Chris Soules & Whitney Bischoff - Bachelor 19 - Discussion - #2

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Chris Soules & Whitney Bischoff - Bachelor 19 - Discussion - #2 - Page 47 Empty Re: Chris Soules & Whitney Bischoff - Bachelor 19 - Discussion - #2

Post by Guest Thu May 21, 2015 9:29 pm

If these two don't last, I may give up completely on the Bachelor.  If there was ever a lead that I thought would find his wife on the show, it was Chris. Mostly because I knew he would take it seriously since he didn't have many options back in Iowa. But watching these two through the season and now after, I just don't have a good feeling about them. Hopefully I'm wrong.

To me, Chris has really gone Hollywood. He seems to be reveling in his new celeb status and with the stars he's met while doing DWTS.  IMO he posts far too much on IG with people from the show (even when it wasn't about getting votes any more), to the point where I think many fans were tired of it too. He's getting fewer likes on those types of pictures.   I also feel he was seriously showing off in the last few weeks while on air live, especially up in the lounge with the dancers. Has anyone else noticed this? It was really obvious to me and a little obnoxious. It seemed really out of character for him.

I think Chris and Whitney are not in the best of places right now with their relationship because of these changes in Chris, and maybe that's why we're seeing some distance and awkwardness with them. I'm hoping that now that the show is over, they will be able to figure things out and make it work.


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Chris Soules & Whitney Bischoff - Bachelor 19 - Discussion - #2 - Page 47 Empty Re: Chris Soules & Whitney Bischoff - Bachelor 19 - Discussion - #2

Post by aviej Thu May 21, 2015 9:39 pm

I think that sometimes even when people genuinely have the right intentions, the fame just overwhelms and consumes them and sometimes it changes who they are, unfortunately - similar to people who get great power.  And I think it is increasingly difficult for the lead not to get swept up in all the glory especially in this social media driven society. I have to agree with comments above, for me Chris and Whit are a like a ticking bomb, just not to sure when it'll blow up.

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Chris Soules & Whitney Bischoff - Bachelor 19 - Discussion - #2 - Page 47 Empty Re: Chris Soules & Whitney Bischoff - Bachelor 19 - Discussion - #2

Post by Guest Fri May 22, 2015 12:04 am

I've watched all three of the pap videos from the night of the DWTS finale (they show different angles, different audio, more/less scenes, etc.) and this is what I concluded:

Chris, Whitney, Gary, and Linda are first to arrive together in the same car. They talk to the pap's for a bit about The Bachelorette and his pigs. They then head inside the building.

Witney arrives alone after the group above.

Chris and Whitney walk Witney to THEIR car (the one that they arrived in.) Linda is already sitting in the car when Witney gets in.They're both in the backseat. Witney asks where Gary is and Chris says "Dad is riding shot gun" and closes the door. Then Gary comes and talks to Whitney, asking her if they're staying and she says yes. He then asks if that was their car and she says yes. They then joke about seeing each other in the morning (since it WAS morning.) Gary gets in the car and Chris tells him he'll talk to him in the 'morning'. Chris and Whitney walk away to go back inside, only for the driver to call him back asking if he's coming too (since its THEIR car), he says no and to just take the others home. And that Witney needed to go to a different place. They shake hands and walk back inside the party. In one of the pap videos the photographer gets an angle of the front of the car before it drove off with Witney sitting in the middle seat of the car and her, Gary, and Linda are talking and looking back. I think they expected Chris (and Whitney) to come with them or talk to them or something, idk. Then the car drives off.

Then, Chris comes outside of the bulding ALONE, talking on his phone and laughing. The video then cuts to the next 'scene' (the photographer obviously stopped filming. Probably because Chris was just looking for the car or something.) The car obviously drove back to the party (because it was kind of far in the street, and the other video showed that they had already left.) So yes, the car drove back. And Chris is shown on the side of the car where his mom is sitting. He looks in the car WHILE still talking on the phone and then abruptly just hangs up and puts the phone down and continues to talk into the car. While all this is going on he is still laughing. He then walks to the other side of the car, where Witney is sitting (while this is happening, he puts his phone in his pocket.) The window is already down by the time he makes his way to her side of the car and when he reaches the car, she sticks her arm out, it just lays on the car door. Chris then sticks his arm INSIDE the car and they're seen talking for a few seconds then she puts her hand on his neck and he pulls his face INSIDE the car and they continue to talk for a long while. She lets go of his neck and he takes his head out of the car then takes his arm out of the car and they continue to talk until he walks away. As he's walking back to the building, he gets stopped to sign some stuff and take pics. Then he finally makes his way inside.

Then, Whitney and Chris are standing outside of the bulding in front of the door and that's when the whole rose thing happened. Who knows why they were outside yet again for a third time? Well, for Chris only. The paps try to be funny about her accepting the roses and Chris pays for them and gives money to a homeless man. They continue to stand around and joke around until finally Chris tries to open the door to head back inside...but its locked. So Chris and Whitney head off to go eat? I think they said something about burger, but i'm not sure cause I couldn't hear what the place was called all that well. Sooooo, they went somewhere. Not sure where....but somewhere. laugh out loud They make a wrong turn though and then head down the street until finally the video cuts off their part of the 'segment'. I didn't really explain this part all that much, because it was pretty self explanatory. It was pretty much the same scene in all three videos and you could decipher what they were doing/saying very clearly.

So yeah, an observant explanation of the different videos. Putting the puzzle pieces together. Smiley


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Chris Soules & Whitney Bischoff - Bachelor 19 - Discussion - #2 - Page 47 Empty Re: Chris Soules & Whitney Bischoff - Bachelor 19 - Discussion - #2

Post by soccermom333 Fri May 22, 2015 12:43 am

Ladybug82 wrote:
umngirl wrote:
Lucas15 wrote:There was a similar video when Sean was on DWTS - taken by paps outside of the venue where an after show party was held. Catherine was with him but there was a very strange interaction between them, which had a lot of people analyzing and saying there was something wrong between them because of how Sean basically ignored Catherine and walked ahead of her as if she wasn't there. Kind of similar to this video only this time it's Chris not Sean.

That isn't exactly the best neighborhood in LA and IMO for Chris to focus on getting all in his family in cars to get them safely out of there is a lot more appropriate than putting on an exhibit of PDA for the paparazzi.

Maybe I need to re watch all the pap videos from two years ago because I don't remember that happening at all.

All Chris had to do was not walk away from her and stay close by.  No one is asking for a makeout session.  

I agree  He was billed as Prince Farming, but he seems to have forgotten or gotten rid of his knight in shining armour suit, any form of manners, and the ability to act like a gentleman towards her.  Suspect

I agree with you and most that no one wants to see a makeout session but some manners would be nice. Chris Soules & Whitney Bischoff - Bachelor 19 - Discussion - #2 - Page 47 3806527698 I also agree with the poster who said Whit needs to run. affraid

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Chris Soules & Whitney Bischoff - Bachelor 19 - Discussion - #2 - Page 47 Empty Re: Chris Soules & Whitney Bischoff - Bachelor 19 - Discussion - #2

Post by Rolly Fri May 22, 2015 12:57 am

The best part for me is that Chris and Whit are together living their lives and don't really seem to care what everyone thinks. DWTS seems to have been a great experience but it's over now and they can get on with their lives. Chris seems to have scheduled some charity events but I doubt we'll see him much in the spotlight moving forward. Time will tell but I see both of them being very mature in how they have dealt with their relationship and are making plans for the future. Good for them!

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Post by Jeepers Fri May 22, 2015 1:15 am

“@fleissmeister: Chris and Whitney... Do I hear wedding bells?”

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Chris Soules & Whitney Bischoff - Bachelor 19 - Discussion - #2 - Page 47 Empty Re: Chris Soules & Whitney Bischoff - Bachelor 19 - Discussion - #2

Post by IrishGal Fri May 22, 2015 2:42 am

In Fleiss's dreams.  Don't get me wrong, I believe that Chris and Whitney are sincere. But I think he is trying to conjure up a wedding, **edited**  no no

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Chris Soules & Whitney Bischoff - Bachelor 19 - Discussion - #2 - Page 47 Empty Re: Chris Soules & Whitney Bischoff - Bachelor 19 - Discussion - #2

Post by Mommyof2 Fri May 22, 2015 10:14 am

Jeepers wrote:“@fleissmeister: Chris and Whitney... Do I hear wedding bells?”

Before there are any "wedding bells", Chris needs to grow up a bit. His behavior since the show ended has somewhat surprised me. Seeing that paparazzi video of the after party just confirmed what I've been thinking all along. Sorry Chris fans, but he makes my skin crawl. Whitney needs to find someone better...much better! It just goes to show that appearances can be deceiving. JMO.

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Chris Soules & Whitney Bischoff - Bachelor 19 - Discussion - #2 - Page 47 Empty Re: Chris Soules & Whitney Bischoff - Bachelor 19 - Discussion - #2

Post by Kashathediva Fri May 22, 2015 10:18 am

Chris is who Chris is. As long as Whitney sees him for who he is and accepts it, all is good. It's when she can't and tries to change him and he won't that things get hairy. Something we all live with in a significant other. Do the plusses outweigh the minuses? That's for the couple to decide.

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Post by GuardianAngel Fri May 22, 2015 10:35 am

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Chris Soules & Whitney Bischoff - Bachelor 19 - Discussion - #2 - Page 47 Empty Re: Chris Soules & Whitney Bischoff - Bachelor 19 - Discussion - #2

Post by mtnlvr55 Fri May 22, 2015 11:07 am

Chris, Chris, Chris...very ungentlemanly. He walked off without Whitney as they left the after party. Not nice at all. I am very disappointed him him. no no no

He needs to get back to the farm and his roots. Remember that he is an Iowa farm boy and he would be lucky to have a woman as lovely, smart and driven as Whitney.

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Chris Soules & Whitney Bischoff - Bachelor 19 - Discussion - #2 - Page 47 Empty Re: Chris Soules & Whitney Bischoff - Bachelor 19 - Discussion - #2

Post by vivi2 Fri May 22, 2015 12:22 pm

mtnlvr55 wrote:Chris, Chris, Chris...very ungentlemanly. He walked off without Whitney as they left the after party. Not nice at all. I am very disappointed him him. no no no

He needs to get back to the farm and his roots. Remember that he is an Iowa farm boy and he would be lucky to have a woman as lovely, smart and driven as Whitney.

I have to agree with you! Chris is a verrry lucky guy and I hope he doesn't take her for granted. My issue with him is that this wasn't the first time he's acted this way towards Whit. Come on dude, you can do so much better than that. No matter what, at the very least, you have to make her look good. Period.

Unless they break up, I'll try to keep my thoughts to myself, but arrrrggg!!


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