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Josh Murray - BIP - Famously Single - Season 3 - *Sleuthing - Spoilers* #2

sdmom wrote: snipped

This is what Amanda faved. But I am not sure if the tweet refer JJ or Nick as a jerk?

@amandastantonnn Not shocked that Nick's buddy &one of biggest jerks in his season is being an azz &then plays victim. Ignore! #notworthit

4:05 PM - 13 Aug 2016

Anyway, I hope Josh can talk slower tonight. He makes my head spin.

Thanks for clarifying. It looks like she could have meant that for JJ. Although Amanda doesn't follow Nick on twitter. I don't know if she ever did.
by GuardianAngel
on Mon Aug 15, 2016 9:01 pm
Search in: Bachelor In Paradise - Season 3 - Contestants
Topic: Josh Murray - BIP - Famously Single - Season 3 - *Sleuthing - Spoilers* #2
Replies: 919
Views: 80929

Josh Murray - BIP - Famously Single - Season 3 - *Sleuthing - Spoilers* #2

ReneeM wrote:
Sable wrote:
Fingersandtoes wrote:

I agree, why are they checking on JJ's tweets. He's allowed to have his opinion on Josh and not like him. Amanda didn't put JJ in his place, he proved her wrong and she didn't get it. They call him irrelevant, and are too busy to care about him, yet they all check his tweets and respond to him. And while Amanda was busy with JJ, she also had time to favourite shady tweets about Nick too, who has said nothing about Amanda or Josh.

They need to put down their phones and build that relationship irl, instead of arguing online and proving others how strong they are.

Bolding by me...

Oh no, what tweets did Amanda favor that were negative toward Nick?  I tried to look on twitter and I couldn't find how to do this.  I'm disappointed to hear this because Nick so far has been very respectful toward Amanda.  I was hoping she would be the same way, too.

The tweet said they're not shocked that nick's buddy is being an azz and then plays the victim. It isn't surprising IMO that she would fav something like that because Jomanda's defense seems to be to place all the blame on Nick to deflect any responsibility for their own words/actions

This is what Amanda faved. But I am not sure if the tweet refer JJ or Nick as a jerk?

@amandastantonnn Not shocked that Nick's buddy &one of biggest jerks in his season is being an azz &then plays victim. Ignore! #notworthit

4:05 PM - 13 Aug 2016

Anyway, I hope Josh can talk slower tonight. He makes my head spin.
by sdmom
on Mon Aug 15, 2016 8:53 pm
Search in: Bachelor In Paradise - Season 3 - Contestants
Topic: Josh Murray - BIP - Famously Single - Season 3 - *Sleuthing - Spoilers* #2
Replies: 919
Views: 80929

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