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Search found 2 matches for toxicwhorebeast

Josh Murray - Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #10

Georgia Lindsay wrote:Well, Josh dated a girl for 1 yr, 3 months, plus dated some others at UGA, but none have ever come forward to say he's what the lunatic bitch said in her fictional book about him. I'm sure if he was any of the things she said, some girl, somewhere would be happy to tell a mag ($$) or RS in the past 2 yrs since the show. JMO

He said he hates to break up and hurt anyone's feelings, probably the reason he stayed with the #toxicwhorebeast for 8 months of pure torture by her "mind games", remember she said that's her favorite thing to do.  giggling

My main problem with her book is the language and the unclassy way she talks about sex with #25 & #26 and her overly excessive use of her favorite word f*ck, just trashy & low class to me. IMO

I totally agree with your post and especially about her using the F word constantly. IMO that is pure white 
trash. He was raised by a loving family that he adores and his parents have shown him what unconditional love is. I will never believe that he abused her verbally or any other way. He tried to make this relationship work. When you have a ex that only wants to shop and there were plenty of pics. of them at Lennox mall which he says he hates shopping . When you spend more time with her family than yours and even leaving your own family on Christmas to go to Vegas. Than I say he tried his best to be with her.  We know now that he wanted out of that relationship badly and it broke her tiny heart BS. Josh will find that woman that is his partner in life not his dictator. 

by whit90
on Tue Jun 14, 2016 6:53 pm
Search in: Andi Dorfman Bachelorette 10 - Josh Murray - General Discussion
Topic: Josh Murray - Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #10
Replies: 256
Views: 22643

Josh Murray - Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #10

Well, Josh dated a girl for 1 yr, 3 months, plus dated some others at UGA, but none have ever come forward to say he's what the lunatic bitch said in her fictional book about him. I'm sure if he was any of the things she said, some girl, somewhere would be happy to tell a mag ($$) or RS in the past 2 yrs since the show. JMO

He said he hates to break up and hurt anyone's feelings, probably the reason he stayed with the #toxicwhorebeast for 8 months of pure torture by her "mind games", remember she said that's her favorite thing to do.  giggling

My main problem with her book is the language and the unclassy way she talks about sex with #25 & #26 and her overly excessive use of her favorite word f*ck, just trashy & low class to me. IMO
by Georgia Lindsay
on Tue Jun 14, 2016 4:01 pm
Search in: Andi Dorfman Bachelorette 10 - Josh Murray - General Discussion
Topic: Josh Murray - Bachelorette 10 - Discussion - #10
Replies: 256
Views: 22643

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