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Post by banana12 Sun Feb 18, 2024 2:31 pm

mbl wrote:When RS released the F1 spoiler, I admit I was disappointed.  For one, I wished it was spoiled a little later, because once it's released it takes on a life of its own, especially this season.  The spoiler brought out an unrelenting intensity in Daisy’s friend group and fans -- the whole "we riot at dawn if Daisy isn't F1" crowd that makes me ill (and a little nervous for any F1 that’s not Daisy).  Being the left-leaning NYC liberal that I am, I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t also disappointed with some of the SM accounts she followed (not fair, I suppose, but I want to be honest).  

As I read more about her health issues, I have softened so much towards her.  She has almost no hearing in her 2nd ear, so another cochlear implant may be in her future.  Abigail recently said she got a second CI in middle school but had it removed because the magnet was uncomfortable and there was a lot of beeping, and she just gave up.  It's also not clear that there won't be more debilitating health issues related to Lyme disease in the future.  If Daisy is F1 I might be a little disappointed because of what I said above, but I think she deserves all the happiness in the world because of what she's gone through (actually we all deserve that, but you know what I mean).

With that in mind, I'm still 50-50 on who F1 is.  Of course, RS is right more than he is wrong, and boy does he believe he’s right this season LOL.  There are other things that make me wonder though.  One is Daisy's edit.  There's so much focus on her CI implant, hearing, health and non-profit, that it makes me wonder if TPTB are extracting as much credit for themselves as they can for promoting diversity without having to make her the Bachelorette if she is F2.  At the recent TCA event, one of the producers was quoted as saying “I can speak to where we are now. Our goal is to represent the fabric of the country, not just in terms of diversity and ethnicity, but also ability and body types and representing where people are from in the country as well.” (

If Daisy is F1, the show doesn't need to spend as much time on her disability because being F1 will speak for itself.  She and the lead, depending on how long they last, will always be tied to the show, giving the show continued kudos for showcasing disability.  I don't know enough about television production, but if Daisy is F2, there will be very loud voices calling for her to be the Bachelorette.  I'm not as confident as others are that the show is willing or able to pull that off.  Just off the top of my head, there are always a couple of dates where the lead and a date jump in the water, go underwater, etc.  Would all of that be scrapped?  Would they avoid beach destinations where water activity is expected?   The locations for the upcoming Bachelorette season were probably finalized a while ago, so unless those locations work with Daisy as the lead, it might be difficult to switch gears/plans/dates.  I'd like to think the show would make all the necessary accommodations, but I'm not sure they could or would.  So it’s possible that the show wants to get as much positive spin out of Daisy's disability as they can right now because she will not be their next lead.  If Daisy is F2, it could explain both Maria’s positive edit and Kelsey’s edit.  If Kelsey is F2 and she doesn’t reject Joey either before or at the FRC, she in many ways would fit the mold of a typical lead -- gorgeous, southern, close military family, sad backstory of her mother’s death.   So why isn't her edit more like that of a next bachelorette contender?  I think she’s been a little awkward on camera, sure, but I imagine production could easily edit her to make her many people’s first choice or a strong contender for bachelorette if they wanted to, especially given the demographics of the show’s fan base.  

It's also a head scratcher why Joey only likes posts where Kelsey A is in the first pic.  If he wants to push back against the spoiler, couldn't he also like posts where any of the other women in the F6 are in the first pic?  How many people even see Joey’s likes outside of sleuthers?  Just my opinion (all of this is, of course) but it's going to take a lot more than Joey liking a few Kelsey posts to get people off of the idea that Daisy wins.  And why would the show want to do that anyway?  This season's popularity is due, at least in part, to the hope/belief of many viewers that Daisy is Joey’s F1.  You could make the argument that teasing the possibility of a different F1 might have the unintended consequence of less people watching, not more.  

Anyway, those are some of my thoughts.  Interested, as always, in your feedback.  All IMO

I personally really like Daisy and think she is sweet but agree that her follows have made me side eye her a bit. I think her story too is obviously just so inspiring.

In terms of the edit I do find it odd that we have seen Daisy talk about her health and implant so much but they have been getting away from that I feel like the last two episodes. Also after tomorrow’s episode she will have a full 1-on-1 basically every episode for the rest of the season so I am sure we will see more variety and in depth conversations that don’t discuss her implant.

In terms of the f1 spoiler I agree that some of the stuff about Kelsey A has definitely given me a pause. That being said I know Steve always feels confident but I just feel like this year is different with his personal connection to Daisy. Daisy seems to be quite close with her younger sister that is friends with RS niece. Also correct me if I am wrong but I believe his niece and Daisys sister are not just friends I am pretty sure they’re roomates. Considering how close Daisy and her sister seem to be I find it hard to believe that she doesn’t either like call or text or talk to her sister about Joey, and considering they live together I just think RS niece would know if Daisy actually didn’t win. I also know that some people on reddit have suggested that maybe he sent the wrong spoiler out on purpose to help Daisy get popular or something or that Daisys camp lied to get her more hype but I just can’t see that happening. I feel like it would be nearly impossible for Daisys sister to just lie to her friend and roommate all the time, and if she lost I feel like the niece would know and tell RS. I also believe RS has said that his personal connection to Daisy wasn’t his source but I can’t imagine that even if they weren’t they he would not have been able to verify it through his niece by now, I mean filming wrapped months ago and the spoiler has been out for several months at this point.


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Post by pavalygurl Sun Feb 18, 2024 2:37 pm


First thank you for expressing this so eloquently.  You said all I wish I could say and far better.

When I first learned Daisy was on the show, I thought "good for them", the show is giving another person with a disability a chance, so few have had, Abigail being the closest to Daisy's situation. 

For most of my career, my job(s) have been to advocate with/for people with disabilities.  BUT the more I learned about Daisy my thoughts about her as F1 for Joey or the next Bachelorette changed.  Not a popular opinion but I wonder if Daisy is not necessarily interested in being F1, but wants to raise her profile and have more followers for her ventures.  Lots of folks do so, as long as there is social media, lots more will.

I think Jeepers was the first person I heard say how it might be difficult for Daisy to be the Bachelorette.  I have no confidence in how tptb might maneuver around the ADA/ or provide real meaningful accommodations etc.  So, ITA with Daisy possibly/likely not getting that role.

 Daisy's edit has been odd to me from the beginning.  I believe he likes her and cares about her but is it love?  IDK.  I am not good at picking "winners" on this show so I am trying to be fair.  RS has said F1 is Daisy and everyone is off and running.  I have many questions about all of this.   

I have "liked" Kelsey since I read her IG tagline, "I hope you are having a wonderful day".  To me, she is Joey's match.   He is a different guy around her, one who IMHO is in love.   The edits of course are meant to hype and also create doubt and IDK for real, who is F1.  But "anything is possible" is still my motto.   spoilers - Bachelor 28 - Joey Graziadei - General Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 16 3806527698


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Post by Jeepers Sun Feb 18, 2024 2:43 pm

mbl wrote:@Jeepers if she takes the implant off or wears a sleeve over it can she hear?
Taking it off no not really but yes with the sleeve

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Post by Remdiamond Sun Feb 18, 2024 3:15 pm

She can hear if she wears the water sleeve but she cannot when she takes it off. I know she would wear it to swim but probably would take it off for any jumping so not to lose it. MBL, I really appreciate your post. It was honest and gracious towards someone who may have different views which is sadly missing in social media these days. It is refreshing.


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Post by gruder Sun Feb 18, 2024 4:53 pm

I used to be an avid watcher of this show.. I loved the old fashion sleuthing of a hand, the time of day, etc. Long before the ending was disclosed before the show aired. I wanted to watch the Golden Bachelor(I’m showing my age) and somehow decided to watch Joey’s season. I also wish they hadn’t disclosed the winner upfront. I’m not social media friendly, but I’m amazed at all the hype for the supposedly F1. It leaves nothing to sleuth, it’s right out there as a given. Is this the new norm? How many hits can they can get to better prosper themselves? I like Daisy and I like Kelsey, as I already have read they are the final 2.
Perhaps I forgot to take off my rose colored glasses, but I actually see the chemistry between Joey and Kelsey. It reminded me of years ago, when you watched the show, and didn’t read into it…I’m sure that’s not the case, but I still do remember those days.


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Post by Jeepers Sun Feb 18, 2024 5:03 pm

I remember those days too .. more fun to watch without the SM junk interfering

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Post by Jeepers Sun Feb 18, 2024 6:07 pm

It appears that Daisy is home .. She posted a pic of sunset and trees and it looks like on the banks of a lake or river .. there is snow on the ground

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Post by Remdiamond Sun Feb 18, 2024 6:14 pm

Could be a latergram. Funny she has been silent for a few days and then posts this. I’m not convinced if there was a shv that it was in LA.


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Post by Jeepers Sun Feb 18, 2024 6:22 pm

Remdiamond wrote:Could be a latergram. Funny she has been silent for a few days and then posts this. I’m not convinced if there was a shv that it was in LA.
When she left .. last posted Thursday am on TT .. there was snow on the ground .. several inches and fresh on the street

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Post by GuardianAngel Sun Feb 18, 2024 7:15 pm


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Post by agentcurls Sun Feb 18, 2024 7:53 pm

Pardon my piecing epis and storylines together:

Epi 1 - A bit of focus on how Daisy handles the mansion noise, lovely personalized early Christmas tree time with Joey, and chemistry/kiss.
Nice couch exchange with Kelsey, but no kiss.

Epi 2- great date with Daisy looking smitten; she opens up about CI, Joey says he's impressed
Joey and Kelsey exchange a kiss during RC 1:1

Epi 3- Daisy more CI focus, what makes her different, and kissing on the couch during 1:1 group time
Kelsey group date 1:1, she opens up about it not feeling that good seeing him interact with others, he applauds her telling him things like that, they kiss, she gets GDR; they also exchange a pre-RC pool party kiss on the steps

Epi 4 - Group gladiator date - both give intense gaze into Joey's eyes + kisses;
Daisy evening group 1:1 baby talk (twin names); Joey speaks of the future
Kelsey evening group 1:1 kisses - Again, Joey is forthcoming about how he is feeling about her and their potential
No RC 1:1 shown with Daisy
Sweet hand-drawn postcard Kelsey showed Joey at RC 1:1

Epi 5- Kelsey's 1:1; as the other girls verbalize that connections are getting deeper
Group evening date 1:1 with Daisy was not shown, but we have the SC of them looking cozy/kissing (preview) (black and gold dress) (why didn't we see this?)

But we do see 1:1 RC conversation - Daisy asks him how he's handling it. He said he has struggled at times and is trying to do right with good intentions, and he thinks his wife is there, and it feels wrong to talk to others about how he is feeling. Daisy said how there are so many awesome gals there. And Joey jokingly replied - "Oh, you just thought I'm Daisy, and I've got this." "How special would it be to be chosen out of this sea of amazing people?"

Then there is this SC from epi 5 RC (Joey is wearing the same maroon suit and white shirt) sharing an intimate moment with Kelsey, but was not shown:
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We have Joey opening up to Daisy about the process, and Joey and her talking about the future. Daisy shows him she is the confident and steady rock - Christmas set up epi 1, thoughtfully asking him how the process is for him, etc. - (getting Desiree's Chris vibes)
- and we have footage of her saying she is falling in love, and he in turn is feeling the same way-
-A VO of Daisy saying "If he is falling in love with me, he is 100% falling in love with them, too." (so many amazing women here!) and we also see her saying "I wasn't feeling it." Another VO saying "I still have questions that need answers."

Kelsey has been hesitant, saying she is not falling yet, but "tripping into love" after Joey asks her if the process can work for her; Joey expresses his thoughts and feelings about them when they have 1:1 time; Later, we see Kelsey looking emotional and saying she is insecure. We also have a VO of her saying "Every time we have, it's clearer to me that at the end, it's supposed to be you and I." We see her say teary-eyed "It's scary to think that..." VO: "...this could all end."

We have Lexi taking herself out at epi 7- did she recognize his growing affection toward others? I thought she could've been a frontrunner?
We have Maria bowing out at F4, before elimination-

We have SCs of a FSD with Daisy (active 4-wheelers and outdoor shower steaminess) and Kelsey (yacht and water).

Joey's theme: Being rejected and the F1 not returning his love or saying yes; someone not loving him for who he is

The note "We need to talk." Kelsey knocks on the same door, and we see the note being slid through to Joey

The spoiler - but how does it play out? How is the ending a first in Bachelor History?
Could it be a Desiree and Chris situation? (Kelsey is the Brooks in this scenario, and Daisy is the steady one that after some time, gives him a chance like Chris did Desiree?)

I see warmth, comfort, care, stability, and affection with Daisy.
I see excitement, passion, adventure, and connection with Kelsey.

Joey & Kelsey - You're the One

Joey & Kelsey - Why I Love You

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Post by jojo47 Tue Feb 20, 2024 11:57 am

RS didn’t have much to say today, from what I gathered. He’s sticking with his ending spoiler, but says he’s heard some info on how it goes down.

I’m wondering if the F2 refuses to go down to the FRC site & a break up (by KA or DK or JG) actually occurs up by the vehicle instead. Has that happened before?

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