Bachelorette 14 - Becca Kufrin - Episode 6 - July 2nd - *Sleuthing Spoilers*

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Post by Kashathediva Tue Jul 03, 2018 5:19 pm

I believe this is the photo in question? I found it on another forum and made my own screen cap. I hope this helps.
2 - Bachelorette 14 - Becca Kufrin - Episode 6 - July 2nd - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 19 Bedb1e10

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Post by charriotoffire Tue Jul 03, 2018 7:11 pm

GypsySarah wrote:I am disappointed at the lack of discussion this season. IMO, people are hesitant to post one ounce of support for Becca and Garrett for fear they’ll be painted with the same brush. No one is as bad as we make them out to be and no one is as good either.
I loved Jason by the way. He seems to be a great guy!

I guess it's because there's nothing to talk about anymore.  It's a done deal between Gestapo Garrett and Becca.  The cat fighting  has gone way overboard.  Dates are not very creative.  Not much travel porn.   I am just looking for eye candy and on the lookout for the next Bachelor.

ETA: I have one comment about Becca though. She's way more stressed than she should be, like being the Bachelorette is such a punishment that the viewers cannot really enjoy her. She always has this very serious, burdened look. Yes she has connection with some of the men, but her anxiety and stress are more palpable than the giddiness of a woman who is falling in love with her future husband.

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Post by FLChica Tue Jul 03, 2018 7:20 pm

philphan wrote:I wonder if more people would be interested in this season if the F1 wasn't revealed so early...and so definitively! In seasons past, there was much more speculation and room for sleuthing.
Not much to discuss about the ending when it's cut and dry.
I'm still angry that TPTB didn't do the FRC in a more discreet location...especially when we (finally) have leads who are more quiet on SM!
IMO the F1 being revealed early on isn't the issue - it's who the F1 is that's the cause of general disinterest. We knew that Josh was MeAndI's F1 very early thanks to Nick's plane-gate video, and this board was jumping! Kaitlyn spoiled her season early on yet this board was jumping! Back in the day we knew Emily was Brad's F1 thanks to fridge-gate and the various message boards were crazy!

TPTB probably knew what a dud of a season they had and that's why they allowed the FRC location to be visible, IMO. And yeah - I'm not sure I'd describe Gross Garrett as "quiet on SM". giggling

Last edited by FLChica on Tue Jul 03, 2018 10:33 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Post by philphan Tue Jul 03, 2018 8:28 pm

FLChica wrote:
philphan wrote:I wonder if more people would be interested in this season if the F1 wasn't revealed so early...and so definitively! In seasons past, there was much more speculation and room for sleuthing.
Not much to discuss about the ending when it's cut and dry.
I'm still angry that TPTB didn't do the FRC in a more discreet location...especially when we (finally) have leads who are more quiet on SM!
IMO the F1 being revealed early on isn't the issue - it's who the F1 is that's the cause of general interest. We knew that Josh was MeAndI's F1 very early thanks to Nick's plane-gate video, and this board was jumping! Kaitlyn spoiled her season early on yet this board was jumping! Back in the day we knew Emily was Brad's F1 thanks to fridge-gate and the various message boards were crazy!

TPTB probably knew what a dud of a season they had and that's why they allowed the FRC location to be visible, IMO. And yeah - I'm not sure I'd describe Gross Garrett as "quiet on SM". giggling

I was referring to G being quiet about the show..not his disgusting likes.

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Post by bluwavz Tue Jul 03, 2018 10:11 pm

Rachel's recap:

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Post by Amethyst Thu Jul 05, 2018 4:05 pm

My thoughts --

Virginia -- Virginia is IMO one of our country's prettiest, most scenic states, but you would never know it from this episode. It looked cold, gray, and depressing. It was clear to me that the show was working very closely with Virginia's board of tourism, but I wasn't exactly inspired to pack my bags and visit after watching this ep.
Becca -- I felt that I could relate better to her on this episode than previously, because I could feel her frustration. She seemed like a more rounded person to me.
Chris and Lincoln -- a seriously tiresome duo. I'm glad she ditched them both.
Jason's 1-on-1 -- it was rather an odd date, but I liked that Jason was very chill and just rolled with it. I do loathe when people shove food into each other's faces. But I truly enjoyed the get-together with his friends, and appreciated the sweet story about his grandmother. I felt that Becca was attentive to him. It can't be said enought -- Jason needs to throw out his hair product.
Garrett -- came off surprisingly well in this episode. He tried really, really hard (if unsuccessfully) to get Chris and Lincoln back on track, and to put the focus back on Becca. I liked how in his closing statement in the debate, he put the accent on the positive.
Connor -- super cute in his glasses. He had a Clark Kent vibe going for him.
Leo's 1-on-1 -- Leo was probably the ideal post-drama date for Becca in that he was a very calming presence. He seemed to perfectly understand her mood and hit all the right notes with her. Like Jason, I feel that Leo is the sort of chill, undemanding guy who will take enjoyment were and when he can find it.

I'm glad they're headed off to the islands next week. I'm at my happiest when they have to get out their passports. My biggest complaint of this season has been the dearth of foreign travel (and to me, the Bahamas only barely qualifies as foreign.) One of the highlights of Kaitlyn's season for me was seeing Ireland in depth. And for Rachel's season, seeing so many lovely European locales. I really feel that the show should limit U.S. locations to two (apart from the mansion.) Park City was fine, and Las Vegas was fine. Richmond was just tiresome.

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Post by Guest Thu Jul 05, 2018 4:44 pm

It was colder than normal when they were there. One reason why Jason's date was changed. They were supposed to white water rafting (or something like that) but the weather was too cold. I have a lot of friends on FB from Virginia and all of them were complaining how cold it was at that time. They wanted their warmer temperatures back!

@Amethyst I agree with your assessment of Leo. IMO, he knew where he was in the pecking order as a MOT contestant and just decided to chill out and enjoy himself while he was there. I do think he enjoyed Becca's company and I do think she enjoyed his as well but both knew friendship is where it was at.


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