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Bachelorette 15 - Hannah Brown - General Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #3

ReneeM wrote:The simple fact of the matter is that most times in situations like these, there is no proof. The person who saw Jed leave with that girl at CMA fest didn't whip out a camera and snap a pic, the girl who saw him grabbing azz at a bar didn't take a pic/video, and the girl who claims her friend went home with him a few weeks ago, her randomly knowing that Jed's apartment complex has a pool despite there being no evidence of Jed's place having a pool prior to this past week is not enough proof. The bachelor.spoilers acc saying they have a video of jed kissing a girl/flirting with a girl and providing a screenshot of Jed to prove they have the video isn't enough proof, Hannah who definitely has heard Jed's side yet dumped him anyways isn't enough proof. Hayley's provided texts and pics and that's still not enough. We have evidence of Jed's willingness to be dishonest to get what he wants, but that's still not enough. At the end of the day, this isn't a court of law, we don't actually need irrefutable evidence, we just gotta decide whether or not we believe these women. I do, some people don't, that's their prerogative. I just know that in my experience when multiple women are saying the same thing about a guy, they're usually telling the truth. All Jmo.

Than you @ReneeM for this post. *edited* Harvey Weinstein was doing a lot of terrifying things for YEARS and manipulated women that were vulnerable and afraid of the repercussions if hey came forward. It took a few courageous women to come forward to open the door for more stories to be heard and eventually get enough traction to expose his reprehensible actions.
Why do I bring this up? Because it’s the same pattern;  even though Jed is not a powerful entertainment figure, it follows a similar attitude of ownership over women. And feeling like he is not going to be caught or punished for his actions. He felt it was ok to go on a dating show and lie, cheat and manipulate multiple women’s feelings to advance his career. It was deliberate and not a ‘ oups ‘ I made a mistake kind of scenario. He strategically positioned himself as the good guy who is trying to make a career as a struggling musician...covered his act with everyone on the set, including the guys woh befriended him and Hannah who fell for his game. He felt invincible and didn’t expect Haley to come forward and certainly not in this raw and powerful way. For those who say that they need to hear ‘ his side’ before judging him because ‘ it’s all in the past’ ( which it’s not but I’m not gonna repeat all of that) an she is gonna be a ‘ changed man ‘ after this ...

The best predictor of future behavior is relevant past behavior. ‪#DrPhil‬

I do believe he will EITHER really accept this as a kick in the butt to examine himself and his behavior, and make the appropriate changes ...OR he will attempt to minimize or justify his actions and try and gain support and sympathy from others ( guys in the house) and maybe even Hannah, to save his terrible image and career shattering disaster. I believe his lack of integrity will him make choose that route unfortunately...we shall see
Unfortunately, it seems like the latter may be happening as he supposedly has reached out to Garrett to gain support towards that end. ( according to one Redditor) .
No matter what, he is going to be in the hot seat very soon, and is preparing one way or another.

by Astrobach
on Sat Jul 06, 2019 7:42 pm
Search in: Hannah Brown - Bachelorette 15 - Discussion Threads
Topic: Bachelorette 15 - Hannah Brown - General Discussion - *Sleuthing Spoilers* #3
Replies: 949
Views: 72165

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