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rose - Bachelor In Paradise - Season 4 - Potential Contestants - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 15 Empty Re: Bachelor In Paradise - Season 4 - Potential Contestants - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by GuardianAngel Wed Apr 12, 2017 10:42 am


So even if Corinne is going despite the fact that she's seeing someone, I'm really not all that bothered by it. My guess is most people signing up for BIP have the same intentions as Corinne; they're just not as upfront.

IA and understand your POV. My POV is don't any of these contestants have any morals, or self worth? If this guy was remotely important to her why would she even bother? It sounds like she's pulling a Chase. Depends on what happens with this relationship, or maybe they can convince them it's only a show and they are doing it for money. It's annoying to see this type of selfish behaviour among many of them. Whatever works, and whatever they need to do to get on BIP regardless of how rude or trashy they appear. Some IMO just don't seem to care.


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Post by Kashathediva Wed Apr 12, 2017 10:49 am

IMO it seems like BIP is simply another way to get their names out there. The entire premise of the show itself is basically a joke, IMO as it seems the cast is only interested in increasing brand, followers and income.
As far as the franchise is concerned, I have long thought the only purpose of this show was a bridge from one season to the next in maintaining their own name and branding with the audience.

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Post by crunchycheeto Wed Apr 12, 2017 11:50 am

GuardianAngel wrote:@crunchycheeto

So even if Corinne is going despite the fact that she's seeing someone, I'm really not all that bothered by it. My guess is most people signing up for BIP have the same intentions as Corinne; they're just not as upfront.

IA and understand your POV. My POV is don't any of these contestants have any morals, or self worth? If this guy was remotely important to her why would she even bother? It sounds like she's pulling a Chase. Depends on what happens with this relationship, or maybe they can convince them it's only a show and they are doing it for money. It's annoying to see this type of selfish behaviour among many of them. Whatever works, and whatever they need to do to get on BIP regardless of how rude or trashy they appear. Some IMO just don't seem to care.

IA, I guess I was just feeling extra cynical when I posted that last night. I certainly don't think it reflects well on Corinne or the guy she's dating. Since she's speaking so openly about it, I'm assuming the possibility of his "girlfriend" going on a dating show isn't coming as a surprise to him. But, hey, maybe they're in an open relationship? I do find it annoying, although not as annoying as the disingenuous "I can't wait to meet Chase/Luke/Robby" when this person has likely already hung out with them on multiple occasions. IDK, it just feels weird to me that people hold these friendships in suspension until it can be televised.

I do like the unexpected couplings that come from BIP. Like Carly and Evan... So I'm hoping that we get some of that, and none of the couples that are already being shipped on IG.

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Post by sosleepy Mon Apr 17, 2017 10:39 am

Welp. Who called it? Pics and videos have surfaced of Kristina and Jef making out at Coachella. laugh out loud

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Post by nutty1 Mon Apr 17, 2017 10:46 pm

sosleepy wrote:Welp. Who called it? Pics and videos have surfaced of Kristina and Jef making out at Coachella. laugh out loud

Where??????? Please tell me where to see them.

"My goal in life is to be as good of a person as my dogs already think I am"    
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Post by nutty1 Mon Apr 17, 2017 10:48 pm

I have NO IDEA where to put this. But I think James Taylor is going to be on BIP. So I am putting it here.
MODS......please move if it should be somewhere else.

First, from RS's blog a few days ago (source is RS blog):

Just when you think things are somewhat calming down, social media wars have kinda died since last week, something else drops in my lap yesterday. But I think this is something positive and frankly, I’m glad it did. As you know, there are plenty of things that I end up getting a hold of. I can’t explain how or why, but I do. I think a lot has to do with the credibility the site has built up over the years, and I think people know I have no problem getting the truth out there when it’s necessary. And once I get something, I choose which is important to share, if it’s provable, is it worth it, etc. I’d say I post maybe 10% of the behind-the-scenes stuff that I get. Sure, a lot of it is great gossip, but I either can’t share because I don’t feel it’s right and don’t feel like exposing certain things, or, I just can’t because it was told to me in private. Well, what happened yesterday is definitely one of those occasions where I think sharing it amongst everyone is the right thing to do. And I’ll tell you why in a second. But I can say, after all these years, I don’t think we’ve ever seen something quite like this before. We know it happens, we see it on social media, but for someone to flat out speak up and admit it? Outside of Chris Bukowski, I can’t think of anyone.

Yesterday, a text message that James Taylor sent to a group of “Bachelor” girls from the franchise made it’s way to me. This is 100% verified from James, so here it is in its entirety, cut and pasted directly from how I received it. This is what he sent:

Morning girls,

This is james taylor and hope this msg finds you well. It would mean the world to me if you’d please read this knowing it wasn’t easy to write… but it’s been weighing on me and you girls’ friendship / support is worth walking out on this limb to me. thanks for reading (smiley face)
it’s the truth. And I’m tired of hiding things. I know for a fact some of the other guys feel this way and want to say probably something very similar to this – but just can’t make themselves do it. If you don’t mind I’d like to pause on myself and take a moment to talk about them…

The Guys:
no names. it’s not the time for that. And it’s not my place. And y’all already know most of it anyway. But, as you well know – some of them have participated in the same ***shameful | disgusting | f**k-boy | dumb-azz | selfish AF*** ((pick your fav one… or all of them. let’s go with all of them)) activities that I did.
I’ll say this for them as well. Inexcusable. But I’ll also say this for them… A lot of them are starting to realize it too. Whether they tell y’all or not. It’s weighing on them. They’re starting to feel empty. And they’re starting to realize that this path is not the one they ever wanted to be on.

Also (believe it or not) SO many of them have some other incredibly positive qualities… I could go into detail but I don’t think now is the time to praise ourselves for anything. All I can say on that is don’t believe all you hear. I’m ready and willing to open up about anything – the truth is embarrassing enough as is…

Back to me, and I know some of them too:
I’m sorry… I’m sorry to myself. Girls I’ve hurt. My family. And I’m sorry to y’all.
I’m sure y’all probably wanted to believe in us, and I’m sure it sucks that so many of us have just straight up let u down time and time again.

Girls are just a little better than guys in general – and I can say at least for myself that I’m really proud of y’all, and how I hear y’all are generally acting out there in the world – and how cool would it be if y’all could feel the same pride in the guys? I mean people lump us together. It’s called “bachelor family” for a reason. And that’s not really fair to y’all because one half is typically a lot better than the other. I’m sorry for that.

This is almost the end, and it’s by no means an excuse – but I would like to say one small thing that might at least give a tiny insight as to why some of us turned savage for a bit. I’ll just give my personal example:

I never “got” that many girls. I never had that bad boy thing going for me and I literally heard time after time that I was too nice. I always wanted what my parents had… but never could find it and always seemed to get screwed over.The show happens – and suddenly every girl ways me. Guys are used to girls saying no, and if they’re goin to say yes (to whatever guys are looking for be it a relationship or a hook-up or something in-between) we have to put in a LOT of effort. The truth is we don’t anymore.

For example: I play music. Tons of girls show up. I love to drink and have a good time after – and girls don’t want that night to end. It’s basically a competition for who can go home with me. At first i was like “this is crazy! And cool – and I’m sure it won’t lead to much”. And next thing you know the girl there with the most persistence is back at my hotel room at 4 am after we’ve all been drinking for 6 hours. I never dreamed they’d actually want to brag about how they had sex with james taylor… but they do. That’s kinda hard (especially for dudes who think with their p*nis 67% of the time) to say no. To be honest – It slowly turned from that scenario accidentally happening, to me knowing good and well it would happen and going with it… Not okay. Had to realize I can’t put myself in that situation or I fail before it starts. Anyway – this happens to a lot of the guys and I think many of them are just now realizing the same thing. Not okay. It’s not funny or cute anymore. We are hurting people. And we feel empty.

Silver lining / wrap up:
I STILL believe in these guys. I still believe in myself. I know my heart and many of theirs and there’s so much light ready to leave the darkness. For me personally… I’m asking your forgiveness. I’ve been the man I want to be in other areas but the three I mentioned earlier need to change. I’d love to have you on my side and rooting for me. I know the other guys could use encouragement as well instead of doubt or writing them off. Again – if any of you have been personally screwed over by someone else that’s not really what I’m talking about here. That’s between y’all and I’m sorry it happened.

Just saying I know some other guys feel this way >> that I could personally use your prayers if you pray. And your forgiveness because I was a selfish jerk in a lot of ways who you probably didn’t even wanna be associated with – and I don’t want to let you down anymore.

I want you to be like family to me. I want you to tell me if I’m being stupid – and most importantly… I love y’all !! Thank you girls for being a good example of how to get a little spot-light and NOT be a dick… and for just listening (smiley face)
Confession book over


Second, he was then RS's podcast guest. I listened to it today. He basically said after being on the show, girls threw themselves at him. (RS pointed out more than once that it wasn't because it was for James, but because he was on the show). He said he was drunk a lot and even did cocaine once. He slept with a a lot of different girls and probably led them on. He then didn't like who he was becoming. Mind you, he sent the text to Bachelor girls, none of whom he slept with. But he said many were questioning his actions. He said he did tell his "confessions" to a few of the girls he slept with and he knew he should tell the rest. RS asked if he was doing it bc he was going to be on BIP, and wanted to set himself up. He denied it. He said several times how hard it is to come out of the show and have girls act like this toward you.

RS seemed impressed with him. Me? Not so much. First, I do believe it was a contrived move, because he is going on BIP. Second.....I got tired of hearing him say how hard it was that all these girls wanted to have sex with him. Seriously?? Tell it to the people in Syria, whose own leader tries to gas them to death. Or to poor abused children. Or our servicemen fighting for his freedom. just rubbed me the wrong way.

"My goal in life is to be as good of a person as my dogs already think I am"    
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Post by GuardianAngel Mon Apr 17, 2017 11:00 pm

and thirdly who are the women is he referring to that he admires for the way they are behaving?

He could have done all this in private and just change for the better without going to LiarBoy and sending this message.

LiarBoy decides what to make public and what he shouldn't because he just doesn't feel right in doing so. Suspect But he seems ok posting a private message public. His click numbers must be down.


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Post by Ladybug82 Mon Apr 17, 2017 11:30 pm

James and the RS podcast was discussed in Updates on Past Contestants thread last week.

He, Jef and Kristina, and pretty much all of Jojo and Nick's cast offs make me go rose - Bachelor In Paradise - Season 4 - Potential Contestants - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 15 318829699 rose - Bachelor In Paradise - Season 4 - Potential Contestants - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 15 4103285151 .  So, I know I'll be skipping this season of BIP (even less interest this year than in the past and I didn't think that was possible.) laugh out loud

ETA:  my guess is unless the rag mags or a fan account picked up the snap chats and IG stories, the videos are gone.  But Kristina's thread has a couple of screen shots of them together.  And let's just say personally, I'm grateful the poster didn't post any screen shots of them making out. laugh out loud

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rose - Bachelor In Paradise - Season 4 - Potential Contestants - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 15 Empty Re: Bachelor In Paradise - Season 4 - Potential Contestants - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

Post by nutty1 Tue Apr 18, 2017 10:18 am

Thanks! You can move or delete this if you want. Don't know why I couldn't find the correct thread when I looked!

"My goal in life is to be as good of a person as my dogs already think I am"    
"God puts the right people in our lives when the timing is just right." - Jef
"Love is everything it's cracked up to be…It really is worth fighting for, being brave for, risking everything for" - Nick
"What I felt for you was greater than a moment" - Nick
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Post by Kashathediva Tue Apr 18, 2017 10:35 am

I wonder who it is that make up the demographics of "their fans", these grade D Grade D bach nation celeb, wannabes. I would guess teen girls. JMO
I don't see a lot of embracement by grade C, B or even A, grade D bach nation.
I never thought I would be categorizing grade D bach nation celebs. cantstopl

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Post by Ladybug82 Tue Apr 18, 2017 10:57 am

@nutty1 no worries, was just going to let you know in case you wanted to read any of those posts and/or respond in those threads.

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Post by sosleepy Tue Apr 18, 2017 12:36 pm

Yuck. This is the first I've heard about this James Taylor grossness. I'm not in the habit of visiting his thread. laugh out loud No surprise RS kissed his azz on the podcast, that's his MO. 

I don't think there has ever been a cast so completely disingenuous as JoJo's. Followed closely by Nick's girls. Just YUCK. I hope it's not a trend - probably is.

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