Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley #5

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UnexpectedTwist - Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley #5 - Page 49 Empty Re: Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley #5

Post by Guest Wed Mar 04, 2015 8:58 am

murasaki1393 wrote:
grace8136 wrote:
hmbach wrote:Just ran thru the preview for the season again and Becca has 12 appearances, Whitney 12.  Difference is that all of Beccas appearances appear when positive and wonderful things are being talked about:

"greatest opportunity"
"willing to do whatever it takes to find love"
"looking for for a very long time" (that one is a W VO w/a Becca pic)
"gunshot and a whoa" (LOL... the shooting range)
"I feel like the luckiest man alive when I'm with you"
"All of the doubts that I had in my mind were completely wiped away" (again a W VO for this but 4 images of B)
"Its one of the most beautiful feelings" (again a W VO with a B pic)
"See a future with me" (starts out with "each and every one of the girls can..." but doesn't get to Bs pic until the "see")
"Hard to explain how perfect it seems at this point" (Sunset picture)

NOT a SINGLE negative thing said when Becca is on the screen. Not a one!!! This boy better choose her!! Smiley

This happened with April on Bach Canada. Do you have the 12 for Whitney? Maybe list both on the FRC thread. TIA

i have brought both to B- F1 thread.but maybe hmbach could bring it to the FRC thread too?...TIA

Another thing I noticed with the Preview is that Becca was always hidden whenever she was with Chris, either her hair covering her face, her backed turned, sunset shadows, we only know it is Becca because we have watched the episodes play out. It is the opposite for W, her face shown kissing or hugging Chris in the previews. The made sure to hide Becca in the early episodes, showed us their connections in the last few episodes, and now showing us doubts in their relationship.
She is as F1 as they come!
I am happily riding this Becca train with Y'all, Mura especially ( we were on opposite trains in JPG season which was no fun!, you are a formidable opponent. UnexpectedTwist - Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley #5 - Page 49 3806527698 )


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UnexpectedTwist - Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley #5 - Page 49 Empty Re: Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley #5

Post by quietpal Wed Mar 04, 2015 9:20 am

IA see2. That's the thing that always puzzled me was how hidden Becca was in the preview. That and all the other "clues" I've been reading here made me convinced that she was F1, imo.
I've been catching up on the posts and there's some assumption as to what Becca means in that clip. The clip doesn't tell the whole story as we don't know what's said before or after. A lot of times things are taken out of context, and this clip is no different. TP have been doing that for years. That's why I can't wait to see how it plays out as I'm sure it's not that cut and dry.


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UnexpectedTwist - Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley #5 - Page 49 Empty Re: Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley #5

Post by Aunties_Love Wed Mar 04, 2015 9:25 am

I know this will be a long post and I am sorry y'all.  But went through all of the posts yesterday and "tried" to condense things down.  

I got really confused on the threads.  Been behind all day so had to wait till it died down to be able to get a few posts together without repeating something that had been corrected before.  IMO, there seemed to be some generalized thoughts and until I went through, I was confused as to whether they were opinions or facts, mainly due to me not being around most of the day.

I have some thoughts and would like to share:

-- I agree with Luvstruck....I think we are looking at another fleissed/Kaboom season.  

-- I do believe that Becca IS in a FRC dress and obviously a color that she loves as she has worn similiar colors throughout the season.  I also think that Becca's dress matches Chris's tie the best.

-- I agree see2love, I am thinking as well that the dress is a velvet one.  Let's face it, long sleeved and velvet would suit the weather better than a sleeveless one.  I also agree that we are looking at 2 limo's and not SUV's or other vehicles.

With regards to your thoughts on the voiceover from Becca regarding how she's never known love or felt love(paraphrasing as I can't remember the exact words), IMO come from the finale....or at least that would make an awesome end to the Becca/Chris love story for sure.

-- I am confused with concerned36's thoughts.  On one hand, we have what I believe is Becca going to the FRC.  NOT leaving.  I don't think that she went home early at all.  IMO, the only way that the line about how Chris feels that he may not propose that day is if he chooses Becca.  She is moving slower than the others, Whit was all in on night one.

Now with regards to your post about how long it would take to put makeup on and how you feel that her makeup isn't formal, IMO, throughout the show, she has worn very little makeup, seems to prefer it that way and also seems to prefer having her hair down.  Heck for all we know, Chris prefers it that way for her??  I still believe Becca to be F1.

There is another post from you regarding the 23rd and the columbine.  From sleuthing, we do know that Whit's LCD happened on the 20, Becca's LCD happened on the 21st,  and the FRC happened on the 22.  Now, I am confused as to how the 23rd comes into it?

-- happygolucky, I can really see this as Becca's dress.  Gorgeous if it is!!
UnexpectedTwist - Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley #5 - Page 49 Khloe+kardashian+in+marc+bouwer

-- Jeepers said that the build up for F1 was Becca and the unexpected twist is that he picks Whitney....My thoughts though, I tend to agree with sfrank when the poster said that everywhere you go the spoilers and thoughts are for Whitney as there's no way that he will pick the "virgin".  IMO, the producers are banking on that.  They know the spoilers out there....heck, they could of even fed them out as it was speculated for the Des/Chris season?  I keep looking at the tweets/IG's, etc from Becca, Whit and Kaitlyn about how not to believe rag mags, other words, don't agree the US rag mag or RS's spoilers...they are all full of hooey and hense the #unexpectedtwist comments.

-- Regarding the GMA clip, that is a pretty good evade and throw off if I ever saw one.  
They showed an exclusive sneak peek of his mom talking to Becca: B: "but I'm not at the point that I'm in love with him." Mom: "If I say you have a choice here, you have 2 days to make a decision here or it's going to end. What would you do then?"
In the clip, there is a bit of Becca talking to mamma Soules.  IMO, that is all about her past boyfriend and NOTHING to do with Chris.  My feelings on it were of the past tense and not the current one.  Would mamma Soules really try to be so nice as to pull hair away from Becca's face if Becca just finished telling her that she's not in love with her son?  There is no way a future mom would do that unless she sees this woman as a future part of her family.  IMO, it was a put off and to put more drama and doubt on Becca.  All season the producers have tried to make everyone believe the spoilers and that Whit will be F1.  To me, that means that she's not and Becca is.  Not only that but in that GMA clip, it looks like Becca is saying she's not ready for them and not feeling it.  IMO, that couldn't be further from the truth.  IMO, what that was about was if Becca was willing to get engaged immediately.....nothing whatsoever about whether she loved him, wanted to continue this or telling him that she's done.  Even on FRC day, something tells me that her heart will/would outweigh her brain and she will accept the engagement if Chris asks.

One of the main clues that screams out to me that Becca and Chris are together and happy is that she continues to wear the necklace that he gave her.  If she wasn't with him, I think that she's strong enough NOT to wear it anymore and be fine with that.

-- One assessment of this season, I really feel that knowing how Becca and Chris's time together has been very low keyed, the barn itself and how it was decorated is more to their liking than that of Whit for sure.  I believe that the barn and it's decorations were on purpose to stay in tuned with who is the F1 and lead.  The barn is right up Becca and Chris's alley...Whit, I don't think so.  She's more formal, straight laced and frilly than that, IMO.

-- Now there was a "cryptic" tweet from Fleiss saying how the finale is weird.  I am thinking that the concept that he still had fields to work is more so true if he picked Becca.  She had to go to the funeral, so he likely did some farming stuff while she was gone.  Heck, she maybe even of gone back to the farm afterwards and spent time with him around there.  It's just a thought, but maybe, just maybe it happened.

atem wrote:

However, that article from US didn't claim she left on her own (which I would prefer).  It stated that Chris S got the indication from her that she isn't 'feeling it' so he picked the 'sure thing'.  I don't get what is to say after that.  

MF saying it's weird, yeah it's weird when the FRC happens and Chris S. goes straight to work.  He doesn't even have ONE day with his final choice?  Sounds mega weird to me.  Oh, and yet he has all this time to do DWTS.  Go figure.

I don't know if I am misunderstanding you...  I believe that Chris going back to work has to do with Becca being the F1 and going to her granny's funeral.  Doing DWTS has nothing to do with him not having time.... heck, his F1 lives in CA so they can see each other.  This is all IMO.

With what I found before(looking back at the finale previews, the bloopers clips) and how the editing for this season is going, not to mention the post show SM clues, I believe that we will see another fleissed season and maybe a kaboom tweet as it seems that Becca will be the F1.  If I am wrong, both the F2 look happy post show so we'll see.

I will say though, all that I posted is my opinion, I don't KNOW any facts and want that to be known.  Sorry again for the length of the post.

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Post by happygolucky Wed Mar 04, 2015 9:26 am

Exactly see2love,
Becca usually is shown serious, without facial expressions of excitement (although from some extra scenes we can see they definitely did have some footage of her being more enthusiastic, cheerful), most scenes with Chris TPTB set the tone with their dialog/music/pauses and sighs ... pensive, doubtful, insecure, shy, rarely they show us her actual PIs/ITMs with her talking about Chris and what she likes about him (I think I remember only about his laugh that makes her giggle), presuming to make us believe that she's not much into him (even in that Extra interview of M&G GD she talks about Chris being handsome, I doubt TPTB doesn't have any other PIs of her when she would talk more about him). Please remind me when, because I don't recall seeing her PIs/ITMs talking about their connection, her talking about the future (there's always just her going through her personal inner turmoil of what that all means to her). I'm not trying to compare with Whitney, because obviously they don't show us all the sides of any girl. What I'm trying to say is that TPTB has installed the impression of Becca not being much interested in Chris with the selected images.
But what is interesting, during W&C time, there's more focus on Whitney's facial expression - showing her content/joy, while during B&C time the focus is more on Chris' face, that is either marry (smitten) or troubled. Insinuative much?

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UnexpectedTwist - Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley #5 - Page 49 Empty Re: Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley #5

Post by Guest Wed Mar 04, 2015 9:26 am

I know this might be to picky but can we please use our full names here. I have been sent PM for Happygolucky. People see happy and think it's me LOL. I have got r Pm I'm guessing for her since I have no idea about links that was posted or what was posted LOL/


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UnexpectedTwist - Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley #5 - Page 49 Empty Re: Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley #5

Post by happygolucky Wed Mar 04, 2015 9:28 am

Does anyone know whether that clip that was shown on GMA, about Becca's conversation with Chris' mom, can be found online on YT or some other site that doesn't have geo restrictions (no hulu or abc)?

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UnexpectedTwist - Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley #5 - Page 49 Empty Re: Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley #5

Post by nutty1 Wed Mar 04, 2015 9:35 am

I could see above dress being mistaken for having a hood, with the shoulders like they are.

"My goal in life is to be as good of a person as my dogs already think I am"    
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UnexpectedTwist - Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley #5 - Page 49 Empty Re: Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley #5

Post by happygolucky Wed Mar 04, 2015 9:35 am

giggling Oh boy, chaos. Hope the posts were positive and that you didn't receive some reminder for my misbehavior. Hugesmile

happygirl77us = / = (isn't) happygolucky

(you can address me as HGL for avoiding confusion in posts)

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UnexpectedTwist - Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley #5 - Page 49 Empty Re: Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley #5

Post by Aunties_Love Wed Mar 04, 2015 9:37 am

happygirl77us wrote: I know this might be to picky but can we please use our full  names here. I have been sent PM for Happygolucky. People see happy and think it's me LOL. I have got r Pm  I'm guessing for her since I have no idea about links that was posted or what was posted LOL/
I am so sorry if I did that are right though...names are good and should be used. LOL. bestbud!

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UnexpectedTwist - Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley #5 - Page 49 Empty Re: Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley #5

Post by nutty1 Wed Mar 04, 2015 9:39 am

Could they be similar?

UnexpectedTwist - Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley #5 - Page 49 Becca10UnexpectedTwist - Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley #5 - Page 49 Screen12
UnexpectedTwist - Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley #5 - Page 49 Khloe+kardashian+in+marc+bouwer

Last edited by nutty1 on Wed Mar 04, 2015 9:41 am; edited 1 time in total

"My goal in life is to be as good of a person as my dogs already think I am"    
"God puts the right people in our lives when the timing is just right." - Jef
"Love is everything it's cracked up to be…It really is worth fighting for, being brave for, risking everything for" - Nick
"What I felt for you was greater than a moment" - Nick
"I knew I loved you right away & I didn't even know why" - Ben
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UnexpectedTwist - Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley #5 - Page 49 Empty Re: Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley #5

Post by Aunties_Love Wed Mar 04, 2015 9:40 am

nutty1 wrote:I could see above dress being mistaken for having a hood, with the shoulders like they are.
I could too nutty. I do think that Becca is in a FRC dress though and that may be a match.

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UnexpectedTwist - Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley #5 - Page 49 Empty Re: Bachelor 19 - Becca Tilley #5

Post by ElonM Wed Mar 04, 2015 9:44 am

Aunties_Love wrote:
nutty1 wrote:I could see above dress being mistaken for having a hood, with the shoulders like they are.
I could too nutty.  I do think that Becca is in a FRC dress though and that may be a match.  

Also the pattern in front of the dress extends to the back also. I don't see that happening for a hoodie.

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