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Post by Jolena Sat Feb 29, 2020 5:01 pm

I was just thinking. With them bringing back an "OLD " contestant who is "OLDER" because that's what the viewers were complaining about this season with the cast being too young. and now if RS is correct and they are casting 20 yr olds. I wouldn't put it past them to revert once again back to an "OLD" script and cast TWO bacheloretts, (this just happened with NZ Bachelorette show with the Dr. and Lilly) They Announce the older one "Claire" this week (throws everyone off) and ATFR they announce the 2nd one who is younger (Madison) . I just feel something is up because there's too many missing pieces . As much as I want to see it Im just not getting the feeling that Peter's season ended happy with him & Madison being together. I don't think it's that cut and dry nor do I see a Mesnick/Arie scenario with how they are saying it's "unlike" any other, "RS throwing his hands up" Madison arriving in Burbank with 2 suitcases" sounds like she's packed for a much longer run then just finale and media rounds. and I still go back to these sleezy producers who helped her leave Australia , and the filming in Alabama, also knowing she was popular and has 1 million followers. Chris kind of throwing Madison under the bus a little could be to throw us off. Again, I hope Im wrong but I smell a big fat RAT this season. Madison is their Sean Lowe and something tells me they were not gonna let her slip away if they could get her to agree with doing it. It's obvious up to this point that they tried hard to keep her away from Peter. jmo any thoughts?

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Post by jen689 Sat Feb 29, 2020 5:53 pm

Jolena wrote:... I wouldn't put it past them to revert once again back to an "OLD" script and cast TWO bachelorettes, (this just happened with NZ Bachelorette show with the Dr. and Lilly) They Announce the older one "Claire" this week (throws everyone off) and ATFR they announce the 2nd one who is younger (Madison)...
I'm all in for this scenario! Lesina is 32 and Lilly is 23. I've been watching their season and really enjoying it. They have men who are interested in Lesina and men who are interested in Lilly. A good mix. I like how the New Zealand and Australian versions end with dating and no engagement. Especially since the final couple barely know each other JMO


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Post by blueblues Sat Feb 29, 2020 6:40 pm

jen689 wrote:
Jolena wrote:... I wouldn't put it past them to revert once again back to an "OLD" script and cast TWO bachelorettes, (this just happened with NZ Bachelorette show with the Dr. and Lilly) They Announce the older one "Claire" this week (throws everyone off) and ATFR they announce the 2nd one who is younger (Madison)...
I'm all in for this scenario! Lesina is 32 and Lilly is 23. I've been watching their season and really enjoying it. They have men who are interested in Lesina and men who are interested in Lilly. A good mix. I like how the New Zealand and Australian versions end with dating and no engagement. Especially since the final couple barely know each other JMO
Yes, it works pretty well. It’s VERY different from the Kaitlyn/Britt disaster though. Both women were determined that they would never compete for the same guys, and they have been supporting and helping each other through it all. I think they had some amount of agency from the start to make it that way, especially Lily.

I don’t see the same thing happen in the US unfortunately.


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Post by LeapofFaith Sat Feb 29, 2020 7:00 pm

Wow I knew it felt Arie esk when they said they were going to announce bachelorette on GMA but never thought it would be Clare laugh out loud I have a terrible feeling most the guys will not know or remember her and we may have a few Bentley’s or guys that want a certain bachelorette and stay far enough to go to paradise? Oh dear I hope she find her one though. Jmo

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Post by Jolena Sat Feb 29, 2020 7:08 pm

blueblues wrote:
jen689 wrote:
Jolena wrote:... I wouldn't put it past them to revert once again back to an "OLD" script and cast TWO bachelorettes, (this just happened with NZ Bachelorette show with the Dr. and Lilly) They Announce the older one "Claire" this week (throws everyone off) and ATFR they announce the 2nd one who is younger (Madison)...
I'm all in for this scenario! Lesina is 32 and Lilly is 23. I've been watching their season and really enjoying it. They have men who are interested in Lesina and men who are interested in Lilly. A good mix. I like how the New Zealand and Australian versions end with dating and no engagement. Especially since the final couple barely know each other JMO
Yes, it works pretty well. It’s VERY different from the Kaitlyn/Britt disaster though. Both women were determined that they would never compete for the same guys, and they have been supporting and helping each other through it all. I think they had some amount of agency from the start to make it that way, especially Lily.

I don’t see the same thing happen in the US unfortunately.

It's the last thing that I want to see with the next bachelorette season but they have had this concept with two here in the U.S. at least in the beginning of the show with Kaitlyn where the men got to choose which one stayed. So IMO it's very possible they do the same thing again or venture into following what NZ is doing. I wouldn't rule it out with all the missing pieces and weirdness of this season. jmo

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Post by Opal Sat Feb 29, 2020 7:20 pm

Wow Ben Higgins was in the known! Yesterday Ben hosted Bachelor Live. If you look at the Instagram stories from the official Warner Bros. TV account, you'll see a handful of Bach nation people did a fun little Q and A last night backstage. One of the questions was to predict the occupation of the next female lead. Ben said hair stylist and today RS spoiled it as Clare. Ben knew laugh out loud.


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Post by blueblues Sat Feb 29, 2020 7:20 pm

@Jolena Let’s just hope it doesn’t happen. sacramento - Bachelorette 16 - Clare Crawley & Tayshia Adams - General Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 29 1377737533

In any case, I think Clare will be a disaster.
I remember in the Winter Games, when she was so excited to have two suitors at the same time. That lasted about five minutes, until she freaked out and dumped the Canadian – the one she actually had a connection with. When she realized her mistake, she dumped the German as well and self-eliminated.
As Bachelorette, she will have to juggle 30 guys. Just sayin’.

I will give her a chance, but just like this season I will probably fast-forward through most of the mess and focus on some much better season from down under instead.


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Post by Maddy Sat Feb 29, 2020 7:34 pm

Sharleen Joynt @sharleenjoynt

Just want to put out into the Twitterverse that if these @Clare_Crawley for #TheBachelorette rumors are true I am ALL FOR IT. She deserves it, is 100% sincere & I’ve always felt she’d make a fantastic lead. Bonus: bring on more folks in their 30s, hopefully 40s! IT’S TIME

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Post by Mia_Leoni Sat Feb 29, 2020 8:13 pm

This is such excellent news! Finally TPTB has made a decision that I can actually get on board with.

I miss that generation of Bachelorettes/contestants, the one that includes Ashley(Hebert Rosenbaum), Des, Emily, and Clare.

Clare was, admittedly, not necessarily my favourite when she was on the show, but she definitely had her moments of handling awkward situations with maturity and grace.

I think it was an ITM on BIP when she completely admitted to her flaws and that she acted poorly (ie crazy giggling ) in certain situations. I developed much more respect for her then, because she totally had personal insight and self-awareness even if her actions didn't match up at the time.

That's exactly the kind of Bette we need. A woman who is not flawless, who does show emotionality and insecurities, but can actually be sincere in the process.

It would be such an amazing story to follow - a woman in her late 30s who is still looking for the one, and who ultimately finds her person. On the Bachelor, of all places. Redemption for how JPG treated her during their breakup.

Plus, they could cast some accomplished and actually desirable Bachelors (mo) , who may have more baggage, but also more life experience. Added bonus, they could find the first "senior" Bachelor to start off the new show.

All around, I love this choice. Good luck to Clare!


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Post by Jolena Sat Feb 29, 2020 8:36 pm

Does everyone think that announcing Claire this early (who most of the younger viewers (who they need and want to keep) don't know and Peters season ending on a happy note is that cut and dry of an ending for how this season was portrayed from the beginning and watching how they set Peter up to fail ? I don't. I don't see the younger viewers enjoying a season of an older woman and I'm not convinced they are ready to gamble with that. When the viewers were complaining of casting an older crew I'm sure they meant 27 28 yr olds not 38 with a bunch of 20 something guys or 40 + yr old men. How appealing is that going to be? There has to be another twist to this, im not buying it. jmo

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Post by leavers Sat Feb 29, 2020 10:02 pm

Jolena wrote:Does everyone think that announcing Claire this early  (who most of the younger viewers (who they need and want to keep) don't know and Peters season ending on a happy note is that cut and dry of an ending for how this season was portrayed from the beginning and watching how they set Peter up to fail ? I don't. I don't see the younger viewers enjoying a season of an older woman and I'm not convinced they are ready to gamble with that. When the viewers were complaining of casting an older crew I'm sure they meant 27 28 yr olds not 38 with a bunch of 20 something guys or 40 + yr old men. How appealing is that going to be?  There has to be another twist to this, im not buying it. jmo

there is unverified 'tea' on the Reddit of someone who claims to know someone selected this year who has just been contacted and told who the bachelorette is and that they can leave and come back next year because of their age. Of course, its totally unverified, but it would make sense. They've announced it far enough in front of filming starting that they can readjust the cast IMO.

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Post by LaineyG Sat Feb 29, 2020 10:13 pm

^^^^I saw the same post and agree that they are trying to bring some older men on the show! sacramento - Bachelorette 16 - Clare Crawley & Tayshia Adams - General Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers* - Page 29 3552228123


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