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Bachelor 24 - Peter Weber - Feb 5th - Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Astrobach wrote:
smg2587 wrote:Preview scene. Victoria F leaving Peter at the dinner table again. This has a lot of cuts and is it me or does the audio sound weird?

Yes, that’s her favorite, fool-proof ‘go to ‘ strategy to wrap him around her little manipulative fingers. Notice how she is lowering her face, looking down and avoiding eye contact, shaking her head NO when he asks her if she want to stay? It’s all there...and he is so blind to every single signs of deception right in front of him. Naturally, she doesn’t answer with a straight eye contact big resounding YES! No, she whimpers like a hurt cat and goes away crying, repeating the magic ‘ I don’t know what to say ‘ I don’t know what to do’ . Way to avoid responsibility VF. Yes, I believe she DIDNT know what to do...stay and risk more exposure of her past or go for more benefits by staying a little more? Or Lie some more to get perks or being honest for once? I guess we know, what won that debate!
Peter is feeling guilty and he goes to ‘ save her’. WIN!!!

I think a lot of the reason (if not all) of the reason is not guilt but more so not wanting to disappoint . His #1 job as the bachelor is to make sure they have a show and if to many girls start upping and leaving there is no show. If the lead miraculously finds love then that's great but TPTB could care less about that (what they did to Colton is perfect example) it's about creating a show. I'm sure they could care less about Peter and I have a feeling they have alot to do with why Madison leaves. (may not be the only reason but big part of it imo) Colton mentioned in a post interview that the producers were confusing and messing with Cassie behind the scenes and they probably did the same thing to Madison that caused her to tense up, get scared and leave. From what I'm seeing so far (which isn't much) she dosen't seem to me to be the type that would stay to the end and lie about her feelings for him or just turn them on and off jmo
by Jolena
on Wed Feb 05, 2020 6:18 am
Search in: Bachelor 24 - Peter Weber - Episodes
Topic: Bachelor 24 - Peter Weber - Feb 5th - Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers*
Replies: 178
Views: 13360

Bachelorette New Zealand - Season 1 - Dr Lesina Nakhid-Schuster - Lily McManus - Media SM - Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers *

Hi Everyone hi

Well .. who ever wanted Lily  as the bachelorette  just may get what they wish for High clap  cheerleader  Clue #1 new  bachelorette! Clue #2 I'm very sure the Voiceover  Chick dropped  some innuendo saying "the surpise started with L" and clue #3 is  this article in the NZ herald today.. not sure how long she will be on there .. 2pop
by Andie H
on Wed Jan 29, 2020 9:05 pm
Search in: Bachelorette New Zealand - Season 1 - Dr Lesina Nakhid-Schuster - Lily McManus - Sleuthing - Archived
Topic: Bachelorette New Zealand - Season 1 - Dr Lesina Nakhid-Schuster - Lily McManus - Media SM - Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers *
Replies: 707
Views: 35486

Bachelorette New Zealand - Season 1 - Dr Lesina Nakhid-Schuster - Lily McManus -F6 - Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers *

@atem yes that is interesting Topics tagged under 1 on - Page 17 4256136633 Makes sense to do that for earlier seasons.   NZ did the same with the first season of the Bachelor NZ with Matilda and Art. Australia did that too before Sportsbet came around (and far more credible than RS). Will see how many clues are dropped by media for F1 and if they are accurate this season. So far I saw them ranking Kurt in the #1 spot so if he is then they are pushing that.
by AllAboutLove
on Mon Jan 27, 2020 2:49 am
Search in: Bachelorette New Zealand - Season 1 - Dr Lesina Nakhid-Schuster - Lily McManus - Sleuthing - Archived
Topic: Bachelorette New Zealand - Season 1 - Dr Lesina Nakhid-Schuster - Lily McManus -F6 - Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers *
Replies: 39
Views: 5726

Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #4

I didn't read through all the posts so apologize in advance if this has already been said. I don't think Tyler liked that tweet because he's hurt. He's very clearly moved on. I think he is probably annoyed he got all that hate for moving on so quickly when Hannah didn't really want him to begin with. For months she was painted as the victim and he was the f*ckboy. Even yesterday the top few replies to his tweet was that he was jumping from model to model, he is a player, etc. I'm sure he is just tired of those negative comments and liked the one supportive tweet.

This. I completely agree. Especially the part about all the hate Tyler got, when Bachelor Nation fans overly invested in some fantasy reunion between the two, didn't get what they wanted and felt Hannah was owed and deserved. It was a major reason I stepped back from everything to do with Bachelor Nation and chose to simply get my Tyler news from his Instagram. I didn't need over the top nitpicking and judgement of every minute details of his life.

I didn't watch the season premiere, because the promos were enough to let me know I wanted no part of it. But I read enough from social media and various recaps. And none of it was surprising to me. I was never on the Hannah/Tyler reunion bandwagon after the season because I said even then that I felt like it was less of case of Hannah actually wanting Tyler and more her being hurt about Jed and questioning her own judgement, since she willingly chose him and there was Tyler who damn near all of Bachelor World was swooning over.

And so to me it felt like someone convincing themselves of feelings that wasn't really there. But some were so obsessed with this narrative of some great love story between the two, that Tyler suddenly became Public Enemy #1 when he walked away from Hannah. So yeah, I certainly don't blame him for liking this tweet, which first of all wasn't offensive or even hateful towards Hannah but merely supporting and defending him.
by lleyki
on Wed Jan 08, 2020 8:33 pm
Search in: Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Archived
Topic: Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #4
Replies: 943
Views: 69418

Bachelor Franchise - Random Sleuthing - Discussion

I think a lot of these people never watched the earlier seasons. Also, Ben is so promoted by the show and the podcast and seems to be hanging with many of them, so that is why I think he gets a lot of love...but not from me!

Personally, I enjoyed Andrew and Brad and of course my #1 is Sean. All of them were more authentic IMO than many of the recent bachelors. I also enjoyed a couple that are rarely talked about...Charlie and Byron.
by Sprite
on Mon Jan 06, 2020 3:12 pm
Search in: Bachelor - Bachelorette - Former Contestants - General Discussion
Topic: Bachelor Franchise - Random Sleuthing - Discussion
Replies: 604
Views: 57479

Bachelor 24 - Peter Weber - Media SM - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #2

Credit to Reality Steve:

So a lot of stuff to get to today, but right off the bat, I’m going to tell you immediately that what I know you want the answer to, I will help with it, but I have nothing definitive. I’ll go over all of that later, but I know many of you were expecting all your answers to everything about the ending this season today, and I don’t have them. But I will fill in some blanks that hopefully will clear up a couple things. I know we’re 4 days away from the premiere and you don’t know the ending yet and it’s really never happened before since I started spoiling the “Bachelor.” Even if my initial spoiler was wrong, I had always released a “winner” before the first episode aired. Not gonna happen this season. Not because I don’t want to, or not because I don’t feel like it, or whatever rabid conspiracy theory you can come up with. The bottom line is I don’t have the ending yet, but I’m pretty sure there’s a good reason why I don’t. We’ll get to that in a little bit. First, some things to go over.

Today’s podcast is basically what you’re reading in the column. Although I can’t possibly remember every detail and every word I said in today’s roughly 35 minute podcast, I wanted to have it in written form as well. Next week, we’re back on the regular schedule here on the site. Tuesday’s with the recaps, Wednesday’s “Reader Emails,” and Thursday with the podcast and sometimes “Dr. Reality Steve” if I have some. That will never change. Because I didn’t write much the last 3 ½ months doesn’t mean anything is changing. In season, the schedule is always the same. I haven’t written much in the offseason the past 3 or 4 years, so I’m not sure why people automatically assume I just stopped writing. Same ol, same ol. You’re back to regularly scheduled programming next week.

You know for the last 20 or so seasons, I’ve been able to view the first episode of the season early as it’s given to the media to write their reviews with no spoilers. Of course, I’m not an approved media site but I have my ways to watch the episode early despite it being username and password protected. For whatever reason with the premiere only 4 days away, ABC hasn’t posted the first episode yet to their media site, so I haven’t seen it yet. I can’t review it if I haven’t seen it and honestly, I don’t know if it’s going up before the premiere. If it does, I’ll watch it and have your detailed episode 1 spoilers up on Monday. If not, then you’ll just get your episode-by-episode spoilers on Monday, and the night 1 stuff will just be the basics. It won’t have the order of the limo entrances or who got intro videos, etc. like I do every season. So either way, you’re getting all your spoilers on Monday in written form, and if episode 1 gets released before then, that’ll be a little more detailed.

Also a clarification to make when I say “episode-by-episode spoilers.” What I should say is “rose-ceremony-by-rose-ceremony” spoilers, since it’s impossible for me to predict how ABC is going to lay out their episodes. We already know that Monday’s premiere is 3 hrs and it will cover what we always see on the first night (intro videos, limo entrances, cocktail party, rose ceremony) but then it’s going to start in with what we would normally see in episode 2. You will see all 3 of the beginning dates in episode 1 – the “flight school” group date, Madison’s 1-on-1 to Peter’s parents wedding vow renewal, and the “sex” date planned by Hannah Brown. All my spoilers this season will also be on my IG feed and my IG stories as well, as I’ve gotten someone to do that for me. But they will say “Rose Ceremony #1 Spoilers” and that means everything you will see up through the first rose ceremony. Then “Rose Ceremony #2 Spoilers” will be everything up through the end of the second rose ceremony. It’ll continue on through each rose ceremony, and since not every episode will end with a rose ceremony, saying “episode-by-episode spoilers” not knowing what ABC is choosing to air in each episode will just confuse people. So just know all spoilers will be on the site Monday and on my IG feed and IG stories.

So on Tuesday, this is what I put out on Twitter:

Certainly never something we’ve heard a lead say before his season ever. No one’s ever said this will be “the first unspoiled season in a while” and “there’s a reason no one’s gonna find out.” First off, lets make one thing clear. He’s talking about the ending. Peter, your season is not spoiler free. Far from it. Everything about your season has been spoiled up through the final 2, and most of it was spoiled in real time. So what he’s saying is that no one will know the ending because “there’s a reason for that.” I know this perked everyone’s ears up on Monday since so many of you sent to me, but what I can tell you now is I’ve heard this exact same thing behind the scenes since Thanksgiving. Hence the reason for the last month, anything I did hear, I weighed it against the “this ending isn’t gonna be spoiled and there’s a reason for it.” When I first heard it, I took it like I take everything else, which is a wait and see approach. And over the last five weeks, it’s proven to be true. Then once Peter said it publicly on Monday, I knew what I’d heard behind the scenes 5 weeks earlier was legit, although over the course of the last 5 weeks, it was becoming clearer and clearer that something was different about this season.

A couple weeks ago I told you I didn’t have the ending, but the only thing I did know about this season was that it wasn’t a normal ending. Meaning it wasn’t “here’s two women, choose one, dump the other, and leave the final rose ceremony as a couple.” So on Nov. 17th in Australia when the finale was filmed, that’s not what happened. However, what DID happen I’m not fully sure of. On any given season, there’s essentially six possible outcomes when you get to the end. For the sake of this season, this is how this season could possibly end:

1) He’s with Madison, but they’re not engaged
2) He’s with Madison and they’re engaged
3) He’s with Hannah Ann, but they’re not engaged
4) He’s with Hannah Ann and they’re engaged
5) He’s single a la Brad Womack where he got to the end and told both women he wasn’t interested and rejected both of them and he’s single and plans on staying that way
6) He’s single but that doesn’t mean he’ll be single either by the time the ATFR rolls around
Two other things to take into consideration when contemplating the ending is this:

1) Peter alluded to it in that interview that he “couldn’t be happier” with how the season played out.

2) Chris Harrison did an interview with “Good Morning America” and in it he specifically says “you truly aren’t gonna know how it’s going to end until the very end” and “It’s possible it’s still not over.” Factually speaking, one person in this history of this franchise went through a whole season, got to the end, and said, “Nah, I’m good. I’m choosing no one and I’ll just stay single. Bye.” And that was Brad Womack’s first season. I understand that all the leads are coached in what to say in interviews, and essentially we hear some form of “I’m very happy with how things turned out” every single season, but I honestly don’t think Peter is telling America he “couldn’t be happier now” if back on Nov. 17th in Australia he told both Madison and Hannah Ann thanks but no thanks, I’m just gonna continue being single. I don’t think that happened. I don’t buy that.

What I can tell you now though are two specific things to help with the puzzle:

1. Peter did not get engaged to anyone on final rose ceremony day. Doesn’t mean he won’t be by the ATFR or ON the ATFR. But what I do know is that there was no engagement on final rose ceremony day in Australia.

2. Madison’s dad did not give Peter his blessing to marry his daughter during his hometown date visit. Could he have gotten it later? Sure. Have I heard that he did? No, I haven’t. But doesn’t mean he didn’t. The extent of that information in particular ends at the hometown date where Madison’s dad didn’t give Peter permission to marry his daughter. So I’m sure that played a role on final rose ceremony day as well.

Now there are other things I’ve heard about things that happened on or around final rose ceremony time, but none of those are 100% confirmed, so I don’t wanna throw them out there since it’ll only muddy the waters. But those two above I know to be accurate, so those may (or may not) help with this puzzle about what happened at the end. I don’t think there’s any easier answer. When it comes down to it, and when you combine what Peter and Chris Harrison have said post show, I pretty much have the same feeling a lot of you do. And that’s that there was no “finality” on the day of the final rose ceremony. I don’t really know any other explanation of how I’ve heard twice that the ending won’t be spoiled and there’s a reason why – and that’s because the ending hasn’t happened yet. I can’t spoil something that hasn’t happened yet. In all my years doing this, even if I initially had the ending wrong, you had a spoiler for the “Bachelor” usually within a week or so of filming ending. All I can tell you is that if the ending of the season happened on Nov. 17th in Australia, I would’ve found out about it by now. But I believe it’s not over and that’s why Peter and Chris are teasing that there’s a reason it won’t be spoiled. Pretty bold to claim that if you just think I might not hear something over the next two months. So that’s the good news. Today is only January 2nd. We have about 10 weeks until the finale and ATFR. I’m sure more will come out during that time, and when I hear stuff that I can confirm, I will share it with you.

One story that popped up last week I want to address is something that happened on Tik Tok of all places. And I want to address it because it directly involved me. A woman named Lilly Sitver went on Tik Tok and shared a story about she was in an Acai bowl place in TN, Hannah Ann Sluss was there, and Lilly claimed she heard her facetiming with a guy (presumably Peter) and they were talking about apartments in LA together. This made the rounds to me last week as numerous people sent it. I was already aware since Lilly emailed me back on Dec. 12th, the day this happened in the Acai bowl place. There was a reason I never tweeted this story, never wrote about it, and never mentioned it in a podcast. Because to me, it was, well, not a whole hell of a lot. Anytime someone gives me any information, I have a list of questions about their information and based on how they answer them is how I gauge how legit the info is. Not saying Lilly is lying or making this up, but all I have is her word that she thought Hannah Ann was talking to Peter on that Facetime. She had no pics or videos of who she was talking to, nor did she have any audio recording of the voice. So there really wasn’t a whole hell of a lot to do with that information.

I appreciate Lilly coming to me thinking she may have had something. A lot of people do. But the way I work, and how I post spoilers, all centers around what proof you can provide other than “I’m hearing this,” or “word around town,” or “I swear this is true,” etc. That’s just not good enough for me. I know it is for the IG accounts who pretty much run with everything they hear as fact so as to try and be on top of spoilers, but that’s not the way I do business. If I posted every single thing told to me, whether it be this season or any other season, you’d be getting stuff practically every other day. I don’t and I won’t just throw every rumor out there hoping one sticks just to say “See! I told you.” When I feel confident in a spoiler then I release it. That confidence has to go through a few levels of digging before it gets to that point, and unfortunately Lilly’s info, while it’s possible that’s maybe exactly what happened and Hannah Ann happened to spoil her season sitting in an Acai bowl place in Tennessee on Dec. 12th, is not enough for me to go off. If you choose to believe Lilly’s story, that’s great. Then you know how the season ends up. That info wasn’t strong enough for me because there was no proof behind it, so I keep digging.

I know that this wasn’t the answer you were looking for, and we can sit here and speculate until the end of time exactly what happened on final rose ceremony day, or analyze everything that Madion and Hannah Ann post on social media to try and get an answer to things, but I don’t think you’ll get anything there. Because anyone can create any narrative they want when it comes to social media. Madison takes a selfie where she’s smiling and it’s “oh my god, she looks so happy! She must be engaged!” But then if you’re in the camp of “Peter is with Hannah Ann,” you’d make the same case if you saw a picture of Hannah Ann smiling. So that’s an effort in futility to me. Pointless. I’ve heard bits and pieces of things here and there behind the scenes that I’m trying to confirm and hopefully that’ll shed light on some things. But the bottom line to all this is whatever happened on final rose ceremony day isn’t over yet, the “ending” of this season hasn’t technically happened yet, and that’s why there’s nothing to spoil as of now.

I’ve been asked is it frustrating and the answer is no. Will it be annoying when I inevitably get asked 14,873 times in the next two months “Hey, who did Peter choose?” Of course. But I’m just gonna refer them to this column. I laid everything out there for you that I have for now. Hey, maybe it’ll be kind of cool to go into the finale not knowing what the ultimate ending of the season is. This show’s biggest gripe with me has always been about spoiling the ending. Sure, I’m guessing they don’t like everything else being spoiled, but, when you film hometown dates in public, you’re essentially giving out who your final 4 are, so they clearly don’t care THAT much. But Chris Harrison even said in an interview about a year ago that he wishes the ending didn’t get out. What better way for the ending not to get out than to not film it in advance? Is this going to be a one-time occurrence or will this how it is every season from here on out? Tough to answer. We won’t know until the “Bachelorette” rolls around.

So lets enjoy the season. Yes, I know it’s different, and yes I understand a lot of you are impatient and have to have your answers to everything 14 seconds after it happens, but unfortunately, that’s just not the case this season. They’ve changed things up. There are plenty of things I don’t know about what happened. I tried to give you today what I do know. I’m sure it will lead to speculation and crazy theories and people claiming they know what happens, but just keep in mind what Peter and Chris Harrison are selling post show. I really don’t think the “ending” has happened yet because I think they truly do want a season where the ending can’t be spoiled. And the only way to absolutely guarantee that is to not film it in advance. So we’ll see what that leads to. We’ve got 2 ½ months still, so I’ll fill you in on anything I get.

Your rose-ceremony-by-rose-ceremony spoilers will be up on Monday, and if ABC posts the first episode online to the media, I’ll update that for you as well. I’m looking forward to more and more info going forward. Should be interesting. I’ve already heard basically variations of every ending possible and, well, we know only one of those can be right. Just a matter of which one. I would think by the time the finale and ATFR rolls around, I will have a good idea of what went down and what to expect. I’d be pretty surprised if I didn’t. But yeah, this is going to a wild two months of speculation, theories, and crazy stories about this season. Buckle up.

Source: Reality Steve
by bluwavz
on Thu Jan 02, 2020 11:26 am
Search in: Bachelor 24 - Peter Weber - Media SM
Topic: Bachelor 24 - Peter Weber - Media SM - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #2
Replies: 953
Views: 66306

Trista & Ryan Sutter - Bachelorette 1 - Discussion

Ryan is such a gem!
Forever my #1 couple
by sdmom
on Wed Jan 01, 2020 9:40 pm
Search in: Bachelor - Bachelorette - Former Couples - General Discussion
Topic: Trista & Ryan Sutter - Bachelorette 1 - Discussion
Replies: 546
Views: 66237

Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #4

Chgohighlife wrote:
Summerfun1980 wrote:
Seatee wrote:I always thought CH didn't like Tyler because the producers wanted to use him as a pawn to give Hannah a happy ending. Tyler was supposed to be part of that story line. And when he didn't play the part and started dating outside of the franchise, that pissed TPTB off. I felt like Peter was their #1 choice and he was groomed to be the Bachelor.

And yes, it didn't help that Lauren Zima was practically drooling over Tyler 24/7 laugh out loud. I think she has toned down a lot recently.

He made comments indicating he didn’t care much for Tyler before the finale. There were mumblings on Instagram about the producers, not just Chris, not thinking Tyler was genuine. So I don’t think it was just about the finale.

Zima has cut that out. It was just part of the job for her. IMO her Tyler hype never seen genuine to me.

This is the same show that went back to Arie over choosing Peter K. They don’t think any person is bigger than the show and don’t bow down to any contestant. And they can create, yes create, an exciting season with any lead. JMO

My recollection is that Peter K was approached, negotiations did not find a solid middle ground and Arie was chosen, much to the majority of fans’ chagrin and disappointment. Then, CH appeared to have the same kind of lousy attitude toward Peter that I saw him later display toward Tyler.
That is what I remember. TPTB can’t make every candidate pliable enough to be a good risk for a season. I’m not surprised they are successful in posturing themselves as the most desirable outcome for every candidate and some contestants and fans obviously buy into it but, there are those who are not willing to play along and take a giant pass. Tyler is clearly a card carrying member of that club. It’s one of the reasons I’m a fan. All IMO.

Yes, that’s what I remember about peter K. He thought he was bigger than he was and the show did not cave to his demands and got someone else.
by Summerfun1980
on Mon Dec 16, 2019 9:28 pm
Search in: Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Archived
Topic: Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #4
Replies: 943
Views: 69418

Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #4

Summerfun1980 wrote:
Seatee wrote:I always thought CH didn't like Tyler because the producers wanted to use him as a pawn to give Hannah a happy ending. Tyler was supposed to be part of that story line. And when he didn't play the part and started dating outside of the franchise, that pissed TPTB off. I felt like Peter was their #1 choice and he was groomed to be the Bachelor.

And yes, it didn't help that Lauren Zima was practically drooling over Tyler 24/7 laugh out loud. I think she has toned down a lot recently.

He made comments indicating he didn’t care much for Tyler before the finale. There were mumblings on Instagram about the producers, not just Chris, not thinking Tyler was genuine. So I don’t think it was just about the finale.

Zima has cut that out. It was just part of the job for her. IMO her Tyler hype never seen genuine to me.

This is the same show that went back to Arie over choosing Peter K. They don’t think any person is bigger than the show and don’t bow down to any contestant. And they can create, yes create, an exciting season with any lead. JMO

My recollection is that Peter K was approached, negotiations did not find a solid middle ground and Arie was chosen, much to the majority of fans’ chagrin and disappointment. Then, CH appeared to have the same kind of lousy attitude toward Peter that I saw him later display toward Tyler.
That is what I remember. TPTB can’t make every candidate pliable enough to be a good risk for a season. I’m not surprised they are successful in posturing themselves as the most desirable outcome for every candidate and some contestants and fans obviously buy into it but, there are those who are not willing to play along and take a giant pass. Tyler is clearly a card carrying member of that club. It’s one of the reasons I’m a fan. All IMO.
by Chgohighlife
on Mon Dec 16, 2019 7:08 pm
Search in: Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Archived
Topic: Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #4
Replies: 943
Views: 69418

Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #4

just me wrote:
Seatee wrote:I always thought CH didn't like Tyler because the producers wanted to use him as a pawn to give Hannah a happy ending. Tyler was supposed to be part of that story line. And when he didn't play the part and started dating outside of the franchise, that pissed TPTB off. I felt like Peter was their #1 choice and he was groomed to be the Bachelor.

And yes, it didn't help that Lauren Zima was practically drooling over Tyler 24/7 laugh out loud. I think she has toned down a lot recently.

IMO Tyler is his own person- not easily influenced-not a follower for fame. Therefore CH and the producers would not like him. They prefer someone they can manipulate and create drama with. IMO when I watched them call him out on the couch with Hannah; I immediately thought they were trying to set him up to make a good ending for Hannah. It did not work. We all make mistakes, so I am sure he will too but he has every right to and IMO he will come out okay. Of course he wants a career but from what I have seen- not if it means he is someone elses pawn. Oh, I must add that if Tyler had been on Dancing with the Stars- even I would have watched and I stopped watching years ago.

:yes: to every word! When they kept waiting till the very last 5 minutes of the show ( AFTR) to have Tyler come on stage, after basically having Peter be on 2 if not 3 segments ( including his own parents being featured) for almost 30 minutes, it was clear that they were not on Tyler’s bandwagon. They were doing just the necessary to try and salvage the bad ending with some hope, and there would have been an outcry to not show them together. In retrospect, I can’t even remember a season where the F2 was treated this way on stage. They usually are given enough time to talk and get their ‘ closure ‘ moments. Tyler didn’t get to say anything but to agree to see her outside the show for drinks. He had no choice but to accept to have his own closure with Hannah since they had been forbidden to be in contact prior, thanks to producers interference of course. The rest is history.
by Astrobach
on Mon Dec 16, 2019 6:39 pm
Search in: Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Archived
Topic: Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #4
Replies: 943
Views: 69418

Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #4

Seatee wrote:I always thought CH didn't like Tyler because the producers wanted to use him as a pawn to give Hannah a happy ending. Tyler was supposed to be part of that story line. And when he didn't play the part and started dating outside of the franchise, that pissed TPTB off. I felt like Peter was their #1 choice and he was groomed to be the Bachelor.

And yes, it didn't help that Lauren Zima was practically drooling over Tyler 24/7 laugh out loud. I think she has toned down a lot recently.

IMO Tyler is his own person- not easily influenced-not a follower for fame. Therefore CH and the producers would not like him. They prefer someone they can manipulate and create drama with. IMO when I watched them call him out on the couch with Hannah; I immediately thought they were trying to set him up to make a good ending for Hannah. It did not work. We all make mistakes, so I am sure he will too but he has every right to and IMO he will come out okay. Of course he wants a career but from what I have seen- not if it means he is someone elses pawn. Oh, I must add that if Tyler had been on Dancing with the Stars- even I would have watched and I stopped watching years ago.
by just me
on Mon Dec 16, 2019 5:46 pm
Search in: Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Archived
Topic: Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #4
Replies: 943
Views: 69418

Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #4

Seatee wrote:I always thought CH didn't like Tyler because the producers wanted to use him as a pawn to give Hannah a happy ending. Tyler was supposed to be part of that story line. And when he didn't play the part and started dating outside of the franchise, that pissed TPTB off. I felt like Peter was their #1 choice and he was groomed to be the Bachelor.

And yes, it didn't help that Lauren Zima was practically drooling over Tyler 24/7 laugh out loud. I think she has toned down a lot recently.

He made comments indicating he didn’t care much for Tyler before the finale. There were mumblings on Instagram about the producers, not just Chris, not thinking Tyler was genuine. So I don’t think it was just about the finale.

Zima has cut that out. It was just part of the job for her. IMO her Tyler hype never seen genuine to me.

This is the same show that went back to Arie over choosing Peter K. They don’t think any person is bigger than the show and don’t bow down to any contestant. And they can create, yes create, an exciting season with any lead. JMO
by Summerfun1980
on Mon Dec 16, 2019 3:25 pm
Search in: Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Archived
Topic: Tyler Cameron - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion #4
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