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Nick Viall - Bachelorette 10 - 11 - Discussion #8

OnePromise wrote:IMO, if the worst thing that Nick has done is to post "douchy", "attention seeking" photos of himself at the request of his fans, then I think he is doing pretty well for himself.  

I think it might be a nice change of pace (although less likely to stimulate riveting conversation as it seems shirtless photos and hashtags dominate around here) to discuss that Nick is a feminist who supports standing up for women's rights and the defense of those who have been victims of domestic violence.  To me this seems a much more meaningful topic, as I think Nick would agree.  "Focus on what is important."

How about his support of fight against cancer?  I know he's done that more than once:
He bartended to raise money for a breast cancer survivor who he didn't even know.
He participated "light the night walk" with his colleagues to raise money for a young girl with leukemia.
Both happened last year.
This year, he attended a viewing party to raise money for pediatric cancer in July:
adeetz81Watching #thebachelorette with 25+ ladies (& a few gents) while raising money for #bearnecessities #bear4kids @bearnecessitiespcf with Nick! #chicago #Chicagoan #chitownmytown
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I don't disagree he seems to enjoy attention but he also used his fame for good purposes. I hope he will do more in the future.

Now, it OT and if MODS don't think it's appropriate here, please edit:
In Jillian's season, Kiptyn showed her the charity Stand Up for Kids that he supported in HTD. He didn't "win". At the end of season, a poster in a board I was part of suggested as Kip fans, we could donate to Stand Up for Kids to show our support. I did so.  Last year, I also donated to the Light the Night Walk that Nick participated. Both were small amounts. However, I think it will be great to "focus on what is important". We can all support, in any forms, to the causes that our faves (from this show or others) support/care/ participate. Hope this doesn't seem too preachy.
by sdmom
on Mon Sep 07, 2015 5:04 pm
Search in: Andi Dorfman Bachelorette 10 - Nick Viall
Topic: Nick Viall - Bachelorette 10 - 11 - Discussion #8
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