Joelle Fletcher - (JoJo) - Bachelor 20 - *Sleuthing - Spoilers* - #2

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setlife - Joelle Fletcher - (JoJo) - Bachelor 20 - *Sleuthing - Spoilers* - #2 - Page 3 Empty Re: Joelle Fletcher - (JoJo) - Bachelor 20 - *Sleuthing - Spoilers* - #2

Post by adj13 Mon Feb 15, 2016 3:38 pm

I think Ben probably does fall for JoJo to an extent. She seems like a person that is fun to be around and easy to get along with. She seems a bit like a "guys girl" if that makes sense. She is also very touchy feely and grabby with him and has been from the first group date. However, I just can't see them together in the long run. Maybe it's knowing her not so great reputation with men, but it just seems that she would eat him up and spit him out in the real world.. He doesn't seem like the guy she would go for in real life. She is said to be a jersey chaser, which makes me think she needs an alpha male type, and that's not the vibe I get from Ben. He's attractive, sensitive, and has many great characteristics, but I just see JoJo being too much for him.

Also, I do think she is interested in the publicity from this show. Yes, she shares a lot of pictures and things from the show. But to me, this doesn't give any indication that they are together, it's just promotion. I get the vibe that, like Andi, she sees this show as an opportunity to promote herself. When people's instagram bios show only their contact info, that shows me that they want social media followers and contacts and that is kind of a red flag to me. Like Leah who has a talent manager listed in her twitter bio.

All that said, I like JoJo and would like to see her as next Bachelorette.. Just don't see her as being right for Ben despite physical chemistry and natural friendship they share.


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setlife - Joelle Fletcher - (JoJo) - Bachelor 20 - *Sleuthing - Spoilers* - #2 - Page 3 Empty Re: Joelle Fletcher - (JoJo) - Bachelor 20 - *Sleuthing - Spoilers* - #2

Post by mindless Mon Feb 15, 2016 3:43 pm

I think the natural connection between Ben and JoJo is more of testament to how JoJo is in general, rather than something unique to them as a couple. Like CH kept mentioning in that interview, she's just the kind of girl who's easy to be around. That's why I would like to see her as the next lead. I think she'd easily form some genuine relationships.

On the other hand, Ben and Lauren have this unique chemistry that you can't really put your finger on, it's just something they feel between themselves. That makes it more special I think. Kind of like last season, when Chris's sisters wanted to know what he sees in Becca and then they said it was a red flag that he couldn't really explain it. I thought the exact opposite. You know there's that "it" factor when you can't really put it into words. Other people don't need to see what it is that makes you click as long as you feel it.

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setlife - Joelle Fletcher - (JoJo) - Bachelor 20 - *Sleuthing - Spoilers* - #2 - Page 3 Empty Re: Joelle Fletcher - (JoJo) - Bachelor 20 - *Sleuthing - Spoilers* - #2

Post by bluwavz Mon Feb 15, 2016 3:46 pm

@adj13 What you just said is why I can't get into her and Ben's relationship. He's into her and they have great physical chemistry but she's very much a guys' girl and seems like more of a man than Ben is. She'd be the dominant one in the relationship and that dynamic is just not my cup of tea and never will be. If she's the Bachelorette I'd also like to see her with an alpha type man to bring out a more girly, feminine side of her.

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Post by Guest Mon Feb 15, 2016 3:50 pm

charmained wrote:I just read an article that Jojo's ex was a hairstylist.
It makes so much sense now that she cares so much about her hair. She keeps touching her hair! And I remember on her 1-on-1, she asked Ben "How does my hair look?" She must be still in love with him. JMHO

I think mostly all the ones that left after F2 are distraught to a point because up to that point, things seemed good to be kept around that long. They don't understand what happened until they watch the season and perhaps sees the connection with the F1, and how it differed from their's. Then they get it. They had something good with the Lead, but just not as good as the F1. Imo


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setlife - Joelle Fletcher - (JoJo) - Bachelor 20 - *Sleuthing - Spoilers* - #2 - Page 3 Empty Re: Joelle Fletcher - (JoJo) - Bachelor 20 - *Sleuthing - Spoilers* - #2

Post by adj13 Mon Feb 15, 2016 3:53 pm

bluwavz wrote:@adj13 What you just said is why I can't get into her and Ben's relationship. He's into her and they have great physical chemistry but she's very much a guys' girl and seems like more of a man than Ben is. She'd be the dominant one in the relationship and that dynamic is just not my cup of tea and never will be. If she's the Bachelorette I'd also like to see her with an alpha type man to bring out a more girly, feminine side of her.

I completely agree. She would definitely be the dominant one in the relationship. He and Lauren B are much more equal. The relationship between Ben and Lauren would be much more of a level playing field between the two.

And yes, if JoJo becomes Bachelorette (which I know they say isn't likely, but I still believe is probably the best choice), she would need strong, athletic, dominant types to bring out another side of her.


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setlife - Joelle Fletcher - (JoJo) - Bachelor 20 - *Sleuthing - Spoilers* - #2 - Page 3 Empty Re: Joelle Fletcher - (JoJo) - Bachelor 20 - *Sleuthing - Spoilers* - #2

Post by Guest Mon Feb 15, 2016 3:57 pm

Jojo being more of an alpha, dominant personality doesn't really bother me as I know a lot of relationships IRL that work really well with that type of dynamic. I've personally never wanted a Shawn or Josh type of alpha guy, so maybe that's why I can relate to that. But, I agree with what mindless is saying - I think that Jojo has a personality that appeals to a lot of guys. She's real and funny and she's not high-maintanence; I think that no matter who the lead would have been, she would have made it to final 3.

I still don't know if I believe in the Lauren/Ben thing yet. Like I've said, they both seem like good people but it just reminds me too much of Brad/Emily. It just seemed like pure infatuation from day one. I think that Lauren fits into Ben's life way better than Jojo would (and vice versa) and they probably have similar goals in life, whereas Jojo seems to want a more fast-paced life with fame and money. But, I like that Jojo/Ben trust each other and make jokes and can be real with each other. I personally don't really see that with Lauren/Ben yet, but I do think that they have a good foundation just because of their backgrounds and personalities. JMO.


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setlife - Joelle Fletcher - (JoJo) - Bachelor 20 - *Sleuthing - Spoilers* - #2 - Page 3 Empty Re: Joelle Fletcher - (JoJo) - Bachelor 20 - *Sleuthing - Spoilers* - #2

Post by Guest Mon Feb 15, 2016 3:59 pm

Don't get mad at me but I think Jojo reminds me of Ali. Wasn't Roberto kinda a dominant type? They had major fights if I remember. Ben might have brought out the softer side of her but in the end, could she fully open up knowing that she had trust issues? I believe she really did fall for Ben and only hope she came away stronger after this experience


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setlife - Joelle Fletcher - (JoJo) - Bachelor 20 - *Sleuthing - Spoilers* - #2 - Page 3 Empty Re: Joelle Fletcher - (JoJo) - Bachelor 20 - *Sleuthing - Spoilers* - #2

Post by Guest Mon Feb 15, 2016 4:02 pm

I never saw Roberto as a dominant type, as he was the one to make the move for Ali and always seemed happy to be in the background as she became more famous. In fact, I think that Ali/Roberto and Trista/Ryan have similar dynamics, where the women were the ones speaking in interviews and the men were mostly quietly sitting there. The women were more alpha and extroverted, whereas the men were more introverted. I think that A/R's fights were mostly related to the fact that they were very different in personality and goals in life, but I never got the vibe he was angry that she was too alpha or anything.

I agree that Ali reminds me a bit of Jojo. She's a mix of Ali and Andi, for me. JMO.


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setlife - Joelle Fletcher - (JoJo) - Bachelor 20 - *Sleuthing - Spoilers* - #2 - Page 3 Empty Re: Joelle Fletcher - (JoJo) - Bachelor 20 - *Sleuthing - Spoilers* - #2

Post by Ash2214 Mon Feb 15, 2016 4:14 pm

I can somewhat see the alpha type in her personality given that she appears to be a confident person, but I think we've also seen JoJo being really sweet and tender with Ben and even some of the girls. Their conversations have shown that and they're both equally very touchy with each other. I never saw Andi being a comforting person. She was a royal a** to the guys on her season including her F1.

I'm not so sure that Lauren's lifestyle is better suited for Ben than JoJo's. I mean one look at Lauren's best friend's IG and it shows that Lauren certainly enjoys the high life. I don't see the difference between Lauren partying right next to Calvin Harris at a pool party or getting so drunk at Coachella that she was arrested for it versus JoJo going to Dallas bars with her friends.

As I stated before, the only two NHL players JoJo appears to hang with are Tyler Seguin and Jamie Benn. Tyler Seguin dates or has dates JoJo's roommate and Jamie Benn has a serious girlfriend. She clearly would have had the in with other NHL players and instead she dated their hair stylist for almost two years. Judging by her Facebook, JoJo appears to have had a serious boyfriend for much of her early days of college, so I'm not so sure about her "jersey chasing."


Last edited by Ash2214 on Mon Feb 15, 2016 4:35 pm; edited 1 time in total


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setlife - Joelle Fletcher - (JoJo) - Bachelor 20 - *Sleuthing - Spoilers* - #2 - Page 3 Empty Re: Joelle Fletcher - (JoJo) - Bachelor 20 - *Sleuthing - Spoilers* - #2

Post by adj13 Mon Feb 15, 2016 4:34 pm

nothatgirl wrote:Jojo being more of an alpha, dominant personality doesn't really bother me as I know a lot of relationships IRL that work really well with that type of dynamic. I've personally never wanted a Shawn or Josh type of alpha guy, so maybe that's why I can relate to that. But, I agree with what mindless is saying - I think that Jojo has a personality that appeals to a lot of guys. She's real and funny and she's not high-maintanence; I think that no matter who the lead would have been, she would have made it to final 3.

I still don't know if I believe in the Lauren/Ben thing yet. Like I've said, they both seem like good people but it just reminds me too much of Brad/Emily. It just seemed like pure infatuation from day one. I think that Lauren fits into Ben's life way better than Jojo would (and vice versa) and they probably have similar goals in life, whereas Jojo seems to want a more fast-paced life with fame and money. But, I like that Jojo/Ben trust each other and make jokes and can be real with each other. I personally don't really see that with Lauren/Ben yet, but I do think that they have a good foundation just because of their backgrounds and personalities. JMO.

I agree with this... I think she also would've made it to final 3 despite who the lead was...

I think Brad was infatuated with Emily from the start due to her looks. I think he maybe forced something with her that wasn't necessarily there because she had all the characteristics of what he wanted in a woman. With Ben and Lauren, he was obviously interested in her from the start, but it wasn't until he really spent time with her that he became infatuated. He was interested in many women in the beginning (Olivia, JoJo, Caila, etc). There is some type of natural chemistry between Lauren and Ben that I didn't see between Brad and Emily. I think Brad wanted it to be there, but it wasn't... And also, there was the fact that he was feeling a lot of pressure to pick someone after his first season.

I also agree that their backgrounds and personality mesh well together... and just because we haven't seen them making jokes and such doesn't mean they don't. We have to remember we are seeing a very edited version of the relationship. A lot of times, things like that are cut out because they want to create doubt from the viewers..


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setlife - Joelle Fletcher - (JoJo) - Bachelor 20 - *Sleuthing - Spoilers* - #2 - Page 3 Empty Re: Joelle Fletcher - (JoJo) - Bachelor 20 - *Sleuthing - Spoilers* - #2

Post by julychild Mon Feb 15, 2016 4:40 pm

I was one of those who never "got" how Sean chose Catherine. Their lifestyles were sooooo different. I have come to understand, in real life, that all you need is for the fundamentals to mesh. Everything else will become a matter of accommodation and adjustments.


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setlife - Joelle Fletcher - (JoJo) - Bachelor 20 - *Sleuthing - Spoilers* - #2 - Page 3 Empty Re: Joelle Fletcher - (JoJo) - Bachelor 20 - *Sleuthing - Spoilers* - #2

Post by bilolo Mon Feb 15, 2016 4:52 pm

julychild wrote:I was one of those who never "got" how Sean chose Catherine. Their lifestyles were sooooo different. I have come to understand, in real life, that all you need is for the fundamentals to mesh. Everything else will become a matter of accommodation and adjustments.
That is true :yes:

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