Brooks Forester - Bachelorette 9 - Fan Thread - Discussion #7

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Brooks Forester - Bachelorette 9 - Fan Thread - Discussion #7 - Page 22 Empty Re: Brooks Forester - Bachelorette 9 - Fan Thread - Discussion #7

Post by atem Thu Sep 12, 2013 5:19 pm

Rolly wrote:Where are the Brooks pictures??? We have to find some!!!!

If anybody is in need of a Brooks fix in the (BDT) Brooks discussion thread (if you dare...) there is a fan video posted that was fun to watch. But then you can see the video without going to the other thread, you can just you tube any number of fan videos of Brooks and Des. Didn't Bres have the best fan videos?!?  cheerleader YES!!! to anyone who has ever gone to the effort to make a fan video. They are all terrific and I still like to go back and watch them. :Nod: And the fan videos are one way to see Brooks live...well sort's better than nothin....
He's been tweeting, but no pics that I know of!

Anything I post means it's Just My Opinion.  Don't feel like posting it every time I post. So, I thought I'd get that out of the way.


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Brooks Forester - Bachelorette 9 - Fan Thread - Discussion #7 - Page 22 Empty Re: Brooks Forester - Bachelorette 9 - Fan Thread - Discussion #7

Post by Guest Fri Sep 13, 2013 9:13 pm

7 hours ago
Brooks from the bachelorette came into work today.. He left this on the table.. Umm he forgot his number!! Who does that hah #thebachelorette #whatatool #ihopehekissedit #sexierinperson!!
92raida, kelsoblaze, jmurdo21 and 6 others like this.
caiti101 Frame it!
kelsoblaze On a dirty napkin? Classy
urbancowgirl4 It wasn't dirty Lindsay crumpled it


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Brooks Forester - Bachelorette 9 - Fan Thread - Discussion #7 - Page 22 Empty Re: Brooks Forester - Bachelorette 9 - Fan Thread - Discussion #7

Post by Rolly Sat Sep 14, 2013 4:38 am

I'm heading out of town to go up north for a girls w/e. Lots of reading, girl time sitting around drinking coffee in the morning and wine at night. In MN there is a fall chill in the air so maybe we'll put a fire in the fireplace.:campfire:  I'm sharing this because you may wonder where my "tedious" posts are?!? giggling 

Hope all of you have a terrific w/e and come up with some Brooks news before I get back. Would be great to come back to lots of pictures, tweets and stories.....just sayin'. bestbud! 

Just wondering...what do you think Brooks meant in his tweet the day after ATFR when he said "blown away"? Do you think he was really surprised at what happened? He said he had no clue.... :greenman: 

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Brooks Forester - Bachelorette 9 - Fan Thread - Discussion #7 - Page 22 Empty Re: Brooks Forester - Bachelorette 9 - Fan Thread - Discussion #7

Post by nannymargie Sat Sep 14, 2013 5:57 am

Rolly wrote:I'm heading out of town to go up north for a girls w/e. Lots of reading, girl time sitting around drinking coffee in the morning and wine at night. In MN there is a fall chill in the air so maybe we'll put a fire in the fireplace.:campfire:  I'm sharing this because you may wonder where my "tedious" posts are?!? giggling 

Hope all of you have a terrific w/e and come up with some Brooks news before I get back. Would be great to come back to lots of pictures, tweets and stories.....just sayin'. bestbud! 

Just wondering...what do you think Brooks meant in his tweet the day after ATFR when he said "blown away"? Do you think he was really surprised at what happened? He said he had no clue.... :greenman: 
Have a great weekend Rolly. I hope we get more info on the missing Brooks also.

About his blown away tweet, I think he was surprised for the same reason we all were. How quick she went to loving Brooks to engaged to Chris.

The tweet I am curious about is the one about "when you're right you're right but when you wrong you're dead ass wrong." This one has me really wondering. Any one have any clues on this one.

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Brooks Forester - Bachelorette 9 - Fan Thread - Discussion #7 - Page 22 Empty Re: Brooks Forester - Bachelorette 9 - Fan Thread - Discussion #7

Post by karenap63 Sat Sep 14, 2013 7:49 am

This is in response to Nanny Margie and Rolly's message.  I don't know how to add my response after your message.  I probably have a lot more years on you guys.  I am 63. This is the first year that I really went in depth on this show.  Never cared for it before.  But I liked Dez.  But I really liked Brooks from day one.  I have a hard time believing it was not for ratings.  My son is Brooks/Chris age.  I as a mother would be highly concerned if my son were engaged to someone who just told another person they loved them in such a short period of time.  But that is just me.  That is why I believe Chris's family had to know what really happened ahead of time.  I think Brooks did have feelings for her, but not to the point of marriage at that time.  With his tweets, I think he was surprised her being engaged to Chris because of how hard she took it when he said he didn't love her. Brooks is not dumb and he knew she was taking heat by telling him she loved him on the show before the ending.  That is why he said at the final rose ceremony he saw the way she looked at Chris in RC and Group dates.  He had her back on this one.  I also didn't like Chris Harrison's attitude towards Brooks.  So what you aren't ready for marriage after 9 weeks and 3 dates.  I do wish Chris/Dez much happiness.  They seem ok.  I think I would just get out of the limelight and do my thing.  This poetry thing also has me concerned.  Why not give some $$$ to charity.  I don't think I will watch this show any longer.  Too much was fake for me. It was too much to mess with people lives and minds just to beat Reality Steve.  Of course these are my opinions.


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Brooks Forester - Bachelorette 9 - Fan Thread - Discussion #7 - Page 22 Empty Re: Brooks Forester - Bachelorette 9 - Fan Thread - Discussion #7

Post by atem Sat Sep 14, 2013 10:01 am

afterawhile wrote:
7 hours ago
Brooks from the bachelorette came into work today.. He left this on the table.. Umm he forgot his number!! Who does that hah #thebachelorette #whatatool #ihopehekissedit #sexierinperson!!
92raida, kelsoblaze, jmurdo21 and 6 others like this.
caiti101 Frame it!
kelsoblaze On a dirty napkin? Classy
urbancowgirl4 It wasn't dirty Lindsay crumpled it
rotfl  Well, that's just plain funny! If that is his handwriting, his sure writes his r's different!

Anything I post means it's Just My Opinion.  Don't feel like posting it every time I post. So, I thought I'd get that out of the way.


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Brooks Forester - Bachelorette 9 - Fan Thread - Discussion #7 - Page 22 Empty Re: Brooks Forester - Bachelorette 9 - Fan Thread - Discussion #7

Post by Judiful Sat Sep 14, 2013 1:49 pm

karenap63 wrote:This is in response to Nanny Margie and Rolly's message.  I don't know how to add my response after your message.  I probably have a lot more years on you guys.  I am 63. This is the first year that I really went in depth on this show.  Never cared for it before.  But I liked Dez.  But I really liked Brooks from day one.  I have a hard time believing it was not for ratings.  My son is Brooks/Chris age.  I as a mother would be highly concerned if my son were engaged to someone who just told another person they loved them in such a short period of time.  But that is just me.  That is why I believe Chris's family had to know what really happened ahead of time.  I think Brooks did have feelings for her, but not to the point of marriage at that time.  With his tweets, I think he was surprised her being engaged to Chris because of how hard she took it when he said he didn't love her. Brooks is not dumb and he knew she was taking heat by telling him she loved him on the show before the ending.  That is why he said at the final rose ceremony he saw the way she looked at Chris in RC and Group dates.  He had her back on this one.  I also didn't like Chris Harrison's attitude towards Brooks.  So what you aren't ready for marriage after 9 weeks and 3 dates.  I do wish Chris/Dez much happiness.  They seem ok.  I think I would just get out of the limelight and do my thing.  This poetry thing also has me concerned.  Why not give some $$$ to charity.  I don't think I will watch this show any longer.  Too much was fake for me. It was too much to mess with people lives and minds just to beat Reality Steve.  Of course these are my opinions.
I'm totally with you on this. How do you go from being deeply in love and heartbroken over Brooks one minute to accepting an engagement from Chris 5 days later ?? LOL you don't !! You just don't unless you settle !! I never wanted to see her broken and alone..that's not good..But I was afraid she was jumping from the frying pan into the fire. That really concerned me. How emotionally healthy is a person after being dumped on TV for the third time within a couple of months?? It all worked out, and it's all fine and dandy now. She has someone who loves her and poetry, too. ( If it makes them happy ) And BTW, I'll never figure out how Brooks came so close to the union of marriage with Des, to he's not in love with her in a week ?? I know, it's all history, no point in pondering...It's just beating a dead horse...deadhorse Everybody is happy now..and that's great !!:Clap: 

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Brooks Forester - Bachelorette 9 - Fan Thread - Discussion #7 - Page 22 Empty Re: Brooks Forester - Bachelorette 9 - Fan Thread - Discussion #7

Post by nannymargie Sat Sep 14, 2013 2:49 pm

Judiful wrote:
karenap63 wrote:This is in response to Nanny Margie and Rolly's message.  I don't know how to add my response after your message.  I probably have a lot more years on you guys.  I am 63. This is the first year that I really went in depth on this show.  Never cared for it before.  But I liked Dez.  But I really liked Brooks from day one.  I have a hard time believing it was not for ratings.  My son is Brooks/Chris age.  I as a mother would be highly concerned if my son were engaged to someone who just told another person they loved them in such a short period of time.  But that is just me.  That is why I believe Chris's family had to know what really happened ahead of time.  I think Brooks did have feelings for her, but not to the point of marriage at that time.  With his tweets, I think he was surprised her being engaged to Chris because of how hard she took it when he said he didn't love her. Brooks is not dumb and he knew she was taking heat by telling him she loved him on the show before the ending.  That is why he said at the final rose ceremony he saw the way she looked at Chris in RC and Group dates.  He had her back on this one.  I also didn't like Chris Harrison's attitude towards Brooks.  So what you aren't ready for marriage after 9 weeks and 3 dates.  I do wish Chris/Dez much happiness.  They seem ok.  I think I would just get out of the limelight and do my thing.  This poetry thing also has me concerned.  Why not give some $$$ to charity.  I don't think I will watch this show any longer.  Too much was fake for me. It was too much to mess with people lives and minds just to beat Reality Steve.  Of course these are my opinions.
   I'm totally with you on this. How do you go from being deeply in love and heartbroken over Brooks one minute to accepting an engagement from Chris 5 days later ?? LOL you don't !! You just don't unless you settle  !! I never wanted to see her broken and alone..that's not good..But I was afraid she was jumping from the frying pan into the fire. That really concerned me. How emotionally healthy is a person after being dumped on TV for the third time within a couple of months??  It all worked out, and it's all fine and dandy now. She has someone who loves her and poetry, too. ( If it makes them happy )  And BTW, I'll never figure out how Brooks came so close to the union of marriage with Des, to he's not in love with her in a week ?? I know, it's all history, no point in pondering...It's just beating a dead horse...deadhorse Everybody is happy now..and that's great !!:Clap: 
I am with you Judiful.

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Brooks Forester - Bachelorette 9 - Fan Thread - Discussion #7 - Page 22 Empty Re: Brooks Forester - Bachelorette 9 - Fan Thread - Discussion #7

Post by isittrue Sat Sep 14, 2013 3:02 pm

atem wrote:
Rolly wrote:Where are the Brooks pictures??? We have to find some!!!!

If anybody is in need of a Brooks fix in the (BDT) Brooks discussion thread (if you dare...) there is a fan video posted that was fun to watch. But then you can see the video without going to the other thread, you can just you tube any number of fan videos of Brooks and Des. Didn't Bres have the best fan videos?!?  cheerleader YES!!! to anyone who has ever gone to the effort to make a fan video. They are all terrific and I still like to go back and watch them. :Nod: And the fan videos are one way to see Brooks live...well sort's better than nothin....
He's been tweeting, but no pics that I know of!
Wonder when we are going to get a new picture? We really were spoiled by that Inbound Marketing event.


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Brooks Forester - Bachelorette 9 - Fan Thread - Discussion #7 - Page 22 Empty Re: Brooks Forester - Bachelorette 9 - Fan Thread - Discussion #7

Post by atem Sat Sep 14, 2013 3:05 pm

isittrue wrote:
atem wrote:
Rolly wrote:Where are the Brooks pictures??? We have to find some!!!!

If anybody is in need of a Brooks fix in the (BDT) Brooks discussion thread (if you dare...) there is a fan video posted that was fun to watch. But then you can see the video without going to the other thread, you can just you tube any number of fan videos of Brooks and Des. Didn't Bres have the best fan videos?!?  cheerleader YES!!! to anyone who has ever gone to the effort to make a fan video. They are all terrific and I still like to go back and watch them. :Nod: And the fan videos are one way to see Brooks live...well sort's better than nothin....
He's been tweeting, but no pics that I know of!
Wonder when we are going to get a  new  picture?  We really were spoiled by that Inbound Marketing event.
That lady that posted the 2nd b&w modeling picture still hasn't put up more as she promised! hissyfit 

Anything I post means it's Just My Opinion.  Don't feel like posting it every time I post. So, I thought I'd get that out of the way.


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Brooks Forester - Bachelorette 9 - Fan Thread - Discussion #7 - Page 22 Empty Re: Brooks Forester - Bachelorette 9 - Fan Thread - Discussion #7

Post by isittrue Sat Sep 14, 2013 3:16 pm

atem wrote:
isittrue wrote:
atem wrote:
Rolly wrote:Where are the Brooks pictures??? We have to find some!!!!

If anybody is in need of a Brooks fix in the (BDT) Brooks discussion thread (if you dare...) there is a fan video posted that was fun to watch. But then you can see the video without going to the other thread, you can just you tube any number of fan videos of Brooks and Des. Didn't Bres have the best fan videos?!?  cheerleader YES!!! to anyone who has ever gone to the effort to make a fan video. They are all terrific and I still like to go back and watch them. :Nod: And the fan videos are one way to see Brooks live...well sort's better than nothin....
He's been tweeting, but no pics that I know of!
Wonder when we are going to get a  new  picture?  We really were spoiled by that Inbound Marketing event.
That lady that posted the 2nd b&w modeling picture still hasn't put up more as she promised! hissyfit 
Seriously, somebody needs to tell her that she needs to get moving on that soon. Or Brooks needs to tweet a new picture. We are in a serious dry spell here!


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Brooks Forester - Bachelorette 9 - Fan Thread - Discussion #7 - Page 22 Empty Re: Brooks Forester - Bachelorette 9 - Fan Thread - Discussion #7

Post by sfrank Sat Sep 14, 2013 3:47 pm

Found this old picture of Brooks circa Dec 2011 in Rincón Puerto Rico (with Tyler)...hope it helps with our dry spell :)

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Brooks Forester - Bachelorette 9 - Fan Thread - Discussion #7

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