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knowyourworth - Rachel Lindsay & Bryan Abasolo - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #2 - Page 21 Empty Re: Rachel Lindsay & Bryan Abasolo - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #2

Post by FashionLover Fri Sep 15, 2017 1:39 am

sfrank wrote:If BachNation wants IG posts with nothing but trap shots, nail polish, mascara, and Movement watches theres plenty to follow. Good riddance! I'm glad Rachel's about something. JMO

Good riddance is perfect in theory imo but not when you're moving to LA and working on projects about living your best life, all things that I assume were brought about/facilitated by bachnation. Bachelor fans are the people, as of right now, who are likely to consume whatever her and Bryan put out so she's gotta keep them happy. That's business imo. I'm bringing my expectations of Rachel back down to earth, otherwise I'll just keep taking punches to the gut.

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Post by Dessler Fri Sep 15, 2017 6:32 am

I don't think adding the extra comment was to appease people. She got more negative comments when she posted about donating to ACLU. I just think it was about Jemele, not piling on to the negativity she has already received. Some people were tagging Jemele, calling her racist. I am glad Rachel showed her support whether it is political or not, it is more than what some bachnations folk and even some famous celebs do which is stay mute.

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Post by bleuberry Fri Sep 15, 2017 8:06 am

@ReneeM @Aria @coolangel @FashionLover agree, good posts. yes Also loved when Lauren B did that.

It's hard to express an unpopular opinion in here when someone runs with it and accuses you of saying something you absolutely didn't say, with sass and sarcasm to boot. Kudos to you brave souls laugh out loud.

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knowyourworth - Rachel Lindsay & Bryan Abasolo - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #2 - Page 21 Empty Re: Rachel Lindsay & Bryan Abasolo - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #2

Post by Alanna Fri Sep 15, 2017 8:12 am

How can rachel say goodbye and good riddance to Bachelor Nation when she and Bryan are giving up their independence from this franchise and trademarking their names and moving to LA to likely depend on handouts from this fan base? Who else is she catering "love your best life" and Dr Abs mugs to? That's the price you pay when you're giving up reality for the stars of LA imo.

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Post by sfrank Fri Sep 15, 2017 8:22 am

I wrote two posts on this and was specfic - I was not suggesting she say goodbye to all of BN. I said she if she wants to advocate for the platform she said she wants post-show, she should and anyone within BN that doesn't want to see it or disagrees, then good riddance. These aren't the people likely to have shared her opinions and most likely that would not have supported her projects anyway so who cares.

The people who support her will continue to and yes, she'll need to do other things that extend beyond BN. IMO she can do that and she'll be successful because she's got more to offer than makeup tutorials. As someone pointed out Rachel already had famous artist and athlete friends before the show and I think she'll leverage that network for whatever comes next. JMO

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knowyourworth - Rachel Lindsay & Bryan Abasolo - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #2 - Page 21 Empty Re: Rachel Lindsay & Bryan Abasolo - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #2

Post by Seabear Fri Sep 15, 2017 2:25 pm

What I find interesting is Rachel has taken a stand on controversial topics way more that any other Lead IMO and yet she still gets dragged for not doing the right way instead of applauded for speaking out. Pretty much a sign of the times in USA. IMO. Regardless of whether I agree or disagree on any issue, I appreciate those that are willing to make their opinions known. And take a stand.
Go Rachel...keep being you.

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knowyourworth - Rachel Lindsay & Bryan Abasolo - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #2 - Page 21 Empty Re: Rachel Lindsay & Bryan Abasolo - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #2

Post by ReneeM Fri Sep 15, 2017 2:54 pm

Seabear wrote:What I find interesting is Rachel has taken a stand on controversial topics way more that any other Lead IMO and yet she still gets dragged for not doing the right way instead of applauded for speaking out. Pretty much a sign of the times in USA. IMO. Regardless of whether I agree or disagree on any issue, I appreciate those that are willing to make their opinions known. And take a stand.
Go Rachel...keep being you.
One of the very first posts in this thread on this topic were by me, praising her. Then I had a couple more posts praising her, along with other people. The discussion and my feelings changed when her caption changed. I wasn't checking for Rachel's opinion on this, she inserted herself into a controversial issue knowing it was going be controversial (unless I'm all of a sudden supposed to think Rachel's a dummy) then when the backlash inevitably came, imo she softened the post. What was the point of saying the post wasn't political? It certainly didn't stop the negativity, but if that really was all it was about, couldn't this have worked just fine?

*This is not a political post or a place to create a forum for negative comments. It is a post to support a strong, educated, woman who I admire as a professional, powerful female.* 
 Or turned the comments off? Praise from me for speaking out comes when you're able to stand firm in your beliefs, regardless of backlash, not when you try to toe the line in order to not alienate some IG followers.


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knowyourworth - Rachel Lindsay & Bryan Abasolo - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #2 - Page 21 Empty Re: Rachel Lindsay & Bryan Abasolo - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #2

Post by Chgohighlife Fri Sep 15, 2017 3:30 pm

Alanna wrote:How can rachel say goodbye and good riddance to Bachelor Nation when she and Bryan are giving up their independence from this franchise and trademarking their names and moving to LA to likely depend on handouts from this fan base? Who else is she catering "love your best life" and Dr Abs mugs to? That's the price you pay when you're giving up reality for the stars of LA imo.

First, IMO there is no giving up reality when you have the credentials Bryan and Rachel have. They are flexible, their skills and professions are lifelong. That's the advantage two PhD's buys you. They can try whatever they want and go back to their respective fields whenever and if ever, either/both of them choose. It's not like they quit their jobs and can never get new ones or, open their own individual/joint firm/practices.

Secondly, we really have no reason to think that there will be some huge paradigm shift resulting in Rachel becoming dependent upon the franchise. That's a pretty symbiotic/synergistic relationship if you analyze it and she already has what they have to offer. IMO BN represents a demographic that can be accessed via hundreds of more effective vehicles.

Rachel is a former Bachelorette, a young female attorney, Bryan is a tall, handsome professional, bi-lingual Hispanic gentleman, a successful chiropractor, she's a member of a huge sorority, they are reality stars, she's a college athlete connected to many highly successful professional athletes and personalities and the NBA itself and IMO either of them are a great face for almost any brand or, cause, etc., etc., etc. Even a marginal marketing consultant can assure Brachel is not dependent upon the BN brand and the firms she and Bryan have hired are 100% top shelf. No worries. They're good. JMO


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knowyourworth - Rachel Lindsay & Bryan Abasolo - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #2 - Page 21 Empty Re: Rachel Lindsay & Bryan Abasolo - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #2

Post by Kashathediva Fri Sep 15, 2017 3:43 pm

ReneeM wrote:
Seabear wrote:What I find interesting is Rachel has taken a stand on controversial topics way more that any other Lead IMO and yet she still gets dragged for not doing the right way instead of applauded for speaking out. Pretty much a sign of the times in USA. IMO. Regardless of whether I agree or disagree on any issue, I appreciate those that are willing to make their opinions known. And take a stand.
Go Rachel...keep being you.
One of the very first posts in this thread on this topic were by me, praising her. Then I had a couple more posts praising her, along with other people. The discussion and my feelings changed when her caption changed. I wasn't checking for Rachel's opinion on this, she inserted herself into a controversial issue knowing it was going be controversial (unless I'm all of a sudden supposed to think Rachel's a dummy) then when the backlash inevitably came, imo she softened the post. What was the point of saying the post wasn't political? It certainly didn't stop the negativity, but if that really was all it was about, couldn't this have worked just fine?

*This is not a political post or a place to create a forum for negative comments. It is a post to support a strong, educated, woman who I admire as a professional, powerful female.* 
 Or turned the comments off? Praise from me for speaking out comes when you're able to stand firm in your beliefs, regardless of backlash, not when you try to toe the line in order to not alienate some IG followers.

I'm confused.
Isn't she ---the bottom line-- stating that she is supporting a strong, educated, professional, powerful woman who also happens to be a WOC?  Isn't that a good thing?
I'm not trying to be sarcastic or anything. I'm trying to understand how this clarifying statement is anything wrong.
I think it's a good thing when women support other women. I, also believe, in our politically charged and crazed world (IMO) to personally stay away from political topics. That's just my own opinion and that works for me.

Last edited by Kashathediva on Fri Sep 15, 2017 4:03 pm; edited 1 time in total

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knowyourworth - Rachel Lindsay & Bryan Abasolo - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #2 - Page 21 Empty Re: Rachel Lindsay & Bryan Abasolo - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #2

Post by Chgohighlife Fri Sep 15, 2017 3:48 pm

Rachel has consultants who may have advised clarifying her statement.  Also, I agree with your entire post. handwave


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knowyourworth - Rachel Lindsay & Bryan Abasolo - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #2 - Page 21 Empty Re: Rachel Lindsay & Bryan Abasolo - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #2

Post by ReneeM Fri Sep 15, 2017 4:06 pm

Kashathediva wrote:
ReneeM wrote:
Seabear wrote:What I find interesting is Rachel has taken a stand on controversial topics way more that any other Lead IMO and yet she still gets dragged for not doing the right way instead of applauded for speaking out. Pretty much a sign of the times in USA. IMO. Regardless of whether I agree or disagree on any issue, I appreciate those that are willing to make their opinions known. And take a stand.
Go Rachel...keep being you.
One of the very first posts in this thread on this topic were by me, praising her. Then I had a couple more posts praising her, along with other people. The discussion and my feelings changed when her caption changed. I wasn't checking for Rachel's opinion on this, she inserted herself into a controversial issue knowing it was going be controversial (unless I'm all of a sudden supposed to think Rachel's a dummy) then when the backlash inevitably came, imo she softened the post. What was the point of saying the post wasn't political? It certainly didn't stop the negativity, but if that really was all it was about, couldn't this have worked just fine?

*This is not a political post or a place to create a forum for negative comments. It is a post to support a strong, educated, woman who I admire as a professional, powerful female.* 
 Or turned the comments off? Praise from me for speaking out comes when you're able to stand firm in your beliefs, regardless of backlash, not when you try to toe the line in order to not alienate some IG followers.

I'm confused.
Isn't she ---the bottom line-- stating stating that she is supporting a strong, educated, professional, powerful woman who also happens to be a WOC?  Isn't that a good thing?
I'm not trying to be sarcastic or anything. I'm trying to understand how this clarifying statement is anything wrong.
I think it's a good thing when women support other women. I, also believe, in our politically charged and crazed world (IMO) to personally stay away from political topics. That's just my own opinion and that works for me.
Because IMO she's trying to have it both ways. "Supporting" Jemele while also distancing herself from Jemele's comments. And ITA with what @CoolAngel posted, if it was part of her original statement, I probably wouldn't have batted an eye at it, the addition after the backlash is so suspect. It feels like she wants the benefits of getting political (people praising her for taking a stance) without any of the consequences (which is that you'll probably alienate some people) & it doesn't work that way. If Rachel really didn't want to get political she should've just stayed out of it.


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knowyourworth - Rachel Lindsay & Bryan Abasolo - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #2 - Page 21 Empty Re: Rachel Lindsay & Bryan Abasolo - Bachelorette 13 - Discussion - #2

Post by Kashathediva Fri Sep 15, 2017 4:09 pm

I know that simply posting as often as I do here, I am constantly editing my own posts even though I edit them as I write them anyway.
Then it seems posts can often be misconstrued. That is a dilemma with written words. IMO. So clarifications seem a constant, I can't imagine in the social media mess.
I guess personally speaking, another reason I am glad I don't participate more with that.
@ReneeM ok, so I see that more clearly. Perhaps she should have thought more clearly about what message she wanted to deliver before saying anything. Then doing one message or no message.

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