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Post by soccermom333 Wed Jul 01, 2015 1:57 am

LenaActually wrote:
emusha wrote:I don't not understand the joke it just comes off way too dry and serious -- isn't he supposed to be "hilarious" or something? i want to see that shawn cos I thought I saw him first epi ...

You should follow him on Snapchat. His snapchat stories are surprisingly funny.

Yes they are! :cutesmile!: Great idea. ;)

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Post by Lucas15 Wed Jul 01, 2015 7:06 am

happydays wrote:But I don't get the lack of acknowledgement of her other relationships. All bachelorettes have acknowledged their other relationships before, something must be different this time.

IMO one difference is that her other relationships really don't exist in a tangible way to her; she may or may not be trying to develop them, but if she's trying I don't think it's working for her. The best she can manage is bit of lip service (which she's actually doing).


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Post by Lucas15 Wed Jul 01, 2015 7:23 am

relaxing wrote:Well, I can't possibly respond to all the posts that I respectfully disagree with so just briefly ...

I strongly disagree that we can assume Shawn is controlling, abusive or dictating any of Kaitlyn's actions post show.  I also think people are much more than how they react under great emotional stress and that one low moment doesn't define their whole character as a person or how caring they might be in a relationship.

The last guy I saw get labeled with the concerns that he was controlling, had anger issues and could be potentially abusive was when JP got jealous in Ashley's season.  And we know what that was - a passionate, genuine, sweetheart of a man falling crazily in love with the love of his life.  

Just my take.

I'm so glad to see that I'm not the only one who seems to have a different take on what we're seeing on our TV screens' I was beginning to think there was something wrong with my TV because what I am seeing is quite different than many of the posts I'm reading.

I know the show always hypes "tune in for the most dramatic season ever" but IMO this season is actually delivering on that promise; it doesn't get any better than this! We have a villain who doesn't seem entirely evil, a hero who doesn't seem entirely good, fighting over a girl who doesn't seem entirely worth it. The epic battle is taking place in situations that are entirely unrealistic and everybody is making mistakes that are entirely normal for real people to make. And I for one am entirely enjoying watching it.

For those counting, that is 6 repetitions of the word "entirely". Oops - make that 7.

This just entirely my own humble opinion.

And that's 8 and a wrap.


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Post by mindless Wed Jul 01, 2015 8:06 am

Alanna wrote:
relaxing wrote:Well, I can't possibly respond to all the posts that I respectfully disagree with so just briefly ...

I strongly disagree that we can assume Shawn is controlling, abusive or dictating any of Kaitlyn's actions post show.  I also think people are much more than how they react under great emotional stress and that one low moment doesn't define their whole character as a person or how caring they might be in a relationship.

The last guy I saw get labeled with the concerns that he was controlling, had anger issues and could be potentially abusive was when JP got jealous in Ashley's season.  And we know what that was - a passionate, genuine, sweetheart of a man falling crazily in love with the love of his life.  

Just my take.
Yes, yes, I know I personally love to play armchair psychologist on reality TV stars from the comfort of my apartment in strict anonymity and in my very professional board poster opinion, there is absolutely nothing wrong or psycho or abusive about Shawn.

She is clearly a very happy camper post-show and was just as crazy over him when they were filming as he was over her. She'd be the needy whackjob if he was the lead and their roles were reversed. Moreover, we'd have chicks crawling out of the woodwork that he's dated from the second grade on claiming what a meanie he is if any such evidence or stories existed.

I don't think Shawn is psycho or abusive, but I do think he has the potential to be controlling and needy. I'm also not convinced he really "sees" Kaitlyn. When people fall in love without really knowing the person they're falling in love with at all, I always feel like their love in invalid. Reminds me of a certain couple from last year. We all saw how long that "love" lasted. They seemed pretty crazy about each other too around this time, so that doesn't prove anything to me. Time will tell, but unfortunately I see trouble on the horizon unless both Kaitlyn and Shawn take a good long look at their way of handling emotions and learn some impulse control. 30-year-olds shouldn't be acting like teenagers.

The fact that no bitter exes have appeared doesn't mean someone can't have issues. 1) Not everyone wants their name in the tabloids. 2) He probably doesn't even have such problems with women he doesn't feel that strongly about anyway, because you need to fear the prospect of losing someone to be jealous in the first place. Who knows if he's even had any serious relationships? 3) Women like to find excuses for bad behaviour by men. Some even find jealousy attractive, because it must mean he really cares, right? Kaitlyn seems to full of excuses already. 4) His past relationships might've all ended for reasons that have nothing to do with his behaviour, and he might've been the one to end them all.

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Post by bluwavz Wed Jul 01, 2015 9:16 am

Here's the cover for the next issue of Us Weekly.

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Post by emusha Wed Jul 01, 2015 11:21 am

LenaActually wrote:
emusha wrote:I don't not understand the joke it just comes off way too dry and serious -- isn't he supposed to be "hilarious" or something? i want to see that shawn cos I thought I saw him first epi ...

You should follow him on Snapchat. His snapchat stories are surprisingly funny.

oh yea? i'm not on snap chat regularly but will check him out

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Post by Luvstruck Wed Jul 01, 2015 11:35 am

There was an issue of Life & Style with a cover saying Yes, I'm engaged that I read at Walmart last night with "secrets" of the proposal. It basically rehased what we already know the final rose ceremony at the mansion with lots of fresh flowers held in the back. They said it was incredibly meaningful for the final couple becasue it was where they met. That put me back, they flat out gave away the ending it was Shawn because Nick met her in NYC not at mansion.


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Post by mprssdbyu Wed Jul 01, 2015 11:46 am

Luvstruck wrote:There was an issue of Life & Style with a cover saying Yes, I'm engaged that I read at Walmart last night with "secrets" of the proposal.  It basically rehased what we already know the final rose ceremony at the mansion with lots of fresh flowers held in the back. They said it was incredibly meaningful for the final couple becasue it was where they met. That put me back, they flat out gave away the ending it was Shawn because Nick met her in NYC not at mansion.  
When us weekly joins in with the sentiment L&,S, I'll totally believe it.

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Post by Luvstruck Wed Jul 01, 2015 12:03 pm

I know how you feel mprssdbyu. It can't be true! How could Kaitlyn be so hard hearted to take Nick to F2 let him propose then turn him down. How could she? If she knew he wasn't the one then why not take Jared to Final 2 instead. It totally astounds me. She couldn't resist taking Nick back to her suite and having intimacies with him then takes him to F2 and has intimacies again ....then lets him go but only after he proposes. Sorry but NO, for someone who spouts she wants honesty, it isn't right........


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Post by OnePromise Wed Jul 01, 2015 12:20 pm

Luvstruck wrote:I know how you feel mprssdbyu. It can't be true! How could Kaitlyn be so hard hearted to take Nick to F2 let him propose then turn him down. How could she? If she knew he wasn't the one then why not take Jared to Final 2 instead. It totally astounds me. She couldn't resist taking Nick back to her suite and having intimacies with him then takes him to F2 and has intimacies again ....then lets him go but only after he proposes. Sorry but NO, for someone who spouts she wants honesty, it isn't right........

This is why I have the hardest time with the spoiled ending...

I want to think more of Kaitlyn.  But maybe she really was so confused at the time that she lost her way...lost her ability to determine what was honestly right?  IMO, she should not have allowed Nick to propose if she cared as much about him as she said she did.  And I am not even holding her to my standards...I'm holding her to her own standards.  She was all to quick to confront Chris about the way he callously let her go at the rose ceremony on his season.  How can she not see that this with Nick was ten times "worse"?  

And to top it all off, she remains fairly callous to Nick even after the whole thing went down.  So puzzling to me.  Inconsistent on Kaitlyn's part IMO.


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Post by Alanna Wed Jul 01, 2015 12:26 pm

Kait also basically cheated on Shawn with Nick after saying she's in love with him too or whatever in SA and having sex with him as well imo, so I think she was doing all sorts of wrong/messed up things that she would never do normally while filming. Tptb did their job well with this one, the force was strong with her all season.

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Post by GuardianAngel Wed Jul 01, 2015 1:10 pm

Bet2Win wrote:snipped

Yeah, I don't compare JP to Shawn, "bang 2 other guys", "get the F out of my face", and this is knowing a camera is on him.  Hate to think how he reacts when there aren't cameras around.  

Exactly. It's this behaviour that I don't like at all. I would have much rather have seen a more grown up mature way of handling this with someone he doesn't even know. Regardless of what he's been told by K, she is the one who is having relationships with all the guys, not just Nick.


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