Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #7

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ATL - Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #7 - Page 2 Empty Re: Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #7

Post by GuardianAngel Mon May 23, 2016 4:44 pm

I had a hard time believing she put lighter fluid in a gas fireplace. First of all, gas fireplaces, where I am, don't need a chimney. You would ruin the insert, not to mention cause an instant fire. And second of all, I remember she posted a pic of her sitting in front of a fireplace, during the time it was speculated she was living at Kelly's. Looking at that IG now, it's clearly a wood fireplace. She is so full of dramatic BS IMO, always has been.


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ATL - Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #7 - Page 2 Empty Re: Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #7

Post by Beach Lover Mon May 23, 2016 4:56 pm

Georgia Lindsay wrote:I meant to add to my post about MeAndi bashing Josh for piling her clothes when she came to get them.   Totally believe what I was told by very reputable source.

She was really pissed because she thought Josh would be there and sad because she was getting all her stuff out of his place & leaving for good. But Josh didn't want to see her, (he was so over her),  so he & Sabel went to a friend's while MeAndi & her mom were there (she says in the book he was not home, but left out why).

Her anger really wasn't as she said in the book, about the piling up of her clothes! She's so vain, & Josh not wanting to see her, pushed her over the edge. It makes sense, because why is she so angry in her book about the clothes being piled up, in one place, for her to pick up.   Josh wanted her out of his place asap that day. At least he didn't go her route and burn them.  giggling

But so many true facts are missing from her book, and only her lying point of view. Anything to make her the poor victim & #26 the big bad wolf.


GL, I'm so glad you posted this because reading the book it made no sense to me why she got so fired up about him leaving her clothes in a pile in the corner.  Her reaction was way overdramatic and she made it sound like the worst think anyone could do.  I've heard of people throwing their exes stuff out on the curb, or strewn across the front lawn. Having them piled in a corner in the apartment is fairly respectful.  It had been several weeks, how long is Josh suppose to look at and trip over all her stuff (she was apparently very messy too)? She was way over the top with her vindictiveness there, especially with all the mother F***ers she was throwing out.
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ATL - Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #7 - Page 2 Empty Re: Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #7

Post by Georgia Lindsay Mon May 23, 2016 5:17 pm

GA, I don't know either, but I took it as Kelly's fireplace  may have a gas starter, but burns real logs, not the gas logs. That's what we have, use the gas starter to get the fire going, then shut it off.  Still very dangerous, and you never, ever use lighter fluid on an indoor fireplace, no matter what kind, is she really that dumb???   no no Guess so.

Thanks BL, I don't know how Josh and his family are taking the high road on this book, I respect them all for doing it, when so much of her bs was brought on by MeAndi just to make Josh look like a villian. no

There is much more that is totally misrepresented in her book, but I cannot say  out of respect for Josh & the Murray's.  Maybe one day, it will all come out, how classless, evil, sick,  and truly manipulative MeAndi really is.  
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ATL - Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #7 - Page 2 Empty Re: Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #7

Post by Kashathediva Mon May 23, 2016 5:28 pm

As far as bachnation is concerned(JMOAA): this is kind of a "family" or at least they have referred to themselves as that in the past. IMO: families handle their disagreements privately and with taste and not publicly drag out fights trashing each other.
MEandI broke the family code. That does not mean, IMO, that other family members should stoop to that level and brawl with a he said, she said in return. No one wins with that POV and it only continues to make the family look dysfunctional. Considering the program is fairly drama ridden and dysfunctional as it is, the bach family probably would serve itself best by not making comments on the book.
This is strictly my opinion. Des, Deanna and anyone else probably have better things to do with their time than to further involve themselves in a toxic issue and person.
I am glad that the Murray's have distanced themselves so far to this point. Good for them.

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ATL - Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #7 - Page 2 Empty Re: Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #7

Post by Guest Mon May 23, 2016 5:34 pm

Beach Lover wrote:^^^ I wish more Bach alumni would speak out like Ashley did.  Anyone with decent values should not promote or applaud this book. I can't imagine Sean Lowe, Ben H, Emily M or Des being OK with what Andi wrote or the fact that she slammed her exes so much.  If they are, then they are not the people they claim to be.  Staying quiet about it is fine I guess, but I would love to see someone respected and with a high profile in the franchise come forward and say they thought she was out of line.  

Ashley did speak out, and they have the saying if you dont have nothing nice to say, say nothing, maybe that is the route most are taking and I dont think those in the franchise who are still involve will want anything to do with it.  I dont think Sharlene have said anything about it has she?


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Post by eirekay Mon May 23, 2016 5:46 pm

IMO, Andi is no longer a Georgia Peach - more like a Georgia Leech!

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ATL - Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #7 - Page 2 Empty Re: Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #7

Post by SueSt Mon May 23, 2016 6:51 pm

Georgia Lindsay wrote:
GuardianAngel wrote:Thanks for sharing what you know @Georgia Lindsay!

You're welcome, and GA, you know I wish I could say more, but I can't out of respect for Josh and the entire Murray family. :Nod:

spitcoffee OMG there's MORE!!!

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ATL - Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #7 - Page 2 Empty Re: Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #7

Post by Newto Mon May 23, 2016 7:06 pm

Beach Lover wrote:................................... but I would love to see someone respected and with a high profile in the franchise come forward and say they thought she was out of line.  

1. I wonder if anyone left in this franchise is respected?
2. Nobody in the franchise (excluding ex-leads and contestants) is going to say she was/is out of line. Just not going to happen.
3. Andi needs some mental health treatment. All this IMHOFWIW.

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ATL - Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #7 - Page 2 Empty Re: Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #7

Post by Guest Mon May 23, 2016 8:14 pm

Georgia Lindsay wrote: *snipped*  Maybe one day, it will all come out, how classless, evil, sick, and truly manipulative MeAndi really is.  
#NarcissisticPersonalityDisorder #EgoDriven

I think many people already have a pretty good idea. She isn't "hiding her light under a bushel." At all. I've gone from loathing her to feeling extreme sorrow for her - she must feel miserable and can't figure out why. Someone upthread said she needs people who will tell her like it is instead of babying her - amen. Andi, please find a good therapist.


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ATL - Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #7 - Page 2 Empty Re: Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #7

Post by sosleepy Mon May 23, 2016 9:08 pm

You know, with Ashley's pregnancy announcement I almost just feel sorry for her. Let's look at all the recent Bachelorettes:

DeAnna- Married, just had a baby, has a beautiful girl and boy
Jillian- amazing career, baby on the way with long term boyfriend
Ali- engaged, career, baby on the way
Ashley- married with the "fairy tale" from the show, kept her career that she also worked hard for, baby boy and baby girl on the way
Emily- married, pregnant with kiddo #3
Des- married with the "fairy tale," prego with #1, career taking off
Kaitlyn- going strong with Shawn, seems happy

What does Andi have? A $hitty book that's getting horrible reviews, people hating on her for her terrible decisions left and right, no career, and probably alcoholism and a materialistic shopping addiction. She's like The Bachelorette black sheap in a slew of successful, happy, and classy former leads. Even going back further, Trista and Jen are married with families and happy. Meredith always kept it classy, and I think she's in a very long term relationship with an old boyfriend from high school. Andi, Andi... Get your chit together.

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ATL - Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #7 - Page 2 Empty Re: Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #7

Post by Kashathediva Mon May 23, 2016 9:15 pm

We don't know what anyone has on or off paper.
This thread is for MEandI and not other cast, so I don't want to go off topic, but some of those listed above also had some bumpy patches.
I wish anyone the same happiness and health I wish/pray for my loved ones. Hopefully, this book really is a wake up call and she will have a better and happier future.

No good deed goes unpunished.  
Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, bye Felicia! 

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ATL - Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #7 - Page 2 Empty Re: Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #7

Post by Sprite Tue May 24, 2016 2:32 am

Kashathediva wrote:We don't know what anyone has on or off paper.
This thread is for MEandI and not other cast, so I don't want to go off topic, but some of those listed above also had some bumpy patches.
I wish anyone the same happiness and health I wish/pray for my loved ones. Hopefully, this book really is a wake up call and she will have a better and happier future.

For this to happen she has to:

- acknowledge that she has a problem(s)
- be willing to take responsibility for her actions
- stop blaming everyone else for her problems
- actually do something to sort herself out

I don't think she is willing to do that because she seems to be surrounded by enablers who tell her how wonderful she is and she still has plenty of fans who mysteriously still think she is this strong, independent woman...even though she has shown herself to be anything but. She only listens to those who kiss her butt and ignores anyone who dares criticize. I still remember how the TW reacted to poor Eric (RIP), who couldn't have been nicer when trying to talk to her in an adult manner. Nothing seems to have changed. If anything, she seems to have gotten worse.

I have never cared for Andi. Simply put, I just can't relate to entitled, materialistic, nasty, know it alls who are never wrong and treat others like dirt. Never could. These days, as much as I may dislike her, I wonder, WTH is her family? How can they let her go on like this? Don't they see her spiralling out of control? Do they really think this is OK? I hope for her sake that they are trying behind the scenes because unless something changes, I don't see this ending well. It is sad to see someone with all the advantages and so much potential, flushing it all down the toilet.

Off topic a bit, but a few days ago I watched Say Yes to the Prom Dress. Girls from disadvantaged backgrounds getting makeovers and dresses for their prom. Teen girls 16, 17 and 18 who live in shelters, whose parents have all kinds of mental health issues, who are poor. None of the advantages that Andi had and yet they are on the honour roll and working hard to get ahead. They don't blame anyone and accept that no matter how difficult their lives are, it is in their power to improve it. They showed so much maturity and grace. They could teach Andi a thing or two about real problems and heartache. Sorry. Getting off the soapbox. :soapbox

Last edited by Sprite on Tue May 24, 2016 3:52 am; edited 1 time in total

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Andi Dorfman - The Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #7

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