Bachelor Australia - Season 5 - Matty Johnson - Sleuthing - **NO SPOILERS**

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Post by Sprite Thu Aug 31, 2017 6:45 am

And we are back. Let's hope this episode is doesn't suck.

Recap of yesterday and preview of what is coming up.

Ladies chatting in the house. Lisa wants time with Matty because hasn't spent much time together. Osher comes in and talking about hometowns coming soon. He pulls out a date card...single date...last time we fell for each other, let's take things to new heights...Florence. Lisa not so happy.

Florence waits as Matty arrives in a helicopter. He likes Flo's humour, confidence, but now wants to see her softer side. Neither have been in a helicopter before and they are going to see Sydney. They sit with his arm around her and he narrates.

They land and apparently are going to make some pottery and they will swap what they make. Turns out he used to make pottery when he was younger and compete. She is supposed to make a tall vase, but it looks like a p*nis. He makes a bowl. So he then goes to help a scene from Ghost....but more suggestive. Some random kissing. Just awkward.

You could be the juiciest, most ripe peach, but there is still going to be someone who doesn't like peaches.

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Post by Sprite Thu Aug 31, 2017 6:57 am

Back with Matty and Flo and a random couch with a view with a picnic. Chatting about how much fun pottery was and she enjoyed having him so close. He thinks it is time to get serious and talk about their feelings. She thinks there is still too many girls and she can see a future. It's hard listening to other girls talking about their dates. He likes her honesty. She says it's hard to open up under the circumstances. He thinks she is fearless and they are talking about their previous date. He says he likes to take risks and wants someone who can take them with him. So he tells her he is putting the moves on her and she tells him to just kiss her. They end up making out and he gives her a rose.

Very odd. No editing cuts on this date. Just a whole segment on them. Matty is just spewing the same BS with her like he is with all of them. It's like he is phoning it in at this point.

You could be the juiciest, most ripe peach, but there is still going to be someone who doesn't like peaches.

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Post by Sprite Thu Aug 31, 2017 7:09 am

Group date. Matty talks about facing his fear of heartbreak and coming back on the show. Someone will get a roof top dinner for two.

All of them have to write down what is stopping them from falling in love. The women talk about their fears with each other. Cobie doesn't know what she if fearing. Lisa and Laura are worried about rejection because of the situation.

They then read their fears to Matty. Lisa is first. She worries about the time they have. Matty asks how she plans to overcome that and she doesn't know. He is just staring at her. He is not sure if she is ready.

WTH? We don't see anyone else.

Next they are learning boxing from some boxer to beat their fear. Lisa gives him a bit of a punch. Next they have to punch through their fear that they wrote on their boards.

Cobie volunteers to be first. She has to read her fear and then punch and it's super personal and she starts crying in her irritating little girl way. This is just beyond stupid.

You could be the juiciest, most ripe peach, but there is still going to be someone who doesn't like peaches.

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Post by Sprite Thu Aug 31, 2017 7:25 am

We come back to Matty comforting Cobie and she reads her fear. He thinks she is being very vulnerable and she breaks her board. The others tell her she is brave.

The rest of the girls follow. Only hear Laura and Tara reading. 

Matty thinks he now understands them all better and wants to respect their feelings. Blah, blah, blah....

Out of all of them he picks Tara because she is usually so funny and it was good to hear her being vulnerable. Bull. Cobie was actually much more forthcoming.

He takes her to some hotel to get changed and then they go to their dinner. She wants him to know just how she feels and plans to tell him.

He thinks Tara looks amazing. When she laughs, he can't help but feel happy. She is telling him how she wanted this romantic time and it is hard to tell him. She likes him a lot and feels she likes him more each time they meet. She wants him to meet her family. She feels she will then have a better idea if this could be long term.

He likes fun kid  Tara, but he likes this serious side. He thinks she is amazing and when he is with her it feels like she is the only girl here. 

I might even believe him if he actually had any kind of emotion when talking about her. I don't know, right now he seems checked out with all of them. I'm beginning to think he wasn't really into any of these women and he is just doing his job and going through the motions.

You could be the juiciest, most ripe peach, but there is still going to be someone who doesn't like peaches.

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Post by Sprite Thu Aug 31, 2017 7:36 am

And my live stream is acting up again and I don't care all that much.

Girls back at the mansion. Lisa is not sure of how things are going. I missed some stuff and I come back to Matty pulling Cobie aside.

Again with the opening up. Oh, just shut up Matty. She was crying because she was happy and moving on. She is happy he noticed. He knows how hard it is and it means so much so she gets a rose. She had been doubting Matty and she hopes they can build from there. I wouldn't count on it my dear.

Elora saw the rose and thinks it is time to put herself first and pulls him aside and tries to kiss him. He says no it's disrespectful so no. Elora was shocked he wouldn't because nobody would know. She realised she made a mistake and thinks it may cost her and he could send her home...and of course this is when the live stream freezes.

You could be the juiciest, most ripe peach, but there is still going to be someone who doesn't like peaches.

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Post by Sprite Thu Aug 31, 2017 7:56 am

Hometown week next Wednesday according to the commercial.

Florence and Cobie are safe. Only four roses and five of them.

Elora is worried. So is Lisa and because we have barely seen her lately, but lots this episode, I think she is going.


Lisa goes. She knows he will find someone special amongst the women.

Next time. Elora wants to redeem herself. Girls on a group date answering questions about each other. Who is the most annoying? Cracks appear between the girls. 

I have to say that I am finding Matty to be very last season and frankly...a pain. I don't know if it is because he is tired at this point and just wants it to end or he is just not into anyone, but IMO he doesn't seem very engaged with any of them. He spews the same questions all the time and I am finding him more and more annoying as the season continues. Maybe it's the stupid editing, but I think a lot of it is him. At this point, I couldn't care less who he picks. I don't know if any of the women are really all that into him either. Maybe it's just that I am used to the US version were everyone is in love after the first date, but nobody seems all that invested. Even if he does pick someone, I don't see it lasting. Last season, I could see Georgia and Lee, they just had "it" together...the puns, the laughter, the passion. I see zilch with him. Blah...

You could be the juiciest, most ripe peach, but there is still going to be someone who doesn't like peaches.

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Post by Guest Thu Aug 31, 2017 8:53 am

@Sprite thank you for the recap again thumbsup


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Post by nd4reality Thu Aug 31, 2017 12:42 pm

@Sprite Thanks for the recaps.

Team #:tinfoil
iPad mini typos Embarassed  . So sorry.

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Post by Guest Thu Aug 31, 2017 1:19 pm

@Sprite this is so hilarious!

last year with georgia, i saw zilch with lee. just the puns they had in common laugh out loud
i found gorgia a major diva. i found lee handsome but totally boooooooring
Matty was funny and cute with her
Courtney annoyed me as much as cobie this season

same with zac and viarni........ booooooring

laura is different... now i am discovering a not so nice laura with insecurities, jealousy..... girls said she loud..... she says she think she is always right (YUCK YUCK YUCK!!!!), energetic (mmmm reminds me tara here eh?). she was seen 2 times in a middle of drama...... not the pretty sweet ladylike girl on red carpet I thought she was

anyway. since i like tara. I am still good. Matty became boring with the girls. he comes alive only wit tara imo


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Post by Guest Thu Aug 31, 2017 2:50 pm

@Guardianangel @AllAboutLove

would you please share with us the teaser for ep13

thank you very much


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14 - Bachelor Australia - Season 5 - Matty Johnson - Sleuthing - **NO SPOILERS**  - Page 33 Empty Re: Bachelor Australia - Season 5 - Matty Johnson - Sleuthing - **NO SPOILERS**

Post by locoforbach Thu Aug 31, 2017 3:35 pm

I have just finished Ep 11 and will not read any recaps of 12 until after I watch, so bear with me I am behind some of you!

My new F3:  Laura, Elise and Tara, and possibly in that order.  IMO if Matty sees a future it is with one of these three women.

Laura's date was choppy but I still saw interest and BL that tells me Matty is very interested in her.  Not only have they thrown the "kid" obstacle in there, now she has the "hesitant to open up" to overcome.  Laura is good at being open and honest with Matty.  She owns her feelings and actions.  She says what she wants, not just what she thinks Matty wants to hear.

Elise is a serious F1 contender in my book.  Matty choosing her again for QT after GD speaks volumes - he is into her.  I don't believe she is producer driven at this point.  If that is the case it is because they are grooming her to be the next B'ette.  She seems to really take this journey seriously and can convey her thoughts intelligently.  She makes it clear what she is thinking and how she is feeling.  This is maturity we don't always see.  I have also noticed she has been more "glammed up" - hair, makeup, etc...

Tara is still in top 3 because Matty seeks her out and obviously likes her.  From what we are shown she is comfortable with him so she has gotten some reassurances from him.

I am not putting much stock in the individual edits. To me each of the girls have been shown in a negative light at some point. They have all made a comment or two about another girl in the house and have all gotten sucked into a drama scene at one time or another.  Done with how they show the most uncomfortable facial expressions on Matty and the girls.  To tptb PLEASE stop it!!! It is obvious to me this is a fun group of people yet they are digging deep to find shots of disinterest/ugliness in everyone.  I am with @Sprite - show me the LOVE, enough with all the hidden stuff!!!  

I can't wait to see what episode 12 brings!!  This week could be my last week in the un-spoiled zone as I am pretty much resigned to my F3 and want to do some super sleuthing during the remaining wait and weeks.

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Post by locoforbach Thu Aug 31, 2017 5:22 pm

I want to mention another reason I believe Elise is in F3 is because we still have not been shown the scene where she is in a polka dot dress dancing/kissing Matty which was in the original season promo.

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Bachelor Australia - Season 5 - Matty Johnson - Sleuthing - **NO SPOILERS**

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