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Search found 1 match for shakinthatthanglikeineverdidsee

Angie Kent - Carlin Sterritt - Bachelorette Australia - Season 5 - Discussion

I don't follow Angie on Facebook because I don't really follow any celebrity on Facebook (unless I know them because they are friends), but I went to see her profile today and I found this, and I really liked her comment. Some people say that it sounds as if she was proposing to Carlin, which clearly is not the case; nevertheless it is a very sweet and thoughtful message.  I especially like these words she says to Carlin: 'I truly can’t picture myself awkward dancing in a kitchen with anyone else but you @carlinsterritt will you please accept this awkward dancer forever rose? @carlinsterritt
#allforyou #shakinthatthanglikeineverdidsee '

I have no doubts that they are a genuinely in love couple Smiley  I have no intentions to try to convince those who do not believe so, I respect everyone's opinions but I  don't share people's doubts. IMO  Carlin and Angie don't have to spend Christmas together to prove to themselves, to their families, or to anyone that they are in love.  IMO Carlin and Angie know what they have and in the end that is all that matters to them Smiley @sprout @Just Looking @astrobach I think you are going to like this post (Angie's Instagram) , if you haven't seen it yet Smiley
by Genevieve Australia
on Wed Dec 11, 2019 1:23 am
Search in: Bachelorette Australia - Angie Kent - Season 5 - Contestants - *Sleuthing Spoilers*
Topic: Angie Kent - Carlin Sterritt - Bachelorette Australia - Season 5 - Discussion
Replies: 780
Views: 36437

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