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Post by RizBiz Thu Jul 18, 2019 11:00 am

This is the Media thread so I hope  my comment can be posted here.
We have seen many posts  these last few days from the media and social media which comment in a negative, scathing and mocking manner about Luke’s behaviour on the last episode of the fantasy suite dates.

It may be a surprise to some but the christian media is also posting MANY articles about this FSD episode.

I am NOT posting this to create  a discussion or debate about these articles.
(Please refrain from doing so.)
Just providing an other perspective.
And while it may not represent the ‘popular opinion’, it still falls within the category of credible Media coverage of this show.
There are MANY other popular christian media perspectives/articles on this FSD episode.
Some are well written and others... not so much.
Some may help people gain an understanding as to  where Luke might have been coming from.
Why he feels justified in his behaviour towards Hannah about sex and the FS.
And  that his perspective is not that uncommon among christian circles.

Again, PLEASE do NOT discuss this article on here since I do not want to cause problems by posting it. I am posting it SIMPLY so that the other side of this “christian morals dilemma” between Luke and Hannah might be better understood. To possibly bring clarity to their conflict. Simply for the reader to read it, take it as information and move on.
I am definitely NOT  trying to get people on here to agree with this viewpoint.

I am hoping that people may understand the rationale as to WHY this particular episode/season has been what it was : two people in the same ‘religion’, who thought they were on the same page, but who clashed because of their differences in it.

Article from
(I hope this is the right way to post a link)


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Post by Guest Thu Jul 18, 2019 11:02 am

Tiggerlgh wrote:Innocent until proven guilty not the opposite
He's already been proven guilty. Unless we're supposed to believe Haley sent herself those texts and wrote herself that note (and conveniently has the exact same handwriting as Jed!) Like he can sit there and say he truly fell in love with Hannah all he wants but it doesn't change the facts. He was mute on the first night when Hannah said anyone else with a girlfriend should go home and proposed to her before telling her. Their entire engagement was built on a foundation of lies. He's already proven himself to be a liar so I'm not expecting that to change at ATFR.

But yikes. This is giving me bad vibes that RS is right and Jed's gonna talk Hannah into giving it another shot with him duh


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Post by ilovecarbs Thu Jul 18, 2019 11:08 am

Mommyof2 wrote:
Abda81864 wrote:Chris Harrison Says the Bachelorette Finale Will Give Jed Wyatt a 'Chance to Speak' Amid Drama

There’s a lot of rumors,” Harrison, 47, tells PEOPLE. “There’s a lot of things being said. I think she has narrowed it down to three good guys. I know how it ended in Greece, but I don’t know how this is going to end up for her.”

“That is why I’m actually really interested in this two-night finale that’s coming up,” he continues. “It’s live, and I love going into a show not knowing how it’s really going to turn out. I want to hear Jed’s side of the story. I think a lot of people have spoken, and before we judge — which we’re so quick to do on Twitter — I would like to hear from him.”

That can’t be easy for him,” Harrison says. “So no matter what happens, I will say thank you to him for that. And I respect him for that because I would be jumping from the tree tops to speak my truth [after] being blasted like he has been. So I’m going to give him a chance to speak … I want to give him a chance to speak his truth and find out what’s his side of the story.”

He doesn't know how it ends up?  Yeah, right.    laugh out loud.   Seems like CH is trying to protect Jed for some strange reason. Hmmm..   jmo
as much as they say jed has kept quiet out of respect for the show i doubt that. they put a gag order on him if you read between the lines of jed’s htd Instagram post. imo chris is telegraphing that he’s not the monster people have made him out to be. i for one am glad because i think the level of hatred he’s received is over the top. jm unpopular o.


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Post by North Thu Jul 18, 2019 11:20 am

Tiggerlgh wrote:I have no issue with this aide should get his chance to speak Hailey got hers.  I doubt it will change my opinion but he should get his time.  Innocent until proven guilty not the opposite

Absolutely. And, I can't wait to see how he reacts and what he says. I don't think it will change my mind either -- I just wished I could believe that he fell in love with Hannah. It would make all this a bit easier. If we switched out the guys and replaced Jed with Peter, I'd believe that Peter fell in love with Hannah. Maybe it was bubble love but on our screens, Peter is very much infatuated with Miss Hannah B. I just don't see it with Jed. It's all one-sided IMO, and coming from Hannah.

This has been brewing for weeks now -- Jed's had time to collect his thoughts and prepare what he is going to say. I do feel bad for the enormous amount of stress and pressure he must be under. I know it was of his making and he set out to deceive and lie but ugh...I can't even imagine.


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Post by suzq Thu Jul 18, 2019 11:22 am

Of course, Chris Harrison has to sell this.  Unfortunately, many viewers value a "happy ending" over anything else.  They've never had a Bachelorette break an engagement before ATFR before.  They want to give people a reason to still tune in.  I think it is very unwise that the Franchise would want to promote any kind of unhealthy relationship, but it's not surprising.  I am sure they are probably mad at the whole situation because it doesn't go along with the usual narrative.  I have a strong feeling they were really pushing hard for an engagement to a "nice guy" after the ending with Colton and Cassie last time.  I think the show needs to get with 2019 -- commitment shouldn't be taken so lightly or pressured as intensely.  JMO.


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Post by Norcalgal Thu Jul 18, 2019 11:29 am

Regarding any potential DWTS appearances by the Bachelorette or her finalists = it's all about viewership ($$$) so whomever can keep people tuning in will be the final decision. With Hannah owning her sexuality this season in such an empowering manner, ABC may decide they want to keep the conversation about the double standard between men's and women's sexual behavior going. The difference between Joe Amabile and Hannah is Joe was adorable and dorky plus an underdog, which sells to the mostly female audience of DWTS.

Been watching this crap show like forever

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Post by Summerfun1980 Thu Jul 18, 2019 11:30 am

Hannah is hardly the bad azz woman she claims to be.  I'm not surprised the show would push for this.  They care less about the final couple being healthy.  So I can see the end of ATFR pushing a reconciliation between Hannah and Jed.  Jed is slick and very smooth. If Hannah falls for it...well that's her.


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Post by Chgohighlife Thu Jul 18, 2019 11:36 am

suzq wrote:Of course, Chris Harrison has to sell this.  Unfortunately, many viewers value a "happy ending" over anything else.  They've never had a Bachelorette break an engagement before ATFR before.  They want to give people a reason to still tune in.  I think it is very unwise that the Franchise would want to promote any kind of unhealthy relationship, but it's not surprising.  I am sure they are probably mad at the whole situation because it doesn't go along with the usual narrative.  I have a strong feeling they were really pushing hard for an engagement to a "nice guy" after the ending with Colton and Cassie last time.  I think the show needs to get with 2019 -- commitment shouldn't be taken so lightly or pressured as intensely.  JMO.

I disagree. IMO this show doesn’t care at all about happy endings. They care about ratings, eyes on screens. That’s what they get paid for and unfortunately, people cannot look away from a good train wreck and this one is the best. And guess what, as long as they cast a good lead for the next season, fans will be here for it. Hannah’s broken engagement is her problem. This is reality tv. The more insane, the better. Take a look at ANY popular show. Not ten years ago, today. Chaos wins. Even in BN. All IMO.


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Post by bluwavz Thu Jul 18, 2019 11:43 am


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Post by Alanna Thu Jul 18, 2019 12:05 pm

Summerfun1980 wrote:Hannah is hardly the bad azz woman she claims to be.  I'm not surprised the show would push for this.  They care less about the final couple being healthy.  So I can see the end of ATFR pushing a reconciliation between Hannah and Jed.  Jed is slick and very smooth.  If Hannah falls for it...well that's her.
She won’t, would she? Please. This season is already a Greek tragedy, how much more can happen?

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Post by Summerfun1980 Thu Jul 18, 2019 12:11 pm

@Alanna I hate to be a buzzkill but I totally think she would. I also didn't think she would dump him in the first place, though, so could be wrong. Hannah just seems very young, naive, easily manipulated, with a lot of insecurities and unhealthy self esteem. I think she has at least a few more toxic relationships in her future. So I wouldn't be surprised. JMO


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Post by Alanna Thu Jul 18, 2019 12:19 pm

Summerfun1980 wrote:@Alanna I hate to be a buzzkill but I totally think she would.  I also didn't think she would dump him in the first place, though, so could be wrong.  Hannah just seems very young, naive, easily manipulated, with a lot of insecurities and unhealthy self esteem.  I think she has at least a few more toxic relationships in her future. So I wouldn't be surprised.  JMO
I know!! But she surprised me with the breakup so I’m hopeful. Or maybe she broke up with him so fast bc she saw how great Tyler is and was hoping he’d take her back, and now that that’s obvs dead & buried, she’ll take anyone? Perish the thought.

Also I love your posts. All the heart eyes, girl!! Not to be presumptuous but you’re quickly joining my personal shortlist of A team posters laugh out loud heartbeat Glad you’re here!

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Carrie: What an amazing observation!
Big: But the thing is, after awhile, you just wanna be with the one who makes you laugh.
~ Sex and the City


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