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Post by atem Mon Oct 26, 2015 9:35 pm

As I have always stated, this show is cruel.

If Michael wasn't liked by Sam, what was up with all the making out? Why not take Alex to F2 then?

Sam was told who to take to the F2. She knew it was Sasha from the start. She only played her part to get what she wanted...Sasha.

Anything I post means it's Just My Opinion.  Don't feel like posting it every time I post. So, I thought I'd get that out of the way.


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Post by Sundy Tue Oct 27, 2015 7:02 am

So did anyone catch what Sam posted on Twitter today that had people responding with her not to worry about the tabloids? She has since deleted her original post

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Post by mindless Tue Oct 27, 2015 8:56 am

She said that she never said Richie was her real runner-up and things were taken out of context. Someone posted it in the Sam and Sasha fan forum. Maybe she deleted it, because it didn't fit the whole "let's make poor heartbroken Richie the next lead" campaign. From what I saw on my screen, I don't believe for a minute she was more into Richie than Michael. It was already evident during HTD's. No way no how. JMO.

I'm kind of iffy about Richie as the next lead tbh. Not that I have better suggestions or anything, but he just acts (and dresses) a bit young. We saw his funny side a lot, but I didn't see his emotional side at all. I'm not sure if he'll be able to really fall in these circumstances. I also didn't like how he sprung his overly involved mates on Sam at the HTD. But he's easy on the eyes, so I guess he'll do.

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Post by Norcalgal Tue Oct 27, 2015 1:43 pm

atem wrote:As I have always stated, this show is cruel.  

If Michael wasn't liked by Sam, what was up with all the making out?  Why not take Alex to F2 then?  

Sam was told who to take to the F2.  She knew it was Sasha from the start. She only played her part to get what she wanted...Sasha.

Would you want Alex's sister to hunt you down and scare you if you dropped him at F2?

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Post by computerms Tue Oct 27, 2015 4:00 pm

I wish they would do the show different regarding the f2 and f3.   I feel the bachelor/bachelorette always have not so nice things to say regarding the F2 choice after the FRC.  Is it because they want the chosen one to feel better about being chosen or is that when their true side comes out.  (ex:  Andi and Josh towards Nick and Kaitlyn and Shawn towards Nick, Sam towards Michael, etc. etc.) If they really don't like the F2, then don't make out with them and don't take them to the end and then trash them in the magazines.  Have some class.  
I have no problem with who they choose, It's their choice.  I just don't like the way they lead the F2 on  (I mean really lead them on) if they have no intention of choosing them and they know from early on their choice. It's always the first thing they say in an interview after the FRC that they knew from very early on who their choice would be.  How does that make the F2 feel. Be classy and don't mention that.
I've watched every season since the first one with Alex Michel in season 1 in the US, New Zealand (love Art and Maddy) and all of the Australia seasons and some of the heart broken ones were Rochelle, Sam, Lana, Heather, and this is just the Australia season and the list goes on and on.  When they sign up for this, I don't think they realize how emotional committed they can get.
Can't they show us a real love story without all the drama and hurt.  
But I do like the Australia version better as they don't have to have overnights, nor an engagement and not all the drama.  


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Post by marysegap Wed Oct 28, 2015 12:14 pm

mindless wrote:She said that she never said Richie was her real runner-up and things were taken out of context. Someone posted it in the Sam and Sasha fan forum. Maybe she deleted it, because it didn't fit the whole "let's make poor heartbroken Richie the next lead" campaign. From what I saw on my screen, I don't believe for a minute she was more into Richie than Michael. It was already evident during HTD's. No way no how. JMO.

I'm kind of iffy about Richie as the next lead tbh. Not that I have better suggestions or anything, but he just acts (and dresses) a bit young. We saw his funny side a lot, but I didn't see his emotional side at all. I'm not sure if he'll be able to really fall in these circumstances. I also didn't like how he sprung his overly involved mates on Sam at the HTD. But he's easy on the eyes, so I guess he'll do.

What IF all these noise and tabloid comments etc, which obviously serve to leave Michael as a poor victim. Are not being made on purpose by the producers to make people empathize with Michael so they can put him as the new bachelor? I felt all the promotion Michael got on the last weeks of the show had to serve to something... And I still feel Richie is not ready ( to shy and naive ) and they might see it that way too .question

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Post by AllAboutLove Wed Oct 28, 2015 4:29 pm

^ Not a chance, imo and based on what I've known for weeks. It's all white noise. I find it funny how not ready seems to apply to strategy or boring/too young. Same things said about Ben H. Doesn't change a thing when the overwhelming majority of Australia viewers are wanting Richie and so do their first ever recycled lead and Channel Ten/Shine as well as all media. No one else stands a chance unless he doesn't want to do it. These debates will go on the way they did with Ben H before he was "officially" announced but none of these debates are being had by the official channels... that is The Project or the main media that is *in* with the show. And that's the key.

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Post by Hooked Thu Oct 29, 2015 9:29 pm

I think Michael would be better for next Bachelor - Richie is not emotionally mature enough or ready to settle down plus too awkward to pull it off.


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Post by Guest Thu Oct 29, 2015 10:31 pm

Richie maybe awkward, but I do see a real human in him. Not that he's perfect or better than any other guys, just that I see a real normal dude in him with some good (or even not so good) qualities in him, that I would like to see him to fall in love. He may not be good TV, but this is exactly why I like him to be the next lead - being normal.

As for Michael, for me personally I can't take a season of him. He's always too prepared and too rehearsed, almost too skillful in presenting himself. And I don't like to see a lead with a hard shell, that he always has be to be (act) perfect. And for this whole B'ette season, I really cannot see real emotions in him. Again, nothing againest his current/previous status/profession, and it's not the so-called Top Poppy Syndrome because I don't see him as a "oh so good to be true" Michael that needed to be taken down.

All is my opinion, and I think it's normal that not all leads/contestants are universially well liked.


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Post by Hooked Thu Oct 29, 2015 10:37 pm

I know what you mean but I still think we did see & hear quite a few tender, loving, caring, romantic moments from Michael that didn't seem fake but who really knows - only those people close to him truly know him. He is articulate and polished more so than Sasha and Richie. He's older too and a successful businessman.


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Post by AllAboutLove Thu Oct 29, 2015 10:52 pm

Being polished is not what the producers are looking for what they are looking for is someone who is genuine and not just there to be on TV alone (they all are, but some more than others are more invested in the TV aspect of it)

Plus, IMO, they will not make the same mistake of having someone like Blake Garvey on the show who was smooth and polished. Sam Wood was dorky and not polished at all and Tim wasn't smooth exactly either. It really doesn't matter if family and friends like a person or who the "real" person is. Blake is loved by his family and friends and Louise and her family and even Osher does his usual of saying Blake is genuine but at the end of the day, the producers themselves and the majority of viewers are not going to have a lead who misrepresents himself.

Even things as silly as Michael pretending he had $1K bottles of Cristal on his IG page and yet he got those photos from Google search and uploaded them to his IG pretending that they were his? That's really embarrassing and someone who is selling a false image of themselves. Same with his fake watch. It doesn't matter that these things are fake, what matters is why a person would want to mislead who they are and what they have and pretend that they are something they are not. Michael, IMO, has a very long way to go to be emotionally mature enough to handle his own Social Media let alone a lead gig.


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Post by Guest Fri Oct 30, 2015 12:01 am

AllAboutLove wrote:

Even things as silly as Michael pretending he had $1K bottles of Cristal on his IG page and yet he got those photos from Google search and uploaded them to his IG pretending that they were his? That's really embarrassing and someone who is selling a false image of themselves.

AAL, I do trust your information, but did this really happen? affraid speechless speechless
I mean, this is just too embarrassing, and hard to believe someone actually did that.


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