Bachelorette 17 - Katie Thurston - F1 Clues - NO Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

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Bachelorette 17 - Katie Thurston - F1 Clues - NO Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers* Empty Bachelorette 17 - Katie Thurston - F1 Clues - NO Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by GuardianAngel Sun Jul 04, 2021 1:16 pm

July 2nd

alwayscooking wrote:Blake has been very quiet on SM lately, I wouldn't be surprised at all if he and Katie are still having SHV's somehow.  I'm sure abc could work something out for them.  4th of July is typically a weekend for couples, curious to see if he surfaces at all.

July 3rd

jen689 wrote:snipped
Greg/Katie were also quiet on SM. Yesterday Greg/Katie posted stories within minutes of each other to show they were back home. During Memorial Day weekend when Katie was suppose to be having a SHV Greg wasn't in any of the photo's for his families get together. Two clues Greg/Katie may have had SHV's JMO

Norcalgal wrote:...very general plans (for Blake) to go to Africa. Nothing specific. Hope he has the opportunity and posts lots on IG!
When Katie was on Nick's podcast he asked her to name 4 countries in Africa. The only country she could name was South Africa and she wasn't very confident in her answer. If Blake/Katie are together and he is so passionate about Africa you'd think they would have talked about the countries in Africa he wanted to visit and Katie would've been able to name more than one JMO


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Bachelorette 17 - Katie Thurston - F1 Clues - NO Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

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