Nick Viall - Bachelor 21 - Episode 3 Jan 16th - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

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Post by emusha Sat Jan 14, 2017 4:07 pm

LOL whatever is shown - I hope more than one of the women gave him a piece of their mind for his behavior with the whipped cream and I hope the women find out. When I look at Nick - it might be the one thing that is making me completely lose my patience with him. For everything he professes and claims to be focused on...he is self-sabotaging if he's just messing around with Corinne...if he's deliberately acting like a jerk then I'd say his manipulative side is coming out for trying to test the women and I find it deceitful of him to be into these activities if he's just trying to get a rise out of the women

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Post by Cila51290 Sat Jan 14, 2017 4:07 pm

Nick lets Corrine do what Corrine wants so to me Nick is at fault for playing along all the damn time. If he didn't like it he could've had an in depth convo with Corrine(not sure she's capable yet) and told her that the shenanigans is not what he's looking for it's what's inside her heart. I still don't understand why he keeps playing along other than being told by the producers. The contrast between Corrine and his F3-F1 is night and day.

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Post by Ladybug82 Sat Jan 14, 2017 4:13 pm

I don't think the actual closet itself was matched.  Vanessa crying and walking to the bathroom was matched to Bimini (Sleuthed SCs).  And then it was thought that the closet might be linked because Vanessa is wearing the same gray hoodie or two that closely resemble each other in both sections of the preview.

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Litta's SC

Good catch on her M&G dress @officeRules!  bestbud!

It could be the closet scene does indeed happen at the mansion, epi 3.  


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tobecontinued - Nick Viall - Bachelor 21 - Episode 3 Jan 16th - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 9 Empty Re: Nick Viall - Bachelor 21 - Episode 3 Jan 16th - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by atem Sat Jan 14, 2017 5:42 pm

lleyki wrote:
Lisa wrote:
notarose wrote:

Oh love it Vanessa..."I'm not judging Corrine..I'm judging your actions.." tobecontinued - Nick Viall - Bachelor 21 - Episode 3 Jan 16th - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 9 4256136633  Nick has his hands full with her & rightfully so, she should ask the bold questions & expect to hold him to a higher standard!

Why judge Corinne? She's just a drunk, stupid little girl who likely can't string two sentences together who sadly truly believes the only weapon she has to get a man is through boobies and sex ***IMO**. Corinne is to be pitied to be honest. Nick is the only person who comes out looking badly in the mess with Corinne...period. He is 36 years old, everyone keeps harping on this being his fourth time in this franchise and he's acting like some frat boy blinded by some boobies around Corinne.

I am glad that whip cream gate happens away from the women but the whole thing is still incredibly tacky and classless. Lucky for Nick, he's used to being hated by viewers so I think he'll be fine come Monday when the inevitable onslaught of "worse Bachelor ever, we could have had Luke who was a gentleman and classy, etc. etc." starts. And I hate the promo insinuating Corinne, the temptation, is pulling him from the good side. Because it's always the woman's fault right? Give me a break.

What I hate about this is that I feel like even when he stops acting ridiculous with Corinne, it will still be the Corinne show since she lasts so long. We have to hear about her stupid nanny, she apparently misses a bunch of rose ceremonies because she's sleeping, likely because she's too drunk and even after she finally leaves, you know the WTA will likely be dominated with talk about her and all her antics. And I'm sure the women will likely call  Nick out for keeping her on so long. And even after the season is done, he'll probably still be asked about keeping Corinne on so long. We'll never be rid of her all season and there is nothing entertaining about Corinne for me. Olivia was entertaining because she was delusional for one, in these signs she kept insisting she was getting from Ben and she was condescending as hell to the other women. Corinne is just constantly drunk with a very annoying voice.

By the way, it's clear Nick entertains her whip cream nonsense so I'm still confused what she was boo-hooing about. My guess is his admitting about Liz. Corinne would be upset more so that she was not the first one in the house to have sex with him. And meanwhile, for the love of all that's good, Nick has to work on his tact in telling the women what happened with Liz. What the hell is with the constant just blurting out about them having sex? And his weird smiling even when he's saying something serious, like Joel McHale pointed out, really isn't helping the moment. I assume it's a defense mechanism but it's still weird.

Love this post! However, Corrine's is an adult. I can't stand that her boring self is getting all this stupid attention!

As for Nick, I have never cared for him. I can't stand it when the men on this franchise act more like drama queens than the women! He and Corrine are better matches than fans would like to admit.

As for that scene with Vanessa and Danielle M., we don't even know if this will be shown on Monday. This show LOVES putting in things in the preview we never see on our manipulated storyline on our TV screens.

Anything I post means it's Just My Opinion.  Don't feel like posting it every time I post. So, I thought I'd get that out of the way.


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Post by Lisa Sat Jan 14, 2017 6:34 pm

Cila51290 wrote:Nick lets Corrine do what Corrine wants so to me Nick is at fault for playing along all the damn time. If he didn't like it he could've had an in depth convo with Corrine(not sure she's capable yet) and told her that the shenanigans is not what he's looking for it's what's inside her heart. I still don't understand why he keeps playing along other than being told by the producers. The contrast between Corrine and his F3-F1 is night and day.

This is so true, I mean he keeps possibly the best 3 women on the entire show till F3 but his F4 includes Corrine?? Imo that has productions choice written all over it..he knew who he wanted there & it was Rachel/Raven & Vanessa in that order & so he just let production keep Corrine that long cause it is good reality tv & keeps the drama going..THEN it became Nick's choice as to F3 & Corrine was gone cause he was not going to end up in the FS dates with her & that to me shows he knew all along she was never going to be the one!

Last edited by Lisa on Sat Jan 14, 2017 6:36 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Post by mindless Sat Jan 14, 2017 6:34 pm

After watching that preview, I think the whole whipped cream thing is even less of a deal that the boob holding. The cream is barely on her breast, more like décolletage. This is the Bachelor we're talking, where polygamy is the norm, making out on camera is a must and half naked photoshoots are an annual event. Licking a bit of cream off someone's skin is frankly whatever to me. I'm not sure how people are expecting Nick to react, considering he's hardly a prude or above sexual behaviour on camera. I don't think he's ever had a woman go after him quite this aggressively and he probably doesn't even know how to best handle it, so he's just being nice and going along with her requests until she sneaks into his room and tries to have sex with him, which is where he draws the line and refuses. I must just be really jaded, since I don't see anything scandalous about his actions so far. I would be more surprised if he made a big deal of something so tame (IMO) and told her to go put her clothes on. I just can't picture Nick doing that. JMO.

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Post by Kashathediva Sat Jan 14, 2017 6:41 pm

If the producers really wanted to get evil they would have whispered in Corinne's ear to squirt that cream from her belly downwards instead of on her upper chest.  
Now that would have made everyone, but Corinne probably very uncomfortable. I have no doubt this thought ran through their minds, IMO. So we got off lucky as well as Nick and the cast.
This whole thing so smacks of seeds being planted it's not even funny, IMO.

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Post by coolangel Sat Jan 14, 2017 7:07 pm

mindless wrote:After watching that preview, I think the whole whipped cream thing is even less of a deal that the boob holding. The cream is barely on her breast, more like décolletage. This is the Bachelor we're talking, where polygamy is the norm, making out on camera is a must and half naked photoshoots are an annual event. Licking a bit of cream off someone's skin is frankly whatever to me. I'm not sure how people are expecting Nick to react, considering he's hardly a prude or above sexual behaviour on camera. I don't think he's ever had a woman go after him quite this aggressively and he probably doesn't even know how to best handle it, so he's just being nice and going along with her requests until she sneaks into his room and tries to have sex with him, which is where he draws the line and refuses. I must just be really jaded, since I don't see anything scandalous about his actions so far. I would be more surprised if he made a big deal of something so tame (IMO) and told her to go put her clothes on. I just can't picture Nick doing that. JMO.  

ITA! :yes: IMO The preview looks like it is much ado about nothing. IMO This is the show which films FS dates on alternate days in real time or sometimes even back to back days if the schedule doesn't align. I find the thought of it more icky than anything I have seen on this show. JMO.


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Post by Sprite Sat Jan 14, 2017 7:09 pm

It will be interesting to see how they up the ante next season.

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tobecontinued - Nick Viall - Bachelor 21 - Episode 3 Jan 16th - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 9 Empty Re: Nick Viall - Bachelor 21 - Episode 3 Jan 16th - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by lleyki Sat Jan 14, 2017 7:41 pm

This is the Bachelor we're talking, where polygamy is the norm, making out on camera is a must and half naked photoshoots are an annual event. Licking a bit of cream off someone's skin is frankly whatever to me. I'm not sure how people are expecting Nick to react, considering he's hardly a prude or above sexual behaviour on camera

He could have taken some of it off with his finger. Still sexual but not as bad as the suggestion of sucking off her boob. Yes, I know that's not what he did but leaning his face even near her boobs to lick off the whip cream, gives that impression. It's really all a matter of suggestion.

Because funny enough, if we remember, Dani M. stuck her finger in syrup and stuck it in Nick's mouth when she first met him out of the limo. No one even batted an eye and it's probably because of who Dani is and her personality. Nothing about her screams tacky if you will. So that was seen as sexy, which is fine.

The issue is everything about Corinne screams tacky and sorry to say, cheap. So when Nick leans in licking whip cream from her chest, the whole thing has a soft core porn feel to it, IMO. And while I agree about the reality of what this show is, interestingly that we're discussing Nick as the Bachelor because remember that is why he was hated so much for what he said to Andi. Because many felt like he broke the cardinal rule by sort of lifting the veil off what this show really is.

Yes, you're absolutely right. These people make out of with multiple people, go in hot tubs with a bunch of people and have sex with multiple people but it's still sold as this romantic journey to find love and we're supposed to pretend that the other part doesn't exist or at least not talk about it. But when something that sexual, like Corinne putting whip cream above her boobs and asking Nick to lick it off, happens, it throws off that balance of trying to pretend that this whole show/franchise isn't, well kind of icky.


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Post by GuardianAngel Sat Jan 14, 2017 8:52 pm

I'm confused. Can someone clarify exactly what we know that happened with the whipped creme. TYIA


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Post by notarose Sat Jan 14, 2017 8:55 pm

GuardianAngel wrote:I'm confused. Can someone clarify exactly what we know that happened with the whipped creme. TYIA
From the SCs I posted, it appears that Corinne has whipped cream on or near her breasts. 2nd SC shows what looks like whip cream on his upper lip or moustache.
No fact as to how it got there.

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