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Post by Guest Wed Aug 07, 2019 12:57 pm

dee wrote:I like them both and it's sad to see it's come down to this. Hopefully they can salvage a friendship out of this as I think they could be great friends. Maybe in a few months time they can reconnect on platonic terms.

I can empathize with Hannah that she may have felt embarrassed to have seen him out on dates.
But unless she doesn't understand the concept of casual dating, he is really doing nothing wrong here. She mentions about thinking she's more than two nights? I don't get this??! Is there a time frame of when his next date should be? When you casually date, you're not really obligated to tell the person when you're going on your next date with someone else or who this other person even is. I do think Tyler did give her a heads up about his already scheduled date with GG (hence the model IG videos she made).

Sure the optics look bad because we see him coming out of her apartment (which was rumoured her camp called the paps on) and then we see him on another date with another girl. But in the real world, no one would care or fault this. Unless he told Hannah they were exclusive, then he's just navigating his feelings day by day and seeing where each of his relationships go.

I read on Reddit about Tyler leading her on because they were kissing (which was never photographed)... um... I don't know what to tell people but that's what casual dating is. In most cases, it's more than kissing, with multiple people at different times. And just because feelings are expressed and involved, doesn't mean he's lead her on to think they were exclusive. That's what casual dating is all about. All parties can remove themselves at any moment in time should they not want to be involved anymore.

I think this whole thing has been blown out of proportion because of the media. This is just typical casual dating logistics. Hannah is welcome to feel and express her thoughts about the situation as she pleases, but Tyler is also able to live his life.

how do we think she made Tyler embarrassed (and extremely uncomfortable) during the finale ? She expects what? Time stopped because she played teenager on national TV (good performance by the way) that she is single, is bold and her feelings did not go away (her words).

It is funny how it is a double entendre. When a woman says no. It is no. When a woman says yes. The guy must say yes?

I still stick to my intuition and think that they spent the night talking about strategy and clarification. I believe Tyler told her exactly how he felt about the ambush and friendship was all he felt at this point... because he moved on!!!

Hannah is making a fool of herself. Luke did not work... lets move on to Jed... Jed did not work... Lets move on to Tyle... who's next? Mike because he is popular? Certainly not Peter as she knows full well IMO that she cannot touch him as set as next bachelor IMO.

Any day, I am waiting she is in a relationship with some guy who will gravitate around her because she is top list wanted by mags rags right now.

plain ridiculous. I hope for her sake that someone close to her will give her CLARITY that she needs to calm down. but I doubt it. Anyone who think differently is the enemy.

I almost pity her but yet she is an adult and she is taking her own decisions obviously. If she is not smart enough to understand or listen or change what is obviously not working for her, then so be it. She can face her consequences publicly with gruesome details and continue to be humiliated because of her own decisions.


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Post by Summerfun1980 Wed Aug 07, 2019 1:07 pm

@HEA I’m a Tyler fan but did you listen to the podcast? No way they spent the night talking about strategy and clarification and being friends. I think it was just the opposite. I think he left with things very murky and open.

Either it was a lot of kissing and rubbing and talking feelings like their FSD as Hannah said ooooorrrr he broke her headboard and she doesn’t want to admit that because that would be more public embarrassment or even to protect Tyler. There’s no need to spend the night with a woman to friend zone her and discuss strategy. Tyler is inexperienced with relationships but not women and dating. He knows how to cut one off and has no problem doing so when he wants. JMO


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Post by Guest Wed Aug 07, 2019 1:15 pm

Summerfun1980 wrote:@HEA I’m a Tyler fan but did you listen to the podcast? No way they spent the night talking about strategy and clarification and being friends. I think it was just the opposite. I think he left with things very murky and open.

Either it was a lot of kissing and rubbing like their FSD as Hannah said ooooorrrr he broke her headboard and she doesn’t want to admit that because that would be more public embarrassment or even to protect Tyler. There’s no need to spend the night with a woman to friend zone her and discuss strategy. Tyler is inexperienced with relationships but not women and dating. He knows how to cut one off and has no problem doing so when he wants. JMO

I can't right now. I am in the non spoilers australia and I forbade myself to go on SM so I can remain unspoiled.. cannot even go BIP cheeky

so what did he say and how did he say it? did he say litterally that he is dating hannah but keep an open door? that is a pack of BS if this it. That is called friends with benefits and definitely not dating. maybe they slept together but it does not exclude that he may have had a serious discussion about how to handle the mess she created at AFRC.

I think she is FULL of pride. I think she squeezed Tyler's jewels on national TV and now she is trying to save face because Tyler JUST like her. If he had any serious feelings, he would move to LA (and even so I would still think it is for his career opportunities) The first thing he did the following morning was posting an IG to his almost 2 millions followers that he wish HB well.... yeah right. for me it was a clear handwave

I think in LA the only place safe out of paps is in their house or private room.  I hope for him that he cut the tie and I think he did but Hannah doesn't want to tell publicly that she has been rejected. Pride baby pride.


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Post by Alanna Wed Aug 07, 2019 1:29 pm

I hope this all just teaches these two lovely fetuses that this “dating” with no strings where slumber parties of any nature are involved never ever ends well for anyone. Peace be with you laugh out loud

Big: You know, Manhattan has a lot of beautiful women.
Carrie: What an amazing observation!
Big: But the thing is, after awhile, you just wanna be with the one who makes you laugh.
~ Sex and the City


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Post by Emeralds Wed Aug 07, 2019 1:40 pm

[quote="seton"]Oh Shower Jesus! I wake up this morn to yet more of Queen H's takes. The whiplash.

Hey Hannah, do you remember this?

Bachelorette 15 - Hannah Brown - Media - SM - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #11 - Page 43 Images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQa8YAV5EQJxHZEKqkpD-apeDLykA30lKedD8g2De4x3cQyN3uAIg

Tyler doesnt owe her anything at this point either.

She and Luke P. really did have a lot in common. Too bad those crazy kids couldn't make it work.[/quote]

I love this post so much. IMO, lost in the disgust over Luke's choice of words was that Hannah knew (or should have known) from his HTD that Luke was done with doing fiancé things before marriage. Why then didn't she (1) cut him before FSD week; or (2) tell him that she wasn't on the same page & let him decide whether to continue on? Based on her comments on Colton's season & all the talks she & Like supposedly had about their 'deep' faith, of course Luke thought they were on the same dang page.

Now we have Tyler telling her & the media that he's keeping his options open & she's acting out because, well, he's keeping his options open. cantstopl Tyler was a lot more upfront with her than she was with Luke, IMO.

Last edited by Emeralds on Wed Aug 07, 2019 3:58 pm; edited 1 time in total


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Post by brokensmile Wed Aug 07, 2019 1:43 pm

I think we should just let it go. Whatever happened btwn them, is btwn them. I think we just need to let it die down. We honesty don't know what happened. They are both single and have the rights to do whatever they want to do. I wish them the both and God bless America. laugh out loud


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Post by Guest Wed Aug 07, 2019 1:44 pm

I do not mind no strings attached but both parties must be clear that they are not exclusive. If one starts to be more attached and it is not reciprocated, then cut the tie!!

Sadly, many do not want to accept the tie is cut. And they become bitter and mean. It is not the fault of the other party if the feelings are not reciprocated but the person will play victim and put the blame on this person.

Make it that this is the man who cut the tie, he is an Ahole. Make it that it is the woman who cut the tie, she is great and a queen and free and extraordinary and a hero to do what she wants............

Double standards.

mmm this story sounds very familiar this season, just saying....

Run, Tyler. Run!!!! another coast is almost not far enough from her! no friends with benefits! laugh out loud


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Post by Billysmom Wed Aug 07, 2019 1:44 pm

Mia_Leoni wrote:It comes back to this "casual" dating culture. We saw it on Hannah's season, and we're seeing it unfold on Paradise.

It involves "hanging out" and "hooking up", maybe even regularly and with real feelings developing.

It only works so long as both parties are exactly on the same page. What often seems to happen is that the woman in the relationship (generally) starts believing that if the guy is treating her so well, it's getting more serious. Then, these guys are genuinely shocked because they believe that they were just hooking up, without commitment. They just can't grasp how they disrespected their partner.

It's so problematic to leave it as "let's hang out and see what happens" like Hannah and Tyler did.  Of course Tyler can now go off and date whoever he wants, and as many people as he wants. He was given free reign by Hannah to do so.

Question is, are Tyler and Gigi on the same page? Either they agree, or it will publicly blow up in someone's face. Time will tell. IMO
Yes to all of the above! Just because one can doesn't necessarily mean one should. With all this relating and connecting and hooking up, I sure think young people are lonelier than ever these days, jmo. 

 Plus IMHO the "taking it one day at a time" to me is confusing in and of itself.... What is the "it"? What are you doing daily? Especially on opposite coasts?  To me it translates into occasional fwb hookups, or a cop out because you're not strong enough just to say "I'm not that into you"  or I'll give you some attention until a better offer comes along."  These two definitely had stuff to heal from... Either work on it together or apart, whichever you prefer. But I think it's so unhealthy to have one of them watching what the other is doing with someone else. Why couldn't they make a clean break? Or say, I'm glad to have known you and will think of you fondly but I really don't think we can be in touch right now? One day at a time???  It's like an alcoholic saying I'm abstaining one day at a time... Maybe ill drink today, maybe I won't, I'll see how it goes???? I'll keep this bottle in my cabinet in case I'm missing it?  That's not healthy.... Where's the intentionality?  No one's asking anyone to put a ring on it - I'm not even sure I would be happy they reunited - but how do they heal from any broken trust between them by inserting other people into the equation? To me that's just prolonging the inevitable, hence the confusion between Thursday night and Sunday night.   Jm very unpopular opinion.

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Post by dee Wed Aug 07, 2019 1:53 pm

I don't know, but for me, taking it one day at a time, means exactly what is said. He will be taking it from date to date to reassess his feelings and how he wants to proceed for their future. She is welcome to not like this and express that. She can also remove herself from the equation. It is what it is.

Never got the chance to listen to her podcast interview this morning. Does it seem like they're not talking anymore?

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Post by brokensmile Wed Aug 07, 2019 2:01 pm

I think we should just let it go. Whatever happened btwn them, is btwn them. I think we just need to let it die down. We honesty don't know what happened. They are both single and have the rights to do whatever they want to do. I wish them the both and God bless America. laugh out loud


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Post by Summerfun1980 Wed Aug 07, 2019 2:01 pm

Well Hannah didn’t say they are no longer talking. She did a lot of pausing and stuttering when asked about his date with Gigi.  But said he has a right to do whatever he wants and so can she. Rachel threw a lot of shade and equated it to the Blake situation, even though Tyler has the right to doesn’t mean it’s not hurtful. Hannah also said there were private conversations that made things confusing. She admitted to still having feelings for him. She said she is not tied to Tyler or any man. She also added she knows what she deserves and she’ll wait on a man to give her that.

Sorry there’s more. She said they are not “dating dating” and they had “conversations of there still being something there” and she wished “she got more than two days” and they are both in the public eye and it’s important to be respectful of each other.

So I’m actually not sure if she’s closed the door but I do think she let her feelings about the press machine known to Tyler.

Last edited by Summerfun1980 on Wed Aug 07, 2019 2:06 pm; edited 2 times in total


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Post by brokensmile Wed Aug 07, 2019 2:03 pm

@dee What podcast? Was it recent.


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