activity one time
-Austin (3/26) (Brandon started following him, but he's still private, so he accepted the follower request)
-Conor C (3/26, first time social media activity since the 19th)
-David (3/26, first time social media activity since the 19th)
-Hunter (3/26)
-James (3/27)
-Justin (3/25)
-Kyle (3/26)
-Marcus (3/27)
-Thomas (3/27)
-Tre (3/25)

One 10 men have had social media activity 2 times
-Andrew M (3/26, 3/27)
-Brendan (3/26, 3/27)
-Cody (3/25, 3/26)
-Garrett (3/26, 3/27) (First activity since the 20th)
-Jeff (3/26, 3/27) (started following other night 1 boots, went public real quick, then private)
-John (3/25, 3/27)
-Josh (3/25, 3/26)
-Karl (3/26, 3/27)
-Mikey (3/26, 3/27)
-Quartney (3/26, 3/27)

When I say social media activity, I mainly mean they unfollowed people, followed people, their followers went up, etc.

"I have your daughter's best interests. I really do love your daughter, and I can stand here and say it and be 100% behind it -- or I wouldn't. I want her to be my wife, and I want to be her best friend, and I want to be her biggest cheerleader... Before I got out here my dad got really sick, and it put a lot of things into perspective for me. I love your daughter, and I want that girl to be the mother of my kids. I want her to lead my family in faith the way she's done so far on this trip and be that strong women that she is. I don't have any second guessing or any doubt about me and her -- at all." [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]


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Post by lovelycrumpets Tue Mar 30, 2021 11:13 am


Only 14 men have had 0 social activity
-Austin (night 1 boot)
-Connor B
-Landon (Night 1 boot)

Only 6 men have had social media activity every day
-Andrew M
-Marcus (night 1 boot)

Only 10 men have had social activity one time
-Aaron (3/30)
-Andrew S (3/30)
-Brandon (night one boot) (3/30)
-Brendan (3/30)
-Conor C (3/29)
-Gabriel (night one boot) (3/30)
-Jeff (Night one boot) (3/30)
-John (3/30)
-Mikey P (3/29)
-Quartney (3/29)

"I have your daughter's best interests. I really do love your daughter, and I can stand here and say it and be 100% behind it -- or I wouldn't. I want her to be my wife, and I want to be her best friend, and I want to be her biggest cheerleader... Before I got out here my dad got really sick, and it put a lot of things into perspective for me. I love your daughter, and I want that girl to be the mother of my kids. I want her to lead my family in faith the way she's done so far on this trip and be that strong women that she is. I don't have any second guessing or any doubt about me and her -- at all." [You must be registered and logged in to see this image.]


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Post by bluwavz Mon May 17, 2021 10:01 pm

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????, ??
Bachelor Biography


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Bachelorette 17 - Katie Thurston - Contestants - General Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

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