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Post by Alanna Tue Aug 07, 2018 8:02 pm

Not super fair comparison because I don’t think many Bachelorettes have spent 4 hours total with their f2’s. I’m trying to imagine jo stringing together enough words to speak with Robby for 4 freaking hours laugh out loud

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Post by sosleepy Tue Aug 07, 2018 8:43 pm

Alanna wrote:Not super fair comparison because I don’t think many Bachelorettes have spent 4 hours total with their f2’s. I’m trying to imagine jo stringing together enough words to speak with Robby for 4 freaking hours laugh out loud

laugh out loud Totally agree about JoJo when Robby and the rest of her parade of losers, but really she’s the exception, not the rule. Every other Bachelorette had strong connections with other people outside the F1. Becca and Blake, Rachel and Peter, Kaitlyn and Nick, Andi and Nick, Des and Brooks, Emily and Arie, Ashley and Ben F., Ali and Frank, Jillian and Reid, DeAnna and Graham... heck even Trista and Charlie had enough emotion with their F2s to have real convos. Really JoJo and Robbie is the huge anomaly and the biggest joke. laugh out loud imo

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Post by GuardianAngel Tue Aug 07, 2018 9:19 pm

Aria wrote:By Rachel's own admission, she didn't know she was choosing Bryan until his second 1-on-1, which wasn't until week 7, and even after that, she still had moments where she thought it could be the other guy.

And, again, Peter even asked her "are we breaking up?" and she said "NO!". There's a reason that her breakup with Peter took four hours, whereas every other Bachelorette who dumped her F2 beforehand took like 10 minutes. It's because there was no back and forth, there were no tears, there was no attempt to get the guy to propose, there was no fighting, etc. I think that Rachel will never admit it because she's a prideful woman, but I think that once Peter surprised her with an ILY on that LCD, she did second guess her decision to pick Bryan and she was trying to convince Peter to propose because she realized there was potential with him. The edit didn't make it all about Peter, Rachel did! It's been a freaking year and, even now, every podcast, every blog has a dig at him. It's Kaitlyn all over again and, at some point, you have to take responsibility for your actions. 


I respectfully disagree. I'm not sure when Rachel said she was second guessing Bryan or didn't know she was going to choose him until week 7 because of everything I read while we were sleuthing and post filming that wasn't the case. I am the one that sleuthed she was talking about Bryan, first kiss on the Ellen show, with proof s/caps second by second, many other sleuther's picked up so many other clues that Rachel had eyes only for Bryan IMHO which was quite obvious while sleuthing.

The ILY that came out of nowhere in front of the parent's front door as an after thought? I highly doubt that ILY mean a hill of beans. Rachel had to do her part and that was to lead the f2 who IMO didn't even want to be there. She was no different than any other lead when it comes to leading IMHO. It's all about how bad or good you can act.

I did care about Peter, but it didn't make me change my mind or question whether Bryan was the one. I questioned whether or not this is too fast, but I never questioned the person. Bryan was the person. I’m only in love with one person through that entire season. I wanted that proposal to be all about Bryan. I wanted him to be the focus."

For a F1 that had relatively no dirt, no past g/f's, no ex's bad mouthing him, actually one or two that had nothing but positive things to say, great job, for over 8 yrs, well established, no SM crazy posts and on and on, he did not get a favourable edit whatsoever IMHO. She talks as we know, about all the moments they didn't show which showed their connection.

I hope she complains for many years to come. Maybe some editors will take notice or they come across other editor's who have refreshing idea's other than the same predictable script over and over.


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Post by bleuberry Tue Aug 07, 2018 9:31 pm

For someoe who is so smart, its mindblowing how naive Rachel can be when it comes to this show and TPTB. JMO. Producers didn't care then, don't care now, and won't give a flying hoohaa next time. Their #1 goal is to produce entertaining TV. And she probably still thinks her TV wedding dream is a possibility.

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Post by mindless Tue Aug 07, 2018 9:34 pm

Massive eyeroll to Rachel. Rolling Eyes Yes, it was cruel of them to make her sit on stage for three hours, but that's about as far as my sympathy goes. Bryan didn't even get a bad edit at all IMO. Sure, they could've shown more of their conversations rather than just the physical, but it's not like the ending came out of left field for anyone paying attention. Bryan was the frontrunner for most of the season. The Peter stuff she can honestly blame herself for IMO. I'm so sick of her blaming the editors and Peter. Anyone who's ever watched this show knows they live for the drama! If you spend 4 hours arguing with your F2 about a proposal you don't even want, then you betcha they're gonna milk it. She could've been in and out in 5 minutes, but she kept going back and forth. Oh, but it's Peter's fault for pushing and pulling! Sure, Jan. Rolling Eyes Can't believe she still felt the need to bring up that mediocre life comment. Blake did tell Becca she's making a mistake and Garrett can never make her as happy as he could during the breakup, so there. Becca just didn't get all up in her feelings about it.

I don't know what Rachel expected to see during Becca's finale exactly. What can they do when there is no drama? Everyone liked each other and were civil with each other and bringing in Arie apparently provided nothing dramatic either. They can't edit in what's not there. They tortured Becca enough on last season anyway by bringing in Ross and then filming the breakup. The least they could do was not manufacture storylines out of absolute thin air. Sorry it's so upsetting to Rachel. Why can't she just focus on her off-camera happy ending instead of worrying about what was shown on camera when most people only have a vague recollection anyway at this point? Most finales focus on the F2 if at all possible.

All JMO.

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Post by Aria Tue Aug 07, 2018 9:48 pm


From her most recent interview that she did with Almost Famous, she  said she went back and forth with her choices until Geneva, when she had her second date with both Bryan and Peter, and that's things  became clearer to her and her opinions on all guys changed. At the end of those dates that week, that's when she realized she would be picking Bryan and that's when she told his producer. She specifically said on another podcast that she didn't know she would be picking Bryan when she chose him for the watch date. She also said that she preferred it the way she did it, where she didn't have one guy she was into the whole time, she had multiple. 

She also said 

after leaving her hometown of Dallas, she reached a point where "I knew what I needed to do.....was still holding on to the other person because there were times I thought it could be him.

She also said herself that Peter saying ILY is what threw her off when she went to break up with him. She's said it in multiple interviews and that's always been her reasoning for why that break up was the way that it was. 



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Post by Aria Tue Aug 07, 2018 9:54 pm

@mindless Double posting, but YES.

1. Bryan didn't get a bad edit. His only two bad moments were the "sloppy seconds" (which happened) and shown getting up from the dinner table (which was used to make the MTP seem more dramatic, but Rachel herself said that her family was suspicious of him). Other than that, he was shown to be a stand-up guy. They're never going to show every single moment between a final couple and that's not unique to Bryan/Rachel. 

2. Peter didn't get that great of an edit, as he was shown sh*t-talking Bryan and picking a fight with him. They also left out some pretty romantic Peter moments, like him painting a rose for her or creating a date card for her on their HT date.

3. Garrett was well-liked by everyone (no one has had a single bad thing to say about him and has made it a point to say he was the nicest and most sincere guy in the House) and he never got angry or jealous. They didn't have any material to give him a bad edit. 

4. Who is talking about Garrett/Becca's great love story? It's all about how Becca should have chosen Blake, Blake for Bach, how mean Becca was to Blake, etc. The finales are always overshadowed by the F2/F3 or the drama between the final couple. Rachel was not unique in that respect at all. 



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Post by albean99 Tue Aug 07, 2018 10:01 pm

I'm just SMH about this self-serving article that was supposed to be about Becca's finale. If she's trying to get sympathy, it's not working. I thought she was all about living her best life. I guess that includes never letting things go. She was bitter on her ATFR and she's bitter now. JMO

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Post by mysthelma Tue Aug 07, 2018 10:13 pm

Well good on her for always speaking her truth, by comparing and drawing inferences from her season finale to that of Becca’s. IMO I don’t see it as self serving..

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Post by albean99 Tue Aug 07, 2018 10:16 pm

The problem was the article was supposed to be about Becca's finale. She should have done a different article if she wanted to whine about hers, imo.

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Post by Ash2214 Tue Aug 07, 2018 10:22 pm

If she’s upset and angry with the show and production still then that’s her prerogative and she is entitled to feel how she wants to feel. I have always thought it was awful that they made her sit with CH live for the whole finale. What I see an issue with is that she essentially demanded a televised wedding after she just trashed the same people who would give her this free and televised wedding. That’s self serving IMO. I don’t think you can have it both ways.

She talks a lot about how she’s sad people didn’t get to see their love story. People have the opportunity to see it now that they’re off the show. You want to get married? Do it. You have the funds to do it IMO. Begging for a televised wedding is not a good look to me.

IMO, Rachel would be livid if a bachelorette wrote that same article that Rachel did. To be honest, I was disappointed to see this is the route she took because I enjoyed reading her recaps this season. She always hit the nail right on the head for me.


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Post by umngirl Tue Aug 07, 2018 10:28 pm

I’m still confused by her “denied my on camera happy ending” line. She makes it sound like her proposal was completely cut out of the show and her season just abruptly ended after she dumped the last guy. Like it makes zero sense.

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