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Post by Guest Thu Feb 04, 2016 11:05 pm

Maybe the sister did not sign the confidential agreement so she can talk all she wants. Jmho.


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Post by SomeGuy Fri Feb 05, 2016 9:53 am

Er, no image seen here.

I can't imagine that the immediate family isn't wrapped up tight in a NDA.

It may say something about Ashley's home life that her sister doesn't think the NDA doesn’t apply to her. That is, the rules are what she thinks they are.

BTW, I think it's telling that Ashley thinks she's been working hard to make the marriage work. But it's hard to miss that she's not even close. no no

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Post by Beachy Fri Feb 05, 2016 7:48 pm

SomeGuy, that was David's sister on Twitter.

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Post by Tiggerlgh Fri Feb 05, 2016 9:24 pm

As this show is much smaller the The Bachelor, maybe they didn't have all the family members sign NDAs. Technically if the participants follow the NDA family wouldn't know anyway. Not saying that is or what should happen but for them to know the NDA is already broken.

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Post by Barbarossa Sat Feb 06, 2016 11:53 am

I'm very cognizant that we are watching a heavily edited, quite scripted show designed to entertain us, but it is hard to see how anyone can say Ashley lifted even a single finger of effort into trying out the marriage she agreed to.

David may turn out to be a completely disingenuous loser who is good showing a "face" to the cameras while being checked out when they are off, but Ashley refuses to even touch him. The wedding photos had more touching in them than the subsequent weeks.

This season we have two women who have not even kissed the men they married 4 weeks into their marriage. Danny Devito could do better than that at any nightclub in the world on New Years Eve at midnight. None of the men this season are hideous or gross or even close.

It would be lovely if the "experts" made sure they ask a few more times if the qualifying contestants understand they are really, truly getting married. They may want to follow that up by asking the contestants if they can define the word "married"; it might help with a more desirable outcome. Agreeing to form a relationship with someone (no matter if you've met them), then marrying them and refusing to kiss them at your wedding, is patently absurd.

Note to "experts": anyone chronically placing "looks" before judgement, character, sense of humor or personality in picking perspective partners should be automatically disqualified from future editions.

I thank you.

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Post by justify14 Sat Feb 06, 2016 1:07 pm

IA. I hope they make it, but David and Ashley are too fundamentally different and after watching 3 seasons of Married At First Sight, it seems that the experts pair people who are fundamentally different to compliment each other. It seems to me that if this is to work, each person has to"want" to change or accept the differences in their spouse. You see Tres/Vanessa, and Neil/Sam learning to appreciate the differences in their spouses.

IMO, The experts like to compliment but one big difference is Ashley being Vegan, and a runner should not be pared with someone who wants to eat pizza in bed.

Also, Ashley's mom did say that she thought David was fun at the wedding and that Ashley could use more fun n her life.


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Post by Guest Sat Feb 06, 2016 4:55 pm

For some reason I dont like Mr. C since last season, because of what happen, and seeing how he was taking up for Sean. He needs to be replaced.


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Post by Guest Sun Feb 07, 2016 2:32 pm

IMO Ashley has shown that she is fond of David. In her cameo diaries she repeatedly gives David props for being a good guy. She strikes me as a genuinely caring person. Her employment history is a testament to that; social worker, foster care advocate and working with homeless families and children. But, I perceive her as a woman who does not suffer fools lightly! IMO David seemingly has a skewed view of marriage and intimacy. Intimacy is built on trust and genuine friendship. Apparently he feels that intimacy is an assumed and automatic result of getting married. **IMO**He has played the pity party card constantly! Why does he feel that he is right to kiss this woman, wife or not, without asking first? How can Ashley be comfortable and feel relaxed and pursue a foundation of trust with David when he is constantly trying to make physical contact with her…literally! Immature and clueless! He described himself as a man searching for a wife. Really? Is that why his mother stated he never did seek out this gig, but was approached by a producer that found him on Tinder? He  stated in an interview that he was almost engaged, and right before he proposed to her, she "picked a fight out of nowhere" and broke up with him. I think Ashley and David are a horrible match . Generally I perceive Ashley as more serious and mature than David . I sense that David only wants to be married, no matter who it is!  I also suspect and guess that David is Dr. Cilona's "teachers pet", as Sean was last season; the victim! Later I found there was much editing and manipulation of the scenes portrayed in S2, including staging and producer directions.

I have found by following Ashley's tweets  that she wonders why her friends "didn't make the cut" to be at the BBQ. David tweeted they didn't show up. Ashley's friend tweeted that she filled out a release and was interviewed, but not given permission to attend.
To the best of my knowledge, David is not paying Ashley's living expenses. According to a S2 cast member, production pays rent and meals eaten during filming. Yet, IMO the financial situation is skewed to appear like David is doing her a favor. I see David as manipulative and enjoying in playing the victim. IMO he is immature and clueless as to the foundations needed for a REAL relationship. I think Ashley sees the red flags.

Last edited by ArtemisGreen on Sun Feb 07, 2016 4:17 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : I failed to add that my statements were not fact, but rather my opinion.)


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Post by Topazgold Sun Feb 07, 2016 8:47 pm

Yes!!!!!@artemis: IMO David seemingly has a skewed view of marriage and intimacy. Intimacy is built on trust and genuine friendship. Apparently he feels that intimacy is an assumed and automatic result of getting married. **IMO**He has played the pity party card constantly! Why does he feel that he is right to kiss this woman, wife or not, without asking first? How can Ashley be comfortable and feel relaxed and pursue a foundation of trust with David when he is constantly trying to make physical contact with her…literally!...

I sense that David only wants to be married, no matter who it is!

@artemisgreen I've been saying this since week 2! IMO it wouldn't have mattered who met David at the end of the isle, he just wanted to be married for the sake of being married. He's "fighting" so hard to stay married to someone after 4 weeks he doesn't know or understand because she refuses to open up to him. He can't even say if he "likes" Ashley cause he can't honestly say he even knows her. Don't even get me started on his "nice" guy persona. Sorry but I'm not buying what he's trying to sell.... All my opinion


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Post by mizzoufan Sun Feb 07, 2016 9:01 pm

ArtemisGreen wrote:IMO Ashley has shown that she is fond of David. In her cameo diaries she repeatedly gives David props for being a good guy. She strikes me as a genuinely caring person. Her employment history is a testament to that; social worker, foster care advocate and working with homeless families and children. But, I perceive her as a woman who does not suffer fools lightly! IMO David seemingly has a skewed view of marriage and intimacy. Intimacy is built on trust and genuine friendship. Apparently he feels that intimacy is an assumed and automatic result of getting married. **IMO**He has played the pity party card constantly! Why does he feel that he is right to kiss this woman, wife or not, without asking first? How can Ashley be comfortable and feel relaxed and pursue a foundation of trust with David when he is constantly trying to make physical contact with her…literally! Immature and clueless! He described himself as a man searching for a wife. Really? Is that why his mother stated he never did seek out this gig, but was approached by a producer that found him on Tinder? He  stated in an interview that he was almost engaged, and right before he proposed to her, she "picked a fight out of nowhere" and broke up with him. I think Ashley and David are a horrible match . Generally I perceive Ashley as more serious and mature than David . I sense that David only wants to be married, no matter who it is!  I also suspect and guess that David is Dr. Cilona's "teachers pet", as Sean was last season; the victim! Later I found there was much editing and manipulation of the scenes portrayed in S2, including staging and producer directions.

I have found by following Ashley's tweets  that she wonders why her friends "didn't make the cut" to be at the BBQ. David tweeted they didn't show up. Ashley's friend tweeted that she filled out a release and was interviewed, but not given permission to attend.
To the best of my knowledge, David is not paying Ashley's living expenses. According to a S2 cast member, production pays rent and meals eaten during filming. Yet, IMO the financial situation is skewed to appear like David is doing her a favor. I see David as manipulative and enjoying in playing the victim. IMO he is immature and clueless as to the foundations needed for a REAL relationship. I think Ashley sees the red flags.
Couldn't have said it better


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Post by jlccaz Sun Feb 07, 2016 9:09 pm

I think David wanted to be on TV, and the he happened to be cast on a show requiring a wedding and marriage for 6 weeks. And whenever the cameras were running he was making the most flattering story for himself that he could.

These two give a vibe that they just show up at the house on filming days. Nothing has ever happened in the gaps.

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Post by ribbons of color Mon Feb 08, 2016 9:59 am

David was asked to be on the show, they came and invited him, not the other way around. I feel so bad for these two, she is no fool, and either is he, they are in it now for the money, and only the money, they never had a drop of chemistry together, they don't even like one another a little bit, but have to suck it up, and play to the camera for 6wks., bet they can't wait till this joy ride is over.

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