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Post by SueSt Tue Jul 07, 2015 10:31 am

GuardianAngel wrote:yes to Nick for finally speaking up. He said S is the one guy he doesn't trust and gave K the reasons why, aka Eskimo brothers. Other than that, he has not said one negative word about any of them.

Meanwhile, Shawn has done nothing but bully him, from the start. He has repeatedly told K what he thinks of Nick. Shawn also said in the preview, he's going to say what he has to say straight to his face unlike the other guys who talk behind his back. So he just outted the other guys.

I think K and S are a perfect match. He is crazy about her, however, I do not like the S I'm seeing on my screen. Treating a person in that manner, I find truly disgusting. K tweeted something about Shawn being the Boss. His behaviour IMO shows he likes to be boss. Not a good mix especially for someone like K. Her conversation with him was very guarded IMO. She asked him if he would have a problem trusting her after all this. I think this might be an issue in that relationship JMHO

Good post, GA!
Any guy would have a problem trusting her.
She's sleeping with other guys, regretting it and then talking about it!!!
The first part is on the structure of the show, the second two parts are on her.
Close your legs and shut your mouth!!

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Post by umngirl Tue Jul 07, 2015 10:32 am

I had to laugh at the text I got this morning. My friend watches the show unspoiled and this is all she had to say about last night's episode. "SO Nick is totally getting dumped again. Must be tough for the guy when it's now broadcasted on tv for the second time that he's a bad lay and that's why the girls pick someone else."

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Post by Kashathediva Tue Jul 07, 2015 10:32 am

SueSt wrote:
Max64 wrote:^^^ Well at least Shawn will have that episode to always go back and reflect about how much she regretted it  hehehe

cantstopl .... before she did it again.
Doing it again, indicates after all was said and done in her SQT with Shawn, that she is going to do what she needs to do for her. Exploring the plowing equipment is tantamount to her journey. If the plowing experience was not desirable the first time, no need to re-plow with the same equipment when other equipment is available. 
Nothing wrong with that. 
It just screws with his own trust issues.

Last edited by Kashathediva on Tue Jul 07, 2015 10:34 am; edited 1 time in total

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Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, bye Felicia! 

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Post by Alanna Tue Jul 07, 2015 10:34 am

Kait didn't say Shawn was the boss, but that he handled this thing like a champ/boss. It's slang for him handling the news well. They actually seem very equal in their relationship to me. She definitely stays up to him and is very firm and assertive when she thinks he's not respecting her and her ability to make decisions.

Big: You know, Manhattan has a lot of beautiful women.
Carrie: What an amazing observation!
Big: But the thing is, after awhile, you just wanna be with the one who makes you laugh.
~ Sex and the City


All the J’s all the time: #jash #Jo^3 #jaitlyn


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Post by Lucas15 Tue Jul 07, 2015 10:36 am

see2love wrote:I lean towards this explanation..

Emily L. Foley ‏@EmilyLFoley  12h12 hours ago
Why people don't like Nick: Hiding your mouth w/your hands when you talk is a nonverbal that says 'You can't trust me'.

IMO that's less than the half of it - but it's a very good place to start. IMO there's a lot of other layers to this pomegranate onion that I won't attempt to peel back but many of them result in "trust" related perceptions and this mannerism is one good reason why trust is an issue - Nick sends that message to people (and perhaps then wonders why people don't trust him).


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Post by Ariela Tue Jul 07, 2015 11:01 am

see2love wrote:
gurlbrit wrote:
soccermom333 wrote:Why is nick mumbling??  

I noticed that last night too, me thinks he's doing it so TPTB can't get a good grip on what's he's saying.  I noticed that he also put his hand up a couple of times to cover his lips when he was talking.

I lean towards this explanation..

Emily L. Foley ‏@EmilyLFoley  12h12 hours ago
Why people don't like Nick: Hiding your mouth w/your hands when you talk is a nonverbal that says 'You can't trust me'.

Nick is easy to read, imo. I agree about the non-verbal communication.

Last night was very weird, and I'm willing to speculate the following:
1)N and K are not in love, but he wants to win so he can save face from Andi's season, or something like that. She's in love with S, and she cannot hide it. The non-verbal quarter sized-eyes when K looks at S say it ALL.

2) N thought K was a cool girl. He likes to date women who have been on this show. He made contact with her before the show, and it was too late to date her.

3)MF needed drama. N said: Hey can I join the ? MF said YES!!! MF got what he wanted (ratings), and enjoyed stirring the pot between S and N.

4)their (K & N)date was nothing more than "curiosity", being horny, and lust....and that's all it ended up being, hence K pulling away afterwards. The story needs to continue, so he's still there.

5)FS sex with N was obligatory, because that's what they do so the guy stays until the end. Besides, K wouldn't have IT any other way.laugh out loud

6) I believe that N is there to do it right the second time around-WIN the bette. He keeps comparing the seasons, and that gives me the creeps. I would not want a guy to compare me to his previous gf. If you watch Nick and Andi season vs N & K, you can see the huge difference in how he fell for Andi. With K, he's just trying to come in as #1. Meh

7) S drama is contrived by the producers. Conveniently there is a camera in S room. He calls to get N room #, and starts in on Nick (we saw similar prodding by the producers when Andi told JaunP off). S doesn't even let N talk. Sounds like rehearsed c rap, because the story is fading. We can see that N & K are dwindling away.


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Post by Lucas15 Tue Jul 07, 2015 11:05 am

At my age some modern slang terms go pretty much right over my head so I have to keep a tab open to the Urban Dictionary to follow a lot of the things that get tweeted (and posted), so the Urban Dictionary defines:

Eskimo brothers
A term used to describe two men who have had sex with the same woman.

It might not surprise anyone that it also defines:

Eskimo sisters
Two women who have slept with the same man in their past.

It would appear to me that the Eskimo family runs deep into an awful lot of BachelorNation alumni - many of them blissfully ignorant they are related. IMO this is nothing new - just something never talked much about, but depending on what rumors you believe or what confirmed situations you've heard about that list could include Clare and Nikki, Ryan and Charlie, Ben and JP, Josh and Nick, Shawn and Nick, and 5 sisters and one step sister from Bob Guiney's season alone - just for starters.

It also seems to me that any discussion between guys on The Bachlorette talking about upcoming fantasy dates would use this term to describe the situation; I hate to break the news to all the women here but this is guy talk and though crude in mixed company or in front of a woman - this is very simply how guys talk. That Shawn could have used the phrase in front of other guys came as an expected surprise - expected because IMO it would have been a natural thing to say and surprise only because I had never heard the term before.

That Nick brought this up to Kaitlyn surprises me because it seems more like a mistake a rookie would make and one that almost never turns out well; if used to discredit who the lead wants to pick it's likely to turn out even worse.


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Post by leselihau Tue Jul 07, 2015 11:18 am

Putting my thoughts here before I read.

Joe & Jared are gone....I'm curious to see how this all wraps up with Ben H...because I'm not buying what TPTB are selling. IMO, it's all just "a show" with Ben at this point. It's all the Nick vs Shawn show. And Ben is just a long for the ride...and imo they're trying ot make him WAY TOO squeaky clean for me. I'm curious to see if he'll be the next Bach or not...

Shawn - I keep hearing all about his temper and acting like a baby...but I actually thought he did REALLY well last night. I'll talk about that final "showdown" in a moment, but other than that I thought he did well in their alone time during the group date...didn't get too angsty and based on the words he was saying it sounded like he was actually trying to deal with the "show". I thought he handled Kaitlyn's admission REALLY well. And I personally don't see the problem with asking her more questions during the rose ceremony if he had them...although I also feel like that was probably producer driven. Man, they're having a hayday with him. him or hate him, you can't deny that him & Kaitlyn have chemistry. I almost feel like I'm a voyeur watching them sometimes. I never understood everyone's issue with him during Andi's season and I've thought he was OK this season...but last night I figured out what it is about him....

I think he's passive aggressive. I can't stand passive aggressiveness. If you have a problem, let's address it and move on. Don't play coy. Don't try to pretend we're friends and don't try to then turn it on me like it's my fault. I think Shawn's probably the same...and Nick's passive aggressiveness just finally flipped the switch. I gotta say...if I was dealing with it day in and day out like Shawn was I'd have probably done the same thing. Confronted it head on, because that's the way I am.

Having said I think there was some jealousy strewn into that, YES. Do I think there was also some producer hyping that to happen, YES. But I didn't really have a problem with what went down. It will be a great day for both of them when this is over and they never have to speak to each other again. LOL

I'm team #KaitBoo....because I just happen to think they're a better fit. But I still don't think Nick's a horrible person and if he gets the Bach gig...I'd watch! But I do think he should demand some BIG money...because lord knows they're going to bring in the ratings with him as the lead.


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Post by Lucas15 Tue Jul 07, 2015 11:32 am

Ariela wrote:7) S drama is contrived by the producers. Conveniently there is a camera in S room. He calls to get N room #, and starts in on Nick (we saw similar prodding by the producers when Andi told JaunP off). S doesn't even let N talk. Sounds like rehearsed c rap, because the story is fading. We can see that N & K are dwindling away.

^^^ ITA

IMO a lot of the drama that existed after Texas and through Dublin leading up to Killarney had some elements of reality to it - the issues were more real. I learned yesterday that last night's episode would be the one in which Kaitlyn tells Shawn about Nick sex and we see his reaction and I kept wondering - how do they keep this alive afterwards - all the "issues" resolve at this turning point. Last night's episode gave me the answer - what seems to be left to carry the season is manufactured drama. That "confrontation" between Nick and Shawn was so contrived I felt they were both working hard to keep from laughing. In fact as I watched the interactions between Nick and Shawn on the group date it appeared to me that they are far from the arch enemies the show is trying to make them out to be; they may not be the best of friends but they talk and interact pretty normally to my eyes. Also the edit seems to be turning towards the traditional "conflicted until the morning of the FRC when a last minute moment of clarity gives her the answer" type of ending that we see season after season.

I also felt that the connection between Nick and Kaitlyn was barely alive; she was more concerned that it started to rain than anything Nick was saying to her - like "anything to change the subject".


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Post by Luvstruck Tue Jul 07, 2015 11:43 am

Chris harrison blog is up


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Post by Luvstruck Tue Jul 07, 2015 11:44 am

And here is what Kaitlyn had to say about this episode.


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Post by leselihau Tue Jul 07, 2015 12:08 pm

chasingpavements wrote:
Kashathediva wrote:
lexforlife wrote:How do we know that N&K were intimate again? Sorry, if the proof have been posted earlier but I must have missed it , so, is there any concrete evidence of this?
I get a bit hung up on the word: concrete. 
Only K or N would have that knowledge. So it would have had to have been reported by one or the other or both. 
I can't help getting an image of a 21st century Masters of Sex vaginal chip that would undeniably answer our sleuthing questions--did she or didn't she? Only the chip knows for sure.

Jesse said that they still record audio when you are in the FS (which seems to be proven by the porn-like sounds I had to listen to two weeks ago), so I think that means that the majority of producers and crew members would also know.

Unless Kaitlyn faked a visit from Aunt Flo, I can't imagine Nick proposing if Kaitlyn was like "I totally want to marry you! But, ew, please don't touch me".

So...Kaitlyn said in her blog that she had cramps on her date with Ben....maybe she really did have Aunt Flo for her FS with Nick. Hugesmile


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