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Post by Bobette Fri Aug 11, 2017 10:35 am


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Post by Bobette Fri Aug 11, 2017 10:53 am


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Post by mercieme Mon Aug 14, 2017 1:20 am

mercieme wrote:
Zaynab wrote:
Thanks @Zaynab, bring the picture and full interview over. The swim suits match the ones they wore in the swimming Diimex BTS pics speculated to have been taken between April 16 and 18.

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EXCLUSIVE: The Bachie babes reveal what they really think of Matty! The ladies dish on the nation's favourite man.

There have been hook-ups and heartbreak on The Bachelor but things are heating up as Matty Johnson narrows it down to his top 14 girls. But, what do the girls actually think of the hunky Bachelor? In an exclusive chat with NW the Bachelorettes spill all...

Laura Byrne: “I felt something on our date”

Who do you reckon is Matty’s favourite?
I think it’s between me and Florence...

Does it ever get catty?
You have days where you feel amazing and days where you’re like, “F**king give me some space!” There’s drama at cocktail parties because someone’s had too many wines!

Is it safe to say you’re falling in love?
I felt something on our date. I was so nervous about making a good impression, but then you realise, “I have to like him as much as he likes me." He’s so handsome. Like, incredibly handsome! That kiss was lovely and 
I just really like him.

Lisa Carlton: "Laura is my biggest rival"

Matty seemed smitten the moment he laid eyes on you! Do you feel the same way?
I don’t know – I guess I don’t have feelings for him, like, right now. We’ve only spent a short amount of time together, but he seems like a genuine guy, like he’s so handsome, charming and lovely and kind!

Matty’s been through the process before on The Bahelorette, is he understanding of what you are going through on the show?
Yeah, he totally understands what we’re going through. It’s hard to adjust and try to have a real relationship with him when at the back of your head, you’re like, “Well, it’s still a TV show.”

Who’s your biggest rival for Matty’s heart?
I would probably say Laura – she’s had the most time with him.

Simone Ormesher: “Matty’s a dreamboat!”

It seems like you’ve spent more time with the girls than Matty!
I’ve not been too good with approaching him. It’s really hard – I get nervous! I’ve only been up to him, like, once.

It must be disheartening to see the other girls make connections with him!
It’s more envy, like you want to be happy for them but at the same time you say, “Gosh, I wish that was me!” You compare yourself to the other girls, like, “Why is he taking her and not me?” 
A lot of the girls feel insecure.

But he’s worth it, right?
Matty’s a dreamboat! I just want a single date! I can definitely see myself falling in love with him.

Elise Stacy: "Matty is everything I want in a man"

How are you feeling being halfway with no single date?
I’m on the backfoot, for sure!

Have you had enough time with him to decide that you’re into him?
Everything I want in a man, Matty has. He’s respectful and has beautiful manners – an absolute gentleman! And his body language – he literally gazes into you and makes you feel everything you’re saying is really important.

Are you worried you could get your heart broken?
I went into this wanting to open my heart and be open to a relationship and open to heartbreak. So I am ready if it comes, but hopefully not, ’cos it’s not fun.

To read more of the goss from the top 14 girls, pick up this week’s issue of NW, on stands now!


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Post by Bobette Mon Aug 14, 2017 10:29 am


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Post by mercieme Tue Aug 15, 2017 8:17 pm

mercieme wrote:Interesting article below. I had speculated that Matty's sister Kate would speak to his favorites on episode 7 tonight. So according to DT article below, Kate wanted to meet the girls because there was a possibility she couldn't make the finale due to being pregnant. If this is the case, I am now more convinced that Kate spoke to most if not all 14 remaining girls especially the ones that Matty pointed out as his favorites.

Meet the woman who is about to rock The Bachelor Matty J’s mansion
THE Bachelor mansion will be rocked tonight with Matty J’s sister Kate crashes the party.

Hinting that things would get interesting Kate said the girls revealed some secrets to her during her time in the house.

“Most of the girls were really excited to have someone new to talk to so they led a lot of how the conversations went,” Kate said.

“They also were not afraid to tell me what had been going on while Matty wasn’t there and the different friendship dynamics developing in the mansion.”

This was Kate’s only opportunity to meet the hopefuls.

“I knew there was a good possibility I would not be attending the finale due to me being newly pregnant and although I absolutely trust Matty’s judgment, I wanted to support him but also give him an outsiders opinion and make sure all the girls were truly being genuine,” she said.



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Post by Bobette Wed Aug 16, 2017 4:36 am


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Post by mercieme Wed Aug 16, 2017 8:21 am

mercieme wrote:
Zaynab wrote:

Thanks @Zaynab for bringing this over. I guess they had to give Elise some press because seriously the audience has not clue who she is IMO. Pasting the full interview and pic below.

Adelaide’s former Hockeyroo Elise Stacy is vying for The Bachelor Matty J’s heart
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TRAPPED in a mansion with a pack of women all on the prowl for Matty J’s affection there were a few hairy moments when Adelaide’s former Hockeyroo Elise Stacy felt like a caged animal.

“It was hectic ... like living in a zoo at times because there was so much going on and we spent much more time with each other than we did with Matty,” the 30-year-old tells Confidential, going on to allude to the way in which some of the women would morph into mean girls when Matty wasn’t around.

“It was very full-on at times and sometimes frustrating when he would come in and girls would change and put on this facade ... but he’s pretty cluey so he worked it out.

“Drama was there for sure and when that died down I was so happy that the focus shifted from drama to actual real-life relationships ... it was a relief when that happened,
That said, Elise says overall the women were a “really good group of girls” adding she forged close friendships with Alix, Lisa and Elizabeth.

“It was surprisingly normally to help someone else get ready to go on a date with a guy you were also dating,” she says, adding her posse also made a point of exercising together.

“We would get out and walk laps around the mansion ... (doing) perimeter checks like caged animals ... Lisa and I would walk for hours during the day that was our release.”

Asked whether being on the Bachelor was tougher than playing elite-level hockey, Elise doesn’t hesitate in her answer.

“It’s a whole different ball game ... I struggled because sport is sport and you get criticised for your performance, whereas in the house it was based on your personality which is a much more emotional thing so that was a lot harder for me,” she says.

Living in Perth where she worked in marketing prior to filming The Bachelor, Elise has been lying low in Adelaide since the series debuted last minute.

While hasn’t had much airtime on the show so far Confidential revealed in April that she enjoys a steamy date in a spa and a kiss with Matty.

“I’m still sussing him out at this point,” she says of the episodes currently screening, also admitting: “The more time you spend with Matty the more your feelings develop.”

As they say in the classics — stay tuned.


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Post by SugarAndSpice Thu Aug 17, 2017 4:57 am

Latest Sportsbet odds - 17/Aug/2017

KJshow - Bachelor Australia - Season 5 - Matty Johnson - Media Social Media - NO Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 9 Odds310

Source: SportsBet

Here are the maximum bets you can place, and I have calculated the potential loss to sportsbet if that contestant were to win based on maxbet and current odds.

Laura max bet $50 (max loss for sportsbet = $15)
Lisa max bet $38 (max loss for sportsbet = $190)
Elise max bet $30 (max loss for sportsbet = $150)
Tara max bet $25 (max loss for sportsbet = $250)

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Post by mercieme Fri Aug 18, 2017 2:37 am


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Post by mercieme Fri Aug 18, 2017 8:56 pm

mercieme wrote:Matty DT Interview - Aug 18th

Hey there Romeo! Why The Bachelor Matty J has won Australia’s hearts
MATT Johnson has an amazing effect on Sydney’s women. The man known to Australia as Matty J is in the middle of a conversation when a sophisticated woman in her late 30s starts to hover nearby, lip twitching with excitement, as she realises The Bachelor is so close.

“Can I have a selfie?” she asks, like a giddy schoolgirl who has just stumbled across her favourite rock star.

Johnson happily obliges. But when she looks at the photo, she’s not satisfied. She requests three more selfies before she walks away.

Seconds later, she’s back.

“Can you record a message for my kids? They’re one and two years old,” she says.

The next 10 minutes are spent showing him family photos. A lesser man would have cut her short, but Johnson patiently nods and smiles until she leaves.

It’s fair to say this bachelor has well and truly won Australia’s women over.

The handsome marketing manager can barely walk down the street in his home suburb of Bondi without women of all ages catapulting themselves towards him.

His debut episode averaged 846,000 viewers across the five capital cities, on par with Sam Wood’s first episode, and just shy of Richie Strahan’s 882,000. However, when catch-up viewing is taken into account, Johnson trumps all other Bachelors with a whopping 1.02 million views — 3000 more than his closest rival, Strahan.

But surely there’s a catch. Could this eligible man really have made it all the way to 30 without being snapped up?

“I think timing is the biggest factor when it comes to finding the one,” Johnson tells BW Magazine.

“I had lots of girlfriends but I never had a relationship where I had this light bulb moment where I’d fallen in love.”

Prioritising travel and climbing the career ladder to become an account director at international brand agency Wasserman, Johnson turned to online dating app Tinder to help him lure ladies. Some horror dates ensued.

I never had this light bulb moment where I’d fallen in love

“You can have banter with someone over text but then you meet and it’s literally just dead silence for five minutes,” he says.

“I’d be scraping the barrel for conversation, willing the food to come out quicker, just to give us a break from the silence.”

Things changed, however, when he moved to London in 2012 and met Australian DJ Milly Gattegno, of The Faders.

“I thought: this is what I’ve been looking for. I had everything I’d ever wanted in a relationship,” he recalls.

But after two years the couple split, and Johnson was devastated.

“It was difficult to manage initially, when for so long you think you’re going in one direction, and then all of a sudden you’re heading in a new one.”

By the time Australia met Johnson last year, he had been single for seven months, and was vying for Georgia Love’s heart on The Bachelorette.

A fan-favourite, he was runner-up for Love’s heart, physically doubling over in pain when he was rejected for Lee Elliott.

Months later, Johnson admitted he still held a torch for Love, and it seems there are some reciprocal feelings.

Although happily coupled with Elliott, Love confesses she finds watching The Bachelor “weird”.

“It’s strange to see him there dating and kissing and stuff, but he had to sit there and watch me do that as well,” she says. “It was so recent that I was on there so it was always going to be weird watching that show again.”

Osher Gunsberg, who has hosted The Bachelor for the past five seasons, similarly admits there’s something “special” about Johnson.

“For some reason I just clicked a little more with Matty,” says Gunsberg, 43.

“Matty just has this extraordinary superpower. He is a confident man, yet if anyone accidentally makes a faux pas or pronounces something incorrectly, he’ll dive on that grenade and make a self-deprecating comment.

“And he’ll have that quality long after he’s stopped going to the gym and his abs have disappeared.”

Perhaps, Johnson’s unaffected warmth stems from the fact his own life hasn’t always been charmed.

“I wouldn’t say I did particularly well with girls in a romantic sense,” Johnson says of his high-school years.

“I was a later bloomer. In Grade 11 I had a growth spurt so my limbs were too long for me, I was super skinny, and I had severe acne.

“But I think those years were when I looked to finesse my sense of humour. And when the acne cleared up, it gave me a lot more confidence to pursue women romantically.”

Raised as one-of-five by his “amazing” single mother Ellie Johnson in Brisbane, he grew up without knowing his father. He credits his close relationship with Ellie and sister Kate Clifton for shaping his respectful attitudes towards women.

Indeed, Johnson believes he couldn’t have made it through the show without the support of his family.

“Walking into those cocktail parties can be daunting,” he says of the highly strung soirees in which contestants compete for his attention.


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Post by mercieme Sun Aug 20, 2017 11:55 pm

mercieme wrote:Episode 9 preview for those that haven't seen it.


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Post by mercieme Mon Aug 21, 2017 2:37 am

mercieme wrote:


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