Re: Bachelor 19 - Chris Soules - Episode - 11 - LCD - FRC - ATFR #3 *Spoilers - Sleuthing*- Discussion

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Post by GuardianAngel Thu Mar 12, 2015 12:53 pm

I like that she isn't all over SM. They are mature adults that don't need to be kissy facing posing and justifying their relationship.

IMO SM has become a indicator of people's personalities. If they aren't on SM then something must be wrong.

I have a personal facebook which I never log into anymore. I only had less than 100 friends, however I got tired of questioning why I didn't "like" their pic they posted or the recipe they posted. I felt I had an "obligation" to like my friends/familiy's posts even if I didn't. Now I get questioned why am I never on F/book. laugh out loud

Perhaps Whitney doesn't want to read any negative SM content. It appears she has no problem staying away from it. Unlike others who are addicted to it, or other leads/contestants that continuously responded to the negativity only making the situation worse.

I've always said, if the final couple are secure in their relationship, they don't need to justify anything to anyone. I think maybe this is the stance that Whitney is taking. She's focused on her relationship and making it work. It appears he will let her make most of the decisions, which IMO he welcomes.



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Post by KB_Mom Thu Mar 12, 2015 12:58 pm

GuardianAngel wrote:I like that she isn't all over SM. They are mature adults that don't need to be kissy facing posing and justifying their relationship.

IMO SM has become a indicator of people's personalities. If they aren't on SM then something must be wrong.

I have a personal facebook which I never log into anymore. I only had less than 100 friends, however I got tired of questioning why I didn't "like" their pic they posted or the recipe they posted. I felt I had an "obligation" to like my friends/familiy's posts even if I didn't. Now I get questioned why am I never on F/book. laugh out loud

Perhaps Whitney doesn't want to read any negative SM content. It appears she has no problem staying away from it. Unlike others who are addicted to it, or other leads/contestants that continuously responded to the negativity only making the situation worse.

I've always said, if the final couple are secure in their relationship, they don't need to justify anything to anyone. I think maybe this is the stance that Whitney is taking. She's focused on her relationship and making it work. It appears he will let her make most of the decisions, which IMO he welcomes.


Good Post I agree

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Post by soccermom333 Thu Mar 12, 2015 1:07 pm

I still think it is a little odd.  JMHO but she wanted to shout it she said and now we have heard nothing.  I bet she is aware of all the negativity and does not want to hear about Becca.  She seems to have a lot of confidence and now that is being tested.  I bet Becca posted what she did in support of her friend.  ;)  Becca probably has talked to her and knows how hard this is for her.  Whit should just own it imo and hold her head up.  I think their relationship seems very fragile right now. sad Wish them luck.

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Post by ElonM Thu Mar 12, 2015 1:22 pm

Whitney is a smart woman and I'm certain she's aware of what the the media is saying etc.

She will post when she's comfortable. She doesn't need to justify anything to anyone.

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Post by northernviewer Thu Mar 12, 2015 1:28 pm

I personally don't believe that Whitney didn't watch the episodes. If she admitted she did she could be questioned about it, this way she can claim ignorance and not have to answer about what she thought of Chris with the other women. I think how she acted at the ATFR spoke volumes about what she was thinking and feeling. They've got some rough times ahead, but after how Chris acted just a few days ago.... I don't think they'll last.

The (FRC) Proposal..."Will you marry me because I'd really like to date you"

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Post by Gale1 Thu Mar 12, 2015 1:30 pm

murasaki1393 wrote:
mindless wrote:
sfrank wrote:

Well, I actually found that while they got a lot of skepticism....the majority of people were supportive of Des and Chris because they could see how much he adored her.
I know this because as a Brooks fan I was extremely frustrated that more people weren't on my side about how wrong it was for her to accept Chris' proposal after the break up with Brooks. But looking back I think what helped is that at the ATFR they were clearly into each other and when Brooks came out, it was obvious she was over him.  

Not the case from what I saw from Chris on Monday night....if anything more people said it was AFTR that showed them that Chris was not over Becca and I agree.

Yeah, I remember raising an eyebrow when Des went from heartbroken to accepting a proposal from Chris, but Brooks wasn't an option anymore, so I couldn't fault her for continuing the relationship that was. And like you said, they seemed really happy at ATFR and were already moving in together, so it was clearly going well. Couldn't really help being happy for them.

That's not what I saw on Monday, but I'm always happy to be proven wrong, when it comes to these things. I guess we'll see after DWTS is over, if the move to Arlington is any nearer.

as a die hard Chres fan, i concur this Smiley. I really wished Chrisney would put the 'default' case to rest by immediately working out their relationship off public eyes and ride off into Chi/IA/wherever sunset together, ala Chres. But no way jose...another hectic show again. Things that make me go: hmmmmmmmm....Best of luck to them. I always love a Wedding that can come out of this cray2 show. I hope they can make the 5th record.

Hi murasaki1393 now I know who is missing from their fan forum have seen blueberry, guardianangel, but not you, miss your comments there as well!!

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Post by Lucas15 Thu Mar 12, 2015 1:34 pm

Kashathediva wrote:No matter how much we think we know them, we don't. We are seeing what we are supposed to see for whatever reasons.
Sometimes it echos truth and sometimes it's the furthest thing from it and sometimes it many shades. Ashley Salter comes to mind on one end and Kelsey Poe on the other.

I somehow feel compelled to re-iterate this post because it's so important to keep in mind - this is a TV show. There's a thread of reality in it somewhere but it's often buried quite deeply. It's edited to make viewers and fans and posters on forums for that matter reach certain conclusions. It leads us, and it misleads us but it takes us in whatever direction the editors want us to go in.


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Post by mindless Thu Mar 12, 2015 1:37 pm

Eh, I watched that Chris and Witney rehearsal video posted in the fan thread and they were having way too much fun. I don't mean there's anything between, not at all, she's still a kid. It just showed that he's a big kid too and I haven't seen that side of him around Whitney. Of course they may be like that in private, but there's just such a massive difference between the rigid and awkward Chris I saw in all the interviews yesterday and the goofy giggling jokester I saw in that rehearsal today. And when Witney brought up watching the finale and how great it must be to have the secret out, he couldn't wait to change the subject. Just mentioned flying around for interviews yesterday. Something's definitely off IMO.

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Post by Longhornfan Thu Mar 12, 2015 1:43 pm

albean99 wrote:
sfrank wrote:
cindebugg wrote:

CH said in an article I read yesterday that Britt was the front runner for awhile.  He also said that he felt from Bali that Chris was leaning towards Whitney.  He went on to say that Whitney was never an option to be sent home at F3.  It was between Kaitlyn and Becca.

 I admire Becca for the choices she's made but IMO Chris was never going to choose the virgin.

I think you missed my point because ^^^^ comments was the latter piece in a larger commentary I wrote (this is missing the first paragraph)

The poster was saying that Chris' struggle was manufactured by TPTB and he is still under contract to say that he had feelings for Becca and didn't decide until shortly before the FRC (per an interview he gave yesterday here:

My point was that Chris' contract requires that he show up and make appearences on behalf of the show.
It does not require him to keep telling people he didn't decide until shortly before the FRC that it was going to be Whitney, or to say that he told his family certain things about his feelings for Becca that made them think he would pick her.  And post show continue to vigioursly defend his feelings and the connection he had with Becca when asked if it was just "the chase".

I was pointing that CH is saying the exact opposite and its strange to have the lead and host saying two things that are completely opposite. Chris S. could easily downplay his feelings or use the outs he has been giving him to make the woman at his side, his fiancé, feel special. He's not. He saying these things because it's the truth, IMO.

CH lies to us constantly but now we believe  his word is gossip? No. He does what is best for himself and the show. Period. The show benefits from the happy ending and People Magazine fairytale. That is my point.

Their contract is pretty tight and I think people would be surprised if we were able to read them. I'm pretty sure they're not allowed to say they were told to lead someone on. I remember way back in Meredith's season when Matthew her f2 asked her why she said she'd be honored if he gave her a ring (don't know the wording) and she just mumbled something about the show but never really answered. Clearly she couldn't say the truth which was she was forced to lead him on. She was gaga about Ian from the 3rd epi and didn't even want to go on the FD with Matt after Ian's. He had to talk her out of it. Interestingly Ian did an interview in Brazil post show where he was able to give out some secrets.

They also have to tell their family that they're confused. It's not just Chris. I'm sure the family are not allowed to tell us they were coached in any way because they're all under contract too.

I keep harping on this but it's all subjective what we believe and we're not likely to change anyone's opinion. It's my hope that sometime in the near future people can move on and hope for good things for their favorites. :Nod:

I do remember someone posting a copy of one of the older contracts on this site, some years back, and I have seen some of the very same things reoccur on each and every season, so I am not surprised by a lot that happens up to and including the FRC.  An example would be how the producers will drive the rejected contestants around for hours afterwards, most notably the F2, and will ply them with alcohol in order to get them to cry and give them some good soundbites for the edit.

I guess that what I am having a hard time wrapping my mind around is that Becca was given a script which included leading Chris on the whole time, just so that she could make it to the F2 position.  This seems so out of character with the Becca that I saw on the show.  Because it appeared to me that she refused to lie to Chris and tried to be as honest as possible with him, without giving him any false hope.

I never thought that Becca would have been Chris' choice at the end, and IMO, when she told Chris that her biggest fear was moving to his farm in Iowa and realizing later that it was not going to work out for her.  At that very moment I saw a compassionate person who would never want to lead Chris on and end up breaking his heart.  And, I saw the moment of clarity that Chris kept saying he needed.  He knew then and there that it was never going to work with Becca.  That was his clarity.

I actually think that Becca most likely got sucked into the bachelor bubble, like so many seem to do each and every year.  For example, I never ever believed that Jade would have wanted to move to Iowa.  So, was all that scripted too, or did she fall prey to the bubble?  Because, at the WTA, I felt like she was more upset with what Chris wrote in his blogs, regarding viewing her nude pictures and discussing her hometown visit, then her actually being eliminated at the F4.  Heck, I think they all fell victim to that bubble effect.  Some, like Whitney, had already entered into it prior to stepping out of the limo.

So, in conclusion.  I surmise that Becca probably "felt" like she was falling in love with Chris, within the confines of the bachelor bubble, but she knew when she showed up at the FRC what was going to happen.  And, yes, she probably felt some sense of relief.  That would account for the lack of tears and her calm demeanor.  I don't think, given Becca's inexperience, a long distance dating arrangement would have worked out either.  I liked how Becca seemed to stay true to herself throughout the whole process.  She is the winner in my book.


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Post by Mommyof2 Thu Mar 12, 2015 1:48 pm

AFTR is live and not edited.  That to me is the bigger picture.  Heck, I felt more warm and fuzzies from Jake and Vienna.  giggling  In watching MM's podcast with the Bach girls, Ashley S., who was at AFTR, said she felt that Chris was still feeling the same way as he did when he said goodbye to Becca at the FRC.  All of the girls said that if Becca would have been "in love" with Chris, the ending would have been very different.

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Post by lurker11 Thu Mar 12, 2015 1:50 pm

mindless wrote:Eh, I watched that Chris and Witney rehearsal video posted in the fan thread and they were having way too much fun. I don't mean there's anything between, not at all, she's still a kid. It just showed that he's a big kid too and I haven't seen that side of him around Whitney. Of course they may be like that in private, but there's just such a massive difference between the rigid and awkward Chris I saw in all the interviews yesterday and the goofy giggling jokester I saw in that rehearsal today. And when Witney brought up watching the finale and how great it must be to have the secret out, he couldn't wait to change the subject. Just mentioned flying around for interviews yesterday. Something's definitely off IMO.

idk if you're a DWTS fan... but that rehearsal video was eerily similar to Witney's with Alfonso, her partner last season who is happily married with an expectant wife. That's just how her rehearsals go. Comparing two people sitting and stretching and laughing while reading twitter and two people dressed up, standing in an ABC media room, answering the same relationship questions over and over isn't really a real comparison, IMO.

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Post by Jolena Thu Mar 12, 2015 1:59 pm

eirekay wrote:
Lucas15 wrote:
Lievta wrote:I wondered if a) Becca would have let herself fall (if she indeed was falling for him) if she didn't know Whitney was all in, and b) if Chris had said ILY and I'm willing to take this as slowly as you need (in the fantasy suite, for instance) to Becca, would that have made a difference.

I hate getting suckered into "what if" scenarios because the real answer almost has to be "I don't know - it never happened that way". That said ...

Re: what I bolded - Becca could have written an alternate script for the movie How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days because she did just about everything she could to keep Chris from picking her; she actually looked happy (and smiled) when he did break up with her. No tears - not even in the limo afterwards. The thing that most blew my mind was when she proposed a long distance romance if Chris picked her - to a guy who had spent 7 years with a girl that ended up in a long distance romance that didn't work out (they almost never do); talk about a red flag! It was completely weird in the context of this show, and I think she had absolutely zero interest in Chris or Arlington IA or anything that Chris could possibly offer. She's dated a (minor) celebrity in the past and I think she never had any intentions of being a farmer's wife and little interest in being a farmer's girlfriend - her sights are set higher than that.

I think had any of the things you suggested actually happened, she would have found some other excuse.

ITA with the bolded.  I haven't seen it mentioned much here but I have the sense that Becca is deeply spiritual - everything about her presents that way.  I don't have that sense about Chris.  I suspect (but totally MO) that Becca would want a mate whose spiritual depth matches her own.  

I Totally agree with you.

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