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Brooks Discussion Group - Page 17 Empty Re: Brooks Discussion Group

Post by sfrank Fri Aug 23, 2013 9:06 pm

Let's be clear the only people who are "offended' are those who HAVEN'T seen the presentation. Everything on twitter from those who actually attended it was positive. There is ONE person on twitter who talked about it and she did not see it (probably someone from this board, if I had to guess). 

The presentation was NOT entitled "How to Dump Des in 7 days" it was called "Inbound Marketing Lessons from the Bachelorette". This is an annual marketing conference for professionals who shell out over $1000 to go every year. Its not a reality TV forum or Comic Con. 

Arianna Huffington was the headliner this year - do people really think he got up on stage and spent the hour and talked about how he dumped her and showed her crying so they could laugh about it?! Read the comments from people that actually SAW it.  Its chronicling his journey and showing parallels to the marketing world.  Obviously the breakup was a HUGE part of it so he showed it. The most important part is creating value for the audience so he had to make it relevant to THEM. 

As for the why Chris "unfollowed" Brooks, only he knows - people have their theories and I have mine.

Last edited by sfrank on Fri Aug 23, 2013 9:10 pm; edited 3 times in total

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Brooks Discussion Group - Page 17 Empty Re: Brooks Discussion Group

Post by soccermom333 Fri Aug 23, 2013 9:06 pm

grace8136 wrote:agree SM.. Chris was not upset with Brooks at the AFTR and he is blissfully happy. There was something specific and the timing matching this. People can disagree on if what Brooks did was tacky and insensitive, but the fact is some are put off by it. If you offending even half your audience, that doesn't seem like a good plan.
I thought Brooks handled himself well at the AFTR. I thought he was the F1, so I think I am being pretty objective. Putting Des' crying face up on a screen to profit off of is just wrong IMO. Des signed up for it on the show, she did not sign up for that. There is no context in which it is acceptable behavior. There are comments on twitter about it too.
I am curious about Kasha's comment. Was he there longer because of a marketing plan? I mean if he's willing to do this, what else was he willing to do for his company?


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Brooks Discussion Group - Page 17 Empty Re: Brooks Discussion Group

Post by sfrank Fri Aug 23, 2013 9:46 pm

soccermom333 wrote:
sfrank wrote:Everyone is profiting post show. As for Chris "unfollowing" Brooks - that media tour had to be a real wake up call with the Brooks comments, so wouldn't you?! He couldn't exactly hide from it any longer. Why would you want to follow the guy that's a constant reminder that you were the second choice!

As for Inbound Marketing conference, I disagree with as notion that he is somehow "using Des"...he is doing a presentation entitled "Marketing Lessons from the Bachelorette". Desiree was the Bachelorette so how can he not talk about her?! How is any different from anyone else talking about their experience post-show?

I didn't see it but based on what was said by people who attended he talked about his experience, marketing in social media, and how it related to inbound marketing. Brooks' journey involves Des so I am not sure how he can talk about it without mentioning the biggest thing that happened.

IMO, the scene is just as emotional of him as it is for her and doesn't "belong" exclusively to either of them. It happened, why should he ignore it. If he talking about lessons I assume its regarding honesty and being upfront when something is not right or wrong for both parties. If anything the presentation loses credibility if he fails to mention it. After all wouldn't that be the most important lesson of the journey?!

No one was there to know the context of what they spoke. Also, Des doesn't own the right to her image, ABC does. They certainly made sure they showed her crying over and over and over again for Brooks in embarrassing fashion and they knew Chris was the "winner". But suddenly people are outraged because Brooks showed the same clip in presentation about his experience. Ha! Ok.

Chris does not think he is/was second choice.  He "unfollowed" Brooks for other reasons. ;)
You are of course free to believe that SM! It's a lovely theory :)

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Brooks Discussion Group - Page 17 Empty Re: Brooks Discussion Group

Post by beader Fri Aug 23, 2013 10:00 pm

Couldn't Brooks make his presentations, for which I assume he is getting paid directly or indirectly, without using pictures of Des? To use pictures of a lady you are breaking up with to further your own career is just not cool.


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Brooks Discussion Group - Page 17 Empty Re: Brooks Discussion Group

Post by soccermom333 Fri Aug 23, 2013 10:36 pm

sfrank wrote:
soccermom333 wrote:
sfrank wrote:Everyone is profiting post show. As for Chris "unfollowing" Brooks - that media tour had to be a real wake up call with the Brooks comments, so wouldn't you?! He couldn't exactly hide from it any longer. Why would you want to follow the guy that's a constant reminder that you were the second choice!

As for Inbound Marketing conference, I disagree with as notion that he is somehow "using Des"...he is doing a presentation entitled "Marketing Lessons from the Bachelorette". Desiree was the Bachelorette so how can he not talk about her?! How is any different from anyone else talking about their experience post-show?

I didn't see it but based on what was said by people who attended he talked about his experience, marketing in social media, and how it related to inbound marketing. Brooks' journey involves Des so I am not sure how he can talk about it without mentioning the biggest thing that happened.

IMO, the scene is just as emotional of him as it is for her and doesn't "belong" exclusively to either of them. It happened, why should he ignore it. If he talking about lessons I assume its regarding honesty and being upfront when something is not right or wrong for both parties. If anything the presentation loses credibility if he fails to mention it. After all wouldn't that be the most important lesson of the journey?!

No one was there to know the context of what they spoke. Also, Des doesn't own the right to her image, ABC does. They certainly made sure they showed her crying over and over and over again for Brooks in embarrassing fashion and they knew Chris was the "winner". But suddenly people are outraged because Brooks showed the same clip in presentation about his experience. Ha! Ok.
Chris does not think he is/was second choice.  He "unfollowed" Brooks for other reasons. ;)
You are of course free to believe that SM! It's a lovely theory Smiley

Thank you, I appreciate it! :Smiley:  But....It does not matter what I believe, but what Chris and Des know. ;)

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Brooks Discussion Group - Page 17 Empty Re: Brooks Discussion Group

Post by Muslady Fri Aug 23, 2013 10:44 pm

beader wrote:Couldn't Brooks make his presentations, for which I assume he is getting paid directly or indirectly, without using pictures of Des?  To use pictures of a lady you are breaking up with to further your own career is just not cool.  
I agree. JMO but this was a bad business decision. Certainly not a win-win situation.🇳🇴 

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Brooks Discussion Group - Page 17 Empty Re: Brooks Discussion Group

Post by Mandy61 Fri Aug 23, 2013 10:54 pm

Okay, I tried so hard not to come here anymore but when I took a peek today and read what's been going on I couldn't help myself. This is going to be long and I apologize for that. Please don’t immediately jump down my throat, I'm just asking you to think about what I’m about to say. I've also posted this on Chris' discussion thread.

Why is everyone still, after almost 3 weeks trying to convince each other that their opinion it the right one? You don’t like Chris’ poems, great, don’t buy his book. You still believe Chris was Des’ second choice, fine but why come to the Chris thread and try to discuss any of that? You know it's only going to cause a backlash. Chris fans don’t want to read that over and over.

So you think Brooks was being tacky about what was or wasn't shown at his promotional event, my question is…so what??? You feel that Brooks should have said something about the lack of feelings for Des earlier, fine. I just get the feeling anymore that unless someone is stirring the pot (as it's been put) that very few of you are happy. Again, Brooks fans don’t want to read that someone thinks he isn’t what they see him as.

If you are on any of Chris' threads then why not stick to what Chris and/or Des are up to or did on the show. If you're on the Brooks threads then stick to talking about Brooks. Yes, I do see a lot of bashing (even if that isn’t what you call it) of the other players and it saddens me that there are really people out there like this. Sometimes restraint is a better way to approach life, I don’t remember anything in the rules of this board that says you are required to write a response to every post. If something makes you angry then scream at your monitor, if you think it’s ridiculous then roll your eyes and move on. Why do some still feel the need to make a negative comment about anyone associated with this show that wasn’t their fav or make a snide comment about the pictures shown here from either side?

There will never, ever be a consensus as to what each person believes so why even try to convince others that your opinion is the only one that is right. Why do some of you insist on visiting an opposite (for lack of a better word) thread to just bring up what your opinion still is? We all know what you think; you’ve said it over and over. It's a TV show, it's mostly fake, it's for entertainment, and its sole purpose is to make someone else lots of money. What’s sad to me is I see some that feel this TV show is real life and maybe even wishing it was their life.

If you truly believe that the important thing is that Chris and Des are a perfect match now and wish them only the best then why must you write all of the things you’ve been saying for weeks now before you wish them well?

I’ve said it many times… none of us were there, we don’t know these people, there is no way to know what someone is feeling or what is in their heart and I will never pretend to know any of this. You saw what you saw, I saw what I saw and as a Brooks fan I didn't see what most Brooks fans did. I totally understand that this is a board/forum to discuss things about the show and what these people are doing now but that’s not what I just read for over an hour. What I did read were people still attempting to convince others that their way of thinking is the only way and still getting a dig in where ever they can. IMO this board has become a sad place to visit.


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Brooks Discussion Group - Page 17 Empty Re: Brooks Discussion Group

Post by bleuberry Fri Aug 23, 2013 11:06 pm

I see a discussion, occasionally heated perhaps, but a discussion in which everyone is chiming in with their interpretation or opinion. I suppose anyone not interested in participating can bow out if they want, no? scratch 

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Brooks Discussion Group - Page 17 Empty Re: Brooks Discussion Group

Post by Guest Sat Aug 24, 2013 2:30 am

bleuberry wrote:I see a discussion, occasionally heated perhaps, but a discussion in which everyone is chiming in with their interpretation or opinion. I suppose anyone not interested in participating can bow out if they want, no? scratch 
Agreed, it's like going into a restaurant and telling people not to eat. It's a discussion thread!! Of course we are discussing. :laughingoutlou


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Brooks Discussion Group - Page 17 Empty Re: Brooks Discussion Group

Post by Sprite Sat Aug 24, 2013 4:37 am

soccermom333 wrote:
sfrank wrote:
soccermom333 wrote:
sfrank wrote:Everyone is profiting post show. As for Chris "unfollowing" Brooks - that media tour had to be a real wake up call with the Brooks comments, so wouldn't you?! He couldn't exactly hide from it any longer. Why would you want to follow the guy that's a constant reminder that you were the second choice!

As for Inbound Marketing conference, I disagree with as notion that he is somehow "using Des"...he is doing a presentation entitled "Marketing Lessons from the Bachelorette". Desiree was the Bachelorette so how can he not talk about her?! How is any different from anyone else talking about their experience post-show?

I didn't see it but based on what was said by people who attended he talked about his experience, marketing in social media, and how it related to inbound marketing. Brooks' journey involves Des so I am not sure how he can talk about it without mentioning the biggest thing that happened.

IMO, the scene is just as emotional of him as it is for her and doesn't "belong" exclusively to either of them. It happened, why should he ignore it. If he talking about lessons I assume its regarding honesty and being upfront when something is not right or wrong for both parties. If anything the presentation loses credibility if he fails to mention it. After all wouldn't that be the most important lesson of the journey?!

No one was there to know the context of what they spoke. Also, Des doesn't own the right to her image, ABC does. They certainly made sure they showed her crying over and over and over again for Brooks in embarrassing fashion and they knew Chris was the "winner". But suddenly people are outraged because Brooks showed the same clip in presentation about his experience. Ha! Ok.
Chris does not think he is/was second choice.  He "unfollowed" Brooks for other reasons. ;)
You are of course free to believe that SM! It's a lovely theory Smiley

Thank you, I appreciate it!  :Smiley:     But....It does not matter what I believe, but what Chris and Des know. ;)
Sorry to seem dense but, I only pop in now and then to these threads and seem to have missed something. What exactly are these theories? and soccermom do you know Des and Chris because you seem to be implying that you are in the know?

You could be the juiciest, most ripe peach, but there is still going to be someone who doesn't like peaches.

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Brooks Discussion Group - Page 17 Empty Re: Brooks Discussion Group

Post by sfrank Sat Aug 24, 2013 9:00 am

Apparently Chris is no longer following Brooks on twitter - my theory is that its because Brooks tweets a lot and he got tried to constantly seeing his name in his feed and reminded that he's there and that he was the second choice on the show.

SM is suggesting or (perhaps has second-hand knowledge) of another reason. Perhaps its because he teased Chris on his poetry?! But so did Elan and it was much worse. Chris seems a little thin skinned and again I point back to it having more to do with some uneasy feelings about his fiance's previous confessions of love for Brooks (now that he's been made more acutely aware of them). Frankly, its not surprising because why would you want to keep following the guy that dumped your girl on national TV and left her broken hearted anyway?!

We could all sit here and theorize why people follow/unfollow each other but what does it really mean? CH seemed to dislike Brooks throughout the season but I can't help noticing Brooks is one in a handful of Bachelor/Bachelorette contestants (non-lead) that he is following post-show. Brooks also unfollowed Des pretty much immediately after the show ended so everyone has their reasons. Only they know personally.

Last edited by sfrank on Sat Aug 24, 2013 9:29 am; edited 1 time in total

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Brooks Discussion Group - Page 17 Empty Re: Brooks Discussion Group

Post by sfrank Sat Aug 24, 2013 9:23 am

beader wrote:Couldn't Brooks make his presentations, for which I assume he is getting paid directly or indirectly, without using pictures of Des?  To use pictures of a lady you are breaking up with to further your own career is just not cool.  
Des was The Bachelorette...the presentation was called "Inbound Lessons from The Bachelorette" so ummm why? Brooks also showed pictures of himself in angst over the break-up. And why do people think, the break-up "belongs" exclusively to Des?  He was just as much a part of it as she was.  

Des and Chris using their time on the show to further theirs, so what is the difference? Its about your experience during the journey. Chris' journey was filled with poetry and a consolation engagement. Brooks' had this emotional break-up. They are sharing their journeys. So because Brooks' story included a break-up with Des its not cool for him to talk about? But Chris and Des can make money off of their "love story" and its ok?

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